#Jazz of cause ends up in Gothem
azulhood · 11 months
Jazz's Bio Dad AU
Slade Wilson Edition. So, Maddie and Slade could have met when he was undercover (I'm pretty sure he was a doctor at some point so they could have met at a medical/science cointervention or something) Jazz has noticed somethings about herself that don't add up, her reflexes are a bit too good, she's stronger and faster then the average human, she also has eidetic memory. Just small stuff, you know, nothing like moving faster then the speed of light or having visions of the future. (For now.) She mainly chalks it up to living in a house that doesn't value lab safety, I mean if you ate the Fentons cooking you'd probably get some weird side effects too. She doesn't think much of it. Blah, blah years pass and then they meet. Slade does not find he has another kid by her showing up on his doorstep, oh no, he finds out by finding her attempting to break into a government facility. A government facility he so happens to be guarding. He stops the break in and drops her back home, not before noticing some similarities. Slade does not immediately believe they have any relation, he suspects it though, so he grabs a DNA sample and sends it to his buddy for testing. During this time, he thwarts many a break in attempt, with Jazz getting progressively more feral each time. Test results come in, and congrats! it's a bouncing teenager with issues! Now, we all know that Slade isn't the best parent/person. If his kid was kidnapped, he'd definitely go on a warpath to get them back, but good luck if you want him to come to one of your baseball games. Having a kid pop out of the woodwork is not something new to him, he already has four kids (and yes, I'm counting Respawn) He does a little digging, trying to see why his kid wants to get into the facility, he discovers a younger brother named Danny. Now Slade can't just let his kid walts right on in and rescue her brother, it'd be breaking his contract, but if she so happens to slip by him. Well, he's getting old, it could happen to anybody. And if Jazz finds two new passports and ID's along with a bag of cash on her way out of town? That's just a coincidence.
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