#Ik there’s another Salem but it’s fine
cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
There’s an Original Story I’m working on, and although I don’t have much atm, I’ll share some of the characters I have for the story:
Main Characters:
Tricks: They/Them/Themself
The protagonist of the story, and a Cyborg. In the past before the story/plot happened, Tricks was turned into a Cyborg by their parents when they were pretty young, and they’ve been getting used to it ever since.
Salem: No Pronouns
A human, and someone that Tricks meets for the first time as the story unfolds. A long time ago in the past, Salem was adopted by a robot couple, after Salem’s original parents gave Salem up.
Key: She/Her/Herself, They/Them/Themself, He/Him/Himself
A robot, and an old friend of Tricks with the two formerly reuniting as the story happens. A long time ago, the two were great friends, continuously growing closer- until something happened to cause the two to dislike each other, and they stopped talking to each other.
Wisp: It/It’s/Itself
A recently created robot—by someone unknown—that ends up accompanying and befriending the others. Not much is known about it, as Wisp doesn’t seem to want to talk about much- and seems to be quite mysterious.
Secondary/Side Characters:
Artemis: She/Her/Herself, MtF.
A cyborg that typically helps out in fixing/repairing anything wrong with other Cyborgs and Robots. She was the first to have met Wisp and introduced it to the others. Family to Salem, as her mother is related to Salem’s father.
Pax: They/Them/Themself
A forgetful robot, and a family friend of Tricks who used to babysit both them and Key until the two were older. In the present, Pax wishes to help everyone out- but that may prove to be somewhat difficult.
Vee: He/Him/Himself, FtM.
A human that typically hangs out around Artemis and helps her with Cyborgs and Robots—and is willing to do anything for approval. He’s not sure how to help Tricks and the others in the present, but he’s sure he’ll figure it out.
Cleo: She/Her/Herself, They/Them/Themself
A human that has spoken with the main group constantly, appearing out of seemingly nowhere to do so each time. While Cleo partially would like to assist, the other half just wants to sit back and watch whatever may happen.
Tags: @aecholapis @novafire-is-thinking @ivycorp @swede-fish
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nyikondlovu · 2 years
You were the only reason I had to go on, you were my dream, all the things I never knew
(Cross posted on AO3 and Wattpad (ik ik))
“what the fuck Jake?” Devon can’t help but let out loudly. Forgive him, he’s slightly pissed.
“I know, Pam and Larry said no.” Jake says looking apologetic over the video call
Frustrated, Devon reponds: “I'm cooking for you! Would a text or heads up have killed you?”
‘Shit. He’s pissed.’ Jake Wheeler can see it in how tight his eyes are and how the phone seems to be slightly shaking meaning Devon’s hands are trembling badly.
“I know, I just got distracted and-“
“No, it’s happened every other weekend for SIX fucking months Jacob…that’s 12 weeks. 12 dates. 12 opportunities for us to be together that you’ve ditched.”
“Wait no it can’t be 12…” the curly haired boy trails off.
‘I can’t, I have so much homework.’
‘You can’t come, I don’t know what we’d even do.’
‘This weekend is no good babe.’
“You couldn’t even give an excuse for the last one, Jake!” It cannot be said that Devon Evans doesn’t have the patience of a saint but fuck even he can snap.
Is something wrong with him? He thinks as he looks at his boyfriend fumble for an excuse.
Does Jake not love him anymore?
Is Devon not worth fighting for?
…maybe not it seems.
Devon has been through a lot but one thing his mama taught him is never beg for love or to be in spaces you’re clearly not wanted.
He loves Jake but fuck he’s so tired of feeling unwanted.
“…Dev?” Jake calls out, he doesn’t know how to explain that he doesn’t feel good enough for him. That his life is crazy and he cancels or doesn’t show up because it’s better if Devon is as far away from Jake as possible.
He sees…something flicker through his boyfriend’s face before it’s back into a neutral expression.
He’s doing this for himself even though it hurts like a fucking cunt.
“You will not or cannot make time for us, you don’t communicate, you barely answer texts and calls so it’s clear where this is headed…” he starts
‘No. No. No. for the love of EVERYTHING, Devon, please don’t.’ Jake internally begs, he feels his throat start to tighten up.
“It’s best if we end this relationship. We can’t find time for one another and it’s hurting me Jake. You don’t love me anymore, fine. But don’t string me along like a fucking idiot. My heart can’t take that.” Devon carefully says, making sure to keep his voice steady but he can’t stop the tears welling up in his eyes.
“Dev -Dev please no. I can do better. I love you so much please don’t fucking do this-“ his begging is cut off.
“I’m done Jake. We’re done. For good this time,” and the screen goes black.
Leaving both teens staring at reflections of themselves with tears streaming down their faces and their hearts heavy.
“I love you more than i ever thought possible.” Jake whispers, and starts to frantically look at Uber prices from Salem to Hackensack
Devon starts turning off the stove and packing away ingredients he pulled out of the kitchen cabinets and fridge.
“I love you but I have to love me more…” the black boy says to himself.
maybe if he says it enough times he’ll even start to believe it.
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mayrarcjas · 10 months
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-mayra fidgets; her old habit of picking at her cuticles coming back as she waited, impatiently, for Salem to open after knocking.-
Salem Campbell:
-opens the door after some time, looking like he just fell out of bed- Oh hey, Mayra. Sorry, I think I fell asleep on my desk. -lets out a yawn- Can I help you with something?
-she bites her bottom lip; anxiety getting the best of her- I'm sorry to bother you, Salem, but I was hoping to talk to you about something that could benefit the community ... if you have a second?
Salem Campbell:
Of course I got a second. I might even have two. -chuckles half-heartedly at his lackluster attempt of telling a joke, before gesturing to Mayra to follow him inside of his apartment- Come on in. You want a cup of coffee? Or something else to drink?
-she offered a half smile as she followed close behind him. mayra looked around, finding his apartment very home-y a place she would definitely feel comfortable in- Unless you have something a little stronger, I'm good. -she looked around again- Don't take this the wrong way but, this is not how I thought your place would look.
Salem Campbell:
-raises an eyebrow at her- Pretty sure I have some stray moonshine somewhere here. You alright? -goes to search for the bottle; chuckles at her remark- What did you expect my place would look like?
Not this. -she smiled with a chuckle- It’s cozy. Simplistic with a side of minimalism. I like it. -mayra takes a seat-
Salem Campbell:
-finds the bottle somewhere along his belongings- Thanks. It took some work to get it there. -after some consideration, gets two glasses and fills them, before sitting down in front of them and taking a seat- So, what can I help you with?
-she takes the offered glass and sips. a slow soft breath released before she began- As you know, the winter months are quickly approaching and at some point, the ground won't be a source of food anymore. Obviously, that's not something we can handle right now. That loss will make things difficult. But we can avoid that with a greenhouse.
Salem Campbell
-he takes a sip from his own glass, making a face at the taste, but listening to her intently- A greenhouse. That's a pretty good idea actually. It might be tough to build one big enough and find the material for that but... A greenhouse can't hurt. How did you get the idea?
-mayra chuckles- I wish I had some cool explanation or a moment where I had an epiphany, but honestly, I was replanting the marigolds and the idea popped in my head. I'm more than happy to help build one.
Salem Campbell:
If you know how to build one that'd be amazing. I'll suggest it to the council and see what they think but I think they'll agree.
I'm not fully versed in how to do it, but I have a general idea. I can draw up a makeshift blueprint and talk to Sol about it as well. -mayra hesitated, taking in another sip.- Can Isaac not be part of it? The build, not the vote. Obviously he has to be 'cause of his position but, I'm sure we can get it done just fine.
Salem Campbell:
That sounds like a good plan. -eyes her curiously when she asks about Ike not beeing involved- I think that won't be a problem. -pauses for a moment- Is everything okay? With you and Isaac?
-she battled between speaking her truth or offering a sliver of information. mayra's eyes slightly narrowed at salem- I know you're only asking 'cause you're part of the Council, but I can assure you that whatever issues Isaac and I have are not Council worthy.
Salem Campbell
I'm not just asking because I'm a council member. -sighs and takes a sip from his drink- I was asking for myself. If something's bothering you, talking about it can help. -gives her a tired smile- I don't bring stuff up to the council unless people ask me to.
-she moved her head to look out the window. she chewed on the inside of her lip for a moment- It's stupid. -turns to look back at salem- I thought I could trust him with some personal information and I was wrong. -mayra shrugs- Hurts but that's life, right?
Salem Campbell
Jesus. That ain't supid. Pretty reasonable to be upset by that. -takes another sip from his drink before giving her a sympathetic glance- Did he tell someone that information?
-she takes a sip - already feeling exhausted- I sure hope not. -she lets out a worried chuckle- No. The issue is I told him, and he shut down and left. I don't know what I expected, honestly. Our... -she paused- ...situationship, I guess you could call it, was never really something of feelings and real intimacy. But there was something there. Something that made me feel safe and now ... -she quiets, staring passed salem and takes another sip-
Salem Campbell
And now you've kinda lost that feeling of safety. Cause you don't know if you can tell him things without him shutting down? -looks away from her down into his glass as if considering the moonshine, before returning his attention to her- Have you tried talking to him since then?
Last two conversations we've had resulted in one of us walking away. The first one was me. -she hesitated, contemplating her choice of words- I kind of held a knife to his throat in that one. -mayra snorts- No - is the answer to your question. Honestly, at this point, I don't even know if I want to.
Salem Campbell
You held a knife up to his-? -blinks at her, before shaking his head with a chuckle, before turning a little more serious- I mean I'm not sure if you're looking for advice, and if you aren't feel free to tell me to shut up, but... do you think you'll be okay with not talking to him a few months from now? Or a year?
-she contemplated his question- Who knows if we'll even still be here in a year.
Salem Campbell
Alright. Fair point. -puts his glass down in front of him- What I'm getting at is if you still want him to be in your life. Are you fine to leave things like they are now forever? -looks at her gently, before reaching for his glass again to empty it- Because to me it kinda sounds like what you told him maybe brought some memories back for him too. And maybe he has no idea how to tell you that it did, so he shuts down. Doesn't change the fact that he hurt you, of course.
-she listened intently to his advise. she tapped her finger against the glass, taking the last bit. mayra then eyed him carefully- What'd you do before the world went to shit, Salem?
Salem Campbell
-raises an eyebrow- Well, if you mean job, I was a carpenter. If you mean generally, I was mostly busy raising my siblings. Why?
No reason. -she softly smiles-  You just talk like you have some life behind you. Siblings, I'm assuming, surely do that.
Salem Campbell
They put a whole lot of years on your back. Especially six of 'em. -smiles contently but sadly at the memory, before shaking his head- We all got life behind us, don't we? And plenty of things we don't know how to talk about.
Who'd've thought we needed therapy in a zombie apocalpyse? -mayra chuckles- Thank you for the drink and for hearing my idea. I trust you'll let me know what the Council says when they make a decision.
Salem Campbell
Of course I will. -he hesitates for a moment- I hope you'll figure something with Ike that you feel comfortable with. Regardless of what that is.
Thanks. -mayra stands and heads for the door- You're cooler than what I thought you were gonna be.
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foxmagika-blog · 6 years
01.     don’t  steal  my  stuff .  that  includes  icons ,  my  writing ,  edits ,  etc . 02.     the  only  tags  i  have  blacklisted  are :  sydrian ,  sydney  x  adrian ,  adrian  x  sydney  (  from  the  vampire  academy  /  bloodlines  series  ) .  zervis ,  zeref  x  mavis ,  mavis  x  zeref ,  gajevy  /  gale ,  gajeel  x  levy ,  levy  x  gajeel  (  from  the  fairy  tail  fandom  ) .  i  would  also  very  much  appreciate  if  u  could  tag  ur  self  harm  images  or  mentions  as  well ,  thank  u     ! 03.     to  add  onto  the  triggers ,  i  tag  mine  like :  trigger name / 04.     feel  free  to  ask  me  for  my  discord  or  snapchat .
01.     i  only  interact  with  mutuals ,  so  any  asks  &  likes  on  a  starter  call  from  someone  who  i  don’t  follow  will  probs  be  ignored  &  deleted . 02.     between  a  job  &  uni ,  i’m  p  busy  most  the  time  so  it’ll  take  me  a  while  to  get  to  asks  /  threads  &  even  then  i’m  slow  af  sorry . 03.     i  do  format  my  posts  &  edit  my  icons ,  but  that  doesn’t  mean  i  expect  everyone  else  to .  u  don’t  need  any  of  that  to  impress  me     !     i’m  happy  as  long  as  ur  charactersation  is  good  i  couldn’t  care  less .  &  if  u  have  a  problem  with  how  i  format  my  posts  then  pls  tell  me . 04.     as  both  asra  &  i  are  over  18 ,  nsfw  themes  will  b  on  this  blog ,  ranging  from  gore  to  sexual  content ,  but  will  be  tagged  approprietly . 
01.     i’m picky abt who i follow     !     as long as u tag ur stuff & have a blog i can easily get around / easily get to a rules & about then ya’ll should be fine . 02.     even tho i’m selective i still encourage anyone from any fandom to follow me     !     this includes duplicates. i will not follow duplicates, however, if they have not stated how they feel abt duplicates / have said in their rules they don’t follow duplicates . 03.     i’m a-okay with mains. in fact, i encourage them. however i’m not into exclusives. they just seem to really limit the possibility of interacting with other blogs & tbh     ?     that’s what i’m here to do, inteact with people & make new friends. so pls don’t ask to be exclusive with me bc i will say no, but hmu to be mains     !
01.     i’m  multi  ship .  tho  it  is  nowhere  near  a  focus  on  this  blog  i  still  love  shipping  a  lot ,  platonic  or  romantic . 02.     obviously ,  there  needs  to  be  development  between  our  muse’s  first .  chemistry  is  a  must  too  bc  i  just  can’t  match  asra  with  anyone  y'know      ?     it’s  a  lot  like  normal  relationships  u  just  can’t  date  anyone ,  there  needs  to  be  attraction  between  the  two . 03.     i  don’t  have  any  favourite  ships  for  asra  in  particular  so  if  u  wanna  discuss  a  ship  feel  free  to  hmu ,  but  i  will  most  likely  not  romantically  ship  w/  a  nadia  or  a  muriel . 04.     i’m  only  going  to  ship  with  one  said  character  at  a  time     !     that  means  that  if  i’m  shipping  with  muse  then  that  means  i’m  not  going  to  ship  with  another  muse .  but  i  can  bend  that  rule  slightly  if  the  muse  is  an  au  version  of  said  muse .  this  does  not  include  fan  apprentices  ! 05.     if  u  wanna  ship  with  me  then  pls  remember  that  i  will  probs  devote  myself  to  that  ship     !     i  will  make  edits  &  send  asks  &  just  write  headcanons  abt  our  muse’s  relationships  etc . 06.     don’t force a ship on me or asra bc i will not hesitate to block u .
01.     credits  are  here . 02.     hi ,  i’m  salem     !     i’m  a  20  year  old  female ,  w/  she  &  her  pronouns ,  who  is  studying  fashion  at  uni .  ik  these  rules  are  pretty  long  but  i’m  actually  really  easy  to  get  along  w/ ,  so  pls  feel  free  to  msg  me . i’m  a  huge  nerd  who  loves  cats  &  playing  the  piano . 03.     last  but  not  least ,  thank  u  for  reading     !
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