#I'm paying that much for overpriced products lol
yullen · 4 months
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『 D.Gray-man 』 - Kanda Yuu: “HEROES” 2024 Birthday Products
“HEROES” Acrylic Block  ¥6,930  [JCS] Big Silhouette “HEROES”  T-Shirt   ¥6,600  [JCS]
Jump Characters Store Release: 2024, Feb. 15th, 1PM JST  [RT]
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Unpopular opinion: I actually don't think it's bad that shipping reflects how much it actually costs to send something to the other side of the country/world?
Granted, I'm lucky enough to live where shipping is $15, but I grew up in Japan (in the 90's/early 2000's looool) and I could never get anything shipped from the States for less than an exorbitant fee.
And Hybe absolutely sells a lot of overpriced junk, but I thought the photobook's price was reasonable given the eco-friendly materials. I was actually surprised when I saw the price.
But I could just be old lol
Well, for example, shipping fees have increased significantly since Covid and other current socio-political factors that have led to inflation as well. So everything is affected.
As to Jungkook's photobook, it was more expensive than BE. I remember paying less for that album. It's interesting that the shipping fees for Europe are really high with Weverse, but I ordered the photobook from the main local seller website and the shipping fees are insignificant. Like, a pack of cigs would cost me more, lol. And the product is still available on the site, while it easily gets sold out on weverse shop.
I think it boils down on what and how much is a person willing to spend money on merch. I'm only going to purchase JK and JM's photobook and I'm done. But I do find it unfortunate that so many fans feel a sort of "obligation" in buying a lot of stuff because that's how they should show appreciation and support. Sure, it's how artists make money, but it shouldn't become an extreme practice. And we know how many of the fans are still kids and teenagers who don't have their own job and their own money, but then they make demands from their parents. A bit of balance would be nice and Weverse not selling so much junk would be one step. These are my naive thoughts because I'm fully aware of commercialization and the commodification of music and how a business works 😄
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lapeaudelamemoire · 7 months
I'm genuinely angry about the way things have gone about Tumblr. I just went on the Tumblr merch blog and every single fucking post has replies and notes of people literally going 'Lol stop posting nobody is buying your stuff' or 'Lol so cringe' or 'Lol as if I'd pay money for this overpriced shit' and like. This was for instance on a post of sweatpants for $55.
I fucking hate USians and hypocrites like that. You do not know the cost or the price of anything. You always see people say things like compensate the artist and then they will expect $20 sweatpants. Like. Fair enough if you think something is expensive, and fair enough if you decide that it's too expensive for you and you're not going to buy it. But why is that any different from going on fucking Etsy or whatever and messaging a shop owner to tell them that their things are overpriced? People are always talking about 'ethical' and 'sustainable' and being underpaid and then you will turn around and say $55 for sweatpants is too much.
I paid $92 AUD for my sweatpants from an Indigenous clothing brand here. Regular retail price is $120 AUD but I got them on sale. Is that expensive? Yes, I do think that is expensive. But does that price reflect the fair wage of minimum $25/hour here? Yeah, probably!
Sweatpants can only be $25 if they are literally made in a sweatshop, most likely. Do I also love a cheap thing? Yes, absolutely. But other people also need to make money to fucking eat and live. What the fuck. Also, those people who are being immensely underpaid are almost always non-USians in ""undeveloped"" countries, aka countries that have been plundered and continue to be pillaged by colonialism and imperialism that nowadays comes hugely from the fucking 'US'. You are literally profiting off exploitation.
And the merch was literally explicitly transparently, yes, about trying to make some fucking money to turn a fucking profit to keep this fucking site going.
And users fucking laughed in their faces and taunted them about it *while using the fucking site*.
Like yeah staff isn't perfect and there are grounds that censorship and some problematic things may be going on but people really don't understand or are not aware of the logic or wisdom of not offending the person who serves you and who could literally spit in your food or tamper with it even, huh. People provide you with something and yeah there are some Issues but like bullying staff really seems to be a past-time and specific and purposeful here. This is of course also the website where author John Green was bullied off the entire platform.
I'm so fucking sick of it. It reeks of white entitlement and """individualism""". It only matters when it's you who's getting bullied or underpaid. If you made a thing and spent time developing it and put it out into circulation and people went at you like "Lol hahahah what a shit product wtf you seriously think people are gonna pay good money for this? Get real" you would cry about it. But when it's someone else or someone who, g-d forbid, works a job at a company to get some money to fucking survive, just like you, you do that exact thing to them. 'Ha-ha everything should be free for me uwu' and don't expect to pay for a service even when the company is transparently losing money and has been for years.
People literally profit off Tumblr by getting to come on here, interact with others, make posts, have pictures and whatever on their entire blog hosted, using the site, and simply expect it to be magically free forever? If this were a 'small indie bzniz' people would be frothing at the mouth and calling this theft.
It's so stunningly short-sighted if not outright stupid to play 'Haha why don't you send me, a long-time 12-year user who has not paid anything in all my 12-years of usage and now still refuses to shell out even a cent despite you trying to keep this platform that I am using afloat, a $55 piece of merch for ~exposure~ to my followers'. Which was basically something someone said. "Lol why don't you send me this for free as a long-time user who's been here for 12 years and I can give you exposure lol". For real?
And then of course people bullying Tumblr merch for being 'cringe'.
Get. The fuck. Off the site. If you find it so cringe. And stop using it. Then.
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