#I'm reading Lockwood & Co.
lleann-art · 5 months
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i miss lockwood and co
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krash-and-co · 5 months
the real 35 portland row is located on tumblr dot com btw
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robertlutecee · 1 year
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Lockwood & Co. - Season 1 (2023)
"We're a new agency, been registered three months. We're accredited with DEPRAC, but we're not on their payroll like Fittes or Rotwell. We're independent, and we like it that way." "Who are your supervisors?" "No supervisors here. No adults. It's my company, hence the name. That bother you?"
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Excuse me sir, those are my emotional support traumatized ghost hunting teenagers!
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Catch me exactly two chapters into the Screaming Staircase going "ah Lockwood is autistic isn't he" and it ain't even a question
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all-too-unwell-13 · 3 months
ok it's been decided what i'm going to do with my life now that i've finished lockwood and co
i'm going to reread the entire series :)
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here’s the thing about me + lockwood content
before lockwood & co. i wasn’t really in the mood for editing. yes, i did come up with videos and photo edits but i wasn’t really enjoying it much. it was the same all over again. a new episode - a new video. don’t get me wrong, i loved the show (still do, it’s magnum p.i. i’m talking about) but i’ve been editing that for years now. 
every now and again a show was coming back with a new season. the umbrella academy for example. i did my usual “new season = one edit with number 5“ and then stopped (because there’s not really much content to use when there’s 50 main characters and you’re only willing to sit down to edit one of them). 
then outer banks came back, i thought “hey, time for a new rafe edit“. he wasn’t in it much. i didn’t come up with a video. fine, okay, back to magnum p.i. (which i still LOVE to death, don’t get me wrong, i would always come up with edits, it’s my 2nd favorite show now) but sometimes it’s nice to have different characters to work with. 
wednesday was released and i really liked that, especially tyler. i made some photo edits and a few videos (4 or something). and what then? back to the old routine? 
no, lockwood & co. was out. i remembered i had seen the trailer a while ago and liked it so i clicked ‘play‘. and look where we are now. i don’t know the last time one character has sparkled any interested in me and got me this motivated. a new one as well, might i add. i don’t do well with new characters since i always have to kinda let them get to me first, you know. it’s quite the process, too, when you want to edit. you have to get the episodes, the scenes you wanna use, you have to select 0.04 seconds from episode 1 and then 0.02 seconds from episode 8 because you think they could work really well together. so it’s a lot to think about even for short videos or photo edits (find the right episode for a certain scene, take screenshots, have ideas of what you wanna do with that screenshot, find good fonts, effects,…) i think you get me. it takes a lot of dedication (for me) to accept a character. and it’s not like i don’t like most of them. i like a lot. for example i’ve enjoyed characters from titans, fate: the winx saga, the sandman, hsmtmts and so on. 
so, what i usually do when i watch a new show is play it in the background. i don’t know any character - i’m not interested in any of them. i press ‘play’ and scroll through instagram or twitter. however with lockwood & co., i didn’t. i had my phone sitting right next to me but i didn’t click on instagram. i didn’t click on twitter. i actually watched the show from the first second on. for some reason it was very special to me, i can’t explain it. it felt like i had found THE show (and character) for me. the one show that could get me back into editing, actually loving what i do and create. and it did. look where i am now. 
i’m very emotional about this, i cannot even find proper words to express how thankful i am for all of this. i wake up in the morning and am excited about the evening because that’s the time of day i 1) have time to re-watch the show 2) read the books (again) or 3) edit. so this whole saving campaign is not only a matter of stopping netfl** bullshit with unnecessary cancelations, it’s also a matter of heart for me. lockwood & co. is my comfort show. i’ve found it after so many years and i didn’t even know i needed one but i did. lockwood & co. is not your ‘typical ghost show’. lockwood is not your typical good-looking, dick-ish protagonist, he’s way more. he’s the reason i’m doing all of this. i’m trying my best to help with whatever i can because they all deserve to come back for at least one more season. so, every day i stay up until 3-4am, get up at 9am the same day and i don’t regret a single thing. i wanna do this. and i know we can all help them get a new season, together.  
it’s been four months (and two days) since the release of lockwood & co. in these four months i’ve been the most creative i’ve ever been, i’ve met the most kind people on social media and i’ve never loved editing more than i do now. and all thanks to anthony lockwood.
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kazz-brekker · 7 months
like i just do think it's objectively bad that even when you're reading incredibly positive reviews for netflix original shows like blue eye samurai and lockwood and co they're all like "yeah this is really good and you should watch it but there's basically a negative chance that this show will get a satisfying number of seasons or be able end on its own terms." that's just an insane way to run tv shows and yet it's become the norm at netflix.
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toffeemugg · 12 days
"'You shouldn't have done it,' I said. 'You shouldn't have risked yourself.' 'Come off it,' Lockwood said. 'You know I'd die for you.'"
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vehicularmotorcycle · 3 months
Reading The Whispering Skull and I don't think I'll ever be over L&C getting canceled. It hits so much harder now reading the books. If nothing else, at least the one season it got led me to read these, I never would have found them otherwise
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rapha-reads · 1 year
I've read three Lockwood & Co books in two days (no, I'm not doing that fine, thanks for asking), and even though book 3, The Hollow Boy, just broke my heart in ten different ways, there's something that I find fascinating in the way Jonathan Stroud writes his horror. At first, when the team faces the Visitors, it's scary, obviously. Walking around the house or ground in the dark, al the ways a Visitor can manifest... Typical horror stuff. But then, with Lucy's Talent growing up, there's something that happens: the ghost isn't that scary anymore. Some are irritating and repulsive, but a lot are also, mostly, pitiful and compassion-worthy. Like, the Fetch at the end of book 3? Definitely made me tense rigid-spine and look around my room and over my shoulder when it started following Lucy in the department store. But when he faced Lucy in the room of bones, taking on Lockwood's appearance? I wasn't scared of him. Wary, yes, Visitors are still dangerous, but mostly feeling pity and gratitude. I had the feeling that the hollow boy wasn't really trying to hurt Lucy, but really to have a conversation with her.
Anyway, it's 4.50am. Should I start book 4 now? I want to delve back in immediately, these books are real page-turners! And now the real Locklyle angst has started, I'm deeply invested. I'm kind of surprised I never read them before, the first book is from 2013, that was exactly the period I was reading every single YA book I could get my hands on, especially fantastic/fantasy/sf (as always, then and now). Surprising that this series evaded me.
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iamapenguinlady · 1 year
Spoilers for The Creeping Shadow
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I'm sorry but this is basically Lockwood and Lucy agreeing to be together until death parts them and it's basically an official marriage at this point. These two will be the death of me.
(also this is a really bad photo and I'm sorry lmao)
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they-didnt-last · 2 months
since i'm on the topic of the creeping shadow, in the beginning of the book, lucy mentions that she and lockwood went for a walk in which he tried to convince her not to leave.... does anyone happen to have a fanfic about that? 👀
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siena-sevenwits · 10 months
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poppy-bindery · 5 months
I just finished my re-read of the Inheritance circle and I'm currently re-reading the Percy Jackson series and I'm reading the Lockwood & Co. books for the first time.
I guess, I'm back in my middle school reading era!
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origamiyoda · 1 year
BI LUCY REAL???????????
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