#Ian Arneson
randomdoodler · 22 days
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I really adore these games' characters. Shame I'm really late to the party😅 Messing around with sims in my style
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simnationlifebefore · 9 months
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Tactical Studies Rules was created as a partnership between Don Kaye and Gary Gygax in 1973 in order to formally publish and sell the original rules of Dungeons & Dragons. Later on the partnership expanded to Dave Arneson and Brian Blume who funded the publishing of Dungeons & Dragons as opposed to relying on the revenue of another project to fund that one. The following year, TSR sold around a thousand copies of Dungeons & Dragons as well as selling dice sets to go along with it. Originally the only distributers that TSR used were for miniatures and not the base game, but that changed between 1975 and 1976 when they joined the Hobby Industry Association and established a network of distributors. In 1975 TSR hired its first full-time employee, publications editor Tim Kask, before the TSR partnership was ended shortly after after Don Kaye died. 
Shortly after the partnership dissolved, Gygax and Blume incorporated TSR Hobbies Inc, a new company. In 1976 they began hosting Gen Con (currently the largest table-top games convention in North America) as well as starting Dungeons & Dragons open tournaments. In 1978 the company upgraded from the basement and moved above the Dungeon Hobby Shop. 
After meeting Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson, exclusive rights to distribute TSR products in the UK were granted to Games Workshop by Gygax, both original and new versions of Dungeons and Dragons were printed over there in order to avoid import costs. The company TSR Ltd was formed in 1980 in England after TSR could not reach an agreement with Games Workshop about a possible merger.
In 1980, the FBI arrived at TSR’s offices due to notes they had about a fictional assassination plot pertaining to their first campaign setting for AD&D; The World of Greyhawk. In the same year, in order to promote quality roleplaying, the Role Playing Game Association was formed. The following year, TSR Hobbies was listed as one of the hundred fasted growing privately held companies in the US. TSR Hobbies moved offices again in that same year to a former medical supply building with a warehouse attached that same year and in 1982, TSR Hobbies broke the 20 million mark in sales. The company was split into four in 1983; TSR Inc, TSR International, TSR Ventures and TSR Entertainment Inc.
At some point the presidents of TSR (minus Gygax) were forced to leave the company after accusations arose of them accumulating large debts and misusing corporate funds. The company was forced to layoff roughly 75% of the staff after having to post a net loss of 1.5 million USD. Gygax requested the Board of Directors to remove the previous presidents of the company from the stock as he himself only had 30%. This was met with them selling their stock to Lorraine Williams, which Gygax tried to have declared an illegal sale, but when that failed he sold his remaining stock to Williams and used what he had from that the form New Infinity Productions. 
Despite WIlliams being a financial planner and seeing potential in transforming a debt-ridden company into a profitable one, she had a dislike of games and did not view them well, and she implemented an internal policy that games were to not be played at the company. This led to the majority of games released not being play tested unless they were done so behind her back. TSR expanded into other fields under Williams’ direction; those mainly being literary means such as books and magazines. For the next few years, TSR leaned heavily into fiction to the point that their revenue from it far surpassed the games that they published.
When collectable card games arose, TSR tried to do the same and released two games under this means; Dragon Dice and Spellfire. Success came to neither of these and eventually their inventory management became abysmal due to the accumulation of unsellable product. Furthermore, TSR started fighting against fan created work much to the displeasure of the public, resulting in the decrease of their consumer base more than it already had. Products started selling for less than they cost to make and in 1996, TSR and to endure multiple rounds of layoffs after accumulating 30 million USD in debts.
The Vice President of Wizards of the Coast, Ryan Dancey, believe the prior failure of TSR was due to ‘A near total inability to listen to its customers, hear what they were saying, and make changes to make those customers happy’. In 1997, TSR was purchased by Wizards of the Coast and its intellectual properties. Some parts of the company were resell after but after a few years the company’s name stopped being used and their trademarks were allowed to expire. In 1999 Wizards of the Coast itself was purchased by Hasbro Inc. 
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oldschoolfrp · 5 years
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Gigi D’Arn was the gossip columnist of the RPG world, writing “A Letter from Gigi” for Different Worlds magazine starting with issue 2 in April 1979 through the final issue, No 47 in Sep 1987.  She covered the usual industry news like product releases, new hires, and company closures, but also commented humorously on the feuds, lawsuits, and personalities of the people behind the scenes in gaming.
I don’t know where she is know, but I wish we had her back on the job.
Her real identity has been debated for years, with most concluding that she was an alter-ego of DW editor Tadashi Ehara and his staff.  Others have gone into great depth to figure out who she would be if she were real.  The Advanced Dungeons & Parenting blog explored the question in 2012, with comments from some who should know, and pointed out that “Gigi D’Arn” is a fusion of Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson’s names.
Above: Header by Steve Oliff introduced in issue 4, and selected quotes from the first letter in issue 2.
For the record FGU did release issue 4 of Wargaming after some delay, but never an issue 5.
Gary Gygax was a frequent subject for Gigi’s lampooning, sometimes in subtle ways.  Here she mocks Gary’s controlling attitude by pretending to chide Ian Livingstone for not following Gary’s lessons closely enough.  Both of the columns she mentions spoke against increasing “realism” in RPGs.  But while Ian Livingstone wrote in WD 9:
"Gary Gygax has always stated that D&D is a game and should, therefore, be enjoyable and fun. But he has never stated that the game should be played in one particular way - it is entirely up to the players.”
Gary’s Dragon 16 column actually said:
“D&D encourages inventiveness and originality within the framework of its rules. Those who insist on altering the framework should design their own game.”
“Well, well:”  Gigi’s comments about Tim Kask and the Dragon’s shrinking page count led to an apology in issue 4:
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The final cryptic comment in issue 2 about “Rose Chung” (sic) refers to the fact that rival publishers Greg Stafford and Scott Bizar were married to sisters.  Rose Chun was their mother-in-law.
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fashionarmies · 7 years
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‘Women in Black’
Ashley Adelberg, Barbara Fialho, Julia van Os, Katie Adams & Nisaa Pouncey for V Magazine #109 Fall 2017 Issue.
Ph: Max Papendieck
Stylist: Ian Milan
HairStylists: Lizzie Arneson, Romina Manenti.
Makeup artists: Christian McCulloch, STOJ.
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goalhofer · 6 years
Every Chris Neil Teammate
Brett Angel (1997-99)
Ryan Armstrong (1998-99)
Scott Atkins (1996-97)
Alex Auld (1997-99)
Michael Barber (1998-99)
Colin Beardsmore (1996-97)
Scott Behrens (1997-98)
Luc Belliveau (1996-97)
Brendan Brooks (1997-98)
Matt Carmichael (1996-98)
Steve Chabbert (1997-99)
Mike Cirillo (1996-99)
Ryan Cirillo (1996-98)
Lee Cole (1996-97)
Dwight Cormier (1996-97)
Rob Davison (1997-99)
John Dean (1997-99)
Sean Degagne (1998-99)
Tomas Dolak (1997-98)
Chris Eade (1998-99)
Omar Ennaffati (1997-99)
Adriano Fiacconi (1996-98)
Aaron Fox (1996-97)
David Froh (1996-97)
Ryan Gardner (1996-98)
Brett Gibson (1997-99)
Trevor Gillies (1996-98)
Oak Hewer (1998-99)
Allen Hitchen (1997-98)
Warren Holmes (1998-99)
Samu Isosalo (1998-99)
Denis Ivanov (1997-98)
Mark Jerant (1997-99)
Michal Krupa (1997-98)
Greg Labenski (1996-99)
Josh Legge (1998-99)
Mike Loach (1996-97)
Steve Lowe (1996-97)
Ryan MacDonald (1996-97)
Scott MacKenzie (1998-99)
Morris Marshall (1996-97)
Peter McCague (1996-98)
Dean McIntosh (1996-97)
Luc Messier (1998-99)
Jim Midgley (1996-97)
Todd Miller (1997-98)
Lorne Misita (1998-99)
Steve Montador (1996-98)
Jaret Nixon (1996-97)
Matt Osborne (1997-98)
Tony Pappas (1996-98)
Jeremy Pedder (1997-99)
Geoff Peters (1997-98)
Jamie Piercey (1996-99)
Ryan Power (1996-97)
Mark Provenzano (1996-97)
Bobby Reed (1997-99)
Tyler Rennette (1996-98)
Rodney Richard (1997-99)
Scott Roche (1996-97)
Jeff Scharf (1996-97)
Carson Smith (1996-97)
Gabriel Spilar (1998-99)
Rob Stanfield (1997-98)
Valeriy Svoboda (1996-97)
Ryan Taylor (1996-97)
Troy Turyk (1996-97)
Chris Van Dyk (1996-97)
Dustin Virag (1996-97)
Jamie Vossen (1996-97)
Rich Vrataric (1996-97)
Nick Vukovic (1997-99)
Jeff Washbrook (1996-97)
Casey Wolak (1997-98)
Scott Wray (1996-99)
Denis Afinogenov (1998-99)
Cory Banika (1998-99)
David Beauregard (1998-99)
Robin Bouchard (1998-99)
David Bouskill (1998-99)
Kevin Boyd (1998-99)
Bob Brandon (1998-99)
Joe Dimaline (1998-99)
Denis Emilyantsev (1998-99)
Mike Feasby (1998-99)
Scott Feasby (1998-99)
Nick Foley (1998-99)
Joel Gardner (1998-99)
Dale Gignac (1998-99)
Chad Grills (1998-99)
Jan Klimes (1998-99)
Sergei Kharin (1998-99)
Denis Khlopotnov (1998-99)
Lubos Krajcovic (1998-99)
Igor Malykhin (1998-99)
Chris Maillet (1998-99)
Mike Masini (1998-99)
Don McSween (1998-99)
Rob Melanson (1998-99)
Frankie Nault (1998-99)
Jason Pain (1998-99)
Andrei Petrakov (1998-99)
Andrei Petrunin (1998-99)
Vadim Podrezov (1998-99)
Grant Richison (1998-99)
John Vary (1998-99)
Mark Vilneff (1998-99)
Joakim Wassberger (1998-99)
Paul Willett (1998-99)
Chad Alban (1999-2000)
Scott Cherrey (1999-2000)
Jason Clarke (1999-2000)
Benoit Cotnoir (1999-2000)
Dave Craievich (1999-2000)
Steve Debus (1999-2000)
Jason Elders (1999-2000)
Sean Farmer (1999-2000)
Hugues Gervais (1999-2000)
Dereck Gosselin (1999-2000)
Russ Guzior (1999-2000)
Josh Harrold (1999-2000)
B.J. Kilbourne (1999-2000)
Jeff Kozakowski (1999-2000)
John McCabe (1999-2000)
Jason Metcalfe (1999-2000)
Dennis Mullen (1999-2000)
Tom Nolan (1999-2000)
Chad Onufrechuk (1999-2000)
Anders Sorensen (1999-2000)
Bobby Stewart (1999-2000)
Lee Svangstu (1999-2000)
Mark Turner (1999-2000)
David Van Drunen (1999-2000)
Mitch Vig (1999-2000)
Ian Walterson (1999-2000)
David Whitworth (1999-2000)
Dave Baseggio (1999-2000)
Frederick Beaubin (1999-2000)
Vyacheslav Butsayev (1999-2000)
Ivan Ciernik (1999-2000)
Danton Cole (1999-2000)
John Emmons (1999-2000)
Mike Fountain (1999-2000)
Erich Goldmann (1999-2000)
Konstantin Gorovikov (1999-2000)
Kevin Grimes (1999-2000)
John Gruden (1999-2000)
Jani Hurme (1999-2000)
Kory Karlander (1999-2000)
Shane Kenny (1999-2000)
Derek King (1999-2000)
Dieter Kochan (1999-2000)
Mike Maurice (1999-2000)
Jason McBain (1999-2000)
Jason Metcalfe (1999-2000)
Kevin Miller (1999-2000)
Todd Nelson (1999-2000)
Warren Norris (1999-2000)
Ed Patterson (1999-2000)
Rostislav Pavlikovsky (1999-2000)
Robert Petrovicky (1999-2000)
Philippe Plante (1999-2000)
Michel Picard (1999-2000)
Dennis Pinfold (1999-2000)
Karel Rachunek (1999-2000)
Travis Richards (1999-2000)
Darren Rumble (1999-2000)
Yves Sarault (1999-2000)
Petr Schastlivy (1999-2000)
Konstantin Shafranov (1999-2000)
Jeff Shevalier (1999-2000)
Andrei Sryubko (1999-2000)
Chris Szysky (1999-2000)
David Van Drunen (1999-2000)
Buddy Wallace (1999-2000)
Brandon Bochenski (2004-05)
Danny Bois (2004-05)
Derek Campbell (2004-05)
Regan Darby (2004-05)
Ray Emery (2004-05)
Jesse Fibiger (2004-05)
Denis Hamel (2004-05)
Andy Hedlund (2004-05)
David Hymovitz (2004-05)
Gregg Johnson (2004-05)
Pat Kavanagh (2004-05)
Chris Kelly (2004-05)
Neil Komadoski (2004-05)
Josh Langfeld (2004-05)
Brian McGrattan (2004-05)
Arpad Mihaly (2004-05)
Jan Platil (2004-05)
Brian Pothier (2004-05)
Grant Potulny (2004-05)
Christoph Schubert (2004-05)
Jason Spezza (2004-05)
Charlie Stephens (2004-05)
Billy Thompson (2004-05)
Antoine Vermette (2004-05)
Anton Volchenkov (2004-05)
Greg Watson (2004-05)
Daniel Alfredsson (2001-04, 2005-15)
Craig Anderson (2010-17)
Tyler Arneson (2005-06)
Magnus Arvedson (2001-03)
Alex Auld (2008-12)
Chris Bala (2001-02)
Cody Bass (2007-09, 2010-11)
Brendan Bell (2008-09)
Andre Benoit (2010-12)
Ben Bishop (2012-13)
Mike Blunden (2016-17)
Brandon Bochenski (2005-06)
Danny Bois (2006-07)
Peter Bondra (2003-04)
Radek Bonk (2001-04)
Dennis Bonvie (2002-03)
Mark Borowiecki (2011-13)
Derick Brassard (2016-17)
Benoit Brunet (2001-02)
Alexandre Burrows (2016-17)
Bobby Butler (2009-12)
Chris Campoli (2008-10)
Matt Carkner (2009-12)
Cody Ceci (2013-17)
Zdeno Chara (2001-04, 2005-06)
Jonathan Cheechoo (2009-10)
Alex Chiasson (2014-16)
Ivan Ciernik (2001-02)
Fredrik Claesson (2015-17)
Mike Commodore (2007-08)
Mike Comrie (2006-09)
Cory Conacher (2012-13)
Mike Condon (2016-17)
Erik Condra (2011-15)
Joe Corvo (2006-08)
Jared Cowen (2009-15)
Matt Cullen (2009-10)
Stephane Da Costa (2010-13)
Toni Dahlman (2001-03)
Kaspars Daugavins (2011-13)
Greg De Vries (2003-04)
Chris DiDomenico (2016-17)
Shean Donovan (2007-10)
Chris Driedger (2016-17)
David Dziurzynski (2011-13)
Ryan Dzingel (2015-17)
Patrick Eaves (2005-08)
Ray Emery (2002-04, 2005-08)
Andreas Englund (2016-17)
Mike Fisher (2001-04, 2005-11)
Nick Foligno (2007-12)
Martin Gerber (2006-08)
Matt Gilroy (2011-12)
Scott Gomez (2015-16)
Sergei Gonchar (2010-13)
Derek Grant (2012-13)
Colin Greening (2010-14)
Eric Gryba (2011-14)
Jyrki Jokipakka (2016-17)
David Hale (2010-11)
Denis Hamel (2003-04, 2005-07)
Andrew Hammond (2014-17)
Ben Harpur (2015-17)
Dominik Hasek (2005-06)
Martin Havlat (2001-04, 2005-06)
Dany Heatley (2005-09)
Ales Hemsky (2013-14)
Josh Hennessy (2006-08, 2009-10)
Chris Herperger (2001-02)
Shane Hnidy (2001-04)
Mike Hoffman (2011-17)
Marian Hossa (2001-04)
Jody Hull (2001-04)
Jani Hurme (2001-02)
Alexei Kaigorodov (2006-07)
Erik Karlsson (2009-17)
Matt Kassian (2012-14)
Chris Kelly (2003-04, 2005-10, 2016-17)
Rob Klinkhammer (2011-12)
Zenon Konopka (2011-12)
Mike Kostka (2015-16)
Alex Kovalev (2009-10)
Filip Kuba (2008-12)
Joel Kwiatkowski (2001-03)
Brooks Laich (2003-04)
Patrick Lalime (2001-04)
Simon Lajeunesse (2001-02)
Josh Langfeld (2001-04)
Martin Lapointe (2007-08)
Guillaume Latendresse (2012-13)
Curtis Lazar (2014-16)
Pascal Leclaire (2008-11)
Brian Lee (2007-11)
David Legwand (2014-15)
Robin Lehner (2011-15)
Curtis Leschyshyn (2001-04)
Francis Lessard (2010-11)
Mike Lundin (2012-13)
Clarke MacArthur (2013-17)
Shawn MacEachern (2001-02)
Tomas Malec (2005-07)
Dean McAmmond (2006-08)
Max McCormick (2016-17)
Brian McGrattan (2005-08)
Curtis McElhinney (2010-11)
Steve Martins (2001-04, 2005-06)
Andrej Meszaros (2005-08)
Marc Methot (2012-17)
Milan Michalek (2009-15)
Mike Morrison (2005-06)
Bill Muckalt (2001-02)
Alexander Nikulin (2007-08)
Brad Norton (2005-06)
Filip Novak (2005-06)
Lawrence Nycholat (2006-08)
Jim O’Brien (2011-13)
Jean-Gabriel Pageau (2012-17)
Nick Paul (2015-17)
Serge Payer (2003-04, 2006-07)
Ricard Persson (2001-02)
Andre Petersson (2011-12)
Dion Phaneuf (2015-17)
Chris Phillips (2001-04, 2005-16)
Alexandre Picard (2008-09)
Brian Pothier (2002-04, 2005-06)
Tom Preissing (2006-07)
Martin Prusek (2001-04)
Matt Puempel (2014-16)
Tom Pyatt (2016-17)
Karel Rachunek (2001-04)
Rob Ray (2002-04)
Wade Redden (2001-04, 2005-08)
Peter Regin (2009-13)
Luke Richardson (2007-08)
Jamie Rivers (2001-02)
Charles Robinson (2015-16)
Randy Robitaille (2007-08)
Andre Roy (2001-02)
Jarkko Ruutu (2008-10)
Bobby Ryan (2013-17)
Sami Salo (2001-02)
Oleg Saprykin (2006-07)
Peter Schaefer (2002-04, 2005-07)
Petr Schastlivy (2001-04)
Christoph Schubert (2005-09)
Ryan Shannon (2008-11)
Jakob Silfverberg (2011-13)
Todd Simpson (2003-04)
Bryan Smolinski (2002-04, 2005-06)
Derek Smith (2009-11)
Jason Smith (2008-09)
Zack Smith (2009-17)
Brad Smyth (2002-03)
Jason Spezza (2002-04, 2005-14)
Viktor Stalberg (2016-17)
Cory Stillman (2007-08)
Mark Stone (2011-17)
Andy Sutton (2009-10)
Marek Svatos (2010-11)
Joey Tetarenko (2002-03)
Kyle Turris (2011-17)
Shaun Van Allen (2002-04)
Vaclav Varada (2002-04, 2005-06)
Phil Varone (2015-17)
Julien Vauclair (2003-04)
Antoine Vermette (2003-04, 2005-08)
Anton Volchenkov (2002-04, 2005-10)
Chris Wideman (2015-16)
Patrick Wiercioch (2011-15)
Jesse Winchester (2007-12)
Colin White (2016-17)
Todd White (2001-04)
Tommy Wingels (2016-17)
Juha Ylonen (2001-02)
Mika Zibanejad (2011-16)
Ilya Zubov (2007-08)
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rokomobi · 7 years
Announcing the 2017 App Idea Awards Finalists
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Thank you to everyone who applied to this years App Idea Awards. After a long three weeks of judging, our semi-finalist judges decided on these six finalists below. We can assure you that it was not an easy decision for them to make. We received a ton of applications this year - so if you weren't selected as a finalist, don't let that deter you one bit. Keep at it...and apply to next year's App Idea Awards!
The 2017 App Idea Awards finalists are:
1. Bee Bee is a platform that crowdsources content creation and distribution to a company's best customers. Team: Andrew Ullmann, Lucas McGartland, Erik Byargeon, and Lukas Huberman Location: Los Angeles, CA 2. Biem Biem allows individuals to talk with a healthcare doctor, get tested for STDs, and show partners verified results from the comfort of their own home. Team: Bryan Stacy, Natalie Brito, and John Rimmer Location: New York, NY 3. Floss Bar Floss Bar offers affordable luxury dental hygiene on your time. Team: Eva Sadej and Lewis Chen Location: Brooklyn, NY 4. Hazel Hazel is a smart-home system that subtly monitors your loved ones with dementia to reduce the tension that arises between patients and their caregivers. Team: Jonathan Chung, Lillian Jia, and Weijia Zhang Location: Toronto, ON 5. SWIFTE SWIFTE is a carpool platform that matches drivers who have extra space with riders who want to go to the same destination. Team: Justine Avoudikpon, Sofia DeMay, and Kenneth Duncan Location: Riverdale, GA 6. Validated Validated enables retailers and restaurants to cover the transportation costs of customers who shop or dine with them. Team: Tov Arneson, Alex Wilhelm, Alanna Beckman, Ian Lyman, and Stein Willanger Location: Portland, OR
Over the next couple of weeks, we will be announcing some of the other apps that graded high (including our runner-up, gold medalists, and silver medalists.) Keep an eye out for those! Our finals event is on June 7th at General Assembly (Manhattan HQ) and is open to everyone and anyone! We would love for you to all attend and watch these six companies battle it out for the grand prize. Make sure to RSVP now!
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inkwell-awards · 7 years
The 2017 Dave Simons Inkwell Memorial Scholarship is awarded to...?
Inkwell Awards friends from the Kubert School Michael Chen and Carol Thomas Hon have informed me and announced publicly today that the award recipient of the 8th Dave Simons Inkwell Awards Memorial Scholarship Fund was awarded on Friday May 5 at their annual awards ceremony to student Brian Benjamin! I regret that Hailey Skaza-Gagne, our spokesmodel Ms. Inkwell and I could not attend this year and appreciated special ambassador and scholarship maestro Clifford Meth filling in for us again. Dave’s sister Bette Simons has been notified and is excited as usual about this. Congrats to Brian and all the students awarded! And thanks to all the donors over the past year for their support!
For the group photo this is the copy that came with it from the school:
Brian Benjamin
Congrats to all our scholarship and award winners!
Back row from left to right: Alexander Manrique (Perfect Attendance), Derek Arneson (EGBAR Foundation Scholarship winner) Matt Pace (A Wave Blue World Scholarship winner) Anand Ramcheron (A Wave Blue World Scholarship winner) Emma Kubert (Dean’s List) Andy Kubert Ian Denney (Perfect Attendance) Hailey Brown (Norman Maurer Scholarship winner) Justin Franklin (Herb Trimpe Scholarship) Dillon Snook (Dave Monahan Scholarship winner) Gregory Ramos (Charlie LaGreca Scholarship winner)
Front row from left to right: Catalina Murcia Alejo (Dean’s List) Al Urrutia (Perfect Attendance) Josh Maikis (Gene Colan Scholarship winner) Elizabeth McBride (Dave Cockrum Scholarship winner) Bane Duncan Wade (Dean’s List) Michael Chen (Academic Supervisor at The Kubert School)
Missing: Tyler Chin-Tanner (A Wave Blue World publisher) Brian Benjamin (Dave Simons/ Inkwell Awards Scholarship winner) Sarah Fletcher(Dean’s List)
The 2017 Dave Simons Inkwell Memorial Scholarship is awarded to…? was originally published on
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icthyo-sapien · 8 years
Ian x Amelia would be a really cute ship.
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simnationlifebefore · 9 months
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"So, Jeff. I heard from a little bird that you've made the selection"
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"Now how did you know that, Bella? It's not been published yet"
"Jeff. It's Bella, I'm sure she's practically a spy"
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"You know me. If it's happening, I know about it"
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"This is a lovely wake, you did well organising everything"
"Thank you"
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"It's rare to be in a room with both the Landgraabs and Capps"
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"Honestly it was difficult to get them to agree to come, hell even getting Mortimer to come was a challenge this morning"
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"I don't think I've seen your husband or Mother in law for quite a while. Did they leave?"
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"They better not have"
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thephoblographer · 11 years
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Creating the Photograph: Ian Arneson's "Black Heart Bride"
Editor’s Note: Creating the Photographis an original series where we interview photographers about…
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