cosmerelists · 9 months
Favorite Musicals of Each Order of the Knights Radiant
We’ve already considered their favorite boardgames. But what about when it’s time to go to a musical? Which musical is preferred by each order?
1. Skybreakers: Les Misérables
They think Javert is the protagonist.
Szeth: Is it not strange that the musical continues for so long after the death of the protagonist?
Nale: Ah, but it is only thus that we see the real tragedy.
Nale: As all of the lawbreakers go on living, without punishment, due the the lawman not being willing to fulfill his duty.
Joret: It’s so horrifying.
Cali: Yes, hence the title.
2. Bondsmiths: West Side Story
It’s about two warring gangs being brought together.
Dalinar: Although it is sad, it is nice that it ends with all of the previously estranged people bonding over their loss.
Navani: And it really is through music that two warring sides can be brought together--perhaps even feel love for each other.
Dalinar: Yes. 
Dalinar: Wait, what? 
3. Edgedancers: Little Shop of Horrors
Or at least, it’s Lift’s favorite.
Lift: I dunno why Wyndle doesn’t like it--it’s about a plant!
Lift: A hungry plant too, so it has something in common with both of us!
Wyndle: I--
Wyndle: Never--
Wyndle: That--
Lift: It’s kinda in the title, dude.
4. Stonewards: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
They were surprised at how invested they got.
Badali: It may not be warfare, yet the efforts of these children are so inspiring.
Zu: They truly do fight until there is only one standing.
5. Elsecallers: A Little Night Music
Jasnah just thinks it’s neat.
Jasnah: I have to respect the effort of composing each song in 3/4 time.
6. Lightweavers: Phantom of the Opera
It’s about art, tortured souls, disguises...
Gaz: I gotta feel bad for the Phantom.
Shallan: What, because his love for Christine is doomed?
Vathah: Because it would suck to live in a sewer?
Gaz: Well sure.
Gaz: But also that one-sided mask.
Gaz: He must always feel like there’s something there in the darkness, something just out of his sight.
Shallan: ...
Vathah: ...
Gaz: N-Not that I would know anything about that, ha ha!
7. Truthwatchers: Lion King
They went for the costumes and ended up being  blown away by the story.
Rlain: If Simba had just told the truth about his father’s death, all of that could have been avoided.
Stump: Yeah, well, kids are pretty stupid sometimes.
Renarin: Although by running away, Simba did get to be raised by two awesome gay dads, so that’s nice!
Stump: ...
Renarin: What?
8. Willshapers: Scarlet Pimpernel
It’s about rescuing innocent (?) aristocrats from being imprisoned and guillotined!  
Eshonai: It is truly inspiring to see a group of humans working so hard to free other humans before their unjustified deaths.
Venli: That Madame Guillotine song is really catchy though.
Eshonai: Yeah, you almost can almost understand the killing there.
9. Dustbringers: Wicked
They appreciate the overall message.
Malata: Yeah, there really are two sides to every story!
Ral-na: And just because a power is popularly deemed destructive, that does not mean it is so.
10. Windrunners: Also Wicked
Although their reasoning is...different.
Bridge Four, in their barracks: SO IF YOU CARE TO FIND ME / LOOK TO THE WESTERN SKY
Kaladin (wiping away a tear): It’s just such a good song.
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jyndor · 2 years
i still cannot believe his name is fucking keef sdjiiosajdioasjd who is the asshole naming cassian’s aliases XD
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rotzaprachim · 10 months
what no one has done nearly enough with is vel and cassian (or more likely, joreth sward or someone) having a lavender marriage for the Rebellion. vel needs a more convenient Cover for not being a nice heterosexually married Chandrilan Lady and the rebellion needs to sink another long term sleeper agent into the Chandrilan elite to pass money and information around. Vel and Cassian think they're going to kill each other in the first week or be immediately found out but the thing is that because they have a shared purpose and don't actively hate each other's guts they can grit their teeth and Bear It for the rebellion and in comparison to the *rest* of *real* Chandrilan couples this is an absolute dream relationship, so everyone's after Vel for marriage advice
enter jyn and cinta. for maximum drama
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andorerso · 6 months
the usual Krennic takes the Ersos as prisoners set-up (though I also have an idea for a little bit of a different background, but I'm not sure which would work better yet. for simplicity's sake, let's just say Lyra still dies, but Jyn is found and taken to ensure Galen's loyalty.) anyway, the story begins when Jyn reaches out to the rebellion to give intel and offer to be their informant in a desperate attempt to resist the Empire somehow. the rebellion's like yeah okay sure, BUT what if we also planted one of our agents as your husband? you cool with that? and Jyn's like.... uhmmmm not what I had in mind but okay? since Krennic's been trying to marry her off anyway, she figures a rebel spy husband is still better than anyone he would pick for her.
enter Joreth Sward (this is not the name I'm planning to use for him but I haven't figured out the alias yet so bear with me, it's just a placeholder) who's supposedly the nephew of a Duchess on a small unimportant but rich planet. they get married, but Joreth is often away for months at a time while working for Krennic, so they don't see each other too often. still, a tentative trust begins to slowly build between them as Jyn tries to keep up appearances and Cassian attempts to uncover what Krennic is working on...
EDIT: I forgot the small snippet
“It’s Cassian,” he said, and she knew what it cost him to admit it. “My name’s Cassian.” “Cassian,” she tested it on her lips. “I like it.”
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mosylufanfic · 2 years
By Any Other Name
Because I’m basically obligated to do a rock star AU at some point, right?
Send me a prompt for Nano!
By Any Other Name
Jyn liked this time of day in the Kyber, the grubby little bar she co-owned with her best friend. Early afternoon was a dip where the hardcore drinkers and the lunch crowd had all cleared out or been cut off, and the after-work crowd wasn't in yet. She used the time to catch up on paperwork and put on her favorite music. 
"You like this song?"
The voice came from the end of the bar, where their one customer of the moment was drinking a draft beer and scribbling on what looked like staff paper. A starving songwriter, she concluded, a dime a dozen in LA. 
"It's all right," she said, because it had only taken her the first shift as a bartender to realize that some guys would take a statement as innocuous as "this is my favorite song right now" and translate it to "please, take my body at your earliest convenience."
"It's just, you're singing along."
Had she been? Damn. Bodhi referred to her singing voice as the unholy love child of a rusty gate and a cat in heat. "Sorry."
He laughed. "No, it's fine." He had a nice smile, wide and bright, with dimples. Cute.
Also a dime a dozen in LA.
She shrugged and hit the buttons on her laptop to save her most current schedule. "It's catchy," she said. "I guess I do sing along when it comes on the radio."
The song ended and another began, with no deejays jabbering in between. And it was the next song on the artist's newest album. 
He raised a brow.
"Fine! The whole album's on my favorite playlist at the moment. It's good. All right? That what you wanted to know?"
He lifted both hands in a peaceable gesture, laughing again. "I’m not trying to interrogate you. That's just my favorite song from the album. The one you were singing along to."
“Yeah? Even though it's not the one that's the big hit or whatever?”
"That one's good too," he acknowledged. "But 'Built on Hope' is just - I like it better."
He held out a hand. "Joreth."
She shook it briefly. "Liana," she said, giving him the name she went by behind the bar, to deter creepers and scammers. 
"Liana, that's pretty. What is that, a flower?"
"It's a sort of vine," she said - also her usual answer. "A strangling vine. It kills trees."
He laughed. "Killed any trees today?"
"Sadly, no, but the day is young."
At the other end of the bar, Bodhi cleared his throat, loudly. She glanced at him, saw he was doing the bottle count, and figured he'd just had a frog in his throat. 
"He's playing tonight, you know," Joreth said, pointing upward at the speaker. "Cassian Andor."
"Yeah, I heard. I've got to work. Plus tickets are an arm and a leg."
"Surely no more than a hand."
She grinned. "Whatever body part I'd have to give up, it'd be too much. Anyway, those big stadium shows aren't for me. All lights and screaming and shit." She shuddered. "Gives me a migraine."
He tipped his beer toward her. "I'm with you there. He's got another one tomorrow. An acoustic set at a little club."
That was more her speed. But she eyed him suspiciously. "What are you, his manager?"
He laughed again. The way his eyes crinkled was not something you often saw in LA, where wrinkles were the horror of half the town and the bane of the other half. "Something like that," he said. 
Bodhi cleared his throat again, louder. 
"Spit or swallow, Bodes," she called out to him, and turned back to the guy at the bar. "Well, if I'd known, maybe I would have scrounged up whatever favors I needed to go. But it's probably too late now."
“You never know.”
The door opened and a tall skinny man in a suit that cost more than her car came in. 
"ID," Jyn said automatically.
He eyed her. "I assure you I am of age, and anyway, I'm not here to imbibe." He marched up to Joreth. "You," he said balefully.
"Hi, Kay," Joreth said.
"You are late."
"I told you I was going to work on songs today."
"I thought you meant in your hotel room like a reasonable human being, not in some grimy dive bar."
"Hey," Bodhi and Jyn said in concert.
"It's not grimy," Joreth said. "It's very nice. Good beer." He drank the last of it and set his pint glass down.
Bodhi, who was in charge of ordering, looked mollified. Jyn narrowed her eyes at Kay.
Kay ignored her. "Come along."
"Hang on." Joreth swiped a line across the middle of his sheet music, wrote a quick string of notes, and a phrase, and then folded the papers into a leather portfolio and got up. "See you around," he said to Jyn, and left with his - friend? Minder? Captor?
Bodhi sidled up. "Do you remember," he said, "how as your lifelong best friend, I'm contractually obligated to let you know when you're being a human disaster?"
"What was disastrous about that?" Jyn asked, opening up her schedule, then remembering she'd finished it. Although if Shara couldn't get babysitting again - "We were talking about music."
"You were talking about Cassian Andor."
"Is this a don't-talk-about-dudes-with-other-dudes thing? Because if bringing up a pop star is a violation, that's awfully damn fragile."
Bodhi threw his hands in the air. "You were talking about Cassian Andor with Cassian Andor!"
"And he was into you!"
"His name was Joreth,” she mumbled, still stuck on talking about Cassian Andor with Cassian Andor.
"Sure," Bodhi said. "And yours is Liana."
"But he - " She waved her hand in front of her face. "He had a beard. And a ball cap."
"Right, right, yeah, I forgot. Multi-platinum pop stars are physically incapable of growing facial hair, and putting on a ball cap when they might not want to be recognized."
She goggled into the near distance. "Oh my god, I'm a disaster."
"Well, I tried," Bodhi said.
She shoved him. "By coughing? What happened to sending me a text?"
"Your phone's dead. Again."
She picked it up and found it dark. "Oh, yeah."
He shook his head. "Seriously, there's no helping you."
The bar phone rang and Jyn reached for it. "The Kyber."
"May I speak to Liana?"
"I represent Cassian Andor. He'd like to invite you to be his special guest at Club Yavin tomorrow night."
Jyn hung up.
"Scammer?" Bodhi said.
The phone rang again. "I assume we got disconnected," the person on other end said disdainfully. Now she could identify the voice of the tall skinny guy. "As I was saying, Cassian Andor would like you to join - "
"Yes, I heard you the first time," she said. "Is this a joke?"
"No joke, I assure you," said the rather bored voice. "Cassian is presently sitting across from me in the limo, making faces and gesturing wildly - "
"Kay!" said a strangled voice. 
"It is very distracting. Are you coming or not? If you leave him in suspense, he might have an aneurysm, and he has to play a show in five hours."
A groan loud enough for the phone to pick it up.
"Let me talk to him," Jyn said. 
"I am capable of giving you all the information you need - "
"Cassian," she snapped. "Now."
A minor scuffle, and then the voice of Joreth - no, Cassian - came over the line. "Hi."
"This how you get your jollies?" she demanded. "By picking up strange women in bars who don't recognize you?"
"It helped," he said. "Liana, I - "
"Jyn," she said. "It's Jyn."
"Jyn," he said. "And I'm Cassian."
"Yeah. Yeah, I figured that out."
"Well, what do you think? I'll send a car so you don't have to fight traffic, and we can get dinner after. Or drinks - or - "
She pursed her lips. "I dunno. It's been a long time since I went and saw a guy play guitar in a club. I might have something else to do."
Bodhi grabbed the phone. "She's coming. You can pick her up here. What time? Great. She'll be ready." He hung up. 
She punched him. "Bodes!"
"That was no time to play it cool, Jyn. You have a date with Cassian Andor, and he's totally into you." He looked thoughtful. "Also, pop star or not, he might be as much of a human disaster as you are."
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bejeweled-jyn · 11 months
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Chapters: 7/?
Fandom: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Rebellion Era - All Media Types, Andor (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor & Jyn Erso
Characters: Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, Davits Draven, Mon Mothma, Maz Kanata, Chirrut Îmwe, Baze Malbus, Saw Gerrera, Bodhi Rook, Ruescott Melshi
Additional Tags: Rebelcaptain - Freeform, Smut, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Undercover, Enemies to Lovers, Trapped In A Closet, Strangers to Lovers, Stranger Sex, Oral Sex, Sex, Porn With Plot, One Night Stands, Rogue One Fix-It, Angst, Fluff and Humor, Romance, POV Cassian Andor, POV Jyn Erso, Bisexual Jyn Erso, Captain Andor
Jyn and Cassian meet about 6 months before the events of rogue one take place. They met on Takodana while Jyn was working on smuggling and petty theft to stay alive, she was going under the alias Kestral Dawn. Cassian under the alias Joreth Sward, was undercover working intelligence for the rebel alliance trying to get involved in a smuggling route that had some information on where the alliance could get resources for the new Yavin IV base. The night doesn’t go as planned for either of them chaos ensues and lots of fun has happened between the pair. They then reunite at Yavin IV after Jyn is rescued from Yavin IV. They assumed they would never see each other again but fate had other plans.
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livingdeadroom · 4 months
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SCP-3000 - Anantashesha ©A Random Day, djkaktus, Joreth ソース: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3000 作成年: 2017
SCP-3001 - Red Reality ©OZ Ouroboros ソース: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3001 作成年: 2017
SCP-3333 - Tower ©Jekeled ソース: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3333 作成年: 2017
SCP-3002 - Attempts to Assassinate Thought ©MayD ソース: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3002 作成年: 2017
SCP-3003 - The End of History ©Communism will win ソース: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3003 作成年: 2017
SCP-3999 - I Am At The Center of Everything That Happens To Me ©LordStonefish ソース: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3999 作成年: 2017
ライセンス: CC BY-SA 3.0
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Love and Kyber Crystals
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/LTZRBFj
by Abbyportellini
This story is a canon- rewrite where Cassian and Jyn have already met prior to rogue one so it Will completely change what happened in rogue one. Jyn and Cassian met about 6 months before the events of rogue one. They met on Takodana while Jyn was working on forging scan docs and petty theft to stay alive, she was going under the alias Kestral Dawn, Cassian under the Alia’s Joreth Sward, was undercover working intelligence for the rebel alliance trying to get involved in a smuggling route that had some information on where the alliance could get resources for the new Yavin IV base. They then reunite at Yavin IV when Jyn is extracted from Wobani.
Words: 6203, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, Davits Draven, Mon Mothma, Maz Kanata
Relationships: Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor & Jyn Erso
Additional Tags: Rebelcaptain - Freeform, Smut, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Undercover, Enemies to Lovers, Trapped In A Closet, Strangers to Lovers, Stranger Sex, Oral Sex, Sex, Porn With Plot, One Night Stands, Rogue One Fix-It, Angst, Fluff and Humor, Romance, POV Cassian Andor, POV Jyn Erso, Bisexual Jyn Erso, Captain Andor
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/LTZRBFj
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justjoreth · 2 years
(Not a) Introduction I guess
Hi! My name is Joreth. I'm just a teenager who likes to draw and listen to music :]. (PD: También hable español por si les interesa jajan't) *insert random image*
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ri-writing · 2 years
Ri’s literal reaction to the Andor trailer
Ri: okay.  gonna watch me some trailer Trailer: shows Joreth Sward Ri: OH FUCK Trailer: shows Saw Ri: OH FUCK Trailer: lots of space spies Ri: FUCK FUCK FUCK
Look, obviously, I have a Thing about space spies but FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK.
Please don’t let me down, show.  Please be as dark as Rogue One.  Also, please give Cassian many jackets.
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444names · 2 years
altmer names from tes BUT excluding "il"
Adorighus Adorion Aicar Aicelon Aicolude Alanernor Alanie Alastel Alayurmo Aldece Aldor Alduumana Aldya Alion Altari Altaryon Altumion Ambarus Ambaryon Amindna Ancan Ancanure Ancolya Andar Andermia Andesme Andinya Andithte Angwend Anienuus Animo Anircon Anquariel Antholbie Anulvan Anyewe Arahel Arawender Araya Ardaretha Arerien Arfanye Arnarbar Arnen Arorie Arter Aryeld Astaar Astrufwe Avysen Avyshare Caamalim Caera Calacion Calandur Calarumin Calmo Calre Calte Camwatch Canbin Canreno Carale Cariande Carmander Carne Castara Cavale Cellor Ceron Ciname Cinbind Cindure Cinman Cinwe Ciras Cirtos Coral Coralion Cordo Cordor Corelumo Cornare Corwore Cuinl Culen Cullion Culmar Culme Culsin Currion Cymbaler Cymion Cyrel Cyrene Ealan Earama Eardor Earfinea Earmo Earuniel Earya Egure Elanor Elanwath Eldewe Eldomian Eldor Eldow Elduiryel Elduron Ellar Ellinare Elsamo Elsea Elsine Elsinon Enden Endrin Endwy Engale Engalinar Engatar Engedan Enoya Enranore Eramane Erino Erire Erlasaran Eroon Eryerion Esaranor Estir Estolor Fainquel Falan Falele Falequen Famonwen Fangunn Fanquen Fante Fanwe Fanya Farel Fartake Felcana Fenan Fenel Feryen Fiinwe Finornewe Firel Firellamo Fogwe Funarwe Gaell Gaemorion Gaerdomon Gaeriel Galmo Givone Graladur Granruur Grantewen Granyar Gravathel Grayia Guvin Gyrerayea Haeron Halin Hanon Hanratch Hantuwae Hanwen Hargwel Harmiwe Hecar Hengthal Henwenar Herion Highise Higin Hyatar Hymbarin Iacary Iinalar Iinia Iirlawe Iirteroon Ilmurlia Inanger Indworyon Inenwinar Ingon Ingwe Innire Inwendo Iralur Iramir Iranimara Joreth Jorienia Joron Kalanwe Kalimerda Kalinal Kalira Kallan Kalmon Kelar Kellin Korion Korwe Laalardar Lamius Lanarcen Lanulanya Lanwe Lanwena Laranya Laras Laratch Larel Laremire Larmwatch Larure Latanta Layirwya Lewerie Linadel Linarie Lingwen Linimo Linsawe Linyarume Lirwen Lisha Listir Llock Lortistre Lovida Lovimo Lovinten Lovion Lovire Lovirion Lovita Luirla Lylin Malwe Mangalf Maran Marra Melelune Melon Meninwe Menwe Menwyelen Merayen Mermion Mifwe Minaynn Minian Minin Mirfir Mitano Mitharme Mithlion Miturdare Mondire Moren Murmo Muufin Naalidore Naallar Naawe Naemond Nairunbar Nalalon Naler Nallangwe Namoltin Namos Nando Naryande Neldore Nellinie Nelmor Nemen Nesawen Nesor Netha Niran Nomarne Nomire Norbel Nundawe Nunia Nurnevire Nuuya Ocalaur Ohturre Oltur Oriven Ornewe Ornir Outara Pandera Pelasse Pelia Pelon Penidol Pirion Pluin Psynniron Psyse Psysel Qeusea Quall Quarel Quaryre Quenlmon Querwel Rinwe Rivia Rolin Rondron Rular Rulin Ruline Rulion Rulle Rullinde Rulon Runde Ruuren Sallindel Sarien Sarin Sarion Sarwe Saumo Saure Saurorie Serimo Serion Sevar Shaie Shantalas Sirderm Sirer Sirinen Siryan Solaando Solbin Solhian Solingar Soras Soriir Sormia Sorne Sorooks Spoon Stolith Stoltewen Stome Stondarer Storimare Storione Stowe Sundtare Suralon Suurnel Taasse Talarnyar Taler Talin Talinewen Talinwend Talock Tandendel Taran Taria Tarwe Taurion Telia Telneda Telulando Telwe Telyeda Tenya Teren Terlinl Thllando Thrion Throhisse Thron Tinwe Tirlinwe Tirundel Tramor Tranar Transare Tuindur Tumeralno Tumius Tworamar Tymairya Umbama Umbar Underalf Undllel Undornan Unwen Urcolia Urlawe Uryel Uudewe Uullon Uulyayna Vaindor Valar Valen Valinewe Valingwen Valle Valsia Valya Vande Vanya Varamawen Varna Vinlmin Viron Virya Watorar Yarwe Ylantire Zenwenya
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
I just think well. kestrel dawn and keef girgo were soulmates. so were tanith pontra and joreth sward. liana + klem 4ever
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andorerso · 1 year
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mosylufanfic · 2 years
Making Contact
This was supposed to be a sexy story about Cassian getting a massage from Jyn and actually relaxing for once in his life. What the hell, me.
 Making Contact
When the door swished open in front of him, a gentle trio of chimes announced his entry. The girl at the desk looked up. "Hello, Mr. Sward! Welcome. You have an appointment with - um - "
"Kestrel," he said.
"Kestrel, right." She  checked her screen and tapped something. "Okay, she's just finishing up her last client. You're down for the basic package today. Any interest in upgrading to the full experience?"
"No," he said flatly. 
"Well, if you're sure," she said. "It's funny, she only works a couple of days a week and you're the only person who ever requests her."
"She's good," he said.
"Oh, well, I guess,” she said doubtfully. “But some of our other clients say she's bitchy."
"I don't care how bitchy she is, as long as she can get these knots out of my back," he said stiffly,  and sat down in the waiting room with a datapad in his hand. 
A few minutes later, a bored voice said, "Joreth."
He looked up. Kestrel slouched against the front desk. "Hi," she said disinterestedly. "This way." Without waiting, she took off down the hall. 
He tucked his datapad away and followed her.
The room was just like all the others, a square box with dim lighting. It had a little table with a rack of different oils and lotions mounted on the wall, and a large, flat bed with a donut-shaped head. In one corner of the room was a privacy screen, currently folded flat against the wall. 
Sitting on the table next to the rack of lubricants was a music player, playing a soft, formless mix of woodwinds and bells. It was perfectly calculated to make your brain melt if you tried to follow any kind of melody within it. 
"No music, please," he said, and she reached over to swat the player off. 
"Fucking tinkly bantha crap," Jyn Erso muttered.
"I'm not licensed or anything," she'd said back at base. "Not that a place like that would check. And I didn't do the other stuff. But I picked up enough to do decent massages."
"From the sounds of this place, it'll require the sex work," Draven said with his characteristic bluntness. 
She shook her head. "See how there's the basic package and the full package, and then premium? The places I worked all had different terminology, but it's easy enough to figure out. Basic will just be a massage, nothing else. Cheap option for people who can't afford more reputable places. The full is probably a handjob, maybe blowjob. Premium, full-on sex. Most of the girls won't want to do the basics. They don't pay as much. The new girl always gets stuck with all those." She shrugged. "I usually stuck around until I couldn't avoid doing handjobs anymore and then I was out."
Draven nodded. He'd sent operatives into sex work before, but it wasn't his first choice. And certainly not with a brand-new recruit like Jyn Erso. "Cassian?" he said. "Your mission, your call."
Cassian looked at Jyn, who nodded at him. She could handle it. Could he?
"No problem," he said.
She'd gotten the job at the massage parlor a few streets down from the Imperial base without any issue. Like she said, girls came and went, and they didn't check licenses. The system of packages worked just like she'd said, too, as well as the tendency for the new girl to get all the basic ones.
All in all, Jyn had no problems settling into her spot as his contact and the courier for his information off-planet, as well as a secondary source of information gathering.
To his surprise, Cassian was the one with the problem.
Stripping off his clothes always made him tense and uneasy. He pulled the screen and Jyn always made a point of waiting outside the door, but neither of them could do anything about the cameras around the room. 
"For our protection," Jyn had said, with a twist of her lip that communicated it was so the bosses could spot any off-the-books sexual contact. And maybe also for porn and blackmail purposes.
But for him, it brought back memories of shucking his prison clothes under the bored eyes of the guards and standing naked in a room full of other men. He gritted his teeth and folded the clothes to have something to focus on besides his vulnerability.
Getting on the table with only a thin towel covering his ass was worse. He was naked, face down, with his back to the door. Textbook don't fucking do this, if spies had textbooks. His skin shivered, waiting for unseen knives to slice it open. His stomach clenched.
"How unusual would it be to keep some clothes on?" he'd asked as they were planning. 
"Very," she said, grimacing with apology. "If it was just me, I wouldn't say anything, but if there are cameras. . . ."
And there were. So naked it was. Except for the towel. 
Jyn knocked briskly, rat-a-tat, and waited until he said, "yes." Then she came in, locking the door behind her. 
It was easier with her there. His skin stopped trying to crawl off his bones, but his stomach still tangled into knots upon knots.
"How's the back today?" she asked. A click as she uncapped an oil bottle. Unscented. Some kind of warming reaction against his skin.
"It's been better," he said.
He also hated using his back as the excuse to go see her. Advertising his chronic pain like that felt like wearing a neon sign that yelled HIT HERE. But it had the benefit of being true, and he could use the excuse of a bad pain day to go see her on an emergency basis. 
And the discussion of his "back" was a perfect cover for a general check-in on how the mission was going. 
"Same old spots?" The same people giving you trouble? 
"Spreading a little."
She grunted. "I'll do what I can." She'd pass it along. 
She started with his upper back, small warm hands with a slick of oil on the palms, flattening themselves over his shoulder blades, working down his back.
I'm here, that first long, slow touch said. It's just me. You know me. I've got you.
The stroke of her hands down the line of his back, and then back up, started to undo the knots in his stomach. The way she positioned herself between him and the door also helped. 
"You've got tension here," she observed as she worked over the middle of his back. 
He always did, but as her thumbs worked at a knot, he felt it uncoiling itself, slithering away like a venomous snake going into hiding.
She shifted to using her fists against his lower back, pressing her scarred, beat-up knuckles into the stiffness wrapped around his spine and dragging it away. 
The first time she'd done that, he realized she'd talked to the PT staff on-base before they left, because it was their technique. It wasn't like he could ask her aloud to confirm. But just the thought made him warm inside. 
His stomach was soft now, settled. 
"I'm going lower," she said. 
In another setting - in most of the rooms in this parlor - it would have been a sexy come-on. Here it was a heads-up. 
"All right."
Her hands smoothed down over his waist, to his hips. Her thumbs stroked firmly over the knotted muscles that fed from his back into his ass. Her fingers slipped under the towel, careful not to knock it away. He almost wished she would, because it felt more intimate to feel her hand sliding under his only covering. 
It wasn't the way he wanted Jyn's hands there, but still, his cock twitched under him. 
"It'll happen some time or another," she'd said briskly. "It doesn't have to be awkward. I'm not going to take it personally. "
"A basic physical reaction to stimulus," he'd agreed.
It had all seemed very straightforward, an adult agreement that bodies did what bodies would do. But here in the dim room, with Jyn's hands on him, his body thought they were here for something else.
Bodies didn't know the difference between possibilities and wishful thinking.
As she worked his gluteal muscles, loosening them, softening them, his unruly cock pressed harder into the table. She'd notice soon. As matter-of-fact as she'd been, he still didn't want to reveal his reaction. 
He made himself think of a particularly bad mission once. Blood. Bodies. Smoke. Stench.
"Hey," she said, because maybe the mission had been too bad to think of, and she'd felt the tension knot up his back again. She flattened her hand over the worst of his surgical scars, the ones that even the best bacta couldn't completely erase. "You with me?"
Aren't I always? he thought, but just gave a soft grunt of assent and focused on his breathing instead. In. Hold. Out.
Breath. Her hands. The lock on the door. The oil warming his skin. 
I'm with you.
The remnants of the memory and of his hard-on subsided. 
"We've got about fifteen minutes in our session," she said. "Unless you want me to go back over anywhere, I'll work your legs."
"That's fine." 
She adjusted the towel over his ass again and shifted down the table. 
"I might have to go off-planet to a surgery center," he said as she pressed the heel of her hand just behind his left knee. "If they can get me in. I'm waiting to hear. Might not have much notice."
Her hands paused for a split second, then continued working. "Well, if that happens, don't forget to cancel your appointment."
"I won't," he promised.
She worked down to his calves, his ankles, his feet. He shut his eyes and gave himself over to the unspeakable luxury of being touched and tended to by someone he lo-
Someone he trusted.
And as hard as everything else was, this was almost too easy.
"Better watch out," Kaila said as Jyn came up to the front desk to clock out for her lunch break. "That guy's in love with you."
The waiting room was empty, but she nodded out the glass front door to Cassian, climbing into a speeder cab.
It caught Jyn off guard. "Who? What?" She barely remembered to use his alias. "Joreth?"
She waggled her brows at another of the girls, just coming in from her lunch hour. "Joreth, is it."
"Everyone calls their clients by their first names." Half of them were probably aliases. “You do,” she said to Samai.
“I call my two o’clock Lieutenant, because that’s what he wants,” she said absently, leaning over to check her own schedule. “And nobody says their names the way you say his."
"I don't say his name like anything. He's a client."
Kaila grinned conspiratorially at Samai. "Ever heard him say her name? I 'forget' every time I check him in just so I can hear it." She fluttered her lashes and deepened her voice to a sexy purr. "Kestrel."
"Shut up,” Jyn said. “He's not in love with me. He just likes the way I use my elbows." The datacard he'd left under the towel seemed to burn against her breast. "I'm going on my lunch."
"Gonna meet him for a quickie?” Samai said. “You know if the boss catches you fucking your clients off the clock, he'll have your head."
"I'm not meeting anyone," she yelled over her shoulder. "And Joreth Sward is not in love with me!"
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bejeweled-jyn · 11 months
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Chapter 5 of Love and KyberCrystals
Jyn and Cassian meet about 6 months before the events of rogue one take place. They met on Takodana while Jyn was working on smuggling and petty theft to stay alive, she was going under the alias Kestral Dawn. Cassian under the alias Joreth Sward, was undercover working intelligence for the rebel alliance trying to get involved in a smuggling route that had some information on where the alliance could get resources for the new Yavin IV base. The night doesn’t go as planned for either of them chaos ensues and lots of fun has happened between the pair. They then reunite at Yavin IV after Jyn is rescued from Yavin IV. They assumed they would never see each other again but fate had other plans.
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mindphallus · 2 years
I am one with the fic recs and the fic recs are with me...
This one is for The Monroe Effect by Rifle, aka @riflegoespurr aka an extra extra rude sadist who makes a mean empanada
Summary: She never had a chance.
Word Count: 92,012 (AKA, strap the f in because its worth the time, trust me)
My take:
Here I am, once again. Back at it with a another MUST READ from Rifle. She may be a sadist, hell-bent on making me cry, but hot dawg. It HURTS SO GOOD.
This fic is an au that follows Jyn as she grows up as a Partisan and eventually meets and grows very close to our favorite rebel spy, who is undercover as new addition to the Partisans, Joreth the droid mechanic. 
That description feels woefully simple for how nuanced this story is. This fic took a stupid amount of time for me to get to, and when I finally did, I was absolutely floored. Once again, Rifle absolutely NAILS the characterization. Not just of Jyn, Cassian, and Saw, but of ALL of the Partisans.  She paints a achingly lovely picture of this extremely diverse group of sentients that hate for the empire, are misrepresented by the rebellion, and who are fiercely devoted to one another. This story is such a wonderful deep dive into Partisan culture, which is made up of the cultures of so many different species. Maybe its the times, but the love and respect they show each other made me want to tear my freakin heart out. The angst while you read all things Jyn experiences to , the slow burn with “Joreth” and Jyn.... *chef’s kiss*.
 By the end, you’ll be a mess, but in the BEST way.
To say that I’m excited for the next part would be an HUGE fucking understatement. 
In the grand scope of things I feel like this is such a underappreciated gem. so please, I beg of you all, go read the tags (v important), then go give this fic the love it deserves.
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