#I'm pretty sure in CF everyone on Rhea's closest side is aware for Flayn'n'Seteth
randomnameless · 3 years
Not to harp on your post against VAs, since you made it clear it's not an issue of voice actors, but I don't really see the difference between the japanese voice actor and the us one for rhea. For sure, they speak differently and have different tones, but isn't it just the difference in language?
I think @ezralahm made a post about the differences, when writing, of putting something in bold or italicised.
It's kind of the same feeling I get with Rhea's voice acting.
The script is more or less (less) the same, but the emphasis, tone, and emotions?
Rhea in JP likes pepperoni.
Rhea in the lolcalised version LIKES pepperoni.
See the difference?
It starts with a VA presumably being told "rhea doesn't emote rhea just is" and some over zealous interpretation of "church in JRPGS = bad" and you get the "worthless piece of garbage" lines.
The worst exemple is how she reacts when Flayn'n'Seteth die : Leigh!Rhea pulled some amazing voice acting before, when she receives the news from Catherine, but then she's making death threats, still shaken.
Inoue!Rhea? Is more shaken than "making death threats".
I'm glad you got it anon, I don't want to imply Cherami Leigh isn't a good VA or anything of the sort, really. I'm just sad she didn't get a correct voice direction.
Fun (sad) things :
In the lolcalised version, Catherine goes :
"The unit that invaded the monastery has been completely driven away...a bitter disappointment. I fear we can do nothing but retreat for now."
What is a disappointment? The fact they were driven away or the fact they were all killed? Like, are you really going to blame the dead ones for not managing to retake the monastery??
In the JP Version, she goes :
"大修道院近辺に潜入した部隊は、 すべて撃退されて……無念です. 今は、退くしか……。 ご命令を……"
Note the ellipses in the second part, that aren't present in the lolcalised version. By her tone, Catherine is hurt/shaken by the events too, something... lolcalised!Catherine isn't. Also, Google Translate (:'() has Catherine apologise after delivering the news, not going all "it's a bitter disappointment". I'm disappointed when my order doesn't arrive in time, i'm not disappointed when I announce our plan to retake you home failed and we lost many friends and soldiers alike, including your brother and my partner.
Still, to make things lighter, jp!Catherine calls Seteth and Flayn with honorifics.
It's Flayn-sama for you people.
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