#IT IS that simple
mexashepot · 7 months
Actually a 85 woman being kind to the terrorist who held her in captivity for 17 days (!!!) and that STILL holds her husband captive is something that makes complete sense survivability-wise.
She just does not want her husband to be tortured/murdered and so she does her best to try to save him
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allo-frouto · 5 months
Dad bod or shredded?
Whatever makes him comfortable and happy with himself.
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deerest-me · 8 months
my position on the majority of online discourse is thog dont caare
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songsintheattic · 6 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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jbarneswilson · 11 months
can tumblr stop showing me stuff my mutuals liked? it just feels wrong… like seeing my mom naked.
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Guys. Please. New followers. Please for the love of Pedro--
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flowerflamestars · 1 year
Hey, there's been something I've been meaning to ask for some time, what do you imagine Prythian's neighboring unnamed Continent to be like? how does it differ from Prythian and are the fae different over there? do they also have seasonal courts or do their kingdoms/nations run in a other way? since you headcanon that the Archeron sisters have fae heritage through their mother and maternal grandmother it gives me the feeling that they intermingle more with humans than the Prythian fae who seem more isolated.
Also: Happy holidays by the way!
Hi, happy holidays to you too!
I'm not sure I always imagine the Archeron's with faery heritage that direct- my overall headcanon is fae blood SOMEWHERE (see, Nesta's semi immunity to magic? or glamour? which the series never explains)...which I imagine has to be relatively common, actually. If we're willing to look at humans in the context of having been an enslaved people, some mixed genes feels unfortunately guaranteed.
As for Effloresce- where I am so, so excited for you guys to meet the Archeron's murderous tree lady faery queen grandmother, my god- I've cast a pretty wide net. Canon portrayal being Prythian (England/Scotland), Hybern (IRELAND, WHAT THE HELL), and then The Continent (Europe) makes sense in the slightest shred that like...she wanted to use a real map to base shapes on? Which I get? But the through line kind of sucks.
So. I make Prythian bigger- also a continent in it's own right. And I tend to make their magic wilder. Less settled. Less controllable. The land is choosing its rulers and stopping the turn of seasons, it IS faeryland.
And then there are other places like it in the wider world- enchanted forests. Magic lakes. Magic phenomena. But unlike Prythian, I like to think 'the continent' is a place where humans can live too. There's human places and faery places, but I think the bigger cities are mixed. There's mortal queens, but there's also faery council democracies. Kings, and princes, and all kinds of little city-states. The strict Court system (here is Winter, where All Winter Fae Live) is Prythian specific.
And a part of that diversity is just...five hundred years ago, in faery reckoning, the war changed everything. Five centuries is more than enough time for humans to multiply and adapt and thrive, but it is not that long for immortals. That's why the mix works- all the magic in the world is not quite the same as the bright, burning spark of a human life and their driving, incessant, curious will to survive.
It's a dangerous world.
But a bright and beautiful one too!
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queertemporality · 1 year
instead of “low pain tolerance” we should be saying “you experience a higher level of pain”
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studyinginthestorm · 1 year
Listen up if you are an authority figure it is your job, your responsibility to protect the people under your authority. All of them.
It is your responsibility to protect the infants and the elderly, it is your job and responsibility to protect the straight, the ace, the homosexual, the cis, the trans, and the confused.
It is your responsibility to protect the strong, the weak, the noble and the sly. It is your job to protect the teachers, the businessmen, the graffiti artists and the criminals. It is your responsibility to protect the neurotypical, the neurodivergent, the sane and the insane.
It is your job to protect the black, the white, the coloured, the brown, the tan, and the pale, every single race group under your authority is also under your protection.
It is your responsibility not to bring vengeance, or even a scoreboard but to bring justice.
It is your responsibility to lead, set an example, to serve and to protect, every single being under your authority.
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pagesfromthevoid · 2 years
Y’all wanna know why kids don’t follow directions?
Because their parents don’t. Holy shit
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catboybulge · 2 years
I see ass, I want ass
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allo-frouto · 5 months
I would love to manhandle you
And I would love to be manhandled.
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ifeelbetterer · 2 years
Me explaining how I have a REALLY bad memory but I still "remember" most things: It's all about knowing where to put things so that Future Me will have The Thought at the right time and in the right place.
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rooster-soup · 2 years
heheheh i wanna make a silly little top gun self insert.
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despairvb · 2 years
I can't even deal right now.
I am emotionally spent
He's so tiny sometimes.
My tiny Olympian
I'd bludgeon the whole earth to death with the nearest heavenly body for this man.
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malwarechips · 2 months
yknow i never noticed the sheer rareness of images having ids or alt text on this website until i started adding alt text to my art (and trying to remember to add it to any images i post in general, especially text screenshots) and that makes me kinda sad
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