#Jokiku IC
jokikudistrict · 6 years
Bastion | Mirai and Yoshiko | CH4 NORMAL DAYS
What they'd just walked out of had to be an unseen circle of hell.
From the very beginning, there'd been a raw, almost savage energy buzzing within the circle of podiums, only fueled further by each new link on the chain of events, thrumming vivaciously in every exchange of words, every new piece of evidence, every new possibility unlocked. The discovery of Haruna and Aina had only started the fire, and Megumi had thrown more kindling onto already angry flames.
Alastor had transformed a bonfire into a wildfire, and it hadn't delayed in spreading into far too many people-- Mirai herself included.
Honestly, she still had no idea what had gotten into her. She'd spent so long wrapped up in shock, fortified in her own little world where death lacked finality and could be repaired by Phoenix Down as easily as a scratch could be cured by a Potion, that she barely even felt like herself. There was the Hero, brandishing her sword and conjuring up simple little solutions-- and then there was the girl left behind, barely listening to a word being said as she struggled to understand.
Somewhere in there, those two identities had merged, and reality had flicked a match on her hypocritical little heart.
Ever since they'd been released, Alastor's pixelated fate quite literally crashing down, Mirai had spent her time curled up beneath her blanket, trying to piece it all together. Her 3DS remained untouched on her dresser, her games stacked neatly next to it. What once brought her comfort and restored the stolen sweetness of her memories now seemed vile, pressing buttons almost leaving bitterness on her tongue-- no
She missed it. She missed it, she missed it, she missed it she missed it she missed it she missed him
The RPG Developer buried her face in her hands. She was trying to stand in favor of an alternate extreme when the original one hadn't done anything for her. She was being ridiculous, she was being stupid, she was being a hypocrite--
Mirai rolled over, pulling her blanket tightly around herself and curling inward. This whole mess was such a headache, each implication buzzing in the ridges of her mind, nuzzling into well-hidden crevices. She couldn't even fathom if this was guilt or remorse or what-- but she couldn't stand that deep-set sinking feeling that settled into her.
She'd told Héloïse that she was just waiting for someone to come after her because she didn't even care and she didn't so what was wrong with her?
...what was she doing?
This was the same cycle of dumb, self-absorbed thinking that always seemed to flow in her mind-- that same "I'm the Hero" mentality that had been her bastion. This whole mess wasn't about her. She'd known all four of their lost, but nowhere near as well as some of the others. She wasn't hurting anywhere near as much as several.
...Mirai shed her blanket, grabbed two cups of microwave ramen from her newly replenished supply, two cans of soda, and headed down the hallway. When she reached her destination, she rapped her knuckles three times against Yoshiko's door.
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"...Yoshiko-san? It's...It's me...Mirai, that is. Are you there?"
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seishirokei-blog · 6 years
Jokiku District ||Pregame Thread||Rachele
Hope’s Peak Academy was definitely something out of fantasy. It had to be. Seishiro Kei was one of those people who couldn’t believe good news right away because of some form of denial. How could good things happen to him? Standing there in the entrance hall of the academy, Seishiro had already registered for classes and had taken the day to wander around. It would only be a few more days before classes started and that he would get to meet the classmates he’d spend the next 4 years with. 
With an intense wave of anxiety, Seishiro turned his head to someone walking through the halls. He tried not to jump at their entrance and sufficed with a small nervous wave. They looked familiar...
Seishiro took the initiative to look up some of his classmates and this person was one of them. To say the least, he couldn’t work up the courage to actually speak to them...
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Hi there! My name is Flux! I’m 21, use He/him pronouns, and am the mun of Akemi!
My Interests currently include Zero Escape, When They Cry, Animal Crossing, Starbound, Roblox, and Outlast! Feel free to DM me if you wanna talk anything about it!
I haven’t really been much around the tumblr-side of the community for a real while, but if you followed Jokiku District, I played Alastor of the Nine Isles!
I really hope that we get along and get to know eachother a little better! I can be a little tone deaf at times, so if anything I say or do upsets you, don’t be afraid to let me know!
Lets have ourselves a Wonderful Game!
Honestly? Unless for some reason your oc is secretly on a Japanese education board, probably not! Your oc might have heard in passing the academy she comes from though; Stone Flats Academy. It has a reputation for being... not good. It’s where a lot of delinquents and people who fail their usual academy entrance exams go. Bottom of the barrel. You get what I mean. Before Akemi got there, it had the worst literacy rate in all of Japan!
Flux: sorry for applying a heterosexual to your group
N Grant and Sheep: It’s okay just don’t do it again
I don’t mind shipping with Akemi! Though I’m not one to pre-plan anything like that. Much like a dating sim, Just interact with her a bunch and whatever happens, happens. I’ll let you know if she gets a foolish puppy crush or something, but there’s no expectation of it being required! Teenagers are just like that. Also, for reference, Akemi is 18, and IC she wouldn’t try to date far from her age range, so if you’re 16 or below, sorry pal. Better luck next life.
The only thing I’m ever comfortable with are SFW chaste implications (for example, If you wanna write a Drabble about one cooking the other breakfast, that’s cute. Go right ahead.) and even then you and ur oc gotta be 18+ Other than that?
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jokikudistrict · 6 years
black sheep || kimiko || mm trial || attn: kojima
Feeling the air suddenly leave her body, Kimiko had no time to collect herself, or her thoughts, before landing into Kojima’s arms. No, she didn’t hear his words, her gaze was entirely focused on the sight of teeth on the floor, and blood splattered across the front of her knuckles and shirt. Her heart was racing violently, and no, she didn’t notice when she was place down either--- the sound of the video drew her from her thoughts, looking up at the screen… breathless.
  Wait, wait, she had to breathe--- and she does so, loudly gasping before furiously wiping herself off on her sweatpants, trying to get the feeling of warm blood off, trying to rid herself of the trauma she previously had to do for the man--- she’d never forgive herself, she’d never forget Rachele’s gaze--- It’s when she hears Kojima’s pain, that she snaps out of her thoughts.
Rushing over to him clumsily, she presses her hands over his, then his shoulders, and tippy toes for his face, turning him away from the screen, and pressing her hands over his eyes. They both had regrets they had to face, demons that slept beneath their beds that they had ignored until now; she hasn’t found her voice yet, but gingerly her hands move from over his eyes, to his ears, pressing over them, using her thumbs to keep his eyes closed. “S’okay, it’s okay, ya didn’t know--- we didn’t know it’ll be like this. We both thought it was gonna help--- it didn’t, we didn’t know…. All we can do is try to get out of here, n make something of it, okay? Kojima, focus on me… i’m scared too, it’s okay to be scared.”
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jokikudistrict · 6 years
I've Kept This Bullet For Some Time | Tomomi | Re: Arisa
At least they had a way out, that's good. That's all that mattered now. The most important thing to Tomomi now was making sure everyone else would make it out safe and sound. They didn’t care about the display, though it did make their stomach tighten as it went on. That’s just cruel, they thought. And then, some of the others started talking about an execution...Wait, wait, wait.
They had little problem with watching the old dude get thrashed because, hey, ain’t like it was their place to tell the others not to act on their completely justified anger. But when the topic of an execution came up, it didn’t sit right with them. Tomomi didn’t want to watch people die anymore, no matter how much pain they wished they could inflict on the guy.
Things escalated, worryingly so, and Tomomi felt unsure if they should try and do or say something. How far was too far? They just stood and took in the explanations.
Oh, hell, the government was involved? Well, that just made their workload a whole lot bigger, great. Still, that's no excuse. Their contempt for Kojima continued to grow, though a minuscule part of them also pitied the man. They could understand the frustration of having something one loved twisted and malformed, but...They also knew they wouldn’t just stand for it. They couldn’t accept that this man, this man who was brilliant and ambitious enough to get this far with his project, couldn’t conceive of any way to take back what was his. That was just...Pathetic.
But they didn’t need to say that. Tomomi's words would be a drop in the bucket, and if their assessment of the situation was anything to go by, he already had quite a handle on the self-hatred thing. Then, though, he started talking about being an adult, about how horrible it was, how doomed life was, and they could not, would not, stand for that.
They were sick of being told 'no.' They were sick of being told things were hopeless, that the world's always going to be a cruel place. They were done hearing that they'd never have a chance. What did anyone else know? What did an old, crumbling failure of a man know about fighting and winning? Seeing Kojima's outbursts and then recognizing their own passions flaring up this furiously made them feel, for the first time in so long, so young.
They gritted their teeth and practically hissed their words out, quieter than usual. They didn't expect anyone to listen to them or even hear them, they just had to say it. They couldn't let that sentiment go unfought.
"That's a lesson I've already learned, buddy, and I think it's time for an update to the curriculum. It doesn't have to be that way. It doesn't have to be cruel, or selfish, or corrupt. There's always a way to change what you don't like. I'm going to prove you wrong. Even if I have to take down all of HPA, all of our government, I'm going to do whatever it takes to bring justice to all of my friends, to everyone affected by all of these slaughters. I'd rather die fighting than live like a coward knowing their evils are still going unchallenged."
"You blundered, but I won't. Everyone is going to know what happened here."
What they saw before them was a warning, something they had the potential to turn into. But they're smarter, they're more determined. They got this far, and they could keep going. They could succeed in life where Kojima failed. They refused to be anything like that.
When Arisa made her way to Dororou and pulled on his hair, Tomomi crossed their arms, ignored the sting from her words to Kojima and focused on the more important matter. They were louder now, with as stern a tone as they could manage, the lingering embers of a slowly flickering fire.
"Hey, HEY! Arisa, c'mon, pull back. The last thing we need right now is to start getting into fights with one another, not when we're right at the home stretch, here. I don't care what happens to Bastard Prime over there, look at him - He's already totaled. If he doesn't die in here, they'll come for him out there. Even if they don't somehow, he'll have to live the rest of his life in shambles as an ancient, colossal failure bearing the weight of what he's done.
He will suffer in his last moments, whether they're in here or out there. So stay focused, yeah? Save your brawls for when we're all breathing fresh air."
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jokikudistrict · 6 years
hewwo mistew obama?? ♡ arisa ♡ mm trial ♡ re: dororou ♡ attn: dororou
Her classmates had points all around. Give them the key. Give them the way to escape. The clock was ticking down and, even though they still had a few days, they needed to get out. Maybe, if they got out in time, they could get to the police to get evidence from this place. Maybe they could expose the superiors Kojima was talking about. Hopefully, them reporting this would....yield some sort of result. They could expose the people behind it truly and they could live their lives knowing the a*sholes were behind bars and Kojima six feet under. Or more. Who knows if he would make it to a formal grave? Did their friends? If not, then he doesn't deserve one.
Seems like someone here has some different ideas. Seems like Dororou thinks someone deserves salvation. That he deserves a chance. That he deserves to live.
Slowly, she walks over to Dororou. Her back is straightened and her shoulders are squared, arms crossed over her chest. Once she's in front of him, she tilts her chin up and pushes her sleeves up to her shoulders, showing off her arm muscles.
"He sees himself in Otome Ito. She was the mastermind behind a murder game where people died as well!! He was just acting out his fuckin' dream! Are you seriously saying that Hime kin trash like him should live!? I am willing to cut Chad and Keiichi-kun a break. I am completely willing to do that since it seems like one had no clue what the f*ck was going down, even if he may have, at some point, agreed to it, and one wants to murder the bastard as much as I do. Really, I can relate."
Walking behind Dororou, she grabbed a chunk of his hair and pulled. Hard.
"I don't care what the fuck you think....Bastard deserves it. None of us did."
She laughs at Kojimas words and snarls.
"Your friends and families would have died, huh? Like what you threatened to do to ours? They broke your legs, huh? Good. You d*mn near broke our spirits. It's what you deserve....I hope when this city gets destroyed, your legs get crushed again and you're stuck here. You don't die a quick death, you die from starvation...You adults are all the same. You either hate, hurt, or ignore. That's all. You disgust me....I ain't met a d*mn adult who didn't, and, god, I'm starting to think they just aren't real...."
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jokikudistrict · 6 years
get in, loser, we're going shopping | arisa | closed for tomomi
This. Sucked. It was awful. Sure, it was also completely different from what Arisa had always been used to, but it was also just flatout terrible and awful and she hated it here!! She wanted to go home!! But no, she was stuck in this industrial hell until she died, she guessed. Or until they finally figured out a way outta here. That whole thing didn't seem to be going well either. Well, they had all of the time in the world to figure it out! And by that, she meant they had...jeez, how many days had they been here? Whatever, they only had a limited amount of time if what the build-a-bear reject said was the truth. Your high school years were supposed to be the best of your life! Clearly, whoever made this up missed that memo.
In any case, she also was aware that her time here was going wildly better than some of her classmates'. One in particular stood out to her as needing help. She shivered a bit remembering their vastly different expression and behavior to this whole thing. She couldn't help but worry about Tomomi....She didn't know screens could even do that. Were they okay? Arisa decided to leave them to themself for a while so they could calm down, but eventually, her worries grew too great and she decided to check up on them.
Strolling up to their room's door, she knocked against it lightly and called out.
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"Tomo-san? Hey, hey, are you in there? It's Arisa! D'you...well, I guess we can't go and, um, watch movies like I promised, but we can go shopping! I looked around a little bit and there's a clothing store, I think? There's also a bookstore! We can, I dunno, go and see if they have your books? I guess I can't get an audio book anymore, but, hey, there's a first time for everything, right? Um, so, yeah..."
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jokikudistrict · 6 years
Fear and Loathing || Haruna || Open Reaction
Well. This was a surprise. And not the pleasant kind. Why was this happening? Another killing game, broadcast to the world, like that event that happened so long ago? Was it selfish of her to wonder why it was her of all people put in this situation?
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And even worse still, if they did nothing they were all going to die? By choking on polluted air? It would almost feel like poetic justice if it were happening to some of the more well off students there, but to her? She just didn't get it. 
Genuine fear race up Haruna's spine. What was she going to do?
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Haruna tentatively glanced around to see if she recognized anyone. Some she'd met during the week, others she'd just seen around, and there were a few she'd researched on her own time. Right off the bat, there were a few she could count as potential threats.
If she wanted to get out here safely, she needed allies, actual friends. The problem was figuring out who was worthy of trusting.
"I-I want to go home," Haruna whimpered. She held her body tightly and shivered. "I wanna go home already! Why is this happening?"
Who here would be kind enough to comfort her?
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jokikudistrict · 6 years
Affolé. | Stelloïse? | Trial 4.6 | Re: Uta
[cw: panic attack]
Stella’s eyes dart around the room, staying on high alert as chaos began to sweep the entire trial room. She was supposed to be enjoying something like this, something so high energy and chaotic, but instead, she just feels that something is wrong. That thing aren’t supposed to be this way.
She notices, for a brief moment, the mumbling coming from Keiichi, but she knows that commenting on any of it wouldn’t make any sense– and it isn’t like she has the time to anyway, because out from the corner of her eye, he was starting to make his way over to her. Stella steps away from her podium, eyeing him carefully, watching his hand raise up to strike, she supposes, and that’s when she dodges and turns to run–
Or at least that was the plan. Before she can get very far, Stella finds herself on the ground, her breath shallow as the sudden impact knocks some air out of her for a moment. Just for a moment, it is only for a moment. She knows she is supposed to think quickly now, to get up on her feet and continue running. She falls all the time doing parkour, and she is supposed to always know how to get out of a situation like this. She isn’t supposed to–
Panic. She feels it in her chest as soon as she feels Uta press their foot onto her back, applying even pressure on her ribcage. She freezes, hands that were previously ready to push her off of the ground, now starting to shake as the pressure on her chest gets heavier and heavier. She can barely hear the words coming from Uta’s mouth, but they sound so familiar.
‘Go on. It’s okay. Everything is okay. Breath, Héloïse, Breath.’
But… that doesn’t make sense. Those are Héloïse’s memories. She is Stella. Héloïse is dead. Stella isn’t supposed to start panicking at something like this, so why was she…?
Stella closes her eyes, taking a laboured breath in as if she is being suffocated right there. She can feel her eyes stinging with tears again, but this time, she can’t hold them back. No, she wasn’t supposed to cry. Héloïse doesn’t cry like this. But no, she isn’t Héloïse, she’s Stella. Stella does not cry like this. She isn’t supposed to–
The teen on the ground barely registers the pressure on her back lifting off, but she feels as if she can move again, only to really have her fear set in deep. She slowly begins breathing quicker, shaking as she lifts herself up to sit on her knees, curling her body forward as she stares at the ground and heaves as she tries to breathe, she can’t breathe and everyone is staring at her crying, and she cannot breathe. The Duval grasps at the compression shirt she is wearing and she realizes that she doesn’t even feel real right now. She isn’t real. Who is she? She grips the collar of the compression shirt on her and pulls it off, past the blue sweater, throwing it onto the ground in front of her. It isn’t enough, she still feels like she can’t breathe, she doesn’t feel real, she isn’t supposed to cry, but…
She does. In the midst of her lightheadedness, the beginnings of her hyperventilating, the gripping of the blue sweater, she sobs, looking away from the crowd and hiding her face. She isn’t supposed to be crying right now. She isn’t supposed to be doing this! What would Stella do? What would Héloïse do? What is she supposed to do?
She’s alone, and she doesn’t even know who she is.
As the Duval remains shaking on the ground, her hands grasping at the collar of the sweater, trying to relieve any pressure that she feels in her lungs. Anyone bothering to look at her at all can easily see the scabbing scar that she refused to show Arisa earlier, perfectly matching the dead Duval’s scar back in the rig storage. She tries her best to regulate her quickened breathing, but she feels that she can’t even handle something as simple as that.
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jokikudistrict · 6 years
Put Out | Megumi | Trial 2.3 | ATTN: Everyone
The willpower with which Megumi has been keeping herself looking alert suddenly leeches away. Her eyes go unfocused and half-lidded as she coughs, and the hand she has on her chest shifts down to press insistently against her stomach. She starts to say something, though, shaking her head in a futile effort to alleviate her headache.
“What was it… Aina’s… she said…”
Megumi grimaces, as if reciting takes an exorbitant amount of effort on top of the pain she’s feeling. She shuts her eyes and leans into her podium for ever-more-necessary support, while coughs that turn into gasps fill the pauses she makes. For a moment, her eyes open wide in fearful recollection before something tightens again, and Megumi’s eyes snap shut. Delirium tinges her voice.
“R-Right… Sorry listeners… technical difficulties… we’ll be right back after, after this… a-announcement…”
Both hands go to her stomach, and her elbow slips off the podium. It happens so quickly that it could be comical, the tall girl crumpling where she stood in scarcely the time it takes to put out a candle, only it’s abundantly obvious how deadly serious this is. She curls up on the ground, and her hands go from her stomach to her mouth again just in time for a hacking cough that leaves a trickle of saliva on the floor. The frequency of coughs lessens instantly.
Her movements, her struggles to breathe all cease. In no time at all, and in the trial area no less. Megumi Hirase, your classmate and the SHSL Candle Maker, lies dead among this circle of her peers.
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jokikudistrict · 6 years
Busted Marigolds // Kimiko // Body Drop Reaction
For the longest time, since her grandmother’s passing that altered her life much, much differently, Kimiko hadn’t dealt with death. She was grateful, that shop owners retired long before time guided them elsewhere, grateful that families took over shop and grateful she could get her goodbye’s in. Death-- she.. Didn’t want to say it was a thief. Everyone was here on borrowed time, she believed, and that alone made her so much more grateful for everything, for every breath she took-- Even when she was struggling, she looked forward towards everyday. Waking up, in itself, was a gift.
Now, death loomed heavily here. People lost themselves within every breath, and she worried about her safety more than ever, even her mother’s safety. Kimiko’s heart churned thinking about it all.. Some of these people.. Came here from so much, life skimmed on giving them lessons that could help them so much. Families-- Kimiko only had her mother. She was everything to her, and for a long as she could remember since her grandmother’s passing, Kimiko had done her hardest to make things easier for her.
Now-- Taking time to think, to understand her feelings and try to nip away at that denseness, it had made Kimiko anxious. These people had folk that loved them, adored every inch of them even if they didn’t know it. And now, three people are dead. Two of them, being classmates of hers. No, she never got the chance to know them.. But her heart hurt for these girls.
Seeing their bodies, she cried in anger. Brows furrowed, tears streaming down her face, soul aching. She wasn’t exactly sure what to think of it all… especially what she had witnessed. Why would someone.. Do such a thing? It made her furious. This-- this willingness to kill. To be killed. There had to be some way to have avoided all of this--- People had value! So what, no matter what motive there was, there could have been some way to avoid all of it..
She was genuinely at a lost.
Squatting a safe distance from these girls, she looked over them carefully, making sure to bless them and offer prayers for their safe travel in the astral plane. For good luck, Kimiko asked her grandmother to guide them, she felt as though her grandmother would make things easier for them.. She was the greatest! And Kimiko loved her so much.
Now, she.. Had even more time to think about it all. With a trial approaching for sure-- maybe she’d be brave enough to actually help this time-- !!
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jokikudistrict · 6 years
Now That My Heart Returns | Tomomi | Motive Reaction
Tomomi kept their expression cold as Muffin was brutally made an example of. It's just a machine, after all, and ultimately it was better to happen to one of the robots than one of the people. They decidedly ignored the writhing feeling in their gut seeing such an agreeable and amiable face contorted like that, to hear the once welcome and friendly tones screaming out in pain. They ignored their own flinching. Weren't they above this all? Didn't they have to be?
They felt a little bit better (and immensely guilty because of it) when they looked at their PDA and saw...Tears welled up in their eyes. Tomomi missed that person so much, had been wanting so much to see them again, but not like this. How could they have known? How did they know this, and yet...? Nothing mattered, did it? Nothing they've ever done managed to do anything. Not if what they were seeing was the truth. If it was the truth. What was true anymore?
It was all simply too much to process, too much new information was trying to settle in their head at once. Everything mattered and nothing mattered. Everything was good, and everything had come crashing down. Truth and lies overlapped each other, created a knot of confusion, left Tomomi wondering what was even happening. There was so much to do, so very little time left, and the panic rising up in their brain made their head feel like it was going to burst from the drumming, bludgeoning sensation. They needed to do something.
Their head hurt. Their eyes hurt. Everything hurt, in a way words couldn't begin to explain. It was a dragging, drowsy ache, and a sharp, frantic prickling. Every part of them felt uncomfortable and it was at a time like this where, had they the presence of mind to recall it, they'd wish they really were an incorporeal alien. But the kicking inside urging them to take some kind of action was enough to get them moving. They needed to sit down and think. If their emotions reached their boiling point, Tomomi couldn't stop them, but they could at least try to sort this mess out in barely solitude. Then, at least, no one would have to bear witness to this sorry mess of a person.
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jokikudistrict · 6 years
Bodies of Work | Tomomi | Haruna
By the next day, Tomomi felt a little better. It was only a tiny bit, but it counted for a lot more than it normally would. Thus they found themself out and about, yet not meandering. No, they had somewhere very specific to be!
Tomomi entered the "Turning Tomes Bookstore" with all the gusto, pizzazz, and pep required of someone of their nature. They burst into the room, cape fluttering behind them, holding up an object in their hands to display it to anyone who might be inside. Subtlety just wasn't in the cards today, it seemed!
Yet, despite their grandiose entrance, Tomomi proceeded to calmly walk through the store, quietly examining each shelf. They ran the fingers of their free hand over the books as they passed them, but did not stop on any particular one. At a normal sequence of time, they would love nothing more than to examine each one in full detail. A book was a living entity, perhaps not organically, but in essence, and Tomomi would love to indulge and give their time away to most of the titles...If only they hadn't been plopped into a killing game, oh well.
They quickly found themself unable to find the object they were looking for, and a wave of disappointment washed over them. The feeling was so strong, that they couldn't help but announce it loudly, unaware of any other presence in the room,
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"Where's a cosmic entity like me supposed to get a decent notebook around here? One would think that would be a logical provide-ance, and yet, alas, my wants are a void in this place! My hearts, an empty chasm!"
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jokikudistrict · 6 years
Danger Music | Yoshiko | Motive Reaction
(Smoking tw)
Things had been tough for one Yoshiko Maki. She had only just started to leave the apartment building, finding that she felt better the more she started to rely on her friends here.
Her face fell upon receiving the order to meet outside the apartments. Her heart started to race, and even though she doubted that it was another murder... The anxiety was there.
She made her way down to the front and... Wow. She wasn't positive what it could be. She opened her PDA, heart speeding up. She held the electronic with shaking hands, staring as her mouth slowly widened.
She had forgotten about that. Maybe tried to repress it. She didn't want to have to think about it, about what happened, about the outcome. And it didn't even fully say what happened, leaving her mind to imagine millions of scenarios.
If she wasn't worried before, she was worried now.
She shoved her PDA in her pocket, and pulled something else out. A package of cigarettes and a lighter. She shoved one between her lips and lit it, stalking off towards the park, puffing out smoke as she stomped.
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jokikudistrict · 6 years
Glide | Stella | Chapter 1 [Seishiro]
At first glance, the mall looks pretty boring. The stores are unfamiliar, but for the most part, Stella can guess at what kinds of things she can find in each place. Based on the types of stores, it seems like a pretty standard mall. If anything, the most interesting places are the theater and the arcade.
However...as Stella enters the building, she sees something else that is, surprisingly, interesting.
Watching the person on the ice, Stella is careful to stay closer to the shops of the mall, at least at first. She's never really tried figure skating, and the most she's ever seen is whatever was on TV. Once she's sure she won't be noticed right away, Stella slowly wanders forward and leans against the boards so that she can watch him skate.
...Interesting indeed.
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jokikudistrict · 6 years
chpt 1, keiichi ★ reaction, open ★ cool enough
Why was this bear talking so damn much? Everything had gone way too fast for Keiichi, his mind backed up with confusion and intense frustration that was foreign to him. His legs felt heavier than normal, and Keiichi was preoccupied with that strange sensation than the off banter from a purple bear. Dusting off his pants, his awkward glare grew soft as the thing went on with a laugh here and there.
They were expected to- what, exactly? Karōshi-kuma talked and talked as if they were attending some sort of job fair, and Keiichi was never about those sort of events, but once the student started picking up on what the bear was telling them... One of those lines- to kill for it- it had said with demand and strength in its tone. The further it went on, the more Keiichi began to envy some of the others around him.
The others-- he had just realized that there was more than just a few people around him. All were people his age, teenagers that he had remember seeing from the school. Whether it was from passing conversation or just from a glance while walking around, he could recognize a good chunk of them. Once Karōshi-kuma had decided to drop the biggest news on them- a threat- that was when he became envious. 
Some students reacted strongly, either mocking the bear or rolling their eyes defiantly. Sure, a majority seemed to react in shock or fear, but Keiichi wished he could be part of that minority. Arisa attempted to lift some cheer by establishing some kind of idea of coming together for teamwork, while Yoshiko delivered a fair warning of what might come. They were both right, absolutely, but----
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Fear of this degree was something entirely unfamiliar for Keiichi.
His scariest memory as a youngster was his mom repeatedly warning him to watch out for strangers at the park. She would frighten him consistently with scary stories of how a strange man would pick him up as he'd scream and kick, and no one would help him because they would believe he was a toddler throwing a tantrum to their parent. Wait, he just realized, that was basically what happened though, wasn't it?
He had been kidnapped- they all had- by some strange, sick person.
Keiichi couldn't get his voice out of his throat for the life of him.
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