#Introduction to the world of Object-Oriented Programming with real-world examples and exercises. Happy coding.
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iyarpage · 7 years
Swift Apprentice Updated for Swift 4
Happy Monday, everyone — it’s time for another Swift 4 book release as part of our iOS 11 Launch Party!
Today’s book release is the Swift Apprentice, Third Edition.
For the new third edition, we’ve made some major changes:
New chapter: Strings. We’ve addd an entirely new chapter showcasing the new approach for Strings in Swift 4.
New chapter: Codable. We’ve also added a new chapter on Codable and serialization.
Extended chapter: Operators and Subscripts. We’ve greatly extended the chapter on custom operators and subscripts to covers keypaths in detail.
More Swift 4 updates! We’ve also made many other changes to upgrade the book for Swift 4 throughout the book!
This will be a free update for existing Swift Apprentice PDF customers — our way of saying “thanks” to all of our readers for their support!
Don’t own the Swift Apprentice yet? Read on to see how you can get a copy — and take advantage of our iOS 11 Launch Party discount!
What is the Swift Apprentice?
If you’re a complete beginner to programming, this is the book for you! There are short exercises and challenges throughout the book to give you some programming practice and test your knowledge along the way.
In a little over three years, Swift has gone from being a secret project at Apple, Inc. to a full-blown, open source community driven language. It continues to refine its core goal of being a general purpose language that supports safety, speed and expressiveness.
Despite its advanced, industrial-strength nature, Swift is a great choice for the beginning programmer, since Xcode offers a sandbox-type environment where you can directly execute Swift statements to try out various components of the language — without having to create a whole app first.
Developers around the world use Swift to build thousands of amazing apps for the iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV and the Apple Watch. That means what you learn in this book will be extremely useful as you expand your development skills and in your work as an app developer.
This book is divided into four sections:
Section I: Swift Basics
The chapters in this section will introduce you to the very basics of programming in Swift. From the fundamentals of how computers work all the way up to language structures, you’ll cover enough of the language to be able to work with data and organize your code’s behavior.
The section begins with some groundwork to get you started.
Chapter 1, Expressions, Variables & Constants: This is it, your whirlwind introduction to the world of programming! You’ll begin with an overview of computers and programming, and then say hello to Swift playgrounds, which are where you’ll spend your coding time for the rest of this book. You’ll learn some basics such as code comments, arithmetic operations, constants and variables. These are some of the fundamental building blocks of any language, and Swift is no different.
Chapter 2, Types & Operations: You’ll learn about handling different types, including strings which allow you to represent text. You’ll learn about converting between types and you’ll also be introduced to type inference which makes your life as a programmer a lot simpler. You’ll learn about tuples which allow you to make your own types made up of multiple values of any type.
Once you have the basic data types in your head, it’ll be time to do things with that data:
Chapter 3, Basic Control Flow: You’ll learn how to make decisions and repeat tasks in your programs by using syntax to control the flow. You’ll also learn about Booleans, which represent true and false values, and how you can use these to compare data.
Chapter 4, Advanced Float Control: Continuing the theme of code not running in a straight line, you’ll learn about another loop known as the `for` loop. You’ll also learn about `switch` statements which are particularly powerful in Swift.
Chapter 5, Functions: Functions are the basic building blocks you use to structure your code in Swift. You’ll learn how to define functions to group your code into reusable units.
The final chapter of the section loops a very important data type:
Chapter 6, Optionals: This chapter covers optionals, a special type in Swift that represents either a real value or the absence of a value. By the end of this chapter, you’ll know why you need optionals and how to use them safely.
Section II: Collection Types
Stored data is a core component of any app, whether it’s a list of friends in your social networking app or a set of unlockable characters in your hit game. In this section, you’ll learn how to store collections of data in Swift.
So far, you’ve mostly seen data in the form of single elements. Although tuples can have multiple pieces of data, you have to specify the size up front; a tuple with three strings is a completely different type from a tuple with two strings, and converting between them isn’t trivial. In this section, you’ll learn about collection types in Swift. Collections are flexible “containers” that let you store any number of values together.
There are several collection types in Swift, but three important ones are arrays, dictionaries and sets. You’ll learn about these here:
Chapter 7, Arrays, Dictionaries, and Sets: There are several collection types in Swift, but three important ones are arrays, dictionaries and sets. You’ll learn about these here.
Chapter 8, Collection Iterations With Closures: Next you’ll learn how to apply custom operations and loop over collection types.
Chapter 9, Strings: Finally, you will revisit strings, which are actually bi-directional collections of unicode characters.
The collection types have similar interfaces but very different use cases. As you read through these chapters, keep the differences in mind, and you’ll begin to develop a feel for which type you should use when.
As part of exploring the differences between the collection types, you’ll also consider performance: how quickly the collections can perform certain operations, such as adding to the collection or searching through it.
Section III: Building Your Own Types
Swift comes with basic building blocks, but its real power is in the custom things you can build to model parts of your app. Swift has no idea about playable characters and monsters and power-ups, for example — these are things you need to build yourself! You’ll learn how to do that in this section.
Now that you know the basics of Swift, it’s time to put everything you’ve learned together to create your own types.
You can create your own type by combining variables and functions into a new type definition. For example, integers and doubles might not be enough for your purposes, so you might need to create a type to store complex numbers. Or maybe storing first, middle and last names in three independent variables is getting difficult to manage, so you decide to create a `FullName` type.
When you create a new type, you give it a name; thus, these custom types are known as named types. Structures are a powerful tool for modeling real world concepts. You can encapsulate related concepts, properties and methods into a single, cohesive model.
Chapter 10, Structures
Chapter 11, Properties
Chapter 12, Methods
Swift, in fact, includes four kinds of named types: structures, classes, enumerations and protocols. Now that you understand structures work with methods and properties you can see how the other named types use these same concepts, how they differ, and where you want to use each.
Chapter 13, Classes
Chapter 14, Advanced Classes
Chapter 15, Enumerations
Chapter 16, Protocols
Finally, you expand your knowledge of the type system by learning about generics: types and methods that take as input other types instead of just methods. Swift’s key to safety, speed and expressiveness lies in the ability to utilize generic types.
Chapter 17, Generics
Custom types make it possible to build large and complex things with the basic building blocks you’ve learned so far.
Section IV: Advanced Topics
The final section of the book covers more advanced topics in Swift. You’ll learn about specific things, such as how to handle problems that come up as your code runs, as well as about more general things such as memory management, which will help you understand some of Swift’s behind-the-scenes mechanisms.
In this section, you’ll delve into some important but more advanced topics to round out your Swift apprenticeship:
Chapter 18, Access Control and Code Organization: Swift gives you powerful tools for hiding complexity and organizing your code into easier to digest units. This chapter details how to do that.
Chapter 19, Custom Operators, Subscripts, Keypaths: You’ll learn how you can define your own operators and subscripts to make your types feel even more like built-in language constructs. You will also learn about type-safe keypaths introduced in Swift 4.
Chapter 20, Pattern Matching: With pattern matching you can accomplish more — with less typing. You’ll master all of its many forms in this chapter.
Chapter 21, Error Handling: In the real world, some errors cannot be avoided. Handling them gracefully is what sets apart mediocre code from great code.
Chapter 22, Encoding and Decoding Types: You will learn about the type serialization system introduced in Swift 4 with particular emphasis on the JSON format.
Chapter 23, Async Closures and Memory Management: This chapter digs into the details of Swift memory management examining the relation between objects. It shows you how you avoid common leaks.
Chapter 24, Value Types and Reference Types: Value semantics have a clear advantage over reference semantics in terms of the local reasoning but can lead to inefficiency for large objects. This chapter shows you how to get the best of both worlds.
Chapter 25, Protocol-Oriented Programming: From the standard library to user authored generics, Swift is a protocol-based language. In this chapter you’ll see how to get all of the benefits associated with object-oriented programming while being able to avoid most of the difficulties.
About the Authors
Of course, our book would be nothing without our team of experienced and dedicated authors:
Janie Clayton is an independent iOS developer. She spent a year apprenticed to a super genius programming robots and learning the forgotten ways of long term software maintenance and development. Janie is the coauthor on several books on iOS and Swift development. Janie lives outside of Madison, Wisconsin with her attempted grumble of pugs and multitude of programming books. Janie writes her various musings on her blog at RedQueenCoder.com.
Alexis Gallagher is a software engineer who is always looking for the conceptual deep dive and always hoping to find pearls down at the bottom. When he’s not coding, he’s out and about in sunny San Francisco.
Matt Galloway is a software engineer with a passion for excellence. He stumbled into iOS programming when it first was a thing, and has never looked back. When not coding, he likes to brew his own beer.
Eli Ganim is an engineering manager at Facebook. He is passionate about teaching, writing, and sharing his knowledge with others.
Ben Morrow delights in discovering the unspoken nature of the world. He’ll tell you the surprising bits while on a walk. He produces beauty by drawing out the raw wisdom that exists within each of us.
Cosmin Pupăză is a software developer and tutorial writer from Romania. He has worked with more than a dozen programming languages over the years, but none of them has made such a great impact on himself as the advent of Swift. When not coding, he either plays the guitar or studies WWII history. Cosmin blogs about Swift at cosminpupaza.wordpress.com.
Steven Van Impe is a computer science lecturer at the University College of Ghent, Belgium. When he’s not teaching, Steven can be found on his bike, rattling over cobblestones and sweating up hills, or relaxing around the table, enjoying board games with friends. You can find Steven on Twitter as @svanimpe.
Free Swift Apprentice Chapter
To help celebrate the launch, we’re going to open up the book and share a free chapter with you this week! This will give you a chance to check out some of the new pieces in the book. Stay tuned!
Now Available in ePub!
And as another exciting announcement, by popular request, the Swift Apprentice is now available in ePub format. Take it on the go with you on your iPad, iPhone or other digital reader and enjoy all the mobile reading benefits that ePub has to offer!
For the first time, Swift Apprentice is available in ePub format too!
Where to Go From Here?
Swift Apprentice, Third Edition is now 100% complete, fully updated for Swift 4 and is available today!
If you’ve already bought the Swift Apprentice PDF, you can log in to your account and download the new book in PDF and ePub format immediately on our store page.
If you don’t have the Swift Apprentice yet, you can grab your own very own copy in our online store.
And to help sweeten the deal, the digital edition of the book is on sale for $49.99! But don’t wait — this sale price is only available for a limited time.
Speaking of sweet deals, be sure to check out the great prizes we’re giving away this year with the iOS 11 Launch Party, including over $9,000 in giveaways!
To enter, simply retweet this post using the #ios11launchparty hashtag by using the button below:
Tweet !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+'://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');
We hope you enjoy this update to one of our most-loved books. Stay tuned for more book releases and updates coming soon!
The post Swift Apprentice Updated for Swift 4 appeared first on Ray Wenderlich.
Swift Apprentice Updated for Swift 4 published first on http://ift.tt/2fA8nUr
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lesterwilliams1 · 7 years
75% off #Learn to program in Java – $10
Provides a very conceptual understanding of the Java Programming Language which will help in your job or job interviews.
All Levels,  –   Video: 7.5 hours Other: 12 mins,  238 lectures 
Average rating 4.3/5 (4.3)
Course requirements:
Must have a logical and analytical bent of mind
Course description:
This course is about learning the java programming language. The instructor, being a programmer himself, gives real life examples and advice on how to write good quality and professional java code. The course is broken down into very short, easy to understand video lectures along with quizzes, exercises and assignments. We will also develop a simple banking application which can be run through the command line, so that whatever we are learning in the course can be put into practice, as we do this small real life banking application project.
You should be able to complete this course from a week to a months time, depending on how much effort you want to put in each day. If you are taking this course along with other activities, I think you should still be able to complete it in a month’s time.
You will get a certificate of completion if you cover over 80% of the course material.
We will start off by downloading and installing the JDK, and then move on to learning simple java constructs. And yes, we use the ECLIPSE IDE for programming, which is free and easy to use.
After completing this course, you will learn about lot of things that are typically asked in programming interviews. The use of graphics and animations in video lectures make sure that you really understand how things work in the java world. That will make you more confident about it, not only in your regular job, but also java interviews. Feel free to contact me for any doubts or otherwise. My priority is just to make sure that you have a WOW experience with this course. Hope you enjoy the course and HAPPY LEARNING.
Full details Learn the Java programming language Be able to write programs of simple to medium complexity Be able to understand what Object Oriented Programming is and how it helps us write better and more maintainable code Anybody with upto 2 or 3 years of programming experience should learn something from this course The course starts from the basics, so it is ideal for beginners The course also talks about the good and bad practices and we develop a simple banking application, which should make your understanding of java better, even if you have a couple of years of experience. If you are already very comfortable with java, this course may not be for you, but because you have the money back guarantee by Udemy, you may want to try it out, just in case
Full details
“good” (Anu Goyal)
“The content is good and self explainatory.” (Network engineer Manisha Singhal)
“Very illustrative examples” (Deepjyoti Mallick)
    About Instructor:
Raghavendra Dixit
I am a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology, popularly known as IIT. I have worked as a Technical Architect in both product & services based software companies with about 14 years of programming experience (as of June, 2013). I have worked with languages like Perl/Java/Objective C/Scala and JavaScript. I have also used various frameworks/platforms like Spring, Play, Cocoa and Android. I have lead some enterprise application development. In my free time I like to create technical content, which is easy to follow and really helps people in the software industry, do their job better. People undergoing my trainings and videos always have delightful experience and most of them have told me that they wish things were taught in this way at school too. I hope that people taking my courses here benefit to perform their programming jobs better and also are able to get to better positions, with confidence, in case they are looking out. Most recently I have worked as VP Engineering in a Sequoia funded startup and now I am off to do my own startup.
Instructor Other Courses:
Learn to Program in Javascript: Beginner to Pro Introduction to Data Structures & Algorithms in Java …………………………………………………………… Raghavendra Dixit coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Programming Languages course coupon Udemy Programming Languages course coupon Learn to program in Java Learn to program in Java course coupon Learn to program in Java coupon coupons
The post 75% off #Learn to program in Java – $10 appeared first on Udemy Cupón.
from Udemy Cupón http://www.xpresslearn.com/udemy/coupon/75-off-learn-to-program-in-java-10/
from https://xpresslearn.wordpress.com/2017/04/17/75-off-learn-to-program-in-java-10/
0 notes
xpresslearn · 7 years
75% off #Learn to program in Java – $10
Provides a very conceptual understanding of the Java Programming Language which will help in your job or job interviews.
All Levels,  –   Video: 7.5 hours Other: 12 mins,  238 lectures 
Average rating 4.3/5 (4.3)
Course requirements:
Must have a logical and analytical bent of mind
Course description:
This course is about learning the java programming language. The instructor, being a programmer himself, gives real life examples and advice on how to write good quality and professional java code. The course is broken down into very short, easy to understand video lectures along with quizzes, exercises and assignments. We will also develop a simple banking application which can be run through the command line, so that whatever we are learning in the course can be put into practice, as we do this small real life banking application project.
You should be able to complete this course from a week to a months time, depending on how much effort you want to put in each day. If you are taking this course along with other activities, I think you should still be able to complete it in a month’s time.
You will get a certificate of completion if you cover over 80% of the course material.
We will start off by downloading and installing the JDK, and then move on to learning simple java constructs. And yes, we use the ECLIPSE IDE for programming, which is free and easy to use.
After completing this course, you will learn about lot of things that are typically asked in programming interviews. The use of graphics and animations in video lectures make sure that you really understand how things work in the java world. That will make you more confident about it, not only in your regular job, but also java interviews. Feel free to contact me for any doubts or otherwise. My priority is just to make sure that you have a WOW experience with this course. Hope you enjoy the course and HAPPY LEARNING.
Full details Learn the Java programming language Be able to write programs of simple to medium complexity Be able to understand what Object Oriented Programming is and how it helps us write better and more maintainable code Anybody with upto 2 or 3 years of programming experience should learn something from this course The course starts from the basics, so it is ideal for beginners The course also talks about the good and bad practices and we develop a simple banking application, which should make your understanding of java better, even if you have a couple of years of experience. If you are already very comfortable with java, this course may not be for you, but because you have the money back guarantee by Udemy, you may want to try it out, just in case
Full details
“good” (Anu Goyal)
“The content is good and self explainatory.” (Network engineer Manisha Singhal)
“Very illustrative examples” (Deepjyoti Mallick)
    About Instructor:
Raghavendra Dixit
I am a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology, popularly known as IIT. I have worked as a Technical Architect in both product & services based software companies with about 14 years of programming experience (as of June, 2013). I have worked with languages like Perl/Java/Objective C/Scala and JavaScript. I have also used various frameworks/platforms like Spring, Play, Cocoa and Android. I have lead some enterprise application development. In my free time I like to create technical content, which is easy to follow and really helps people in the software industry, do their job better. People undergoing my trainings and videos always have delightful experience and most of them have told me that they wish things were taught in this way at school too. I hope that people taking my courses here benefit to perform their programming jobs better and also are able to get to better positions, with confidence, in case they are looking out. Most recently I have worked as VP Engineering in a Sequoia funded startup and now I am off to do my own startup.
Instructor Other Courses:
Learn to Program in Javascript: Beginner to Pro Introduction to Data Structures & Algorithms in Java …………………………………………………………… Raghavendra Dixit coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Programming Languages course coupon Udemy Programming Languages course coupon Learn to program in Java Learn to program in Java course coupon Learn to program in Java coupon coupons
The post 75% off #Learn to program in Java – $10 appeared first on Udemy Cupón.
from http://www.xpresslearn.com/udemy/coupon/75-off-learn-to-program-in-java-10/
0 notes
lewiskdavid90 · 7 years
75% off #Learn to program in Java – $10
Provides a very conceptual understanding of the Java Programming Language which will help in your job or job interviews.
All Levels,  – 8 hours,  238 lectures 
Average rating 4.6/5 (4.6 (328 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)
Course requirements:
Must have a logical and analytical bent of mind
Course description:
This course is about learning the java programming language. The instructor, being a programmer himself, gives real life examples and advice on how to write good quality and professional java code. The course is broken down into very short, easy to understand video lectures along with quizzes, exercises and assignments. We will also develop a simple banking application which can be run through the command line, so that whatever we are learning in the course can be put into practice, as we do this small real life banking application project.
You should be able to complete this course from a week to a months time, depending on how much effort you want to put in each day. If you are taking this course along with other activities, I think you should still be able to complete it in a month’s time.
You will get a certificate of completion if you cover over 80% of the course material.
We will start off by downloading and installing the JDK, and then move on to learning simple java constructs. And yes, we use the ECLIPSE IDE for programming, which is free and easy to use.
After completing this course, you will learn about lot of things that are typically asked in programming interviews. The use of graphics and animations in video lectures make sure that you really understand how things work in the java world. That will make you more confident about it, not only in your regular job, but also java interviews. Feel free to contact me for any doubts or otherwise. My priority is just to make sure that you have a WOW experience with this course. Hope you enjoy the course and HAPPY LEARNING.
Full details Learn the Java programming language Be able to write programs of simple to medium complexity Be able to understand what Object Oriented Programming is and how it helps us write better and more maintainable code Anybody with upto 2 or 3 years of programming experience should learn something from this course The course starts from the basics, so it is ideal for beginners The course also talks about the good and bad practices and we develop a simple banking application, which should make your understanding of java better, even if you have a couple of years of experience. If you are already very comfortable with java, this course may not be for you, but because you have the money back guarantee by Udemy, you may want to try it out, just in case
Full details
“pace is little faster and the geometry examples are little confusing..” (Satish Kumar Karnati)
“The course is nicely structured and easy to follow the instructor. The instructor explains the concepts in simple way with good examples.” (Bhanuteja Sainathuni)
“The content is good and self explainatory.” (Network engineer Manisha Singhal)
  About Instructor:
Raghavendra Dixit
I am a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology, popularly known as IIT. I have worked as a Technical Architect in both product & services based software companies with about 14 years of programming experience (as of June, 2013). I have worked with languages like Perl/Java/Objective C/Scala and JavaScript. I have also used various frameworks/platforms like Spring, Play, Cocoa and Android. I have lead some enterprise application development. In my free time I like to create technical content, which is easy to follow and really helps people in the software industry, do their job better. People undergoing my trainings and videos always have delightful experience and most of them have told me that they wish things were taught in this way at school too. I hope that people taking my courses here benefit to perform their programming jobs better and also are able to get to better positions, with confidence, in case they are looking out. Most recently I have worked as VP Engineering in a Sequoia funded startup and now I am off to do my own startup.
Instructor Other Courses:
Learn to Program in Javascript: Beginner to Pro Raghavendra Dixit, Dizauvi Learning Solutions (93) Free Introduction to Data Structures & Algorithms in Java …………………………………………………………… Raghavendra Dixit coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Programming Languages course coupon Udemy Programming Languages course coupon Learn to program in Java Learn to program in Java course coupon Learn to program in Java coupon coupons
The post 75% off #Learn to program in Java – $10 appeared first on Course Tag.
from Course Tag http://coursetag.com/udemy/coupon/75-off-learn-to-program-in-java-10/ from Course Tag https://coursetagcom.tumblr.com/post/157812427158
0 notes
lewiskdavid90 · 7 years
95% off #Master Object Oriented Design in Java – Homework + Solutions – $10
Don’t just learn Java! Learn to write practical industry standard object oriented software and super charge your career!
All Levels,  – 5.5 hours,  39 lectures 
Average rating 4.5/5 (4.5 (800 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)
Course requirements:
You should have a java editor installed. We’ll be using Eclipse. You can download that from eclipse.org Install Jdk from oracle website
Course description:
LATEST: Course Updated for Feb 2016
Now you can get the “Master Programmer Certification in OOP” from Eliminate Code Fear after completing the course. You must email the instructor once you complete the course and pass an online OOP test from their website.
SUPER CHARGE OF YOUR PROGRAMMING CAREER and acquire some seriously marketable skills!
Just because you learned how to use a hammer doesn’t mean you are ready to construct a building. Similarly, It’s not enough to just understand a programming language. That’s just a tool that can be used to develop various programs. The real craftsmanship is in software DESIGN.
This course is designed to take a junior level programmer with limited knowledge about object orientation to a competent level object oriented software designer! I expect you to understand the basics of loops, methods and conditionals in Java. You’ll be completing hands-on HOMEWORK Exercises through out the course! I have provided detailed video solutions to the exercises so that you can check your answers and get step by step instructions of how to tackle the object oriented design assignments.
You can find plenty of resources online for solving a programming puzzle or practicing algorithms. But… when it comes to object oriented design, admittedly, there is limited material out there for you to practice. So in this course, we use a LEARN-BY-DOING approach to explore a series of progressively challenging exercises to discover the 5 core object oriented design PRINCIPLES summarized by an acronym called SOLID:
(S). Single Responsibility
(O). Open/Closed
(L). Liskov Substitution
(l ). Interface Segregation
(D). Dependency Inversion
During this journey you’ll get practice applying some of the most important DESIGN PATTERNS that competent developers must have under their belt. There are so many design patterns out there, but we’ll be thoroughly covering only the most important ones. Save yourself the time from learning all the design patterns and going on a design frenzy. Focus on the 20% that covers 80% of the scenarios and add miles to your programming efficiency.
These cover 80% of patterns used out there in professional software development.
1). Strategy Pattern
2). Observer Pattern
3). Builder pattern
4). Factory method pattern
5). Template Method Pattern
6). Singleton Pattern
The topics can be applied to pretty much any object oriented language. But, we’ll be using Java, so I expect you to be familiar with the basic language constructs such as classes, methods and interfaces. But don’t worry if you don’t know about these, I’ve taken the time to create 6 comprehensive prerequisite lessons on introduction to object orientation. In these lessons, new comers can learn about the basics of object orientation such as:
1). Classes and objects
2). Inheritance and polymorphism,
3). Interfaces and abstract classes.
I’m certain that, by practicing the concepts covered, you’ll make a substantial leap forward in your programming career. I hope to see you in the coming lessons.
This course is from eliminatecodefear(dot)com. This site offers lectures on practical software development topics to immediately impact your programming skills. Things you can take to your interview and feel confident in your abilities!
Full details Advance your programming skills from a junior level newbie to a competent intermediate level object oriented software developer Design and develop software using best practices in Object oriented programming Apply the 5 crucial object oriented design principles using Java Apply design patterns such as Strategy, Observer, Template Method, Factory, and Builder Make the leap into professional software craftsmanship and take your career to the next level!
Full details If you’ve had trouble creating java programs that contain more than 1 or 2 classes, this course is for you I expect you to know the basics of Java loops and conditiona
“In general, the overall quality of this lesson is great, it shined some light on how to process to grasp more OOD concepts and knowledge. However there are 4 things I feel that could have been better, and that is why i took one star off. 1. There are certain trivial things that could have been left out, for example a couple class that implement one particular interface, if the implementation is for one has been mentioned, and if the second implementation is pretty march the same without tricky parts, then the typing of the code and repititive explanation should be fast forwarded. And instead more time should be spent on the code new key material. 2. The speed of the talk (Not the content or construction of the course) could be a little bit faster, a lot of the time it feels like speech is put in slow motion that I have to switch to 1.25 times of the speed. 3. Rather than directly quoting a lot of definitions directly (at least it feels like so) and using the big and dry words, it could have been much more help and easier if the definition could be explained in more intuitive and layman’s word, so people can easily relate the topic to their life experience. I had to look up information on the internet for some of the concepts to get a better understand. And I found some of the example and ideas are taken directly from Uncle Bob’s website and blog and only reworded (no offense, but only that Uncle Bob’s wording was much easier to understand, should have kept it in the original form). And Sometimes it gets dry when only see the definition then starts coding right away. A picture aside from UML diagram, a life scenario could have help more. 4. I’d really be happy if my questions could get answered. I understand it is the holiday season, but I have had other classes that my questions were answered on Christmas eve. I am not asking to the same standard, but at least please do not delay it till I am almost through the class. Overall, the class is good, the material is just what I am looking for. I learned a great deal, thank you for such courses. And I would recommend to anyone we would like to learn OOD” (Sdev)
“I gave it 5 stars because it is a great course. Simple to follow and Imtiaz is a communicator. I suggest taking this course highly. Other points; 1. Concise 2. Great audio 3. Good video 4. Explanation of why things should be done a certain way. 5. Great use of terms” (Jon Schaubhut)
“The course is very well structured and the trainer knows his stuff. I’ve learned a lot and received a couple of new design ideas. For a sufficient learning effect, it is highly recommended to do the assignments on your own before consuming the solution proposals. Thanks Imtiaz, well done!” (Bengt Mertens)
  About Instructor:
Imtiaz Ahmad
I’m a passionate software consultant and programmer of enterprise software architectures. I’ve spent a considerable amount of time building financial software on Wall St. and worked for companies like S&P, Goldman Sachs, AOL along with helping various startups solve mission critical software problems. In my 13 years of experience, I’ve developed massive enterprise level software using programming languages like Java, C++, Python, PL/SQL and Ruby. I’ve learned many lessons along the way, and I hope to share this knowledge with aspiring software developers. I’ve always had a passion for teaching in seminars and corporations during my consulting projects. My online school Eliminate Code Fear gives me the opportunity to share my knowledge with students of all backgrounds and experiences across the globe! I’m really excited for this opportunity to bring to you real-world practical experience! Join my initiative and we’ll work together to bring out the best programmer in you!
Instructor Other Courses:
The Complete Oracle SQL Certification Course Imtiaz Ahmad, Senior Software Engineer & Trainer @ Eliminate Code Fear (520) $10 $195 Practical Data Structures & Algorithms in Java + HW Java Puzzles to Eliminate Code Fear …………………………………………………………… Imtiaz Ahmad coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Programming Languages course coupon Udemy Programming Languages course coupon Master Object Oriented Design in Java – Homework + Solutions Master Object Oriented Design in Java – Homework + Solutions course coupon Master Object Oriented Design in Java – Homework + Solutions coupon coupons
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lewiskdavid90 · 7 years
80% off #Entity Framework in Depth – $10
Learn to query or save domain objects to a database using Entity Framework
Intermediate Level,  – 6.5 hours,  79 lectures 
Average rating 4.6/5 (4.6 (1,009 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)
Course requirements:
Good understanding of advanced C# constructs (generics, lambda expressions)
Course description:
Entity Framework is an Object / Relational Mapper (O/RM) that helps you read and write data from and to a database. In this course, Mosh, teaches you the core concepts of Entity Framework through a series of clear, concise and hands-on lectures.
Whether you’re new to Entity Framework, or been using it for a while but are looking for a comprehensive course with a clean structure to fill the missing parts, you’re going to love this course.
Understand the differences between code-first and database-first workflows Build a domain model using database-first workflow Build a domain model using code-first workflow (with a new or an existing database) Use code-first migrations to upgrade or downgrade your database Override code-first conventions (using data annotations and fluent API) Query data using LINQ (using query syntax and extension methods) Use eager loading, lazy loading and explicit loading effectively Add, update and remove objects Use additional tools to profile and troubleshoot your applications Understand what the repository pattern is, why and when to use it and how Apply best practices with Entity Framework
Unlike other books or courses that teach Entity Framework like a manual, Mosh walks you through real-world scenarios using his extensive experience in the field. Not only does he teach you the fundamentals of Entity Framework, he’ll also teach you best practices along the way.
In each section, you’ll find exercises to help you reinforce the materials. These exercises have been chosen from real-world scenarios to help you prepare for the challenges of the real-world. Also, some sections include cheat sheets to you can quickly review what you learn in that section.
This course is produced with Entity Framework 6 and will be updated as new versions of Entity Framework come out. If you’re using an older version of Entity Framework, you can still take this course as long as your version of Entity Framework is 4.1 or higher.
What others say
“May God bless you and your efforts to create high quality courses. This has really changed my life from working as a security guard and doing websites for free, now I am a professional.” -Danish Jafri
“I’m impressed by Mosh’s ability to strike the right balance of topic background, demo and tip and tricks to get around common issues when learning a technology. Great job Mosh! I’m more than happy to have invested my time and money in your work.” -Ben Holtzman
“Excellent course! Mosh has a brilliant style and all of his courses are well presented and very high quality. This course was no exception and I learnt a lot from it.” -Steven Barnett
“It´s a pleasure following the lessons, It´s like a good book, you always want to read another chapter. This is not siimple a course of EF, it goes further, gives a very good explanation of Linq and the most brilliant description of Repository Pattern and Unity of work. Please keep doing courses. To be honest I believe that you should leave your work and spend the rest of your life teaching ;).” -Martin Suarez
“I’d taken a lot of video classes, and this is the best I’d taken. Very well explained, detailed and a good real life examples, lots of tips and more.” -Oscar Vargas
“As always… Mosh nails it with his thorough explanations (without all the “I’m better than you vibe”).” -Mike Loffland
100% money back guarantee
This course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. If you’re not happy, ask for a refund, all your money back, no questions asked.
Do you want to take your programming skills to the next level?
Then take the course now and let’s get started.
Full details Understand the differences between database-first and code-first workflows Build a domain model using database-first workflow Build a domain model using code-first workflow (with an existing or a new database) Use code-first migrations to upgrade or downgrade your database Override code-first conventions (using data an
“Holy @$@$ Batman! This is not light learning. But I understood it all! Great job. Where the aspirin? Naaa, this is going to need something stronger, where the Scotch? K9” (Ken Pearson)
“I’m a big fan of Mosh’s easy-to-follow instructions. I’ve viewed a lot of videos on Youtube, Pluralsight, etc., and I find Mosh’s content to be the most engaging and the easiest to follow within the ASP.net/C# videos. This course is a great introduction to Entity Framework. It really does cover everything I’ve come to use on a daily basis in production code. I continue to refer back to this time and again to make sure I’m doing things right, and to clarify explanations about why our organization chooses one convention versus another. Like any other technology, EF is rapidly changing–so use this as a good introduction so you can wrap your head around what’s happening, and then go get the nitty-gritty details and best practices from a variety of sources. As Mosh states, it’s all about being practical. There’s no one-stop solution for every code problem. This course should give you a variety of ways to get things done with EF6.” (Michael Gaudet)
“Hi Mosh, I found this course very useful for me especially because of your simplicity during the explanation and your language accent which is very easy to understand for Indian like me” (Ben Spencer)
  About Instructor:
Mosh Hamedani
Moshfegh Hamedani is a passionate and creative software engineer with a strong focus on pragmatism and simplicity. He started programming at the age of seven on a Commodore 64. Later, during his high school years, he started learning C and C++ . In 2002, along with the first release of .NET, he shifted his focus to C#. Since then he has been involved in the design and implementation of numerous software projects, including modern web applications, mobile apps, desktop applications and frameworks. Aside from his career as a software engineer, he truly enjoys sharing his knowledge with others. Since his early twenties, he has been teaching courses and running workshops on C#, ASP. NET, object-oriented programming and clean coding. He is author of 6 best-selling courses on Udemy and more will be coming soon. Mosh has a Master of Science in Network Systems and a Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering. He is also a Microsoft Certified Application Developer, Technology Specialist (Web Applications) and Professional. Outside the software world, Mosh is a photographer, a pianist and a passionate Latin dancer.
Instructor Other Courses:
Build Enterprise Applications with Angular 2 Mosh Hamedani, Passionate Software Engineer and Best-selling Author (96) $10 $80 Xamarin Forms: Build Native Cross-platform Apps with C# The Complete ASP.NET MVC 5 Course …………………………………………………………… Mosh Hamedani coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Development Tools course coupon Udemy Development Tools course coupon Entity Framework in Depth Entity Framework in Depth course coupon Entity Framework in Depth coupon coupons
The post 80% off #Entity Framework in Depth – $10 appeared first on Udemy Cupón/ Udemy Coupon/.
from Udemy Cupón/ Udemy Coupon/ http://coursetag.com/udemy/coupon/80-off-entity-framework-in-depth-10/ from Course Tag https://coursetagcom.tumblr.com/post/155636977613
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