#I'm a human supremecist
the-cat-and-the-birdie · 4 months
Do you ever think about the fact that Lyla could've easily told Miguel about Gwen seeing Miles or The Spot escaping as soon as Gwen told Jess?
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and that considering she's a literal program and Miguels creation it would make perfect sense for her to rat on Gwen to him
But in that moment she didn't, because she actively chose not to - giving Jessica and Gwen the option to fix it without Miguel knowing
And that in the end Lyla DIDN'T tell Miguel. And Miguel only found out about everything once the hole opened in Mumbattan.
Do you ever think about that? Lyla exhibiting free will?? I do. I do a lot. I'm scared 😭
We talk about 'oh Jess was gonna tell Miguel-' LYLA COULD'VE TOLD HIM IMMEDIATELY. And she just... CHOSE not to???
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Did Miguel give her free will or did she just... develop it??? Does he know she can just.. decide to not cooperate with him? Or even lie to him if she wanted?
If Lyla can choose to lie about this... could she be choosing to lie about cano-
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jaythelay · 5 months
Imagine an entire community that doesn't know classes used to not hold 30-40 kids at a time, but only when it's convenient for them to blame the kids for not being interested in sitting still in a room for an hour listening to a bored loser give a boring presentation to everyone also bored and uninterested.
Like shit ya'll, the problem isn't the youth, it's the shitty systems we have in place, but by all means, blame the kids for operating in the same system as you. Blame these children that were born before these policy changes, for these policy changes. Thank you for reinforcing my genuine distrust and hate for teachers with that one simple trick.
They were just not dumb enough to make this their job. They fail school, and they're on the same level as everyone else, including your dumbass, a GED is useless, a diploma more so. Tell me why they should bother? When you entrap them in this pointless location, not being taught anything, just told in as dry a manner as possible, the basic facts that will be reworded on a quiz just to make it frustrating for kid's memories.
Just sayin', too many in this same community seem kind've giddy about their students getting shot up or failing in life. Hey, guess what, that student you really like? They die of a meth overdose after being homeless for 8 years when their parents kick them out at 17. Congrats on preparing them for that future by handing them the answer sheet.
It's really a good thing to switch your kid to online so they can get out sooner. I graduated at 16 in online schooling, despite being held back twice because I completely stopped doing any work, you'll never guess what abuse set that event off 2 years straight. That's right the vice principal stalking me and taking a job at the highschool I was gonna go to!
Y'see how, maybe, just maybe, it isn't that this generation of humanity is just so wildly different to every other, it's the simple fact the world is on fire, there is no future for 30yos, let alone a 15yo, no one is gonna have a family or stable income, most of us will be homeless, and your school was known for Kidz4Kash, you really think it's kids fault they fucking hate this place for wasting their One Short Life on Pointless Shit?
How many of you can seriously name a single thing school taught you. No seriously, tell me, and then tell me how your life is going, if it's going well, honest to god congrats, if it's not, that was the only expectation anyone has for everything. Youth included.
Hey, teachers, ask your students if they're doing okay, what fears they have, actually, no, that's too personal and meaningful, be Vile and Evil and ask them what they want to be when they grow up. Watch as your expecation of "astronaught!" Divebombs into "I'm hoping I can have a career online" because There's Nothing Outside Anymore. Nothing free either. No, the only hope anyone has is someone giving it to them on the internet. That's what they want to be. A positive, creative force that can make a difference socially, because Not One Student in your classrooms will Ever Be In Politics. They'll never have the necessary capital.
"It's so depressing, all my students want to be streamers!" yeah because your glorious teaching job where you hand them the answer packet and get paid less than a streamer, with less job security, looks so appetizing to a disenfranchized youth.
Behind all that bravado and grativous is a frightened, suicidal child. Eventually, someone other than their friends, and me, will get that.
I really think teachers think all their kids are school shooter stereotypes, and like, yeah, the stereotype was indeed based on the disenfranchised, depressed youth with no future or genuine compassion in their lives, alright. But now the stereotype is a white supremecist, your favorite student aka. Get with the times, old fucks.
Fuck me man. I seriously saw, back to back, comment after comment after comment, where teachers were pissed at students for failing their class, despite being given the answers to COPY PASTE BY HAND to another paper.
Ya'll... Retire without pension. Do not mention this was your career, become a bartender, move on with your life, you're not a teacher, you're a fool taking a poor paying position and being mad that you can't manipulate and control people that Do Not Have Any Reason To Care about your job.
It's like having to explain the extent of pedophilia in religion to your catholic grandmother, you're just better off not going to their thanksgiving dinners anymore for your own mental health, because jesus christ, I'd rather try and make a soccer mom let their child swear than teach a teacher...so...so much intrinsically known shit. And what do they do? Literally not their job. Not their job at all.
In fact, they're actively the worst of disenfranchisement in this country right now. Not politicians, the news, the rich, nah, top of that long list is Teachers harrassing their students and being upset that those same students make their job harder. Hey, idea, don't abuse kids, and drop the quirky redditor teacher act, you eventually mask off like a karen in the returns building anyways, or turn out to be a pedo, always one or the other.
#teachers#education#students#schools#oof man#I really fucking hate experiencing being a targeted child#but my GOD if shit doesn't make more sense when the imaginations of the world fold into hell everyday#despite the diversity of people in the area#hey did you believe in santa?#i had a teacher#honest to fucking god#keep me in class after I showed positivity about christmas#just to break my 9yo heart by thoroughly trashing that child-like wonder#had another teacher tell me I shouldn't bother becoming a writer#and then went on to rant about her husband wanting to perfect his work before releasing it or some shit#like really bizarre harrassment and bullying by adults you wouldn't expect#had a teacher come in and say she's sexist and purposefully aborted her babies if they were male#and behind her were 3 pictures of her daughters#another time I had a teacher rip up a student's homework in front of him because he drew a bunny or some shit on it#same teacher had a mental breakdown crying on her desk for 2 classes straight#ya get used to just letting crazy be crazy#because if you went up to her at that time#guaranteed she'd bring you to the principals office and claim physical assault#and they'd get police and shit in on you for that#this wasn't a bad place#wasn't the hood#it was as middle class generic as it comes#we only had 1 black male and 1 black female#and 1 mexican kid#clear diversity hire or whatever you'd call it. regardless. this place was bad top to bottom depsite being in a nice neighborhood
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saltypiss · 2 years
Youtube plain and simple platforms nazis who've said beyond worse, and done beyond morality, while normal people have to play by the rules. Insulting that nobody wants to point out the sheer hypocrisy.
A right winger can spread covid misinformation and get people killed, a nazi can spread their pathetic views and get people killed, a loser can lie every breath and send their fans to assault people, but the dude pointing out the nazi platformer is the problem?
Benny Boi has enough on his channel to get him banned. Fact is, the left doesn't usually mass report unless it becomes obvious it's bannable.
The right is just hypocrites. What did they report him for? Because as far as I've seen, they seem to agree with gassing jews, they seem to be pissed when a right winger is randomly taken down for the such seriously meant remarks. What did Ethan do besides insult their shitty talking head? No lefty would report Ethan for what he said, because if you have actual fucking context, yeah, he's right, I sure do hope Benny feels any consequences for his immoral actions. If he gets people killed, well, I sure hope he does feel some consequences, like everyone ever? Does YouTube think Hitler doesn't deserve 'shade'? Because nazis are sub-human. They don't deserve society and it's benefits. That's not a discussion to be had that's fact. Fuck Nazis. I sure hope they can agree.
I stand by Ethan on this one. Bad for his company and channel, and the workers, but only because the internet seems dedicated to retaining nazis on their platform and punishing the left for barely scraping the same shit the right does every moment.
A republ- a nazi, can go on youtube, say hitler was right, that jews have a space laser, that obama is a conspiracy, and joe is a theory. They can send their base to attack people, they can lie and manipulate information.
If a lefty gets a lil frustrated by Fucking Nazis, and says a swear, "the media" will ban them permanently. Say "the left is violent!" While the right has yet another lynching case happening.
If they think Ethan crossed a line, that line better extend past normal people and break through republican's bullshit media barrier. Because right now I assure you I can find a video on any right winger channel that is far worse, and still, allowed up.
Until YouTube decides to wash their hands of nazis, I'm not interested in holding Ethan accountable to rules only selectively applied to the left.
As far as the right is concerned, they're pedophilic, white supremecist, anti-semetic, violent, propaganderers that send their fans to assault people consistently. They raided the capitol, they killed people enough to the point the mass shooter list is their leaderboard. They've burned this country and others to the ground. The amount of infiltration by Nazis in every aspect of law is damning.
Ethan just said Ben should have consequences for deciding to platform of nazis.
Idunno man. Just saying, there's blatant hypocrisy from the right and youtube here. Sure, hold Ethan to a higher standard all ya want, youtube chooses to hold nazis above him. I won't. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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eidetic187 · 7 years
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nerdylilpeebee · 6 years
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I blocked you because I'm tired of your shit.
You use "but they're not mean to ME" to excuse terfs being human garbage when interacting with transexuals.
You deny trans women of color's role in StoneWall.
You insist that transexuals are most often killed "for being a black gay prostitute," therefore denying the shit SO MANY TRANSEXUALS have gone through and all the deaths of transexuals that have been caused by terf influence, alt-right narratives, and all around bigotry.
So, fuck you. Your "new best friend" blocked you because you're a bitch who'd rather defend a hateful group who's sole purpose is to control people's bodies and sexualities because they've been kind to you, a cis woman WHO FUCKING AGREES WITH THEM, than trans women, their victims, simply because trans women have treated you with hostility for supporting the group WHO ACTIVELY ATTACKS THEM DAILY.
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abiik · 4 years
keme: we shouldn't act irrationally when faced with a problem zoe. we should react with level-headedness and deal with this issue peacefully; we must be better than those we're dealing with and not react aggressively!
also keme: *shoving pancakes into his mouth, ready to throw the FUCK down in an iHop parking lot at the drop of the hat bc his sister was catcalled*
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96thdayofrage · 5 years
According to a survey released last year 52 percent of white Americans said they believe discrimination against them is on par with discrimination faced by black people and other minorities. In Canada, a poll taken in 2014 showed that most Canadians don't think they're racist—84 percent claim they have friends of different racial backgrounds—but 32 percent make occasional racist comments, and 27 percent agree with racial stereotypes. Those ideas are at odds with each other, demonstrating a lack of understanding of the basic concept of racism.
Last week, news broke that Democratic Institutions Minister Maryam Monsef was born in Iran, not Afghanistan, as she'd been led to believe her whole life. The Globe and Mail revealed the truth about Monsef's birthplace, prompting Monsef's mom to admit she'd lied to her daughter about where she was actually born. Consequently, some accused Monsef of being deliberately deceitful to the public and even suggested that her citizenship should be revoked and that she should step down from her job. While many journalists were quick to back up the story as legitimate—and aspects of it might be—there seemed to be a resistance to even entertaining the possibility that a white politician who'd been born outside of Canada would not have faced the same level of scrutiny. For suggesting as much, in a story VICE published, I once again found myself being accused of racism against white people.
My default reaction to claims like this is to roll my eyes. But seeing as it's no longer just Twitter trolls who believe in reverse racism—white fragility probably accounts for a large part of Donald Trump's popularity—I decided to reach out to some social justice advocates to ask why they think a certain segment of white people get so defensive when minorities vocalize their oppression. And why groups like BLMTO are being painted as divisive and race baiting when really all they're doing is fighting for equality.
"When you're so deeply invested in your privilege, and in this case white privilege, racial equality feels like oppression," said Anthony Morgan, a Toronto-based civil and human rights lawyer.
Simply put, Morgan said reverse racism doesn't exist and a person who claims otherwise is "outing themselves as someone who has little to no experience or knowledge of what racism is."
Read More: White People Explain Why They Feel Oppressed
Racism is based on a couple of things—historical, systemic oppression and power, Morgan explained. And as far as history goes, white people have never been persecuted for the colour of their skin—so there's no point comparing their experiences to those of black, brown, and Indigenous folks.
"It's slavery, colonialism, theft all kinds of violations on systemic proportions... versus feelings being hurt."
There's a difference, he noted, when white people who are in a position of power espouse a hatred of minorities than when it's done the other way around.
In April, BLMTO co-founder Yusra Khogali was highly criticized when a tweet of hers that said "Plz Allah give me strength not to cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today" was discovered.
But Morgan said even if all people of colour straight up said they hate white people, it wouldn't affect a white person's ability to get a job, an education, or increase the odds that they'd get carded or charged for a crime. "If all white people had that view [of black people], that would have a very dramatic life impact on the material reality of all those people."
The exclusion of white people in spaces created for minorities is another controversy that sometimes comes up in the media.
Last fall, flyers for a white students union popped up on a handful of Canadian university campuses. On its website, the group behind the campaign, Students for Western Civilization, claims schools are bombarded with the message that "only white people can be racist, because white people are the sole beneficiaries of this white supremecist (sic) system." To balance things out, a white students' union "would serve as a platform to promote and advance the political interests of Western peoples."
Meanwhile Ryerson University's Racialised Students' Collective received backlash for kicking two white journalism students out of a meeting because they weren't marginalized or racialized. Ditto when BLMTO refused to sell white Toronto musician Sima Xyn one of its protest T-shirts during this year's Pride Parade.
"Denying me service due to my race when I'm showing my support to the Toronto #blacklivematter movement is ironic and killing my human rights," Xyn tweeted at the time.
Debbie Douglas, executive director of the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants, broke down why none of the above can be considered racism but is instead, again, about hurt feelings.
"It's interesting that as soon as you de-centre whiteness, it becomes about people being anti-white," she said, noting that at a panel for queer black people she attended, some white people were asked to move to the back to make space for black people. A few were offended.
"Why is it that in a place created for black people to have a conversation amongst themselves... to talk about what it means to be black and queer, that white folks felt they had to be at the centre?"
Morgan added that creating something like a white students union or having White History Month would be redundant.
"If you look at pretty much every profession in which folks have gainful employment or relative social prestige, it's overwhelmingly white."
As for the rise of the white victim narrative, both said issues like economic downturn—particularly in the US, where working class Americans are finding themselves struggling financially—play a role. Immigration and anti-Muslim sentiments that stem from falsely equating Islam with radicalization is another factor. But it's also just a response to more people calling out racism.
Douglas said the only reason we're talking about race more right now is because of blatant incidents that can't be ignored—the police beating death of Ottawa man Abdirahman Abdi, or the fatal shooting of Colten Boushie, an Indigenous man from Saskatchewan are two recent examples.
"As soon as we begin to interrogate issues of racism people get uncomfortable with it and hence the pushback we're seeing," she said.
If your default reaction to these discussions is to see white people as victims of reverse racism, Morgan has some advice: educate yourself.
"Anybody who would want to use or identify something as reverse racist, I would strongly encourage them to stop for a moment... and really think seriously about the last time they really have taken the time to study or get a deep understanding of what racism is and how it impacts different communities."
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