#If he's not stabbing Ez he's stabbing someone else who jumped in the way to protect Ez (Soren)
imminent-danger-came · 10 months
Shots in tdp s5 that make me go 🤨😕☹️
(I am living in fear. Let's go!)
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mag7dumbies · 5 years
Magnificent Seven Series (1998) Pilot major spoilers
So I finally finished watching the Pilot and good lord I had thoughts, and no this is not the first time I’ve watched this episode, I’m just that extra when I watch TV 
(Here we go yet again folks strap in)
(I have mentioned I hate the confederates- garbage humans the lot)
(Also giving birth is better in a squatting position- or at least that’s what I’ve heard)
(Seminoles are actually a very interesting tribe to read about)
“I respect no man’s law but my own” well fuck you too racist bastard (not only that but you need to get a fucking haircut and someone to repair that ratty flag of yours or better yet burn it)
I hate that he is so right cause we still have nut jobs in the south who are in denial that we won the war 
The movie was so much nicer goodness (I mean violence wise it wasn’t as insane as this is)
I hate that the general is not completely bad (he isn’t close to good but he still has morals, which is hard to believe considering what he believes)
(The general is nuttier than an oak tree)
“I believe I can turn gold into bullets” (what does that even mean)
(Didn’t realize that this whole episode was a week’s worth of stuff huh)
(I love that they included freed slaves just makes me happy)
Lordy boardy here we go
Chris this is not the time for a drink
The duster flaps in the wind- okay we get it Chris is a badass- he was drinking glass, earlier we know
The Marshall is a coward (this reminds me of a fantastic fic I once found that had the Marshall return and Nathan was understandably pissed it was awesome)
He’s wearing an apron- oh Vin you have fallen so far, (I’m glad he has long hair though, in the movie it was pretty short which didn’t really fit cause you know Vin isn’t one for conventions or white men tradition)
Mary, Mary quite contrary-angry I mean angry good lord I love her
(I always pronounce gangrene as gaygrene and its super frustrating cause I’ll try my hardest to say it right but my mouth doesn’t work that way or at least it doesn’t sound right)
Only in the nineties could you say darkie doctors on TV and not be immediately cancelled or there to be some sorta outrage, same thing applies to lynching, you can hang white folks on TV but the minute a black person is having the noose we have problems (which is really good cause there are people still alive that have probably witnessed a lynching of someone who certainly didn’t deserve it)
That son of a bitch, pushing Mary was stupid because not only are you being racist which is a trait no one likes but also being a sexist pig- (you are in for it now)
Uh-oh Vin is pissed that isn’t good for anyone (well Nathan but that isn’t the point)
Do you think Vin gives a damn about being employed- and how did he get the apron off so fast like damn
Here he comes the stupidest boy in the Wild West- (I’m gonna punch something I swear)
He’s so little 
Chris nearly shot Jd’s foot off 
“Where’d you come from” where did you go where’d you come from, tall dark stranger and his weird friend
(The saloon bit tickles me to death)
(For some reason it reminds me of Lone Ranger and I don’t know why)
Vin is a fucking sweetheart and I love him
Poor Nathan I hope his throat is okay
Vin do you have to be negative and suicidal in the same swoop seriously
Its Buckaroo time everybody, hell yeah
Then he jumps out a fucking window like a moron, and Chris is just standing there like a he’s too cool for school
(Is it Josiah or ‘osiah, not entirely sure)
And here comes the Ez, ugh he’s about as cute as he can get
“Sorry for the mess” lordy be
(Love Ez’s one-liners)
“I abhor gambling” carefully baby don’t want Maude to hear you and fuck you too you Southern bigot (I know he gets better but still, that language isn’t okay)
What the fuck is he doing with his fancy footwork just leave the saloon for mother’s sake
It’s too early in the morning to deal with Jd just goddammit (I’m gonna make some popcorn and come back to this cause I seriously can’t)
(Okay I’ve calmed down and I am ready for the stupidity)
What did he think was going to happen, of course, you fell off your fucking horse you side saddled that bitch and startled a horse that you don’t even know you’re better than this
(The only thing he can’t do is have a brain cell)
Chris is an asshole
This damn kid
Buck what the hell are, you doing, leave the kiddo be
(I also find it difficult to trust white men)
And here comes the boy and Buck (Jd’s hair is just bad, it’s like Snape’s)
Buck is right about Jd being a prep
“We’ll carve it on his tombstone” brutal Chris just brutal
(Vin is a sweet boy have I said that already cause he is)
Ezra is so good with kids damn
(Ron Perlman’s arms hell yeah)
Ezra nearly died good lord and he just goes with it and pretends he did it on purpose
Here comes Rainey girl I love her
I love Raine’s dad he’s fantastic
Buck is such a goof I love him
Why is the guy, so raspy what happened
Jd getting punched is my favorite
This is so cringe, and I really like it “I was in prison for not being white” (that is still the case for some people and we all know it)
Vin are you serious, you don’t know Chris and there you are just hanging out and suddenly you’re like hey dude if I die, take my body to Tascosa you will get a huge payday, he didn’t have to do that at all but he’s just that dude I love him too much
(There’s also a really good fic about Josiah and his crows it's great)
Ezra, I’m done with you, good lord just go home
Here we go
Nathan is a gift to all
Buck don’t waste bullets and Josiah go to a hospital, Jd you’re an idiot and nearly died plus Ezra what are you doing go to Nathan, dumbass
Buck spewing truth everywhere
Bruised my ass Ezra just accept help like a normal human being goddamn
Nathan does not take no for an answer and ow I heard that crack in my own arm ouch
Nathan called him out
Josiah, I love you so much, (usually, I really hate missionaries cause they can be extremely intolerant to other religions especially those of Native peoples,) but Josiah tries his best to respect them which is a breath of fresh air
Josiah fainting isn’t helpful I don’t care what the crows, say (he’s a birdbrain)
Poor Jd, I just wanna give him a hug, and dude chill you are being a mess, like drink like a normal person
Buck stop telling people Chris’s past it isn’t appropriate
And I swear we own an old blanket that looks exactly like Josiah’s poncho no joke
“I’m a spiritual man, sometimes I turn to the wrong kind of spirits” I love this line
Ezra stop corrupting the youth, (Ezra is like O’Reilly and I love that characterization)
What debts they can’t be older than 10, Ezra stop, please 
Nathan, I get you love, her -chill, and Jd “I haven’t shot anyone yet” are you kidding me, seriously
“Buck you’re full of crap” “You’re just figuring that out now” (Had I mentioned I love their dynamic cause I really really do)
(I did some research on Laudanum, purely for fun and apparently, it’s basically just a mixture of every opiate available and then some, plus it’s illegal to make for obvious reasons,)
That’s right Ezra you aren’t a coward or at least not completely
(Jd’s story makes me think that maybe MAYBE he was abused as a kid in the stables, not anything too horrific but still bad and I really wanna write about it)
Btw there is a wonderful thing (I think it was posted by 7men not sure though) anyway it says something about Jd used some of the money to take care of his mama before she died, and after there wasn’t enough to go to college but there was enough to go out west) I think about it at least once a month
(The war is over if only some people could get that through their thick heads)
Ezra you sneaky son of a bitch pulling a Chico
Chris is such a badass I mean that must hurt pulling off that handcuff
Round Three
I’m a bad bitch “You can’t kill me”
John Daniel Dunne- are you kidding me, are you trying to make either myself or Buck die because if you are you’re doing a great job (He is so stupid)
Buck, really you could have tackled him or really done anything else- instead you decide to fucking get stabbed by a sword (this is why you only have half a brain cell- I mean God fucking damn it)
Really Jo seriously like thanks for taking a bullet for Buck but really
Watching this episode has taken almost three hours but it’s totally worth it
(This is the worst part ugh it's like a weird zombie movie)
“You were like a son to me” Bitch you nearly shot him with a cannon
Chris thank you I wasn’t sure if that stupid general was gonna bite it or not
Jd cut out the angst you’re gonna hurt yourself 
This old dude is a gift
“Buck, you look awful” kid your hair looks awful don’t let me get started
Nathan, Raine and the kid look like the perfect family and it makes me smile
“Where you going? Get down off that horse” poor Nathan what did he do to deserve the stress of dealing with those idiots like seriously what did he do
The good thing though is I’m pretty sure Josiah got a new poncho which is definitely a win
Raine gets it though she’s just ‘look those white morons are gonna get themselves killed so it’s better if you at least try to save their skins’ I can handle things here
Poor Josiah, he is just as hunched over as he can be, its pitiful  
Okay I’m FINALLY done with this episode, think I may read a little before I get back on the saddle and on to my absolute favorite episode One Day Out West
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The Retaliation Is Served
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Gif credit @angels-reyes
Chapter 5
Hope you all enjoy.
Shilohs P.O.V
You tried loosening the zip ties on your wrist but they wouldn't bung. Hoping someone would have to get a broom or something to clean with but no one came and it was feeling like eternity being in the closet. You wished you had your phone oh shit your phone you remembered dropping it on the floor next to the closet but someone probably took it. There was no hope. 
"I thought your calvery would have came already, I'm starting to get bored just looking at you". He got up and went towards you. You started wiggling around, trying to get free. He was not going to lay a finger on you. 
"Struggle all you want to but there's no use". He laughed was terrifying. He grabbed your feet pulling you to him, but as you neared his groin you brought your knees up and kneed him as he was crouching over you. He groaned falling on the floor. You tried to roll over him and get to the door as quick as you could but he grabbed your foot holding you back. 
Angel was walking down the halls looking in the room to see if Shiloh was in one but no sign. Then he got a idea, she went to get her phone and she may still have it on her if she's in the building so he called it. He could hear a slight noise coming from down the hall as he got closer the music of Shilohs and Riz favorite song was playing. Angel found her phone. 
"Oh fuck". He ran his hand over his head, what was he going to tell Riz? He called up Creeper telling him he found your phone. Creeper was back with RIz and they were both coming down to help. As Angel put his phone back into his pocket he heard something crash in the closet next to him. He was going to shrug it off but something in him felt trouble. He slowly opened the door. You were on the ground tied up and a man trying to get up as held himself with one hand with your foot in it. 
"You fucking son of a bitch". Angel growled, charging at the guy. You were still on the ground, you tried your best to get out from under them. Worm crawling you managed to get out of the hall. Angel threw punch after punch to the guys face. He was bloody but managed to punch Angel in the gut and throw him out of the closet. Angel hit the floor with a thud. He looked at you as you sobbed on the hospital floor. The kidnapper got the strength to walk as he walked over you and started down the hall. Angel jerked himself up off the floor and ran and jumped on the guys back. He was twirled around but his elbow did most of the work, stabbing the kidnapper in the face. Taking his fingers and gouging the eyeballs of the kidnapper. 
You watched in horror as Angel was thrown to the ground again being kicked. You knew this was the end but the floor felt like it was vibrating and you looked down the hall Creeper was helping Riz down the hall slowly running. You smiled as Riz let go of Creeper going after the kidnapper and helping Angel. Creeper carefully undid your ties and pulled your gag off. You could finially breath once again. 
Riz and Angel got control of the situation. Riz was still in his hospital gown coming over to see you. 
"Are you okay"? He kissed your lips tenderly. 
"I'm so glad to see your ass, so glad". You giggled kissing him again. "Don't ever do that to me again". 
"I promise I wont". He pulled you up, hugging you tightly. 
"What do you want us to do with him"? Creeper asked, holding a gun to the kidnappers head. Angel breathing heavily and spitting out blood. He was beyond pissed. 
"I got one question. Why Shiloh"? 
"Eat shit Mayan". He spat. Riz punched him in the nose. 
"He doesn't want the sons working with the Mayans". You spoke, the kidnapper didn't like that as he went to go after you but was stopped by a blow to the gut by Angel. 
"Do you think he's working with Aaron? He's got prison tattoos". Creep examined the arms.
"You're working with him aren't you"? Riz got into his face. But all he did was laugh.
"You Mayans have a shit storm coming your way". Was the last words he spoke as Angel blew a hole threw his head, it echoed the hallway.
"Put him in the closet". Riz wrapped his arm around your shoulds, you held his gown together as his butt was out it made you giggle that he didn't care.
"I'll call Coco". Angel walked away.
"Really, you're going to leave me here with a dead body in a tiny space? You know how I am with space man". Creeper groaned pulling the guy by his legs into the closet.
Dee's point of view
The boys were outside doing God knows what, a couple minutes ago EZ got a call from someone and ever since then they have been like little angry fire ants. Im in the kitchen trying to get something to drink when I hear something moving outside probably just one of the guys.
I feel my way out to check up on them when I smell the familiar leather and cigarettes of the boys but this smell had something with it, didn't smell like any of the guys I know. My gut was telling me there was something wrong but I couldnt put my finger on it.
"EZ? Gilly?" I ask feeling my way to the picnic table. No answer so I feel the little pocket knife Johnny gave me for protection if i ever needed it. I took it out of my jean pocket.
"Hello again stranger." I heard a deep male voice behind me
I froze, fuck when did he get out! I know that voice from anywhere it's Aron.
We're are you guys?
"What not even a hello? That's shame. I just wanted to come see you again baby."
His words mademade my skin crawl,"I'm not your baby. I never will be you disgusting bastard." I said pissed off.
I tried looking in his direction,"I heard about your untimely accident such a shame.those pretty blues now gone. I knew he wouldn't have did it. I told him to kill not injure."
I knew this sick asshole did it. Come on guys were the hell are you?
He was close to me I could tell but I backed off,"get away from me!" I yelled hoping they would hear
"Come on babe you don't belong with these bikers."
"Im not yours! Never will be!"
EZ's point of view
"Get away from me!" I heard Dee yell
"Shit! He found her!" I said taking off running toward the back of the house
Gilly right behind me
When we got there Aron had her by the neck and hid back to us so I went behind him
"Come on babe you don't belong to those bikers." Aron said
I grabbed him by the back of his jacket Turing him facing me and punched him.
After a few minutes of punching back and forth Aron gasped then dropped on the floor. I looked down surprised there was a knife I'm his back.
I looked up at Dee who was leaning against the wall near me,"what the hell?"
"My bad." She said with a grin
I rolled my eyes and chuckled,"what is up with you Cruz's and the 'my bad' ?"
"Hey I saved your life didn't I?" She asked feeling her way to me.
"That you did but were supposed to protect you."
I looked over her shoulder and saw he was getting up,shit! Before I could pull my gun out he grabbed Dee pulling her back to him,she screamed trying to fight him off. But before I had a chance to shoot he stabbed her and took off
She fell close to me,but I grabbed her and gently lowered her to the ground "shit Gilly call 911 go!' I said running to her and taking my shirt off to put pressure on the wound,"come on Dee, stay with me please?" We're the hell are the paramedics"
After they came they took her stright to surgery.
I sat there staring at the blood on my hands and on my jeans. Then it dawned on me, someone has to tell Leti,cocos kid, they're really close. Dee practically took Leti under her wings. But I couldn't move my body felt numb, "EZ you ok?" I heard her voice
How in the hell did she get here? "Gilly called me. Wouldn't tell me but just to get here."I just stared at the ground, wanting to tell her but i couldn't find the words
"I think he's in shock,could you keep him company while I call coco?""sure."
She said then I heard footsteps walking away. Shit Coco's gonna kill me
Cocos P.O.V
Getting a call from Angel made you haul ass to your house, you dodged cars and stop signs. You wouldn't forgive yourself if something else happened to Dee. Just hoping you get there in time to stop anything before it happened. You trusted Gilly and Ez but you felt safer being there.
When you got at the house, the bikes were gone, you thought nothing about it. Dee probably had them running errands or something. So going into the house you grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and went to go sit down in your chair but the puddle of blood on the floor stopped you in your tracks. There were galez and gloves on the floor so you knew it was serious when someone called 911. Your phone vibrated in your pocket as you pulled it out it was Gilly.
"Where the hell are you guys"? You questioned.
"We're at the hospital, Dees been stabbed. Leti's here with us".
"What"? You dropped your beer to the floor and raced to your bike. Getting to the hospital as fast as you can.
Running you you went straight to the nurses desk. Banging on the desk.
"My wife she just came in with a stab wound".
"Name sir"?
"Dee Cruz". Coco felt panic set in not know what was happening.
"Coco"? You heard Gillys voice behind you.
"What the fuck happened"?
"Aaron he did it. He came in Ez and him were fighting, Dee stabbed him but he wasn't dead then he took the knife and stabbed her in the chest. They have her in surgery".
"Fuck". Coco screamed his fist balling up.
"I want this fucking dickless prick found and brought to me". He demanded Gilly.
"You got it brother. Oh Riz is in the waiting room". Gilly smiled as he walked off.
Going into the waiting room. You saw Ez covered in blood. Shiloh with marks on her wrist comforting Leti, someone must have told her. Angel, Creeper and Riz talking in the corner.
"What's happening"? You made your presence known. Leti sobbed her way to you, hugging her tightly.
"Um, the doctor just came in and said that the surgery went well the knife was about three inches from her heart and that she should make a complete recovery". Shiloh spoke holding back tears.
"How are you."? You asked her.
"I'm good, can't wait for this to be over and back to normal". She chuckled.
"Fucking same". You laughed.
"How are you brother"? You asked Riz who was coming over to Shiloh.
"Glad to be alive".
"What about the other guy"?
"Taken care of, he had something against the Mayans and the Sons working together. Probably some wanna be prospect who couldn't make it in Sons cause he's not to friendly with people of color".
"He was with the Brotherhood"?
"No, didn't see any tattoos. So we're guessing couldn't make it either or not enough hate".
"He had enough going after us and our families".
"Not anymore he doesn't". Angel said sternly.
Coco and Riz nodded with agreement.
"Gilly is out searching with some of the sons. We're going to find him".
"Hell yes we are, if we have to turn over every stone he will be dealt with".
Coco went over to Ez who hasn't spoken since you got there.
"Thanks brother". You sat down beside him.
"She could've died because of me". He spoke with a tear falling down his face.
"But you tried your best to protect her and you saved her life. So if it wasn't for you being there she wouldn't be here".
"I'm sorry". Ez broke down.
"It's okay brother". You rubbed his back.
"Mr. Cruz"? A doctor spoke bringing you all out of the sadness.
"That's me". You stood up.
"She's asking for you". He said with a smile.
"Give our girl love, we'll be here waiting". Shiloh said holding Leti, you nodded with a slight smile. You were nervous about seeing her. This should've be you in here again not Dee.
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