#José Catoggio
jujuygrafico · 2 years
Condenaron al Banco Provincia de Buenos Aires a pagar 1 millón de pesos a una víctima de “phishing”
#Judiciales #Sociedad | Condenaron al #BancoProvincia de #BuenosAires a pagar 1 millón de pesos a una víctima de “#phishing”
El Juez Carlos José Catoggio, titular del Juzgado Civil y Comercial Nº 25 de La Plata, condenó por sentencia definitiva, al Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires a resarcir con la suma de 1.000.000 de pesos a un cliente que fue estafado mediante la modalidad de phishing. El monto de la multa es la más alta dictada por la Justicia hasta el momento contra una entidad bancaria. Es que según…
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elcorreografico · 2 years
Condenaron al Banco Provincia a pagar 1 millón de pesos una víctima de “phishing”
#Judiciales #Sociedad | Condenaron al #BancoProvincia a pagar 1 millón de pesos una víctima de “#phishing”
El Juez Carlos José Catoggio, titular del Juzgado Civil y Comercial Nº 25 de La Plata, condenó por sentencia definitiva, al Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires a resarcir con la suma de 1.000.000 de pesos a un cliente que fue estafado mediante la modalidad de phishing. El monto de la multa es la más alta dictada por la Justicia hasta el momento contra una entidad bancaria. Es que según…
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Abusive former bishop to return to Chile to face civil prosecutors
New Post has been published on https://pray-unceasingly.com/catholic-living/catholic-news/abusive-former-bishop-to-return-to-chile-to-face-civil-prosecutors/
Abusive former bishop to return to Chile to face civil prosecutors
Santiago, Chile, Nov 27, 2018 / 08:01 pm (CNA).- The Schönstatt movement confirmed Monday that Francisco José Cox Huneeus, a former bishop who was dismissed from the clerical state last month, will return to Chile to face the civil justice system for his abuse of minors.
Cox, 84, was ordained a priest of the Schönstatt Fathers in 1961, and he has lived at the movement's headquarters in Germany since 2002, at the request of the Congregation for Bishops.
Cox's return was confirmed Nov. 26 by Fr. Patricio Moore, Chilean vice provincial superior of the institute, who also reported on Cox' health: he suffers from diabetes, controlled prostate cancer, and senile dementia.
“He underwent tests, there are 42 pages of a quite exhaustive reports. Although he has quite a few illnesses, the doctor says that he can travel to Chile and therefore we have also decided to take him back to Chile to make him available to the courts and for whatever may be required,” Moore told El Día.
“The exam says that he has senile dementia syndrome,” Moore indicated. “Not impediments, but I don't know if he's going to be able to help so much, but it's not an impediment, he can be interrogated perfectly well.”
Cox's return trip may take place in January or February 2019, after a micro-surgery on his brain. It is expected that he will be accompanied on the trip for health reasons.
Cox was born in Santiago de Chile in 1933. He was appointed Bishop of Chillán in 1974, and consecrated the following year. He served there until 1981, when he was appointed secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family.
In 1985 he was appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of La Serena in 1985, succeeding as ordinary in 1990.
He remained Archbishop of La Serena until 1997, when he resigned at the age of 63. The explanation given at the time “was that Cox had mental health problems,” Crux reported last month.
From 1997 to 2002, Cox exercised several administrative tasks in Rome and in Colombia, according to an Oct. 5 statement of  Fr. Juan Pablo Catoggio, superior general of the Schönstatt Fathers.
In 2002 Cardinal Francisco Javier Errazuriz Ossa, then-Archbishop of Santiago, acknowledged that Cox had resigned on account of improper conduct. Cardinal Errazuriz retired in 2010. He, too, is a member of the Schönstatt Fathers. He was made a member of Pope Francis' Council of Cardinals in 2013, but said earlier this month he was leaving the advisory body,
In 2002 Cox retired from all public activity and left Chile.
“In the year 2002, at our suggestion and with the formal approbation of the Congregation for Bishops, in response to comments of various kinds about innappropriate comportment with youths, Bishop Cox was made to see that it it best for him to leave his work in the diocese of La Serena,” Fr. Fernando Baeza, Chilean superior provincial of the Schönstatt Fathers, said in an Oct. 4 statement.
Fr. Baeza said Cox has not had any pastoral assignment since then.
Cox was removed from the clerical state Oct. 11 “as a consequence of manifest abuse of minors,” but continues to be a member of the Institute of Schönstatt Fathers. His dismissal from the clerical state may not be appealed.
In an Oct. 13 statement, Fr. Catoggio announced that Cox' dismissal from the clerical state was the result of his sexual abuse of minors reported in recent months, which were investigated by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Fr. Baeza had said that the institute received, at the end of 2017, a complaint of abuse by Cox that had occurred in Germany in 2004. That complaint was sent directly to the CDF, Fr. Baeza said. It was also sent to Germany's federal prosecutor's office, Fr. Catoggio said.
CNA Daily News – Americas
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tortulcarla · 6 years
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Museo Rosa Galisteo
Directora:Analía Solomonoff
Rosa Futura 2017 - coordinación y curaduría: Carla Tortul
Nota de Prensa
Publicado el: 01-11-2017
La artista expondrá su proyecto “Espectroscopía: pintar el conocimiento” en el marco de Plataforma Rosa Futura, inciativa del museo provincial. Entrada libre y gratuita.
Las obras del proyecto “Espectroscopía”se basan en los fenómenos físicos, conjugando el leguaje científico y artístico. En la foto Nilda Marsili
El Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes “Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez”, dependiente del ministerio de Innovación y Cultura, invita a la charla “Espectroscopía: pintar el conocimiento” que impartirá la artista visual, bioquímica y Dra. en Cs. Biolgógicas Nilda Marsili. La cita es el jueves 16 de noviembre, a las 18h en las instalaciones del museo, calle 4 de Enero 1510 de la ciudad de Santa Fe. La participación es libre y gratuita. El evento se enmarca en la Plataforma Rosa Futura, iniciativa del museo provincial.
CONJUGAR EL LENGUAJE CIENTÍFICO Y ARTÍSTICO Nilda Marsili inicia su proyecto “Espectroscopía” observando cómo los científicos crean grafismos para representar conceptos abstractos. Según la mirada de la artista “Los científicos, cual seguros dibujantes, llenan los papeles o los pizarrones con grafismos, a veces incomprensibles. Mi trabajo es la observación y representación de estos <códigos icónicos>, transformándolos en elementos plásticos, asignándoles colores y componiendo con ellos en el plano”. Y continúa “Actualmente los físicos describen al electrón según dos modelos: uno como onda electromagnética y otro como partícula. Dentro de un tiempo, cuando los científicos puedan unificar las propiedades físicas del electrón en un solo modelo teórico todo lo escrito hasta ahora se transformará en escritura rupestre para el futuro. Por esto, tomo estos códigos icónicos como grafismos primitivos con un significado misterioso y mágico. Considero la calidez humana de los trazos, como si se tratara de antiguas escrituras, antiguas sabidurías que resultan incomprensibles para algunos y comprensible para otros”.
FUNDAMENTO TEÓRICO En su proyecto “Espectroscopía” Marsili transforma los íconos utilizados para expresar el conocimiento científico, en trazos sensibles, en elementos plásticos, que componen la obra plástica, más allá de su significado físico. Las imágenes del grupo de obras: “Espectroscopía”, se basan en los fenómenos físicos en los que se fundamenta la espectroscopia UV_visible, infrarrojo, raman, fluorescencia y fosforescencia, resonancia magnética nuclear y electrónica. Las ecuaciones de Schrödinger que describen la función de onda del electrón, y en los cambios energéticos que se producen al incidir energía radiante sobre la materia.
Nilda Raquel Marsili es artista visual, Bioquímica y Doctora en Ciencias Biológicas (UNL), docente titular en la Química Analítica II de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral y de Laboratorio de los materiales en la EPAV Prof. Juan Mantovani. Desde 1979 ha realizado muestras individuales y colectivas de pintura, dibujo, instalaciones, esculturas en Museos y salas de la provinciales, nacionales e internacionales participando en MPBA “Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez”, MMAV “Sor Josefa Díaz y Cucellas”, MAC UNL, CCR, I y II Mostra Biennal D´Art D´Alcoi”, España, II Installation Art Award de Angel Orensanz Foundation Center for The Arts de New York, Grabado “Estampa 2000”, España; y en de la Bienal de Arte de Florencia, Italia. Durante estos años ha obteniendo premios en distintas disciplinas. En 1981 a 1993 recibe los premios en cerámica, en la Bienal Nacional de Arte Cerámico CABA, Salones de: Ceres, San Justo, Córdoba, y en escultura durante los años 1986, 1992, 1993 y 2000 en el Salón Nacional de Santa Fe. Participó de festivales y encuentros de performance, video-performances y video-poesía, en intervenciones urbanas y arte Público, siendo desde 1982 a 2008 coordinadora y co-fundadora del Colectivo “El Gorgojo”, dedicado al arte de acción, instalaciones e intervenciones en Santa Fe. Recibió las becas del CRUN, Para realizar el curso: “Aplicaciones de la resonancia magnética Nuclear del H1 y el C13”. A realizarse en el Instituto de Química Orgánica de Síntesis. Facultad de Cs. Básicas. UNR y la Beca de la Agencia de Cooperación Internacional del Japón (JICA), para realizar el curso: “Technology for neonatal and Infantile Screening”, en la ciudad de Sapporo, Japón. En 2007 recibe el Premio Nacional Bienal "Dr. José A. Catoggio" otorgado por la Asociación Argentina de Química Analítica. Actualmente se dedica a investigar en proyectos en química analítica y a producir obras, en su taller de San José del Rincón.
PLATAFORMA ROSA FUTURA El Museo Rosa Galisteo lleva adelante la Plataforma Rosa Futura, un espacio que vincula arte, ciencia y tecnología, proponiendo ejes curatoriales y acciones que abren el diálogo con artistas, académicos y tecnólogos generando así un campo para la investigación, creación y formación en torno al arte sonoro, interfases para la práctica artística, audiovisual experimental entre otros. Esta primera edición de actividades ha sido curada y coordinada por la artista visual Carla Tortul. Para más información se puede visitar la página web del museo www.museorosagalisteo.gob.ar
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elcorreografico · 7 years
"Lamentamos que la Defensora Ciudadana no haya participado de la audiencia por el aumento del peaje en la AU La Plata-Bs.As"
"Lamentamos que la #DefensoraCiudadana no haya participado de la audiencia por el aumento del #peaje en la AU #LaPlata-Bs.As"
La concejal de Acuerdo Ciudadano, Marcela Farroni participó de la Audiencia Pública que se llevó adelante en el Colegio de Abogados de La Plata con motivo de analizar el aumento del peaje que pretende realizar la concesionaria de la Autopista La Plata-Buenos Aires. En ese marco, destacó la postura del Defensor del Pueblo bonaerense Guido Lorenzinoquien realizó una exposición cuestionando “no…
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Abusive former bishop to return to Chile to face civil prosecutors
New Post has been published on https://pray-unceasingly.com/catholic-living/catholic-news/abusive-former-bishop-to-return-to-chile-to-face-civil-prosecutors-2/
Abusive former bishop to return to Chile to face civil prosecutors
Santiago, Chile, Nov 27, 2018 / 08:01 pm (CNA).- The Schönstatt movement confirmed Monday that Francisco José Cox Huneeus, a former bishop who was dismissed from the clerical state last month, will return to Chile to face the civil justice system for his abuse of minors.
Cox, 84, was ordained a priest of the Schönstatt Fathers in 1961, and he has lived at the movement's headquarters in Germany since 2002, at the request of the Congregation for Bishops.
Cox's return was confirmed Nov. 26 by Fr. Patricio Moore, Chilean vice provincial superior of the institute, who also reported on Cox' health: he suffers from diabetes, controlled prostate cancer, and senile dementia.
“He underwent tests, there are 42 pages of a quite exhaustive reports. Although he has quite a few illnesses, the doctor says that he can travel to Chile and therefore we have also decided to take him back to Chile to make him available to the courts and for whatever may be required,” Moore told El Día.
“The exam says that he has senile dementia syndrome,” Moore indicated. “Not impediments, but I don't know if he's going to be able to help so much, but it's not an impediment, he can be interrogated perfectly well.”
Cox's return trip may take place in January or February 2019, after a micro-surgery on his brain. It is expected that he will be accompanied on the trip for health reasons.
Cox was born in Santiago de Chile in 1933. He was appointed Bishop of Chillán in 1974, and consecrated the following year. He served there until 1981, when he was appointed secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family.
In 1985 he was appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of La Serena in 1985, succeeding as ordinary in 1990.
He remained Archbishop of La Serena until 1997, when he resigned at the age of 63. The explanation given at the time “was that Cox had mental health problems,” Crux reported last month.
From 1997 to 2002, Cox exercised several administrative tasks in Rome and in Colombia, according to an Oct. 5 statement of  Fr. Juan Pablo Catoggio, superior general of the Schönstatt Fathers.
In 2002 Cardinal Francisco Javier Errazuriz Ossa, then-Archbishop of Santiago, acknowledged that Cox had resigned on account of improper conduct. Cardinal Errazuriz retired in 2010. He, too, is a member of the Schönstatt Fathers. He was made a member of Pope Francis' Council of Cardinals in 2013, but said earlier this month he was leaving the advisory body,
In 2002 Cox retired from all public activity and left Chile.
“In the year 2002, at our suggestion and with the formal approbation of the Congregation for Bishops, in response to comments of various kinds about innappropriate comportment with youths, Bishop Cox was made to see that it it best for him to leave his work in the diocese of La Serena,” Fr. Fernando Baeza, Chilean superior provincial of the Schönstatt Fathers, said in an Oct. 4 statement.
Fr. Baeza said Cox has not had any pastoral assignment since then.
Cox was removed from the clerical state Oct. 11 “as a consequence of manifest abuse of minors,” but continues to be a member of the Institute of Schönstatt Fathers. His dismissal from the clerical state may not be appealed.
In an Oct. 13 statement, Fr. Catoggio announced that Cox' dismissal from the clerical state was the result of his sexual abuse of minors reported in recent months, which were investigated by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Fr. Baeza had said that the institute received, at the end of 2017, a complaint of abuse by Cox that had occurred in Germany in 2004. That complaint was sent directly to the CDF, Fr. Baeza said. It was also sent to Germany's federal prosecutor's office, Fr. Catoggio said.
CNA Daily News – Americas
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Abusive former bishop to return to Chile to face civil prosecutors
New Post has been published on https://pray-unceasingly.com/catholic-living/catholic-news/abusive-former-bishop-to-return-to-chile-to-face-civil-prosecutors/
Abusive former bishop to return to Chile to face civil prosecutors
Santiago, Chile, Nov 27, 2018 / 08:01 pm (CNA).- The Schönstatt movement confirmed Monday that Francisco José Cox Huneeus, a former bishop who was dismissed from the clerical state last month, will return to Chile to face the civil justice system for his abuse of minors.
Cox, 84, was ordained a priest of the Schönstatt Fathers in 1961, and he has lived at the movement's headquarters in Germany since 2002, at the request of the Congregation for Bishops.
Cox's return was confirmed Nov. 26 by Fr. Patricio Moore, Chilean vice provincial superior of the institute, who also reported on Cox' health: he suffers from diabetes, controlled prostate cancer, and senile dementia.
“He underwent tests, there are 42 pages of a quite exhaustive reports. Although he has quite a few illnesses, the doctor says that he can travel to Chile and therefore we have also decided to take him back to Chile to make him available to the courts and for whatever may be required,” Moore told El Día.
“The exam says that he has senile dementia syndrome,” Moore indicated. “Not impediments, but I don't know if he's going to be able to help so much, but it's not an impediment, he can be interrogated perfectly well.”
Cox's return trip may take place in January or February 2019, after a micro-surgery on his brain. It is expected that he will be accompanied on the trip for health reasons.
Cox was born in Santiago de Chile in 1933. He was appointed Bishop of Chillán in 1974, and consecrated the following year. He served there until 1981, when he was appointed secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family.
In 1985 he was appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of La Serena in 1985, succeeding as ordinary in 1990.
He remained Archbishop of La Serena until 1997, when he resigned at the age of 63. The explanation given at the time “was that Cox had mental health problems,” Crux reported last month.
From 1997 to 2002, Cox exercised several administrative tasks in Rome and in Colombia, according to an Oct. 5 statement of  Fr. Juan Pablo Catoggio, superior general of the Schönstatt Fathers.
In 2002 Cardinal Francisco Javier Errazuriz Ossa, then-Archbishop of Santiago, acknowledged that Cox had resigned on account of improper conduct. Cardinal Errazuriz retired in 2010. He, too, is a member of the Schönstatt Fathers. He was made a member of Pope Francis' Council of Cardinals in 2013, but said earlier this month he was leaving the advisory body,
In 2002 Cox retired from all public activity and left Chile.
“In the year 2002, at our suggestion and with the formal approbation of the Congregation for Bishops, in response to comments of various kinds about innappropriate comportment with youths, Bishop Cox was made to see that it it best for him to leave his work in the diocese of La Serena,” Fr. Fernando Baeza, Chilean superior provincial of the Schönstatt Fathers, said in an Oct. 4 statement.
Fr. Baeza said Cox has not had any pastoral assignment since then.
Cox was removed from the clerical state Oct. 11 “as a consequence of manifest abuse of minors,” but continues to be a member of the Institute of Schönstatt Fathers. His dismissal from the clerical state may not be appealed.
In an Oct. 13 statement, Fr. Catoggio announced that Cox' dismissal from the clerical state was the result of his sexual abuse of minors reported in recent months, which were investigated by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Fr. Baeza had said that the institute received, at the end of 2017, a complaint of abuse by Cox that had occurred in Germany in 2004. That complaint was sent directly to the CDF, Fr. Baeza said. It was also sent to Germany's federal prosecutor's office, Fr. Catoggio said.
CNA Daily News
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