#Ive mentioned before but Eclipse likes to fold origami stars she writes wishes on
bittybattybunny · 3 years
An angst ☕!!
Have moon guardian angst hahaha
He stared at the phone with a scowl. His brow furrowed as his claw scrolled through the photo album. Photo after photo. He’d taken a lot of photos of the same dark haired woman. Her face seemed distorted but even still. As he scrolled he felt a pinching in his chest. He chewed his lip as his claws continued through the album. Photos of her eating, of her holding his hand, of her and the girls, of her looking surprised, her working in the library.
“Ah she must have been the one to sort it…” he realized as he looked at a few of them.
But who was she? He couldn’t recall. But he had a longing in his heart and his head hurt as he tried so desperately to recall.
He sat in his chair and continued to scroll. Every picture made him hurt. He finally shut his phone off and leaned on his hand trying to think.
She was important to him. He knew that much. But he didn’t know her. He couldn’t recall at all. And this feeling was oddly.
His eyes saw a small jar on top of his shelf and he tilted his head, hair bouncing. He flew up to grab it and pulled it down. It was filled with paper stars, folded carefully, in many colors, mainly blues. He set the jar down and looked at it with a finger under his chin. He didn’t really know origami… actually thinking he knew to make the stars but he wasn’t sure why. He looked at his phone on his chair and grabbed it. Opening it he looked at the background which had him kissing the mysterious woman on the cheek with those two annoying kids on their laps laughing.
He looked back at the stars in the jar and then back at the photo and pursed his lips.
“She folded them.” he finally realized. He moved over to the jar and pulled one out. He rolled it in his hand as he recalled something.
“You’re supposed to write your wishes on them!” a voice with a small rasp. But a voice that he recalled with a fondness.
Gingerly, he worked his claws to unfold the paper.
I wish to stay in subcon with Snatcher.
He blinked as he looked at it. He set it down and grabbed another star and unfurled it.
I love being ‘Eclipse’ I want to stay ‘Eclipse’
“Eclipse…” he muttered the name and felt a prickling in his eyes. He shifted to wipe the glowing tears with the back of his hand.
He grabbed another.
I hope he makes apple tarts again!
I wish he’d stop asking me to fix spider traps they get caught in my hair.
He grabbed a handful and unfurled them.
I want to remain at his side.
I don’t want to go back.
I don’t want to remember if I have to leave.
I like working in subcon.
I want to stay with Arulius.
He dropped to his knees as he looked at the small strips of paper and the simple pleas she’d written. 
“W-Why! Why can’t i remember you?!” he asked. It was her. Clearly. The reason he felt so alone lately. Why his chest kept aching. Whoever ‘Eclipse’ was. She caused this pain. She not being with him was causing him distress. And yet. Yet. he couldn’t remember her face. He hadn’t even remembered her name. Even the photos he couldn’t focus on as they all were corrupted just. Over. her.
“Who are you?!” He asked angrily as he gripped the papers. His tears falling down his cheeks, “Who are you to me!”
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