#I'm not tagging all tbe character
mantarobin · 1 month
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This took ... Nine hours..... I gave up w the water rendering sorry. pls enjoy tho and zoom in for somw details :33
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nyahuaisang · 1 year
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oh nooooo is poor baby upset that something they like is inherently queer in nature 🥺🥺🍼🍼
Notice how I'm really just discussing the themes presented to us by the anime and yet they're acting like im screaming in their face. They don't do this to other people discussing other aspects of the series in the comments, only to me, because I was discussing a topic they didn't want associated with the series. "Wokism knows no bounds" and "calm down" as if i was acting deranged instead of doing what everyone else is and adding my own thoughts about the series like everyone else is doing. Classic "paint the queer as crazy so people wont listen to them" tactics..
I've mostly been talking about heavenly delusion in the context of it being excluded by other queer fans but there are tons of queerphobes who has and will try to push back against this series being queer as well because let's face it. It's an amazing series. It has a great plot, great characters, great animation, great soundtrack and most importantly, it doesn't have that oh so helpful "genderbender" or "yaoi" tag that would help them differentiate the "normal" media from the corner that all queer media is pished into, so of *course* the bigots will try to insist that it's not queer. Because they can't love something that's queer, so they need to make it cishet.
Even people who may say they're not queerphobe or has 'shown their support for the yaoi and yuri genres and the fujoshis and fudanshi will most likely not address the queerness in this whatsoever and dismiss it with wordings like "it's really more of a bodyswap" or "i support the lgbt+ but this doesn't really fit into that" or "not everything is queer and this isnt even really queer" or "it would be a disservice/offensive to tbe lgbt+ community if i were to call this queer" etc...etc...because why?
Because they like it. And because it doesn't stay in the nice little corner labeled "uhh woke gay stuff" where they push anything queer into and pretends to uplift it but they only uplift it because it's in that little convenient corner away from all the "normal good" stuff.
Do not and I mean DO NOT let them do this. This is not just a one off lesbian kiss that never comes back, it does. Kiruko's transplant into a girl's body is not just for fanservice or romance shenanigans, it is written into the plot. Maru does not rescind his confession after learning that Kiruko is a boy, in fact, he outright states he's still in love with him. Maru also immediately asks if he should stop referring to him as "Sis", to which Kiruko says he can still use. There will be blatant and direct intersex characters. It's not just a one-off thing that happens, no, the queerness is literally BAKED into this. It may not be the main focus like other queer series such as shimanami tasogare or my lesbian experience or miyano and sasaki but it is still there and unrefutable.
Don't let the queerphobes take a series that is inherently queer in nature and overshadow that queerness with their cisheteronormativity.
The fact of the matter is that kiruko is set to be the main romantic interest of Maru, a boy, and there is just no way to frame that in a way that it is both cis and hetero, which, in turn, makes it QUEER.
"Queer enough" is not just in issue with truscum but its also something queerphobes will try to use to reject queer media.
Don't let them take this from us. We already don't have much as it is and what we do have all end up being removed from the general audience and pushed into that little "queer corner".
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the-fat-raccoon · 2 years
How have your theories Evolved my good honorary Gorpster
Ok I kept holding off on this one but it's time.
The Refined Understanding Of The Gorp Arg (I Understand Less Now)
Let me start off by saying apparently there's dubious cannon in the fuckimg. gorp arg. so I have no clue how much of anything is actual cannon. Or if any of this is even right
Alright let's go back to Nelson because this motherfucker haunts me in tags on the daily.
His full name is Nelson Stanley Berg which made me think this was like. A weird tsp au where he was Stanley stand in. And thread was 432s stand in and Sam the Narrator etc etc. But this all went immediately out the window once I saw 432 send thread an ask and referred to the other characters separately. This caused great pain as I thought I finally figured it out. Anyways.
He is dating Sam Akon who is. checks notes old and gay and 6 feet tall. And he dyes his hair but not with Kool aid that part was a joke. I think his thing is 💖 or one of the pink hearts but idk for sure. That is all I know about Sam Akon.
Nelson's is 💙 or 💙🤍 yeah? or is 💙🤍 referring to him plus someone else
Moving on. Let's talk about thread
per my last insane rambling, I've gotten confirmation that those posts I'd see people on my dash revloggibg of someone yelling about beasts is in fact part of the gorp arg
This one's interesting because it's the most reliable source I have into the gorp arg and I do not understand it at all
So threads birthday is on the release date of the half life mod that was the original version of the stanley parable. Which made me think again, au with different charactersfilling in these roles after somethinghappened to the original cast, but this was before disproven.
Thread is conflicted between being just the settings mf and having. yknow. Feelings And Shit. Also there's a hatred for Nelson I think? maybe. Idk the impression bit and the Sam akon info gathering made it hard to tell what emotion was brought forth from Nelsom but I think it's hatred. Idk I thought the impression bit was like. Really funny. Made me smile.
its is 💜 right? or 💜🖤?
Anyways. Favorite character. Probably because it's the only one I've seen do or say anything but. I didn't have to make that thread art for my warm up that shit jumped out from some part of me that apparently really wanted to design the "Setting page in an anxiety trenchcoat" as it has been so lovingly reffered to as in my notes several times.
Diane and the overseer??? They exist???? I can't find much on either tbh. idek if they have lil hearts.
I tried to figure out tbe series of events that led to whatever the hell is going on here but realized I do not have enough sources to actually. Figure that out. So.
Anyways. This really brought me back to my internet historian days of finding some really niche online interactive shit and figuring out every possible detail about it and the fandom just so I could possibly talk about it to someone in the future. And now I have the discord link waiting I'm my inbox. So I've leaned a little too far into the well and whatever at the bottom really wants me to fall.
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theshaddowedsnow · 2 years
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#theyre tbe group of pettiest people out there and they didnt immaditaely go 'the avengers hate you so we'll support you'?
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Big dramatic reveals are Great, even a casual "Yeah I know" is Great
But hear me out
Bernard finds out Tim's identity not because he figured it out, not because Tim was injured or truth serumed or whatever.
No, be finds it out because Jason got annoyed one family dinner that he couldn't make a death joke and just made one
In front of Bernad and loudly
And Bernard is like: wait what?!?!?!?!?!?
224 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
Bruce: What is your intentions with my son?
Billy, panicking because Damian and Jon and him are on a Super Secret Kids Only Mission: Uh, I'm taking him and Jon out on a date!
Clark, zooming over at the speed of a panicked father: Jon is going on a date and he didn't tell me?!?!
Billy: *internally* Robin and Superboy are going to kill me
238 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
Bernard had known a long time. He had known since High school who Tim was. It wasn't hard to figure out, and while Tim went great lengths to hide it, if you knew what to look for, it was easy to sniff out.
So, when Tim sat him down in their now shared apartment, Bernard was prepared. Be was going to let Tim tell him himself, when he was ready.
"Look, I should have told you sooner, I know I should have," Tim sighed, messing with the sleeves of the sweatshirt he had stolen from Bernard back when they first started dating. "I'm just... I never dated someone who didn't know before we dated."
"It's alright Tim," Bernard soothed.
"I know you're a vampire" "I'm Red Robin"
The two stared at each other. Neither spoke.
"Bernard what the hell?"
"I thought it was obvious!" Bernard defended. "Wait, you're Red Robin?"
"You thought I was a vampire?" Tim gaped.
350 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
Y'all ever think Billy just casual hints he's a foster kid/homeless to the Leauge?
Like, they don't know Marvel's identity, but things just kinda Hint At It?
Like Superman and Marvel are evacuating civilians and like... Marvel not only remembers the homeless exist, reminds Supes they exists, and knows all the poteial Aves they are? And all be says is he gets it and doesn't blame Supes because "if I didn't have experiences like them I would have forgotten too" or aome line like that?
Or just how much get gets along with Jason? Like even post-ressurection Jadon. The two talk for hours about the best spots they've squatted or how Captain Marvel of all the Justice Leauge appreciates what Jason is doing. Like, he may not fully approve of the method, remember he's still an idealist and a kid, but he understands the motivation and reason for it and behind it.
Or he just casually mentions he's an orphan and "grew up in some rough spots before finding my family."
Stuff like that.
353 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tim: things my conspiracy boyfriend let's me do; listen to his theories and comment on them
Tim: things he will not let me do; suggest an even wilder theory on the same topic
570 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
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fureliselost · 3 years
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#danny: *remembering that dash shoved him inside lockers three times today and pushed him down tbe stairs on the way to class*
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The biggest irony in Danny Phantom is that it's a show about death but never once is death actually spoken about closely nor is the main character ever indicated to have dealt with death/loss (not even his own).
572 notes • Posted 2021-07-23 23:25:59 GMT
Yo, I've been thinking about Danny's grades. Because, like, most of the DP fandom writes ff with Danny being one bad grade from flunking out 'cause he can't fight ghosts and keep up with the school work.
But, like, is that really accurate tho? (And let me make it clear that I've only watched DP once and that was in Feb, so I could have some information missing here)
Cuz on the very first ep Lancer tells Danny he has basically nothing bad on his record (whereas Tucker had some transgressions).
And I can only remember Danny's grades being mentioned 5 times in the entire show (on One Of A Kind, Teacher Of The Year, What You Want (?), TUE, and, obviously, Mystery Meat — there is Vlad's mentions of Danny's grades and Danny's dream in Frightmare, but I'm not considering those).
On One of a Kind, he gets a D in his biology — which, from the way he said it, it sounded like he never got a grade that low — but he managed to raise his grade.
On Teacher of the Year, he fails his English (?) exam — not because he was occupied with a ghost, but because he was obsessed with playing Doom (let's also remember that, on One of a Kind, Tucker literally says Danny's problem was time management) — but then he was able to retake the test and got a 91%.
On What You Want, he mentions he's a C student.
And, well, everyone knows what happened in TUE: Danny says he isn't prepared for the CAT 'cuz he didn't get to study throughout the year because of ghost fighting (which IG is where the whole fanfic thing comes from).
But, like, was Danny actually not able to study because of ghosts? Because I can't actually think of a time where he was actually stopped from getting his homework done by a ghost fight.
But you know what does come up in my mind when I think of all of that? "Poor time management skills"... Oh, wait, that's already Canon!
Before I get into the time management skills, lemme bring up again Vlad's comments, Danny's A grade on his dream on Frightmare, and Danny's comment on What You Want (as well as what he said in TUE).
Guys, the educational system sucks. In 2004 it was worse. Teachers also suck in that respect (do I need to explain that I don't hate all teachers, only the sucky ones?).
There are teachers who humiliate you in front of the class for having a question they believe you shouldn't have, I'm pretty sure everyone has been in that situation or knows someone who has. Some teachers shame you every time you get a bad grade instead of offering solutions — that affects people, it doesn't even have to be that explicit.
I spent 'till my senior year of highschool thinking I was a terrible student (because teachers told me I was every time I got a bad grade). That only changed when I was calculating my GPA to see which colleges I had a shot at: my GPA was 3.6/4
Now, take Mr Daniel Fenton. Youngest son of a family of geniuses. His older sister got the highest ever CAT grade and writes Theses for funsies. His parents not only where accepted to appear on genius magazine (Jazz may have done the application for Maddie, but she wouldn't lie on it knowing that they would do at least some fact chacking — meaning that she probably picked accomplishments of Maddie's and used only the ones she approved of, meaning that they had accomplishments other than the ghost related ones) but they also built a freaking portal to another dimension.
Not to mention that Tucker is a top notch hacker and doesn't get good grades because he doesn't want to (which doesn't matter because he changes them anyway) and that Sam never shows any concern towards her grades and, being from a rich family, she probably has to get good grades.
Take Danny, who wants to be an astronaut — the literal hardest job to get on the face of the Earth, which also requires a degree in the STEM area (which Danny is admittedly not the best at). Now put him in a place where his grades dropped a little — Maddie, his mother, literally told him he had to get good grades because "Fentons get As" or whatever.
Is it that hard to think that a lot of Danny saying his grades are so terrible and he's not prepared for the tests is because that's just how low he thinks of himself academically?
Lemme get back to the time management skills.
So I've already established that the educational system sucks and it wasn't any better in 2004.
It was even worse at recognizing and dealing with neurodivergent kids.
And I'm pretty sure that, like, 70% of the fandom sees Danny as Neurodivergent-coded — autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, etc.
The thing with being neurodivergent is that sometimes ND people suck at some executive functions/have executive dysfunctions.
Do you know what is an executive function? Time management skills.
When it comes to studying, I personally have a lot of trouble with distractions and getting myself to start the assignment. That problem is usually solved if I have someone to do it with me — and by that I mean that the person usually just sits nearby and sometimes helps me with processing an information, which tends to consist in just me talking.
Which is basically what Lancer did with Danny in Teacher of the Year. Which,,, Lancer, my beloved, yes! When he found the problem, he tried to find a solution and his frickin solution worked!
Anyway, this is all I wanted to say: the educational system sucks, Danny has a warped view of himself, Danny is neurodivergent, and Lancer should've been portrayed as an awesome teacher since the start because he was awesome.
700 notes • Posted 2021-06-11 09:10:12 GMT
Mr Lancer: Where is your homework?
Danny, absolutely exhausted out of his mind after an all-nighter chasing a ghost and had no time to do said homework: A ghost ate it.
Lancer, realizing that's a plausible excuse: *sighs*
The rest of Casper High's student body, also realizing it's a plausible excuse: It's free real estate.
837 notes • Posted 2021-11-23 02:47:00 GMT
Someone explain to me why Wes' immediate reaction to finding out the truth about Danny is "imma expose that mf".
Like, 1) not only is that a jerk move (and none of Wes' fucking business), but it's also basically outing him; 2) is he stupid? 'cause Danny can literally lift a bus and he could, like, kill Wes v easy; 3) if he's really so adamant about posting it online because he's an amateur reporter or "the truth must be heard" or whatever other shit, why does he never think about talking to Danny to get the whole truth? Like, is he that incompetent?
1067 notes • Posted 2021-04-28 07:06:39 GMT
Valerie: Where is Danny?
Sam: Not that it's any of your business, Valerie, but he's busy.
*Danny crashes on their table as Phantom*
1068 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 03:02:09 GMT
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mysteriousdragon · 3 years
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#and even better its corporates fault because your supervisor has to make these unstable schedules because they were given scraps to work w/
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So either I'm really dense and just fail to pick up on these things or did the anime just kinda glossed over this (i hear its rushing through so maybe the manga was clearer) but...When the heck did Miyamura and Hori officially start dating? Was there an official moment or did these 2 goofs just fall into it and just went yep this is just how it is???
8 notes • Posted 2021-02-21 12:05:35 GMT
I decided to rewatch Winx Club because I'm feeling nostaligic and screw the live action show. I've only watched the 4kids version and it was my jam growing up but I'm giving the newer dub a chance so I can experience the show uncensored. Let me tell you what, I miss the voice actors from the 4kids dub and if it wasn't for me wanting to see it uncensored I'd be watching it right now.
8 notes • Posted 2021-02-01 03:03:46 GMT
I'm super proud of myself right now! I was doing a quick Hades run before bed and not only did I finally beat Alecto and make it to Elysium for tbe 1st time, I made it ALL THE EAY TO HADES!!! On my 1st run tonight!
I almost had him too! But I didn't know he got a second wind and I used both of my death defiances on him but like still that was good for my 1st time fighting him!
15 notes • Posted 2021-01-18 04:44:49 GMT
Was anyone else irritated that they call ADAM getting off a skateboard and slamming it into someones face a "technique"? Because sir thats not some move you can name that's just attempted homicide
35 notes • Posted 2021-03-27 23:28:22 GMT
One of my favorite details in boyfriend dungeon is that when you have Pocket equipped you can see little paw prints trailing you when you run
54 notes • Posted 2021-09-08 08:35:50 GMT
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