imagine-fe · 4 years
oh and could i request petra with anticipation, ritual and unity??
A: ANTICIPATION how excited are they for their presents? do they spend the whole afternoon trying to catch a peak of them or do they not particularly care?
pretty excited! she’s not going to try and catch a peak after being told people aren’t supposed to, but she’s still pretty jittery. if possible, she will gladly volunteer to help giving them to everyone to speed things up. petra’s practically glowing with excitement the whole time and it’s honestly really endearing to see
R: RITUAL do they have any special customs for christmas? do they change throughout their life or depending who they’re with?
after she comes to fódlan, she will still try and incorporate rituals of brigid’s religion. at first, she will always do it in secret, fearing possible repercussions. however, after joining the academy and if people express their interest, she will gladly share them with them. of course, if they wanted to participate, she would be over the moon!
U: UNITY is there anything about the way they celebrate christmas that’s unique to them, their family or their country?
since brigid doesn’t have christmas, basically everything and nothing. back in her home, they instead celebrate the winter solstice. still, both celebrations turn out surprisingly compatible, considering they’re also very much about “light in the darkest time of the year”. however, using the occasion to give presents is something she has to get used to first
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