#Jeremy Sarmiento
corriganatheart · 1 year
Hi can i request Jeremy sarmiento a fanfic abt how the reader and him start as bsf and how he would ask her out like when he realized he liked the reader and how he confesses
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Genre: best friend to lover
Pairing: Jeremy Sarmiento x fem!reader
“I told you to be a goalie, not a paparazzi!” Jeremy yelled from the center line. You chuckle and put your phone back in your pocket. “Your Instagram has been a little dry lately!” You yelled back. Jeremy rolls his eyes and starts preparing himself for a free kick. He has been practicing nonstop since he was told that he’d be playing in the upcoming World Cup. It had been his dream since elementary school to play for his country and meet the best soccer players in the world. And you, his best friend, supported him and always practiced soccer after school. And now, being an adult, you’re still doing that.
You prepare to stop the ball when you hear his cleat hit it, and the ball aggressively comes toward you. You manage to touch the ball with your fingers before it slips past you and into the net. “That’s the 10th goal!” You shouted while grabbing the ball behind you. “That’s not good enough! It hit your fingers!” He yells back, causing you to frown. Jeremy wanted to perfect his kick because he wanted to play in the World Cup and not just be benched the whole game. You don’t blame him, but you wish he knew it was already a huge accomplishment to even be on the national team.
“Jer, let’s take a break,” you called out after five more free kicks. “Your coach sent you to visit your family to rest before the real practice,” you added while collecting the ball next to you along with bottles of water. You heard him groan but didn’t argue back. It has been a while since he visited his hometown, and you guys have been spending the evening every day practicing and going to ice cream shops after; you were grateful to see your best friend again before he got too busy. You know he’d be exposed to more media after the World Cup, and you can already see the numerous girls falling for his looks.
"Let's go to the convenience store and get some coconut ice cream," you said after handing him his ball back. Jeremy nods, still looking upset about the last free kick. He didn't miss it, but it was close to the pole, and if you were a pro goalie, you probably would've been able to stop that. "Jer, don't be so hard on yourself," you said and patted his back. Jeremy lets out a heavy sigh after he feels your touch and breaks a smile. "Thanks, Y/N, for helping me again," he says.
"What team are you planning on transferring to?" you asked while licking the ice cream and trying not to get messy. After a long silence, Jeremy finally answers your question. "It would be cool if one day I can play in PSG," he shrugs. You chuckle, remembering his obsession with his role model Neymar. "Are you going there for the team or for a certain someone?" you asked. Jeremy smiles and shakes his head, "he'll probably retire by the time I play for the team." You look at Jeremy from the corner of your eyes and realize how sad he looks from saying that. These days he has been training harder so he can represent his country as well as get recognized by his favorite player. "He is still young," you said. Jeremy nods in agreement and catches a glimpse of your smile from the corner of his eyes. He quickly looks away after catching his heart beating faster and his stomach fluttering.
"I know you'll be able to achieve whatever your heart desire Jeremy," you said. You look at the sun setting when you guys reach the bridge that has become familiar to you. Jeremy pauses and stares at the sunset beside you; the orange mix with pink horizon brings back memories of when you were kids. Back then, you were taller than him and much braver. He was a little boy with a big dream that seemed impossible in the small town he was from. It was at the soccer field, the one you guys were at, when a bunch of older boys were making fun of him for thinking he'd be a pro athlete. Looking back, they were all jealous that he was much more skilled than them at such a young age. Jeremy remembers crying because they were degrading his soccer cleats and skills when you, a girl much younger than those guys, came and yelled at them. They almost pushed you, too, until you screamed for help, causing them to run away. Back then, Jeremy thought you were the coolest person on earth, and now staring at you as you watch the sunset with that smile on your face as your hair flows from the breeze, his opinion still hasn't changed.
"Y/N," he mutters, causing you to turn to him. Jeremy was already staring at you, and he had the softest, loving smile on his face. Your heart flutters at the sight of him. It was no secret that Jeremy has always been attractive and the most handsome boy in your school. That is why you have only managed to have one real friend because the rest only wanted to be your friend because of him. As attractive as he was, you still felt like he was a friend and never crossed the line, but at this moment, after many years of friendship, you felt like a string was being tested. Jeremy was standing in front of you with a different demeanor. The way he was looking at you was causing you to want to cross the line, yet you aren't sure if it was the sunset, the warm breeze, or ice-gray eyes staring at you like you were the most beautiful thing on earth. Still, you didn't take another step because that would mean crossing the line, and you aren't sure if either you or Jeremy has thought that through. "Y/N," he says again, this time with much more determination. "Thank you for always being there for me and being my best friend." Your heart jumps, but it isn't the warm feeling as before; it is more of a reminder that he is your best friend and you shouldn't break this friendship.
Jeremy examines your feature as he waits for you to say something. You have grown into such a beautiful woman that he doesn't recall puberty years anymore. Back then, you were very insecure about the acne during your teenage year and would complain to him about your period cramps so that he could take pity on you and buy you snacks. Jeremy did that because he wanted to, not because you forced him to. And despite you calling yourself ugly, he thought you were always cute. And now you have molded into a woman, and his stomach felt twisted, realizing you both are grown now, a man and a woman, yet there was no other man or woman in your lives besides one another.
"Jeremy," you said, causing him to get out of his twisted thoughts. He watches as you roll your right hand into a fist and place it on your chest. "I am your biggest supporter and will always be your number-one fan," you said with much motivation. He felt a soft breeze runs through his hair and his heart sped up from the sight in front of him. "No matter where you go, I will support you and am proud to call you my partner for life!" Jeremy's eyes widen, and he felt his breath hitch. This was it, he thought; I can never let you go.
That night, he lay in bed, staring at the ceiling that he hadn't seen for months because of his busy schedule. Despite being gone and basically changing his location due to his club, his parents left his room the same, including the posters and the framed photo of you two graduating from elementary school and high school. Jeremy, rethink the times you have been there for help, and there were times when he was an absolute jerk, yet you still comforted and motivated him to move forward. You never miss his games since grade school and volunteer to be a manager during middle school through high school just so you can help him accomplish his dream. Jeremy smiles at the thought of you attending college for sports medicine so you can be part of any of the teams his heart goes to. You have sacrificed so much for him, and he hasn't even done anything for you. He closes his eyes and thinks of what you said earlier today; there is no way he could ever find a girl that is supportive and someone that understands him as much as you do. Maybe that is why he always rejected a girl in high school because they only wanted him for his looks. Maybe that is why he frowned when a senior asked you out during your sophomore year and ignored you for days until you told him you rejected the guy. He was selfish for holding you back from those things and only making everything about himself. He was selfish for telling you to be his date to homecoming instead of the guy from science class, and he was selfish for not wanting you to go on a date a couple of months ago because he didn't trust the guy. He was selfish because he.....loves you.
Jeremy's eyes immediately open, and he gets out of bed and puts on his socks and slippers. He is still in his pajama but could care less as he grabs a jacket. He leaves in a couple of days, and he won't forgive himself if he leaves without saying unspoken words to you. He knows the risk he is taking by doing this and will take whatever consequences you have in mind. But if he leaves for months, maybe years, without saying this to you, he will rip his heart out if that is the last thing he does.
Jeremy runs down the neighborhood as dogs bark at him from their backyard, and street cats stare at him like he is out of his mind. He knows the small town so well, especially the way to your house from picking you up for school and sneaking out in the middle of a summer night. He was determined to get to your house despite the dogs and the cats' refusal; he needed this done.
When he finally reached your house, he saw the little lamp light shining through your window; he sighed in relief, knowing that you were still doing homework. He almost feels guilty for doing this while you were studying, but he'll feel more guilty for not doing this, either. Jeremy reached into his pocket, only to feel it empty. Of course, he had forgotten his phone. He cussed at himself for that. Thinking about other options that won't cause a disturbance, he reaches for a small rock lying around, hoping it won't be too strong to break your window. Without hesitation, he just goes for it and throws the rock at your window. He hears a slight thump, and after a short period, you still didn't open the curtain. Jeremy sighs and grabs another rock, this one a little bigger. He throws it again, hearing another thump, but still no you. He frustratedly kicks the ground and grabs another; the third one is always a charm. Praying this would work, he throws the rock as hard as possible, and instead of a thump, he hears a shatter. Oops.
You open the curtain angrily, thinking it is some kid pulling a prank, only to see your 20-year-old friend outside waving at you nervously. You flick him off and frustratedly grab your jacket and put your shoes on. It was ridiculous; the last thing you need is your window broken. You open the front door and shut it silently before you rush toward Jeremy. He looked scared as you approached him, ready to get him arrested for the damage he had done. "Ahum, hi," he said nervously with a small wave. You roll your eyes and cross your arms. "Don't Hi me; what the fuck was that?" you asked. Jeremy scratches the back of his head and nervously chuckles. "I sort of forgot my phone?" he mumbles, and you were ready to murder him right then and there. "So that gives you the right to break my window? Do you know how expensive that is going to be? And if you have forgotten, I am an online college student go can't afford to even get her own apartment, so I am living with my parents and working a part-time job. How am I going to explain this to my parents? My childish friend forgot his phone, and his first thought was to break my window?"
Jeremy, watch as you lecture him about his childish moves and how much that would cost you. Of course, he was going to pay for this but seeing you upset him only makes his heart flutters more. You were always so patient and calm with him, but there was some occasion when you would get mad at him for being stupid, and those were rare. He can't help but smile at how cute you look, hair up in a messy bun, fresh face with your round computer glasses, an oversize hoodie that he sure was his, a pajama that was a little too childish for your age, and slippers to match it.
"Are you making fun of me? Whatever, if you are done pissing me off, I am going back inside," you said and turned around and started to walk, but Jeremy grabbed hold of your wrist and pushed you back to his chest. Your eyes widen at his action. You can feel his heart beating and his chest rising up and down. You looked up at your bedroom window and cringed at the sight of the small crack, but the anger was overturned by curiosity, wondering why Jeremy was in such a rush that he forgot his phone. "Is everything ok?" you asked. You hear him gulp, and your heart starts beating faster, breathing gets heavier. "I'm leaving in a couple of days," he said. Your heart sank, aware that it'll be a while until you see him again. "I know, Jer," you whisper.
He didn't say anything for a while, making you more worried. It was already weird that you guys were in such an awkward position to the point where you could feel his breath on your neck, which wasn't an unpleasant feeling, but you also didn't like the new feeling it was giving you. "I need to tell you this before I leave," he said. You nod your head. "You are my best friend," he mumbles. You nod again, fully aware of your relationship with him. "and my lifelong partner," he repeats the words you said at the bridge. You nod again, wondering where this is leading. "I wish for none of that to change, but one of it has to," he said. You froze, and your heart did too. No, he can't mean that; there can be two interpretations of what he says. Jeremy would never think of you that way, but the next sentence he says causes you to change your mind.
"I cannot go another day telling myself that you are my best friend when you are more than that. You are my lifelong partner, who knows me in and out. The only person who understands what I am going through and the person who I can trust to never leave my side. I am sorry for being selfish; you always cared for me and never asked for anything. It took me a while to realize that, and I am sorry. Please let me make it up to you. Stay by my side as my partner and help me accomplish my dream; I need you. Be my girlfriend, Y/N. Let me love you."
For the next few minutes, you remain silent, standing still as Jeremy's arms are wrapped around your waist while your back is leaning on his chest. This was a lot to digest, but you knew your answer as you felt his head on your shoulders, waiting for you to say something. To confirm something. You were overwhelmed by the emotions rising up to your heart that you could fall at any minute, but you knew Jeremy would catch you. "Y/N, please say something," he whispers. You turned around and finally saw his face after his confession. He looked worried that you wouldn't say yes, but his hands were still on your hips. "Jer, I would follow you everywhere you go. I would support you through everything. And, of course, I would be your girlfriend." You see his shoulders relax as he smiles down at you. He places your foreheads together and closes his eyes. "I want to kiss you so bad, but I want our first kiss to be at a special place," he whispers, and you can tell he was trying too hard not to kiss you right then and there. You smile and cup his cheeks, "What do you have in mind?" you ask. Jeremy sighed and fought to not kiss you by biting his lips. "I have a confession," he mumbles. You wait for him to continue by creasing his cheeks. "I have thought of kissing you before, and imagine that it is at the soccer field where we first met, but there are roses lying everywhere on the field, and us playing soccer until I find the courage to kiss you," he said. You chuckle at that; it was cute, but was it worth waiting for? "Jer, this is already special, and besides, we have so much time to do whatever we want," you said; you were now leaning a little forward. Jeremy opens his eyes and looks down at your lips. "I'll just save the idea for the proposal," he said, and giving you no time to digest another shocking confession, he immediately leaned in, locking your lips with his.
"Wow, this is beautiful," you said while looking at the ocean view. Jeremy nods in agreement as he wraps his hands around your waist. "Right baby, this country is beautiful. You are written everywhere," he said. You blush at his cheesy compliment and continue to admire the view.
Ecuador had just won their opening game, and he was happy. It made him happier that you are here with him, and now he just had to convince you to move in with him at Brighton and Hove. Hopefully, you would follow him because he can't imagine going months without seeing you now that you guys are dating, but he would also agree with whatever you wanted as long as he gets to be with you.
"Are you excited to see Neymar in person, babe?" you asked. Jeremy smiles and nods. "I am sorry if I turn gay for him, baby," he teases and kisses your forehead. You roll your eyes and nudge his waist a little. "Who says I am not trying to return to the hotel with him, too?" you asked, causing Jeremy to frown. You chuckle and peck him on the lips, immediately brightening his mood. "I would never trade you for anyone else. Have you forgotten that I am your biggest supporter?" you asked. Jeremy smirks, and you both stare at one another, and this time it isn't just a friendly stare between two childhood best friends but between lovers. "And I love you for that," he says.
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apollosbane · 1 year
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uptheredslfc · 2 years
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This is the son of Kai Havertz and Bobby Firmino
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justisco · 2 years
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sportworldtone · 2 years
Jeremy Sarmiento
Jeremy Sarmiento is an international Ecuadorian footballer. In October 2021, Sarmiento was named in the Ecuador senior team to play the 2022 World Cup qualifiers match against Colombia, Venezuela, and Bolivia. You may get here Jeremy Sarmiento footballer's career, FIFA 22, height, wife, family, net worth, and more
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trentskis · 1 year
don't show me jeremy sarmiento..
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ahorcandoelpato · 2 years
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¡LOS JÓVENES AL PODER! 😍⚡ Ecuador🇪🇨 debutó con victoria en la #FIFAWorldCup    #Qatar2022   . 🔸José Cifuentes (23) 🔸Gonzalo Plata (22) 🔸Moisés Caicedo (21) 🔸Piero Hincapié (20) 🔸Jeremy Sarmiento (20) ¡UNA GENERACIÓN ILUSIONANTE! https://www.instagram.com/p/ClMSEmeuRqR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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watchnewz · 2 months
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ipswichtowns · 2 months
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soikeoclubnet · 2 years
Soi kèo, nhận định Brighton vs West Ham, 22h00 ngày 22/05/
Soi kèo, nhận định Brighton vs West Ham, 22h00 ngày 22/05/
Brighton vs West Ham sẽ đối đầu trong ngày 22 tới đây.  West Ham cần có một kết quả tốt để nuôi hy vọng tham dự cúp châu Âu, nhưng Brighton đang là đội bóng có phong độ rất tốt trong thời gian gần đây.
Soi kèo Brighton vs West Ham
Soi kèo, nhận định PSG vs Metz: 02h00 ngày 22/05/2022
Soi kèo, nhận định Inter Milan vs Sampdoria: 23h00 ngày 22/05/2022
Soi kèo, nhận định Fiorentina vs Juventus: 20h00 ngày 22/5/2022
Brighton hiện đang đứng tại vị trí thứ 9 trên bảng xếp hạng giải quốc nội. Thành tích của đội bóng này là 11 trận thắng, 14 trận hòa và 11 trận thua. Số bàn thắng ghi được là 38 pha lập công còn số bàn thua mà họ phải nhận là 42 lần phải vào lưới nhặt bóng.
5 trận gần nhất trên sân nhà của mình, Brighton có được 1 trận thắng, 2 trận hòa cùng với 2 trận thua. Lần ra sân mới nhất của họ tại sân nhà là trận thắng 4-0 trước Man United. 
West Ham đứng tại vị trí thứ 7 trên bảng xếp hạng giải quốc nội. Thành tích của đội bóng này là 16 trận thắng, 7 trận hòa và 13 trận thua. Số bàn thắng ghi được là 57 lần làm rung lưới đối thủ còn số bàn thua là đang dừng lại ở con số 46 bàn.
5 trận gần nhất trên sân khách của mình, West Ham có được 2 trận thắng cùng 3 trận thua. Lần ra sân mới nhất của họ trên sân khách là trận thắng 4-0 trước Norwich.
Soi kèo Brighton vs West Ham
Bên phía Brighton cầu thủ đang có số pha lập công nhiều nhất là Leandro Trossard với 8 bàn thắng. Trong khi đó bên phía West Ham cầu thủ đang có số pha lập công nhiều nhất là Jarrod Bowen với 10 bàn thắng. 
8 trận đã gặp nhau gần nhất, Brighton đã chiến thắng 2 lần còn West Ham có 0 lần dành chiến thắng. Có tới 6 lần trận đấu giữa hai đội kết thúc với tỷ số hòa. Lần gần nhất cả hai đụng độ, tỷ số hòa 1-1 đã xuất hiện trên sân nhà West Ham.
Sự cân bằng trong kèo đấu này được thể hiện với việc Brighton vs West Ham đã có kết quả hòa trong cả 6 lần đụng độ mới nhất.
Trận đấu tới, Brighton sẽ thiếu vắng đi Jakub Moder, Enock Mwepu và Jeremy Sarmiento vì lý do chấn thương. Trong khi đó West Ham thiếu đi Angelo Ogbonna vì lý do tương tự.
Mùa giải năm nay, Brighton kiểm soát bóng trung bình là 55%, có 9.9 cú sút mỗi trận và có được 1.1 bàn thắng. Trong khi đó West Ham kiểm soát bóng trung bình là 48%, có 10.4 cú sút mỗi trận và có được 1.6 bàn thắng.
Nhận định kèo châu Á Brighton vs West Ham: Brighton +0.25
Trên sân nhà của mình Brighton thắng 4/18 trận và để thua 7 lần. Trong khi đó West Ham trên sân khách thắng 7/18 và thua 8 trận.
Với việc hai đội thường cầm chân nhau với tỷ số hòa trong 6 lần đụng độ gần nhất, và Brighton được chấp kèo thì đây sẽ là kèo đánh khá tốt cho anh em.
Lựa chọn Brighton trận này.
Soi kèo tài xỉu Brighton vs West Ham: Chọn tài 2.75
Brighton trong 3 trận gần nhất trên sân nhà chỉ có được 6 bàn thắng, trong khi đó West Ham trong 3 trận gần nhất đá trên sân khách có được cho mình 4 bàn thắng.
Lựa chọn tài bàn thắng trận này.
Dự đoán tỷ số: Brighton 2 – 2 West Ham
Nhận định Brighton vs West Ham
2/3 trận đã qua của Brighton trong hiệp 1 có ít nhất một bàn thắng được ghi.
2/3 trận đã qua của West Ham trong hiệp 1 có ít nhất một bàn thắng được ghi.
3/3 trận gần nhất của hai đội có ít nhất một bàn thắng được ghi.
Hai đội được hưởng trung bình 5-6 quả góc/trận.
Hai đội phải nhận trung bình 1-2 thẻ vàng/trận.
Đội hình xuất phát dự kiến hai đội:
Brighton: Sanchez; Veltman, Dunk, Cucurella; March, Bissouma, Caicedo, Trossard; Gross, Mac Allister; Welbeck
West Ham: Fabianski; Johnson, Dawson, Zouma, Cresswell; Soucek, Rice; Bowen, Lanzini, Fornals; Antonio.
Nguồn: https://soikeoclub.net/soi-keo-nhan-dinh-brighton-vs-west-ham-22h00-ngay-22-05-2022/
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corriganatheart · 2 years
Always with You / Jude Bellingham x reader
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Your best friend Jude is tired of you getting heartbroken by guys, so he takes things into his own hands.
Pairings: Jude Bellingham x fem!reader
Genre: Childhood Best Friend to lover
Warning: the reader has been in many toxic relationships
The last name Bellingham kept repeating in the commentator's mouth. This was his fourth goal and everyone in the stadium, including his coach, was shocked. Jude was taking his aggression out on his opponent and was doing everything he could not to look over at you. His teammates Mat and Marius were very aware of the situation as they saw you crying earlier outside the locker room while Jude looked helpless, comforting you. Their only guess was that your boyfriend dumped you because every time this happened, Jude was always more aggressive.
Everyone knew Jude was in love with you except for you. And it always upsets the Borussia Dortmund team whenever you get a new boyfriend because how can someone be so oblivious to another person’s feelings? It wasn’t like Jude was hiding it, either. He always invited you to their game, making sure you were sitting in the front row; you were always his plus one to every event, you were the only person allowed to call him whenever, and he was the only person to pick up the pieces when a boyfriend breaks up with you. Sometimes his teammates thought he deserved better, but they were too scared to voice their opinion because Jude would kill them.
Right now, you are watching your best friend play while your hands are shaking along with the phone in it. Your boyfriend of nine months just broke up with you because he didn’t like the comparison between him and Jude. Every time you post a photo with him, people would comment about his soccer skill compared to Jude or his looks compared to Jude. You and Jude have apologized to him several times for the hate comments, but it got to the point where he couldn’t take it anymore. So today, out of any day, he broke up with you, causing you to have a significant breakdown. Your best friend Jude was as upset as you were and even apologized for being the reason your boyfriend broke up with you. It wasn’t a surprise, though, because every boyfriend you ever had was always jealous of your relationship with Jude and always asked you to choose between them and Jude, but how could you? He was your best friend for many years. Still, you thought this one would be different because he was also a soccer player, and you thought they could bond over that, but it was the total opposite. At the end of the day, he still broke up with you over Jude.
The whistle blew, and the sound of fans cheering filled Jude’s ear. His teammates all jumped on him and patted his back, but he was looking over at you. You were sitting in the very front row behind his coach while looking down at your phone; probably waiting for an apology from your ex. Jude didn’t smile, nor did a win celebration; he just clapped his hands while maintaining eye contact with your form. He wouldn’t tell you, but he always hated every boyfriend you had. The one in the sophomore year was too childish, the one in the senior year was a serial cheater, the one in your first year of college was abusive, and the most recent one was too jealous. None of them deserved you, and he wished you knew how much you deserved better. It was like your standards kept lowering because of your past experiences, and you didn’t think you deserved the best. Jude wishes you could see what he sees. He wishes you knew that you deserve the world and every other planets.
“We play him in a couple of months,” Mat says while staring at you. You were now typing harshly on your phone; he only assumes that you are texting your ex, apologizing for something you didn’t do. “Jeremy Sarmiento is a good player but a pussy if he can’t even handle a simple hate comment,” Mat continues. Jude nods his head and spite on the ground. He doesn’t know what to do; he knows you’re on the verge of giving up on a lasting relationship as long as you’re friends with him. “I fucking hate all the guys that she dated,” he said, hands on his hips. Mat stares at the young player before placing his hand on his broad back. “Maybe it’s time to confess mate.” Jude’s shoulders slumped, and he tilts his head back. His face was now staring up at the small opening of the stadium, he was looking up at the clear sky. “Not yet; it’s too early,” he said, although he had ten years of friendship to confess. “Do so before that ex makes his way back,” Mat shrugged. Jude nods and collects himself before he jogs your way.
You were heavily crying in his car, staring at the photo of you and Jeremy. Jude can’t do anything besides hold your hands while whispering that everything will be ok. It was ridiculous thinking about the amount of time he has said that in the last few years, yet nothing turned out ok. You were always left heartbroken, never fulfilled. Each time you go through a breakup, he picks up the pieces, and after you recover, he is ready to confess, but another guy would always come in. Jude was very good at hiding his emotions, especially regarding you. He was happy when you were, even if it meant pretending. Seeing you happy was his ultimate goal in life, but sometimes he wishes he was the one that made you happy. He knew that you only see him as a friend, even worse, a best friend, which means he had a lesser chance of getting with you. It was selfish of him to hold on to you while you were in a relationship, but you never asked him to leave, and a part of him is too selfish to tell you that he can go if he needs to. If you ever wanted a stable relationship, letting go of him was your best choice, and it wouldn’t be him that made the first move.
“I just don’t understand what I ever did wrong,” you cried while holding on to his hands. He knew he should be comforting you, but it was in these moments that Jude wanted to hold your hands forever and pretend you didn’t hold it for comfort but because you were his. “I loved him so much.”
Jude froze and his hand loosen up, his heart clench at the statement. Those words never came out of your mouth before. Every time he comfort you, you always criticize your ex, not the other way around. “He was so great to me. It’s always the damn comments that gets to him. Jeremy was the perfect guy For me,” you continued to cry. He was now speechless, eyes are staring at your shaken form. You were a beauty despite the tears in your eyes and the mascara running down your cheeks. Any guy would be lucky to call you his, and Jude was even more fortunate to have been by your side since elementary and witnessed you blooming into a beautiful woman. He wished he could have you, but the statement you just declared shattered all the wishes he had. “You-you love him?” He asked, voice noticeably shaking. You nod your head while whipping your tears. Jude felt himself tense up and let go of your hands; he then faced forward, his hands now on the steering wheel. “I’m sorry, Y/N, for being the reason for your break up….again,” he said, head hitting the steering wheel now. You shook your head and placed a hand on his back, “no Jude, it’s not your fault… he just didn’t trust me,” you mumbled. Jude turns his head and stares at you. Your hair was a mess, but not as messy as your face. Your lashes were still wet, and the eye shadow that you had on was all smeared, yet he still couldn’t find any imperfections in you. Jude didn’t hesitate when he reached out to run his thumb across your cheeks, and he liked that you didn’t flinch. “Why don’t we have a burger date tomorrow?” He asked. Your eyes softened, and you smiled, causing his heart to melt. “Are you making it?” You asked. Jude nods, knowing damn well how much you love his cooking, especially his homemade burger. “I sure will for you.”
Jude watches as you talk to the other player's girlfriends. You were getting better, rarely dwelling over your ex anymore, and he was proud. It has been four weeks since your break up with Jeremy, and it was getting closer to his match with Brighton & Hove Albion F.C. Mat, and the others had already warned him about getting physical during the game. They knew how aggressive he could get when it came to your exes, and Jeremy was no exception. “Have you asked her yet?” Mat asked while he watched you interact with his girlfriend. “It might be a little too soon, mate,” Jude says while passing the ball to the older player. Mat signed and hesitated to say something but decided to anyway. “Listen, my girlfriend has a cousin who is really into you…so if you think it won’t work out with Y/N, I would like to set up an arrangement with you two,” Mat said, embarrassed by his suggestion. Jude glanced back at you and thought of the time he dated a girl in high school. It was a former friend of yours, and you were the one that set him up with her. The friend, of course, didn’t know Jude’s feelings towards you and confessed her feelings towards him. He agreed just to see you happy, but when you and your boyfriend at that time broke up, Jude took that as an opportunity to break up with your friend. Eventually, she caught on and started distancing herself from you, which caused the end of your friendship. “Sorry mate, I wouldn’t want anyone to feel like they’re a second choice,” Jude said, knowing that every girl he’ll ever date would be a second choice.
You record him on your Snapchat as he sings along to some cheesy song. You couldn’t help but laugh because he was such a terrible singer, yet he had so much fun. His fans would love you for this. “Seriously, if you keep posting me, everyone will think we’re dating,” Jude said as he tried to grab your phone. “Stop it! I promised a couple of your fans, I would post more boyfriend content!” You exclaimed. Jude likes the sound of that, so he continues to sing along horribly to some cheesy romantic song. “Baby I! Will be loving you till we’re 70!” You laugh at how ridiculous he is acting. Jude continues to sing as you record him. You guys were in his basement after practice and were goofing around like usual. “People fall in love in mysterious ways!” He shouts while standing up to dance. You giggle and pan the camera up as he uses the remote as a microphone. “Jude, say hi to all your girlfriends!” You giggled. Jude smiled and waved at the camera. You press stop, and started to edit the snap. “I swear I must be the most hated girl on social media,” you muttered while trying to find the right filter. He didn’t need it, of course; Jude was extremely handsome; he was perfect in every way. You were always insecure about posting a photo with him, but after his encouragement, you don’t hesitate to post with him anymore. “I can’t believe Gavi follows you now,” Jude says, a hint of jealousy in his voice. You roll your eyes at him and look down at his phone; he is stalking your page. “Shut up; I am honored that Pablo Gavi is following me,” you said with a shrug. Jude rolls his eyes, and he pauses at the sight of Jeremy’s name; you forgot to mention that Jeremy has re-followed you and has even tried to reach out to you again. “I thought he-“Jude didn’t continue what he was saying; instead, he shook his head and closed his phone. “Never mind that, let me make us dinner.”
“Jude?” You said, trying to get his attention. Ever since he saw Jeremy’s name on your follower list, his demeanor has changed, and he hasn’t spoken much. “I didn’t follow him back,” you said. Jude continues to chew on his steak and took a sip of his water. You watch as he wipes his mouth with a cloth before staring back at you. “Do you still love him?” He asked. You notice the uncomfortable shift he made in his seat. His legs were noticeably fidgeting, too, and his hands were clasped together on the table. Jude waits for you to answer, but you aren’t sure of your answer, either. Jeremy was your boyfriend of nearly a year, and to forget him in less than a month would be impossible. “Jude, I can’t answer that,” you said without meeting his eyes. You heard a groan coming out from him and hear the sound of the chair squeaking. “He dumped you because he was insecure; why do you still love him?” Jude asked, his voice sounding a bit rough. He has never yelled at you before. “Jude, I didn’t say that,” you said, face finally meeting his again. You watch as he stood up and turned around; his hands were on his hip. You knew Jude; you knew when he was upset and mad. But that look he gives you before he turns wasn’t the face of an angry Jude; it was the the face of a broken man. You had only seen this when he loses a game. “Why are you like this?” You asked, now standing up and walking towards him. Jude doesn’t say anything; you watch as his head drops, and his shoulder slumps down. You know he needs a hug, he wouldn’t say it, but he needs it. You slowly wrap your arms around his waist and press your head on his back. You felt him tense up at first, but then he slowly softened and placed his hand on yours. “You can tell me anything, Jude,” you mumbled.
Jude’s heart shakes at the thought of you going back to your ex. He knew you, and he knew you would. If you were willing to go back to an abusive ex, you would be ready to go back to an ex that you love. “I hate them all,” he said, his eyes staring straight at his reflection. He can’t see your face because it is hidden behind, but he can see the review on your hands wrapping around his waist through his tv screen. “I fucking hate all your exes because they got to have you,” he said; voice shaking and heart clenching. Jude felt your hands loosen up, but he grabbed ahold of them and kept them on his waist. He could never say this in front of your face. “If you let me, I would kill all of them so you wouldn’t have to worry about them returning,” he continues. “I hate the thought of you being sad. I hate the thought of you being lonely. I hate the thought of you thinking of someone else. I hate the thought of you being someone else’s. I hate the thought of you kissing someone else. I hate the thought of you loving him,” he was now crying. All the stress and the pain finally submerging. “I am in love with you,” he confesses. Jude heard your breathing get heavy from the sound of those words. He could only imagine how you felt. Your best friend of ten years declaring that he has been in love with you forever. “I love you so much it drives me insane,” he said; tears rolling down his eyes. “Sometimes I pray that God would save me from these feelings because I know you would never reciprocate them,” he cries, his vision blurring from the number of tears forming. Jude still couldn’t let go of your hands; they were still tightly wrapped around his waist. “I know you, Y/N, and I know you’re still in love with him,” it hurt him to say those words, but he did. You felt him breath hard and he was struggling to say the next words, but he collected himself and say what he needed to. “If letting go of me is the only way for you to be happy, then I am willing to leave,” he said,” I rather see you happy than see you go through this shit again because of me.” He then let go of your hands, finally breaking the chain.
You scroll through your Snapchat memories up to your middle school years. They were filled up with you and Jude, mostly his soccer matches. You couldn’t help but smile at the thought of him growing up and achieving his goal. It was just announced a week ago that he’d be going to the World Cup, and you couldn’t be happier for him. You watched his interview, and he looked happy, yet there was a void was in his eyes. It has been a month since you last spoke to Jude, and that was the longest you guys have ever gone without speaking. After his confession, you couldn’t help but think of the times he has been there for you. He nearly sacrificed his childhood looking out for you, yet you were so blind to think it was because he was your best friend. If he had wanted nothing but to be your best friend, he would’ve called you out on your stupidity already.
You and Jeremy were on speaking terms again but weren’t feeling the same way. He had apologized for acting ridiculously childish and had tried to make it up to you by sending you flowers or taking you out on fancy dates, but it was different this time. You weren’t in love with him; you just liked the attention he was giving you. Jeremy Sarmiento was every girl’s dream. He was attractive, a fantastic soccer player, romantic, and highly passionate about life, but he was missing something that you wanted, and that was everything that Jude had given you.
You chuckle at the video of Jude making funny faces at the camera. That day you were upset over your test grade but he bought you lunch in hope of cheering you up. You then scroll through another video in which he was massaging your legs because you slip down the stairs. You scroll to another video in which you were dancing to a TikTok and Jude was watching you; his eyes remained on you the entire time with a huge smile plastered on his face. You then pause on the day of your graduation, you made a matching friendship bracelet for Jude, and he showed it off to the camera. You had taken yours off a year later because your boyfriend got mad that it looked like a couple bracelets, but Jude still wore his. You look up his recent interview and see it is still on his wrist. Your heart jumped at the sight of him and the bracelet; it has always been him; it was always him. How could you be so dumb not to realize how much he cared for you? How could you have wasted so much time liking the wrong person? You immediately sat up from your bed and started packing your things. You were going to drive ten hours to see him.
Your eyes wandered around the arena; in hope of finding the team you’ve been looking for. When you arrived at the city, you called Jeremy to let you in the stadium since you didn’t even purchase tickets. Jeremy thought you came to surprise him, but you were about to break his heart like he had broke yours a couple of months ago. You two were ironically standing in front of his locker room, staring at one another. Luckily, no staff was around, and his teammates were too busy yelling in the locker room to hear you. “You want to what?” He asked. Jeremy was dumbfounded by your confession; he didn’t expect you to come here to tell him that you wanted nothing to do with him. “You’re not what I want, Jer,” you said while fidgeting with your hand. He frowned and put his hands on his hips, jaws obviously clenching. “It’s that boy, isn’t it?” He asked. You glared up at him and crossed your arms. “Did you think we would last after what you pulled?” You asked. Jeremy closes his eyes, his breathing becoming heavy. “Fuck that, it’s not worth it,” he spat before furiously turning and slamming the door at you. You sighed and pulled out your phone; you had thirty minutes before their game started. Jude must be warming up on the field by now, so you decided to get some snacks and head to the bench.
You spotted a vending machine near the bathroom and nearly jumped when the door to the men’s bathroom opened, revealing your best friend of many years. He was fixing his practice shirt and looked up to see you standing in front of him. He stared at you, eyes widening like he had just seen a ghost. You took this opportunity to really look at him. He has dark circles like he hasn’t gotten any sleep, and his lips are a bit chapped, but he still looks handsome. “Hi,” you said, causing him to sigh in relief; it was like he thought he imagined things. “Hey,” he said and smiled at you. Even though you guys have known each other for years, for some reason, your tongue was stuck. You didn’t know what to say. Instead, your face was heating up, and you were trying hard not to smile like a teenager in love. “You came,” he said, and his smile dropped after realizing who he was up against.
You guys stare at one another, waiting for the next person to say something. Jude had so many emotions going through his mind; he wanted to ask why you came but was scared it might be for Jeremy. It has been over a month since he last saw you, and he just wanted to wrap his arms around you; you looked so beautiful that it hurt even to look. “I-” he waits for you to say something, to say whatever. It doesn’t matter because he misses you. “I made you this,” you said and Jude looks down at the thing you just grab out of your pocket. His eyes widened when he saw the bracelet in your hand. It was England’s national color with his name and number are on it. He nearly lost it when he saw the bracelet on your hand, too, with the same bracelet from graduation day. “I’m sorry Jude, for not seeing you sooner. I’m sorry that you had to waste so much of your time picking up the pieces for me. I should have been a better friend. I didn’t even do anything for you and the whole time you had to look out for me,” he watches as your breathing became heavier. His heart can explode from the words coming out of your mouth. “I’m sorry you had to go through all that crap. You don’t deserve it. If you forgive me, let me make it up to you as a girlfriend.” Jude's eyes widened, and he didn’t hesitate to pull you into his arms. “You’re everything I ever wanted Y/N. It has always been you,” he whispers.
You smile and tie the bracelet around his wrist over the one from years ago. Jude smiled and caressed your cheeks; this was the happiest he had ever been. “I love you,” he mumbles and locks his lips with yours.
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apollosbane · 1 year
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nievesmorena · 8 months
"Margarita, está linda la mar..."
A Margarita Debayle
Margarita está linda la mar,
y el viento,
lleva esencia sutil de azahar;
yo siento
en el alma una alondra cantar;
tu acento:
Margarita, te voy a contar
un cuento:
Esto era un rey que tenía
un palacio de diamantes,
una tienda hecha de día
y un rebaño de elefantes,
un kiosko de malaquita,
un gran manto de tisú,
y una gentil princesita,
tan bonita,
tan bonita, como tú.
Una tarde, la princesa
vio una estrella aparecer;
la princesa era traviesa
y la quiso ir a coger.
La quería para hacerla
decorar un prendedor,
con un verso y una perla
y una pluma y una flor.
Las princesas primorosas
se parecen mucho a ti:
cortan lirios, cortan rosas,
cortan astros. Son así.
Pues se fue la niña bella,
bajo el cielo y sobre el mar,
a cortar la blanca estrella
que la hacía suspirar.
Y siguió camino arriba,
por la luna y más allá;
más lo malo es que ella iba
sin permiso de papá.
Cuando estuvo ya de vuelta
de los parques del Señor,
se miraba toda envuelta
en un dulce resplandor.
Y el rey dijo: «¿Qué te has hecho?
te he buscado y no te hallé;
y ¿qué tienes en el pecho
que encendido se te ve?».
La princesa no mentía.
Y así, dijo la verdad:
«Fui a cortar la estrella mía
a la azul inmensidad».
Y el rey clama: «¿No te he dicho
que el azul no hay que cortar?.
¡Qué locura!, ¡Qué capricho!...
El Señor se va a enojar».
Y ella dice: «No hubo intento;
yo me fui no sé por qué.
Por las olas por el viento
fui a la estrella y la corté».
Y el papá dice enojado:
«Un castigo has de tener:
vuelve al cielo y lo robado
vas ahora a devolver».
La princesa se entristece
por su dulce flor de luz,
cuando entonces aparece
sonriendo el Buen Jesús.
Y así dice: «En mis campiñas
esa rosa le ofrecí;
son mis flores de las niñas
que al soñar piensan en mí».
Viste el rey pompas brillantes,
y luego hace desfilar
cuatrocientos elefantes
a la orilla de la mar.
La princesita está bella,
pues ya tiene el prendedor
en que lucen, con la estrella,
verso, perla, pluma y flor.
* * *
Margarita, está linda la mar,
y el viento
lleva esencia sutil de azahar:
tu aliento.
Ya que lejos de mí vas a estar,
guarda, niña, un gentil pensamiento
al que un día te quiso contar
un cuento.
~Rubén Darío~
Félix Rubén García Sarmiento, (1867-1916), fue un poeta, periodista y diplomático nicaragüense, máximo representante del modernismo literario en lengua española.
Pintura: Jeremy Lipking, (1975) pintor realista estadounidense.
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justisco · 1 year
jeremy sarmiento looks delish
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nhacaitangtienvip · 1 year
Tỷ lệ kèo bóng đá hôm nay Brighton vs Manchester City, 2h ngày 25/5/2023
Tỷ lệ kèo bóng đá hôm nay Brighton vs Manchester City, 2h ngày 25/5/2023 tại nhà cái da ga truc tiep hom nay. Dự đoán tỷ số bóng đá NHA giữa Brighton vs Manchester City, 2h ngày 25/5/2023.
Brighton gặp đội khách Manchester City tại Sân vận động AMEX trong trận đấu tại Premier League vào thứ Tư.
Để xem tất cả các dự đoán, thăm dò ý kiến người dùng & số liệu thống kê của chúng tôi về trận Brighton & Hove Albion v Manchester City, hãy cuộn xuống (bao gồm cả tỷ lệ cược trận đấu tốt nhất).
Brighton, đội đã thắng trận đấu trước, sẽ hy vọng vào một kết quả tương tự sau chiến thắng 3-1 trước Southampton tại Premier League.
Trong trận đấu đó, Brighton & Hove Albion có 62% thời gian cầm bóng và 26 lần thực hiện mục tiêu với 8 lần trúng đích. Đối với Brighton & Hove Albion, các bàn thắng được ghi bởi Evan Ferguson (29', 40') và Pascal Groß (69'). Đối với đối thủ của họ, Southampton đã có 5 lần cố gắng ghi bàn với 1 lần trúng đích. Mohamed Elyounoussi (58') ghi bàn cho Southampton.
Brighton & Hove Albion đã không thể ngừng ghi bàn, sút trúng đích trong cả 6 trận gần đây của họ.
Họ đã ghi tổng cộng 15 bàn trong thời gian đó trong khi số bàn thua ghi được vào lưới họ là 10.
Manchester City sẽ bước vào trận đấu sau chiến thắng 1-0 tại Premier League trước Chelsea trong trận ra quân gần đây nhất của họ.
Trong trận đấu đó, Manchester City kiểm soát bóng tới 65% và tung ra 15 cú sút trúng khung thành với 2 lần trúng đích. Cầu thủ duy nhất ghi bàn cho Manchester City là Julián Álvarez (12'). Đối với đối thủ của họ, Chelsea có 13 lần dứt điểm và 6 trong số đó đi trúng đích.
Một chuỗi màn trình diễn xuất sắc của các cầu thủ phòng ngự Manchester City đã chứng kiến số bàn thua mà họ phải nhận lên tới 2 bàn trong 6 trận ra quân gần nhất cộng lại. Trong khoảng thời gian đó, các tiền đạo của họ đã ghi được 14 điểm. Sẽ rất thú vị để tìm hiểu xem liệu xu hướng đó có được duy trì trong trận đấu này hay không.
Một cuộc kiểm tra các lần đối đầu trước đó của họ kể từ ngày 07/11/2020 cho thấy rằng Brighton đã thắng 1 trong số họ và Manchester City là 5, với số trận hòa là 0.
Vô số bàn thắng cũng được ghi trong những trận đấu đó - 23 bàn tất cả với trung bình 3,83 bàn mỗi trận.
Trận đấu cuối cùng có sự góp mặt của các câu lạc bộ này là trận đấu ngày 13 của Premier League vào ngày 22/10/2022 với tỷ số cuối cùng là Manchester City 3-1 Brighton & Hove Albion.
Vào ngày hôm đó, Manchester City có 48% thời gian cầm bóng và 10 lần cố gắng ghi bàn với 4 trong số đó trúng đích. Các bàn thắng được ghi bởi Erling Haaland (22', 43') và Kevin De Bruyne (75').
Ở chiều ngược lại, Brighton & Hove Albion tung ra 8 cú sút nhưng 2 trong số đó đi trúng đích. Leandro Trossard (53') là người ghi bàn.
Trận đấu được điều khiển bởi Craig Pawson.
Jeremy Sarmiento (Gãy xương bàn chân) và Tariq Lamptey (Chấn thương đầu gối) sẽ không thể thi đấu cho huấn luyện viên Roberto De Zerbi của Brighton.
Theo quan điểm của chúng tôi, The Seagulls có thể sẽ sử dụng đội hình 4-2-3-1 gồm Jason Steele, Joel Veltman, Levi Colwill, Lewis Dunk, Pervis Estupiñán, Pascal Groß, Moisés Caicedo, Julio Enciso, Alexis Mac Allister, Kaoru Mitoma và Evan Ferguson.
Nhờ có một đội hình gần như sung sức, huấn luyện viên Manchester City, Pep Guardiola, chỉ phải lo lắng về một vấn đề duy nhất về thể lực. Nathan Aké (Chấn thương gân kheo) sẽ không thi đấu. Benjamin Mendy sẽ không thể thi đấu trận này do bị treo giò.
Nhiều khả năng The Citizens sẽ ra sân với đội hình 4-2-3-1, ra sân với Stefan Ortega, Kyle Walker, Rico Lewis, Aymeric Laporte, Manuel Akanji, Kalvin Phillips, Sergio Gomez, Riyad Mahrez, Cole Palmer , Phil Foden và Julián Álvarez.
Suy nghĩ của chúng tôi là Brighton & Hove Albion sẽ ghi được một bàn thắng vào lưới Manchester City này, mặc dù chỉ một bàn thắng thôi là chưa đủ.
Do đó, chúng tôi dự đoán một trận đấu rất sát nút với tỷ số thắng 1-2 cho Manchester City khi tất cả đã được nói và làm.
Xem thêm tại: https://dagatructiep.video/
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trentskis · 2 years
is it just me or does jeremy sarmiento fully look related to bobby
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