#It is our characters so they are alive actually*this yang revived them* but i now understand why some people sees different sometimes
celibibratty · 9 months
This wude ending is worse than i remembered, it's a kinda of weird ending, like, we die, then we awake up in a place that seems like a heaven, then we walk to the top of the mountain, the character looks happy, then they close their eyes and the screen gets black and we hear a deep breath, credit start rolling
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davidmann95 · 4 years
Superman’s 10 Best of the ‘10s
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Good Miracle Monday, folks! The first third Monday of May of a new decade for that matter, and while that means that today in the DC Universe Superman just revealed his secret identity to the world on the latest anniversary of that time he defeated the devil, in ours it puts a capstone on a solid 10 years of his adventures now in the rear view mirror, ripe for reevaluation. And given there’s a nice solid ‘10′ right there I’ll go ahead with the obvious and list my own top ten for Superman comics of the past decade, with links in the titles to those I’ve spoken on in depth before - maybe you’ll find something you overlooked, or at least be reminded of good times.
A plethora of honorable mentions: I’m disqualifying team-ups or analogue character stories, but no list of the great Superman material of the last decade would be complete without bringing up Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #7, Avengers 34.1, Irredeemable, Sideways Annual #1, Supreme: Blue Rose, Justice League: Sixth Dimension, usage of him in Wonder Twins, (somewhat in spite of itself) Superior, from all I’ve heard New Super-Man, DCeased #5, and Batman: Super Friends. And while they couldn’t quite squeeze in, all due praise to the largely entertaining Superman: Unchained, the decades’ great Luthor epic in Superman: The Black Ring, a brilliant accompaniment to Scott Snyder’s work with Lex in Lex Luthor: Year of the Villain, the bonkers joy of the Superman/Luthor feature in Walmart’s Crisis On Infinite Earths tie-in comics, Geoff Johns and John Romita’s last-minute win in their Superman run with their final story 24 Hours, Tom Taylor’s quiet criticism of the very premise he was working with on Injustice and bitter reflection on the changing tides for the character in The Man of Yesterday, the decades’ most consistent Superman ongoing in Bryan Miller and company’s Smallville Season 11, and Superman: American Alien, which probably would have made the top ten but has been dropped like a hot potato by one and all for Reasons. In addition are several stories from Adventures of Superman, a book with enough winners to merit a class of its own: Rob Williams and Chris Weston’s thoughtful Savior, Kyle Killen and Pia Guerra’s haunting The Way These Things Begin, Marc Guggenheim and Joe Bennett’s heart-wrenching Tears For Krypton, Christos Gage and Eduardo Francisco’s melancholy Flowers For Bizarro, Josh Elder and Victor Ibanez’s deeply sappy but deeply effective Dear Superman, Ron Marz and Doc Shaner’s crowdpleasing Only Child, and Kelly Sue DeConnick and Valentine DeLandro’s super-sweet Mystery Box.
10. Greg Pak/Aaron Kuder’s Action Comics
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Oh, what might’ve been. In spite of an all-timer creative team I can’t justify listing this run any higher given how profoundly and comprehensively compromised it is, from the status quo it was working with to the litany of ill-conceived crossovers to regular filler artists to its ignominious non-ending. But with the most visceral, dynamic, and truly humane take on Clark Kent perhaps of all time that still lives up to all Superman entails, and an indisputably iconic instant-classic moment to its name, I can’t justify excluding it either.
9. Action Comics #1000
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Arguably the climax to the decade for the character as his original title became the first superhero comic to reach a 1000th issue. While any anthology of this sort is a crapshoot by nature, everyone involved here seemed to understand the enormity of the occasion and stepped up as best they could; while the lack of a Lois Lane story is indefensible, some are inevitably bland, and one or two are more than a bit bizarre, by and large this was a thoroughly charming tribute to the character and his history with a handful of legitimate all-timer short stories.
8. Faster Than A Bullet
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Much as Adventures of Superman was rightfully considered an oasis amidst the New 52′s worst excesses post-Morrison and in part pre-Pak, few stories from it seem well-remembered now, and even at the time this third issue inexplicably seemed to draw little attention. Regardless, Matt Kindt and Stephen Segovia’s depiction of an hour in the life of Superman as he saves four planets first thing in the morning without anyone noticing - while clumsy in its efforts at paralleling the main events with a literal subplot of a conversation between Lois and Lex - is one of the best takes I can recall on the scope on which he operates, and ultimately the purpose of Clark Kent.
7. Man and Superman
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Seemingly geared on every front against me, built as it was on several ideas of how to handle Superman’s origin I legitimately hate, and by a writer whose work over the years has rarely been to my liking, Marv Wolfman and Claudio Castellini’s Man and Superman somehow came out of nowhere to be one of my favorite takes on Clark Kent’s early days. With a Metropolis and characters within it that feel not only alive but lived-in, it’s shocking that a story written and drawn over ten years before it was actually published prefigured so many future approaches to its subject, and felt so of-the-moment in its depiction of a 20-something scrambling to figure out how to squeeze into his niche in the world when it actually reached stores.
6. Brian Bendis’s run
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Controversial in the extreme, and indeed heir to several of Brian Bendis’s longstanding weaknesses as a writer, his work on The Man of Steel, Superman, and Action Comics has nevertheless been defined at least as much by its ambition and intuitive grasp of its lead, as well as fistfuls of some of the best artistic accompaniment in the industry. At turns bombastic space action, disaster flick, spy-fi, oddball crime serial, and family drama, its assorted diversions and legitimate attempts at shaking up the formula - or driving it into new territory altogether, as in the latest, apparently more longterm-minded unmasking of Clark Kent in Truth - have remained anchored and made palatable by an understanding of Superman’s voice, insecurities, and convictions that go virtually unmatched.
5. Strange Visitor
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The boldest, most out-of-left-field Superman comic of the past 10 years, Joe Keatinge took the logline of Adventures of Superman to do whatever creators wanted with the character and, rather than getting back to a classic take absent from the mainline titles at the time as most others did, used the opportunity for a wildly expansive exploration of the hero from his second year in action to his far-distant final adventure. Alongside a murderer’s row of artists, Keatinge pulled off one of the few comics purely about how great Superman is that rather than falling prey to hollow self-indulgence actually managed to capture the wonder of its subject.
4. Superman: Up In The Sky
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And here’s the other big “Superman’s just the best” comic the decade had to offer that actually pulled it off. Sadly if reasonably best-known for its one true misfire of a chapter, with the increasing antipathy towards Tom King among fans in general likely not helping, what ended up overlooked is that this is a stone-cold classic on moment of arrival. Andy Kubert turns in work that stands alongside the best of his career, Tom King’s style is honed to its cleanest edge by the 12-pager format and subject matter, and the quest they set their lead out on ends up a perfect vehicle to explore Superman’s drive to save others from a multitude of angles. I don’t know what its reputation will end up being in the long-term - I was struck how prosaic and subdued the back cover description was when I got this in hardcover, without any of the fanfare or critic quotes you’d expect from the writer of Mister Miracle and Vision tackling Superman - but while its one big problem prevents me from ranking it higher, this is going to remain an all-timer for me.
3. Jeff Loveness’s stories Help and Glasses
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Cheating shamelessly here, but Jeff Loveness’s Help with David Williams and Glasses with Tom Grummett are absolutely two halves of the same coin, a pair of theses on Superman’s enduring relevance as a figure of hope and the core of Lois and Clark’s relationship that end up covering both sides of Superman the icon and Superman the guy. While basically illustrated essays, any sense of detached lecturing is utterly forbidden by the raw emotion on display here that instantly made them some of the most acclaimed Superman stories of the last several years; they’re basically guaranteed to remain in ‘best-of’ collections from now until the end of time.
2. Superman Smashes The Klan
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A bitter race for the top spot, but #2 is no shame here; while not quite my favorite Superman story of the past ten years, it’s probably the most perfectly executed. While I don’t think anyone could have quite expected just *how* relevant this would be at the top of the decade, Gene Yang and Gurihiru put together an adventure in the best tradition of the Fleischer shorts and the occasional bystander-centered episodes of Batman: The Animated Series to explore racism’s both overt and subtle infections of society’s norms and institutions, the immigrant experience, and both of its leads’ senses of alienation and justice. Exciting, stirring, and insightful, it’s debuted to largely universal acknowledgement as being the best Superman story in years, and hopefully it’ll be continued to be marketed as such long-term.
1. Grant Morrison’s Action Comics
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When it came time to make the hard choice, it came in no small part down to that I don’t think we would have ever seen a major Golden Age Superman revival project like Smashes The Klan in the first place if not for this. Even hampering by that godawful Jim Lee armor, inconsistent (if still generally very good) art, and a fandom that largely misunderstood it on arrival can’t detract from that this is Grant Morrison’s run on a Superman ongoing, a journey through Superman’s development as a character reframed as a coherent arc that takes him from Metropolis’s most beaten-down neighborhoods to the edge of the fifth dimension and the monstrous outermost limits of ‘Superman’ as a concept. It launched discussions of Superman as a corporate icon and his place relative to authority structures that have never entirely vanished, introduced multiple all-time great new villains, and made ‘t-shirt Superman’ a distinct era and mode of operation for the character that I’m skeptical will ever entirely go away. No other work on the character this decade had the bombast, scope, complexity, or ambition of this run, with few able to match its charm or heart. And once again, it was, cannot stress this enough, Grant Morrison on an ongoing Superman book.
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theonceoverthinker · 4 years
Alternate Staff Theory Idea #2
It’s weird. The more time I spend with the Staff Theory, the more I grow to like it and think it’s got a fighting chance of actually happening, but also the more I like remixing the ideas of how it might happen.
So here I am again!
I was recently doing more Staff Theory musing, I got to thinking about the common counterpoints to the theory, namely (1) Why bring back Clover of all people, and (2) How are they going to use the staff while it’s supporting Atlas. And while I think everyone in the CDB/FG movement has done a wonderful job explaining how this would work, I also think I’d like to see something on the more streamlined side of things.
And oddly enough, it was the strangest of movies that gave me an idea of what could happen: “South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut.” In this film, the US and Canada go to war in the movie’s climax and only settle down after a large amount of people have already died. But Satan is willing to grant Kenny -- the kid who helped him stand up to his abusive boyfriend Saddam Hussein (Yeah, this was a WERID movie) -- a wish, and so Kenny (giving up his own chance of coming back to life) wishes that everyone killed during this war was revived.
Now let’s put that in RWBY terms and elaborate on what I think might happen, so join me under the cut.
 In order to get the staff into a usable form, Atlas is going to have to literally fall. Obviously, if that happens, a LOT of people are going to die (I mean, they already have because of the Grimm attack, but you know what I mean), both in Atlas and Mantle, and while I’m currently really pissed with the CRWBY, I don’t think they have it in them to kill two major cities that basically make up the entire population of a continent.
How are they going to get the Staff, you may ask?
I’ve been playing around with the idea that Ironwood’s line last volume about having Penny completely under control has been more literal than we were initially led to believe. Considering that Ironwood very clearly played a role in getting her created in the first place and how easily he turned off everyone’s scrolls in 7X11, I think that there’s a case to be made for Ironwood having something of a remote control for Penny. And once Ironwood finds out that Penny is the new Winter Maiden, that’s a remote he will be all too willing to use.
BUT others know Penny is the Winter Maiden as well or can figure it out easily enough under the right circumstances. So in the vault, a battle plays out, and this time, the villains grab the staff from its resting spot (I’m thinking this should be Cinder because she’s already been established as having the ability to fly), and the moment it’s gone, Atlas propels down. This accomplishes the task of both letting the staff be used for other purposes and having it act on the Chekov’s gun of its purpose in holding up Atlas.
Most of our main players get out of this okay, but notably not all. Ironwood, Penny, Cinder, Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Oscar, Qrow, and some others are alive, but I would have either Ren or Nora at least not make it out (I’m thinking Nora so that Ren’s treatment of Nora in the last volume can especially gut him and give that whole subplot some actual weight), and maybe Blake if you REALLY want to sell that this isn’t permanent (And give way to an AMAZING Bumbleby scene once she’s revived).
By this point, Salem (Who definitely already wrecked some havoc while she was there with her Grimm Whale) has gone home. I don’t have this part planned out, but it’s not really relevant to what’s going on in this theory, so use your imagination. 
Cinder is fought off and the staff is saved. But this is ANYTHING but a victory. THOUSANDS of people are dead, and EVERYONE is pissed at Ironwood. At this point, now looking at the literal cost of his control over Atlas, Ironwood finally snaps out of his insanity. Perhaps he cries. Everyone does. Many of their teammates and friends are dead, alongside countless innocents. They may have defeated the bad guys, but this was anything but a win.
And then Oz/Oscar speaks. There’s a way to bring everyone back. He takes the staff out of whoever’s hand who was last holding it. Much of the Staff’s power has been used supporting Atlas for so long, but it still has a woosh of power in it. With a sacrifice, it could restore everyone’s lives taken during the last 24 hours (This is INCREDIBLY important).
Ironwood volunteers, and after a speech is given by Ironwood and goodbyes are exchanged, a piano rendition of “Hero” (Or even an acoustic reprise) plays as he takes the staff and allows it to end his life. 
As Ironwood falls down dead, and the staff loses its illumination, corpses glow and start to rise to the surface of the rubble. And then those corpses come alive, just as they were before. 
Reunions happen (BIG Renora and Bumbleby scenes), and then we turn to Qrow. There’s this subtle but undeniable spark of hope in his eyes, and he bites his lip as he looks at all the emerging bodies. ...Perhaps he made it out, too... Oz DID say 24 hours, right? ...But it looks like who he’s searching for isn’t here...
...Guess he was just a bit too late...just his luck...
Then, an impossible voice speaks from behind him.
“You see my pin?”
Qrow turns around and Clover Ebi is there, right as rain, just as he was before. Qrow’s speechless, and Clover knowingly smirks at him.
“Is something on my face?” he asks.
Qrow forgets any bit of pride he has and runs over to Clover, grabbing him in a hug. Tears swell in his eyes as the embrace is exchanged. There’s an implicit implication that they do need to talk about the things that went down right before his death (Maybe some “I’m sorry’s” are exchanged too during the hug), but for the moment, they are just so happy Clover’s okay that they don’t care.
In addition to bringing Clover back and giving Ironwood a fitting end, what I like about this theory is that it literally pushes Atlas and Mantle to rebuild their kingdom together. They don’t have a choice, and through that rebuilding, there’s a real chance for the kingdoms to once more unify not just geographically, but emotionally, and that is what’s important for the themes of this series.
Cue end of volume stuff. I and I know my other Clover/FG/CDB fans would love to see Clover join the main group, but it makes sense if he doesn’t or can’t -- then again, Winter, Robyn, and the other Ace Ops can take control of things, so it’s not impossible by any stretch and would be infinitely better if Clover joined them for character work for both himself and Qrow (Not to mention, allow them to touch upon all of that discussing I previously mentioned they had to do).
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littlemisssquiggles · 6 years
RWBY Musings #23: How Squiggles Thinks Volume 5 will end.
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..Or rather how I would like for it to end. With the Volume 5 finale in just 2 days and the excitement for it building by the hour, I wanted to make this brief post sharing my thoughts on not what I’d like to see from the finale but also how I think it should end. I’ll start with the endings first before moving into stuff I’d love to see in last episode.
The way how I see it, RWBY Volume 5 can end either one of two ways for me:
The Happy Go-Lucky, Sunshine and Rainbows Ending
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The Battle For Haven is won in favour of the heroes. Triumph is theirs! The villains are all captured (with the exception of perhaps Hazel, Emerald and Mercury who managed to escape) and taken to prison where they’d be held accountable for their crimes, possibly putting an end to Adam and the White Fang for good (or at least put them in the Void of Obscurity until their evilness is needed again in a later season)
The Relic of Knowledge is acquired safely. Our heroes survive and the volume ends with everyone making plans to head towards their next designated kingdom but not before a brief period of celebration first.
I can see the team returning to Vale next, to reclaim Beacon Academy and secure the Relic of Choice. Or if the CRWBY writers’ game plan is to save returning to Beacon as the final battleground when RWBY is nearing its series finale (or at least the end of the ‘Salem Arc’ in case RWBY is planned to go on even after Salem is supposedly defeated), then I guess the next best place to go is probably the Deserts of Vacuo to meet the Headmaster of Shade Academy to secure the Relic of Destruction and meet the next seasonal Maiden: the Summer Maiden (granted that she is in Vacuo).
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And I’m excited for the gang to go to Vacuo since it would finally mean some well-deserved development for Sun Wukong since it is his home turf if I recall. It’d be nice to have a season where Sun can take centre stage despite being a supporting character for the past five seasons.
I know most fans are waiting for the team to head to Atlas but...so far the Maidens have been going more or less in order of the seasons. We had Fall first, then Spring. So naturally, shouldn’t Summer come next with Winter following after?
Then again, when I checked the RWBY Wikipedia page, I noticed they have Winter listed before Summer since the Winter Maiden is connected to the Relic of Creation which consecutively comes before the Relic of Destruction which is tied to the Summer Maiden. So...I’m guessing if the story is going in order of the Relics rather than the Maidens themselves, then the next destination for the story to go to would be Atlas and Signal Academy for V6.
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It’d be remarkable to see just how everyone makes it into Atlas considering that Ironwood locked it off. Not to mention that returning to Atlas would spark another character arc for Weiss or at least bring some closure to her side of the story moving forward since it would mean reuniting with her strained family again. Maybe this time we can actually meet her mother.
Then there’s also the irony of Weiss escaping Atlas to go to Haven only to go right back to Atlas in the end. But, at least this time it would be of her own will rather than being held hostage by her own father.
As much as I would love for the gang to head to Vacuo (so that best monkey boy Sun can get some development for once), I’ll admit that I’d be excited for them to go to Atlas too.
Focusing a season on Atlas would mean giving us fans more opportunities to explore more of the kingdom and its inner citadels. The thing that disappointed me about the Mistral arc is that we never got to actually walk about the city and see it through the characters’ eyes. The most we got were 2D still images of the kingdom in the first episode and Qrow walking around part of it in Chapter 6 when he was gathering his huntsman team. But beyond that, that was all folks! I hope things are different in Atlas. For me, I imagined Atlas with its technologically advanced culture and rich elites would be like the Capitol from the Hunger Games series. It just gave me that kind of vibe y’know what I mean.  
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Even Jacques Schnee can be almost interpreted as a RWBY version of Hunger Games’ President Snow (minus the homicidal tendencies and proficiency to both physically and emotionally torture and scar those he sees as a threat, all with a smile on his face). 
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 They’re both moronic tyrants in their respective shows, but I digress. 
Going to Atlas would also mean reuniting with fan favourite characters from Weiss’ arc from Volume 4 like Klein, Whitley (yes, believe it or not, I actually would like to learn more about Whitley and understand why he’s the way he is) and even Henry Marigold. 
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That’s right, you heard me correctly. I think Mr. Pretty Boi is gonna make a comeback. It’ll be even funnier if he ends up being the one to assist Weiss and everyone when Ironwood in his paranoia, refuses to permit them into Atlas or something like that. 
You don’t just give a character a full name in RWBY without them making a return to the show unless it’s the special case where said character got unexpectedly killed off of screen. Like poor Fennix Altair. I’m still salty about how he just dies at the start of V5 though the show never actually takes the time to confirm this. Then to make it worse, Weiss straight up forgets about him once she’s taken prisoner by the Branwen Tribe.
Doesn’t even ask if he made it out alive after meeting the bandits and Vernal for the first time. Seriously CRWBY writers! Weiss didn’t just arrive in Mistral on her own so where’s that continuity? I understand that he was more or less an expendable character for Volume 5 but jeez, why even bother to give him a name if he was going to be killed off. Heck they didn’t even confirm his death.
It was just left up for assumption and the debate is still out on whether he’s actually dead or stuck in the forests of Mistral somewhere or maybe he was taken in by the Mistral Police who made sure he was hospitalized for his plane crash injuries. That could be it but I guess we’ll never know that for sure, will we?
Not to mention, an Atlas arc would mean meeting Penny’s creator-father. It could even mean Ruby reuniting with Penny or...at least another version of her. What did happen to Penny’s robotic remains after the Fall of Beacon?
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Surely they were returned to Penny’s creator-father who should be able to make Penny a new body and revive her personality based on Penny’s memory unit since she was a robot---a human super computer and computers have memory especially backup memory. Penny Pollendina could be brought back for V6!
I can also see Penny’s creator sharing a connection to Dr. Arthur Watts. Like maybe they used to work together in the past. Didn’t Raven say he was originally from Atlas when they met this season so we can all assume that Watts is going to be the primary antagonist from Team WTCH (along with probably Tyrian too) if the gang head to his old home turf.
Not to mention...that being in Atlas...meeting a man who makes robot humanoids could also give our farm child Oscar (who recently got a taste of Ozpin forcibly taking control of him and might not be too happy about that) the crazy idea of...maybe trying to transfer Ozpin’s aura from his body into another artificial one.
After all, I’m sure the machine that Ozpin planned on using to transfer Amber’s soul and Maiden power in Pyrhha’s body must’ve been Atlesian in origin.
But I’m getting ahead of myself here and theorizing too much on this.
So like I said, the good ending is everything is all good for everyone or mostly good.
And before the departure is made for their next adventure, let everyone return back to Menagerie to celebrate their victory over Haven as well as get some well needed downtime.
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Because let’s be fair, given all that’s happened between Volumes 3 to 5 and seeing that Menagerie, though mostly Faunus territory is technically a lovely tropical island paradise, don’t you think the gang could use a little vacation before beginning their next big adventure.
Not saying that they should make next season about the whole gang in Menagerie but it would be nice if Volume 5 concludes with a big celebration in Menagerie (with evil looming on the horizon naturally) and then begins Volume 6 with a little beach downtime in Menagerie where everyone catches up. 
We can get some nice one on one character interactions and conversations including a proper Team RWBY reunion, maybe some tension and slight resolution between Blake and Yang granted we don’t get it in the V5 finale which I doubt.
All this before Ozpin-Oscar pulls them in to discuss moving onto the next location towards the next Relic and Maiden.
The Not So Good But Still Such a Nice Twist That It’s Good Kinda Ending
Everything is the same as the good ending. The Battle of Haven is a victory but at a price.
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Ruby and Oscar both become prisoners of Salem and though they manage to escape their hijackers’ grasps, that doesn’t change the fact that they’re not quite in Remnant anymore as they find themselves face to face with the Grimm within the walls of a mysterious dark world.
This then sets the stage for our two young simple souls having their own adventure next season as they make the perilous trek across the dark world of Salem’s Domain together; surviving only on their skills and each other with Ozpin as their spirit guide.
The series had hinted more than once between volumes 4 and 5 about BOTH Ruby and Oscar being captured for Salem. In Volume 4, Tyrian was sent to Mistral to kidnap Ruby for Salem and this volume, Lionheart straight up proclaimed abducting Oscar to take to Salem.
Fans are saying either or but I’m mostly gunning that they both get taken prisoner and have to depend mostly on each other to escape and stay alive. 
I don’t just strongly desire this kind of story arc for the obvious amount of RoseGarden bonding moments it will bring but mostly due to my curiosity about learning more about Salem, hers and Ozpin’s relationship and history together as well as the World Salem resides in as I believe it used to be Ozpin’s home too before the Wicked Witch took over with her monstrous Grimm pets. I voiced most of my reasons for wanting a story arc like this in this ♦ musing right here.
I’m still gunning for this kind of arc but even if we don’t get it for Volume 6, I still do hope we get an arc like this eventually, perhaps after a period of Ruby and Oscar becoming better acquainted to each other and having a decent comradry. Because not only will it be great for Ruby and Oscar’s character growth but, I honestly believe an arc like this is coming.
They wouldn’t hint at Ruby and Oscar being taken to Salem if it wasn’t gonna come to fruition at some point in the story. So when it does, I hope that it’s an actual arc that takes place over the span of either a whole season or at least half of it and not be some short subplot in a season that winds up being irrelevant. That’d be lame in my opinion.
Now that I’ve covered how I thing V5 would end, let’s get into the next segment.
Things I Want To See In The Finale:
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No Reconciliation for Bumblebee this Season: Let Yang remain uncomfortable to talk to Blake and part of Season 6 is the two working through their tension and issues with each other; among other things like Yang’s true feelings toward Blake. It’d be interesting if Illia is the character to mostly help Yang through this because at some point, she was the same as her (not to mention that, like Sun, Illia is going to be an affirmed member of the hero party, I hope). 
If they make Bumblebee suddenly hug and be all buddy bud at the end of V5, it’d be a total cop out in my opinion. They made such a big deal about Yang’s anger towards Blake this season (which they didn’t have to since Blake’s reasons for running way were justifiable in my opinion). To tell the truth, I never quite understood Yang’s reckoning behind her blatant anger towards Blake.
Even when she said that she’s angry that Blake left because it reminded her of her mother leaving, while I gave it a pass, I still never bought that excuse in the sense that I don’t think that’s the only reason. It can’t be if that’s what you’re trying to sell me. If her leaving was the main issue then why wasn’t Yang pissed at Weiss or Ruby.
Blake wasn’t the only one that left Yang behind when she could’ve used the help getting through her depression over the loss of her arm and her PTSD. While Weiss’ motive for departure was mostly due to her father, Ruby left Yang of her own accord. So how is it that Yang can easily forgive Ruby for leaving but not Blake? And don’t even use the pretext that she’s her beloved little sister.
Ruby left Yang too and so did Weiss (technically). Her entire team left her behind, albeit for different logical reasons, so why is Blake the only one being thrown under the bus.
Personally I’m not that big on the Bumblebee ship. Don’t get me wrong, I do think it’s a lovely pairing with lots of potential for canonicity however I’m more of a Black Sun kind of fangirl which falls in the same category. But despite being a Black Sun shipper, even I can notice that there is definitely more to Yang’s anger at Blake and I strongly believe it’s due to her apparent feelings for her; whether she acknowledges it or not. This isn’t about friendship with a friend leaving a friend. This is about love with someone dealing with the sting of watching their love interest leave them behind. I have a better time believing that Yang is mostly upset with Blake’s departure because the girl she was secretly in love with abandoned her just like her mother did over the excuse of ‘Blake is just a friend and she left me’.
All of Yang’s friends left her, not just Blake, and she forgave them easily! That being said, I’m hoping the Bumblebee dispute is savoured to be resolved next season because it deserves its own focus.
Save it for next season where it can be allowed more time to simmer and then be resolved properly at the perfect moment as opposed to during a big battle where emotions are already high. For what it’s worth, I figure that the season 5 finale will leave Yang and Blake’s relationship still on the edge.
While most of Yang’s displeasure probably died down during her talk with Weiss during Chapter 7, I don’t believe it’s enough to just make Yang straight up forget her anger and forgive Blake.
I don’t even want them to hug it out. Is it weird that I want Blake to reach out to Yang as an attempt to make peace but Yang refuses it, not out of the disappointment she felt before but more so of her not entirely being over what Blake did and her not ready to deal with it yet.
So she just ends up walking past Blake, not even bothering to make eye contact with her again, while Ruby and Weiss stay by Blake’s side overlooking the tension between them in worried silence.
So even though the team is reunited, things aren’t the same as before and...probably may never be again; at least till next volume.
Oscar’s semblance: I’ve already talked; practically preached about how much I want the finale to reveal or at least give us a taste of Oscar’s semblance. Still itching for that to happen along with it being a mind-based semblance. I really hope Oscar’s semblance is clairvoyance—the kind that can connect him to someone’s mind so that he can read their thoughts, access their memories as well as project his own thoughts and memories inclusive of the ones belonging to Ozpin onto others if ever necessary.
Could even have an extension where it can allow Oscar to communicate with and even control less intelligent creatures like...animals or even the creatures of Grimm perhaps (like imagine our precious farm boy unexpectedly pulling a S2 Eren Jaeger and controlling the Grimm with his mind). Okay that one’s a crack theory tossed out for funzies but really gunning for Oscar having mind powers.
Oz-cane true form reveal: I’ve preached about this too. If we don’t get a teaser of Oscar’s semblance this season then we gotta get an Oz-cane trick. Seriously, they hinted at this in an earlier chapter of V5 so...it’s gotta be coming for the finale. C’mon Oz-cane secret time scythe/sickle mode!
RoseGarden Trigger for Oscar Defeating Hazel: We know that Ozpin’s control over Oscar’s body is temporary and once it wears off, not only will this leave Oscar probably weak and extremely fatigued but also puts him in the line of fire for Hazel to attack unexpectedly.
If Oscar is down and Hazel attacks then I can see Ruby jumping in at the last minute to take the hit for Oscar. We all saw how ‘aggressive’ Oscar became after finding Ruby unconscious.
Maybe seeing her hurt especially by Hazel trying to protect him is enough to trigger his semblance awakening. I’m still standing by my hunch that Oscar using his semblance for the first time could be what finally puts a stop to Hazel’s rampage. Since Hazel’s semblance makes him immune to physical pain then brute force is not going to be enough to stop him. So, maybe the power of the mind can quell the beast from within. I’m hoping that an Oz-cane trick can lead into this so that we can get both Ozpin unleashing the true power of his weapon finally as well as Oscar revealing his own hidden power. 
It’s the finale so why not go out on a bang and give us both of these things one after the other.
Yang and Raven talking; not fighting, in the Vault of the Spring Maiden: That way we can finally get some answers about Raven with maybe a flashback.
Fallen Maiden Cinder: I already talked about Cinder possibly coming back as some kind of corrupted half Grimm, half Maiden monstrosity possessed completely by her Geist Grimm arm but with her Fall Maiden powers still in her arsenal in ♦ this musing. While I’m not sure how this will fit into the finale episode with all that is going on already.
However we know Cinder is coming back. We know she’s probably going to get the jump on Raven and Yang.
 So maybe she is going to come back as a monster that Yang and Raven will have to fight together (mother-daughter tag team battle anyone?)
Maybe it’ll conclude with Raven using all that she has to restrain Cinder while Yang escapes (possibly with the Relic of Knowledge in hand) as the Maiden Vault crumbles around them.
Even if the Vault falls, I don’t think Raven will die or even trapped inside cause she has her sweet teleportation powers and her connection to Yang to portal her to her at any time.
 They can even tease Raven still being alive by having Yang spot a familiar raven outside as always. We can even get one last mother-daughter conversation before Raven departs and falls into obscurity until her character is needed again for whatever reason (like helping Yang or cause further distrust in Ozpin) for another season.
New Threads for Oscar: If he doesn’t get napped by the V5 finale’s end then give the precious farm boy some new clothes that fit his new huntsman title and role. In the event that the CRWBY decide to save Oscar’s new look til V6 (buying them enough time to pay @xen-vita for her amazing design for him), then at least give him a cool new character theme.
Seriously, if we don’t get a new character theme for Ozpin-Oscar during his showdown with Hazel and the reveal of his Oz-cane trick then at least let the end credit song for Volume 5 be about Oscar; addressing his growth following the events of last volume and highlighting how much further his character development is going to progress; even subtly foreshadowing his inevitable conflict with Ozpin over who’s in control. Can we at least get that please?!  
Would love a duet between Jeff Williams and Vic Mignogna cause as most of us in the anime community know, Vic has a lovely singing voice (see Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, One Piece and D.N.Angel).
I know Vic is Qrow’s VA but...admittedly when I first heard Oscar speak back in Volume 4, I actually thought it was Vic doing a double role and using his ole Edward Elric voice to voice him, not knowing it was actually Aaron (a.k.a Alphonse Elric) (due to the uncanny similarity in their voices at times).
I’m just saying it would be cool for RT to utilize Vic’s amazing singing vocals and have him sing for a character in RWBY even if that character isn’t the one he plays in the show.
Like imagine how awesome it would be for Jeff and Vic to sing a new song together that is supposed to represent Oscar and Ozpin singing to each other about their bond; again foreshadowing many things to come for their side of the story.
Eyy? Hey CRWBY, c’mon! Hire me for my ingenious ideas RoosterTeeth!
Last RoseGarden Moment or Moments out of Volume 5: Something for us shippers to savour til next volume (or at least till RWBY Chibi Volume 3 arrived next weekend because they gotta be getting an Oscar for the third season, right?)
It doesn’t matter if they fight side by side together, protect each other, save each other, hug, kiss each other on the cheek (mostly Ruby to Oscar cause I want her to lay a big one on them flushed, cute, freckly cheeks of his), hold hands or even check up on each other in recovery. I’ll even accept them blushing at each other for whatever reason. Don’t matter. I’ll take it still. I’ll take it ALL!
I want a real nice tender RoseGarden moment or moments (more than one will not be refused) for the V5 finale for me to enjoy, pterodactyl screech over, die of feels over, resurrect myself and come back to hype up, over-analyze and over-emphasize and of course, download and watch multiple times till Volume 6 or again, at least till RWBY Chibi Season 3. They gotta be getting Oscar for S3. His adorable freckly chibi presence needs to be added to the chibi pot too.
So to finish...
I think that’s it for what I want mostly from the finale. I’ve made my list, checked it thrice and now all that’s left is to jubilantly look forward to possibly checking off all; if not most of the stuff on this list.
What about you fellow RWBY fans? What are you looking forward to seeing in the finale on Saturday?
On that final note, I’ll see ya’ll for the epic RWBY Volume 5: Chapter 14!
~LittleMissSquiggles (2018)
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birdwithfrenchfry · 7 years
My forever OTPs Masterpost
 Okay so I am a classic fan-girl. I can love a lot of tv-shows, but what gets me addicted are the shows with amazing characters and relationships. You know those ships that steals your soul and you daydream about then instead of your own life? The ships where they are imperfect, but they make eachother better. Yup, those ships. 
(These are in no special order, because all my forever OTPs are my babies.) 
1. Buffy & Spike (Spuffy) - BtvS
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She is the vampire slayer. He is a vampire. They started of trying to kill each other. But somehow they never did.. Long story short he fell in love with her. Helped her save her sister. Helped save the world. He was there for her when she felt broken and lost. Sure, these characters had one of the roughest stories I’ve ever been invested in, but I never stopped loving these two characters. He hurt her, but then he fought to get his soul back. For her, to be the kind of man she deserves, 
Favourite quote: 
Spike: You listen to me. I've been a live a bit longer than you, and dead a lot longer than that. I've seen things you couldn't imagine, and done things I prefer you didn't. Don't exactly have a reputation for being a thinker. I've only my blood, which doesn't exactly rush in the direction of my brain, so I make a lot of mistakes, a lot of wrong, bloody calls. A hundred plus years, and there's only one thing I've ever been sure of -- you. Hey, look at me. I'm not asking you for anything. When I say I love you, it's not because I want you, or because I can't have you, and it has nothing to do with me. I love what you are. What you do. How you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you, and I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You are a hell of a woman. You're the one, Buffy.
2. Rory Gilmore & Jess Mariano (Literati) - Gilmore Girls
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Okay so who was Rorys best boyfriend has always been a BIG part of the Gilmore Girls universe. Imo no one even compares to Jess! Bad boy moves to small town. Boy meets girl. They fall in love. Their connection was real and they challenged each other on so many levels. Their relationship was pretty brief, which sucked. But Jess came back for a visit on several occations and he was always the one to get Rory back on track when she felt lost. He understood her better than anyone. No one will ever convince me these two didn’t get together in the end, even if we never got to see it happen. 
Favourite quote: 
Rory: We're studying. Jess: You're studying. I'm prying into your personal life.
3. Kate Austen & James “Sawyer” Ford (Skate) - LOST
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Okay so I have no words to tell you how much this ship meant to me. It was my first ship where I actually were a part of a online-fandom and these are friends I still have now, 10 years later. But THESE characters.. her sass, his nicknames.. they break my heart. Lost gir & lost boy. Together they were perfect, with a chemistry that still to this day can make my heart skip a beat. 
Favourite quote: 
Sawyer: You taste like strawberries. Kate: You taste like fish biscuits.
4. Emma Swan & Killian Jones / Hook (Captain Swan) - OUaT
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So I’m a Disney addict. Like, I moved to the other side of the world twice to work for The Mouse. Fairytales has always been my thing, so me being addicted to Once Upon a Time was a given from the start. I was a casual viewer for the first season, but then this man (Captain Hook!) showed up, and my life has been all about Captain Swan since that moment. He was a villain (but not really, he wanted revenge for his first love) and then he met Emma who is sunshine and everything good. She has been alone most of her life and her walls are so high no-one can get close. Together they make each other better. He works hard to be a good man for her, and she finally finds someone who will never leave her and treats her like the princess she is. They are so good together, true love. 
Favourite quote:
Killian: With all this talk of authors and the book, we've never discussed one fact: I was a villain. Emma: But you're not anymore. Killian: Neither is Regina, but she still lost her happy ending. If we're to believe the rules of the book, then it's only a matter of time before I lose mine. Emma: Wait. If you're afraid of losing your happy ending, that means you found it. What is it? Killian: Don't you know, Emma? It's you.
5. Clarke Griffin & Bellamy Blake (Bellarke) - The 100
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Aka. my sun and moon, king and queen of the ground, and all-around adorable hurt puppies. Started out not liking each other very much, but  found themselves working better as a team and as leaders of their people. They have a deep connection, and work together perfectly. She’s the brain, he’s the heart. They have tried doing things on their own, but turns out they work better together. Clarke and Bellamy trust each other completely and they would die to protect each other. Plso their chemistry is insane, been shipping these since like..the second episode. We are now on season 4 and they STILL haven’t kissed. I feel the Bellarke strong this season, so I think it will happen soon. But as long as I get to see these two working together I will go down with this ship with a smile on my face. 
Favourite quote:
Clarke: Thank you. For keeping me alive. Bellamy: You don't make it easy.
6. Katara & Zuko (Zutara) - Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Prince Zuko, firebender. Katara, waterbender. Opposittes, night and day, yin and yang. So this ship never happened, but that doesn’t stop me from still daydreaming about them and reading tons of fan fiction. They were enemies turned friends and together they were amazing. This is the kind of ship where I feel so blessed that we have internet. There’s just so many fics and fanart out there about these two silly babies. 
Favourite quote:
Katara: What are you doing? Zuko: Keeping the rocks from crushing you. Katara: Okay, I'm not crushed. You can get off me now. Zuko: I'll take that as a "thank you."
7. Zoe Hart & Wade Kinsella (Zade) - Hart of Dixie
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Big-city doctor moved to small adorable town. Meets bad-boy Wade. They argue. They have a LOT of chemistry. There’s a lot of on and off all through this series, but it was wonderful to watch. This show just makes me feel good, and these two love-birds made it perfect. Wade grew up, Zoe learned that she didn’t have to follow her big plan and let her heart decide where and who her home was. Perfection. 
Favourite quote: 
Wade: Maybe I'm not 100 percent sure that you wouldn't hurt me if we started things, but I know that I have never felt about anyone the way I feel about you. And I guess that I realized it's worth the risk.
8. Robin & Barney (Swarkles) - How I Met Your Mother
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Okay, but do I really have to explain this one to anyone? Everyone knew these two were perfect together. Barney & Robin were funny as hell, they loved each other even with all their little quirks. Perfect pairing and I will ship them until the end of time. (and I will never ever forgive the writers for that ending). Rude. 
Favourite quote: 
Barney: I love everything about her, and I’m not a guy who says that lightly. I’m a guy who has faked love his entire life. I thought love was just something idiots thought they felt, but this woman has a hold on my heart that I could not break if I wanted to. And there have been times that I wanted to. It has been overwhelming and humbling and and even painful at times. But I could not stop loving her any more than I could stop breathing. I am hopelessly, irretrievably in love with her. More than she knows.
9. Veronica & Logan (LoVe) - Veronica Mars
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Yup, that’s LoVe. Silly puppies who are just great together even when they don’t want to admit it to themselves. The original series ended so suddenly that I never got closure when it came to Logan and Veronica, so I was SO happy that they made a revival movie and it was PERFECT! These kids have been through so much, they just need to be happy! 
Favourite quote:
Logan: I thought our story was epic, you know, you and me. Veronica: Epic how? Logan: Spanning years and continents. Lives ruined, bloodshed. EPIC. Veronica: Come on. Ruined lives? Bloodshed? You really think a relationship should be that hard? Logan: No one writes songs about the ones that come easy.
10. Isak & Even (Evak) - SKAM
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Okay so for those of you who don’t know this show: SKAM is a Norwegian show that follows a group of teenagers through High School. And in season 3 Evak stole all of our hearts. It’s all about falling in love, coming out and a bit of mental health, all done perfectly. They are so cute and amazing, even when they were breaking my heart. What makes this show so great is how realistic it feels, and you smile and hurt with them. 
Favourite quote:
Isak: Du er ikke alene. (You are not alone).
Honorable mentions
Jackie & Hyde - That 70′s Show
Luke & Lorelai - Gilmore Girls
Fiona & Steve - Shameless (US)
Jeff & Annie - Community
Willow & Tara - BtVS
“You don’t love because: you love despite; not for the virtues, but despite the faults.”
                            - William Faulkner
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