#It gives me a lot to ponder and consider worldbuilding wise that I would otherwise not have thought of!
What if Kaiju!Rook can mimic other Kaijus sounds and voice. It's almost the same sound, and when researchers analyze the sound Rook make with the Kaiju he was copying, the match of the vocalization is about 95-98%
I thought maybe this can be the equivalent of Rook's French.
In reference to this ask here:
Ooooooh, that’s an interesting theory there! In a way, it matches what marine biologists discovered when it came to orcas and dolphins: the orcas communicated with dolphins using dolphin-like whistles, clicks, and buzzes to communicate with their social partners!
If we take that into consideration with Rook and his normal language, it would be safe to say that—much like how he taught Ace how to talk to the lost hedgehogs Ace’s dorm uniform card—he’s very skilled at mimicry and communication. So how would this translate in Kaiju language? How would it sound to human ears?
Well, normally, when he speaks in his native language, it sounds musical—like windchimes mixed with a low rumbling tremor that fills the air with a thrum (kinda like a pleasant tingling sensation if he's right next to you). Which can be quite jarring hearing it come from something that looks like he should be as loud as Leona, given he looks like a lion made of stone (with mantis limbs for hunting/striking). Perhaps due to the nature of his body structure, there’s a hollowness in his chest or throat that allows wind to pass through and mimic the sounds of wind-based instruments like an ocarina made of clay? Hmm...something to think about. 🤔
Either way, this same skill allows him to replicate the tones and pitches of the other Kaiju so he can communicate with them, mimicking Vil and Epel more often than not since he spends more time with them as part of their pack (or perhaps Vil calls it a flock? Hmm…). Though on occasion when he either doesn’t know the word or doesn’t feel it would be strong enough, he will revert to his original language. This same skill—however—may also have been the catalyst for the researchers to get so close to making a breakthrough in communicating with the Kaiju themselves!
If only their efforts hadn’t been cut so short before Yuu’s awakening... U.U
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