#I'll probably make a new application come November
karanan · 2 months
Devastatingly, my stipend application for one year of artistic work was denied. They can't specify why due to the high volume of applications. The type of application I sent is extremely competitive and only about 10% go through. I've also heard it's incredibly hard for 1st timers and new artists to get any grants so it's not shocking, it still stings though.
Gonna be a very difficult year economically unless I magically get an actual job and not just an internship.
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justlittleguysims · 8 months
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OC Introduction: Part 3
The next character entry for my new WIP project last mentioned in part 1 is Angelica "Angie" Moore, Derek's daughter. Angie is the second to last character of the main cast for this project, so I'll probably put OC intros for this project's supporting cast on hold while I work on entries for FCi3 which has a much larger main cast.
Note: Angie is a newer character of mine that I’m still developing, but here's what I've got for her so far.
Angie Moore (She/Her)
Age: 17 || Birthday: November 23rd ♐ || Traits: Gregarious, Cheerful, Goofball || Height: 5'6"ft || Pronouns: She/Her || Sexuality: Heterosexual || Occupation: Student/Barista (fingers crossed) || ethnicity/nationality: Irish/Italian-American
After being cooped up at home for almost two years with her dad and growing apart from her old friend group mid-pandemic, Angie is itching to get out and make connections with new people. Now that she has her own car and a bank account, Angie is really looking forward to finally doing more of those “normal,” independent teen things, like hitting up her favorite thrift stores on her own, or visiting her boyfriend’s house, and hopefully soon, she'll be working at her favorite coffee shop as a barista. But in the meantime­­ —as she works up the nerve to actually submit her application— she'll be enjoying her winter break, just her and her dad again this year… or at least that’s what she thought she would be doing.
Following a sudden phone call from her dad one night, informing her that on his way home, he found a homeless woman in need of a place to wait out an incoming winter storm, following a police raid on the encampment she was staying at earlier that evening. Excited to meet someone new, Angie jumps right into helping her dad make the women, named Morgan, feel at home, even trying her best to convince her dad to let her stay at least for the holidays, but Morgan seems anxious to leave as soon as possible, which sucks because Angie was really hoping to have a girl’s night.
FUN FACT: Angie is pretty handy and has picked up a wide assortment of skill is her short 17 years. She crochets, makes her own jewlery from sculpey clay and wire, and she even taught herself to cut and dye hair during the pandemic. In fact, she does a good enough job at it now that her dad still asks her for his usual trim even though he actually needs to leave the house now.
If you’ve reached this point of the post, THANK YOU for reading and please feel free to drop an ask about this character. I hope to have more sims updates in the coming weeks for you all. Please follow and yell at me to get shit done! Okay, thanks, BYE! 💜✨
Further Reading: OC Intros Pt. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 || Pizza Gang Pt. 1 | 2 | 3 || Family Intros Pt. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 || The Henchmen Pt. 1 | 2 || Multiverse Characters Pt. 1 || Monti’s Secret Pt. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 || Multiverse Characters Pt. 1
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bastionmc · 5 months
Bastion Devblog November 2023
This is the montly Bastion Devblog for November 2023. Today I'll be talking about information related to MCWebGUI, MCPyGUI, Bookshelf, and other stuff.
⏰ MCWebGUI Completion Time
MCWebGUI is what we'll use to make most of our applications, like Netherrack, Nylium, the Bastion Launcher, the Quartz Server Dashboard, etc., so it is probably important to get most of our applications done.
It has been in development for a few months now, and after a complete rewrite that is in the works right now, I, the only developer actively working on this, can somewhat confidently say that it looks like it'll be completed in 8-10 months. I know it sounds disappointing, but you're probably missing the absolute scale of it. More on MCWebGUI is coming next month, so look out for new posts that month.
Now moving on to...
As of writing this, MCPyGUI hasn't even started being written on yet. But I haven't explained what it is anywhere publicly yet so I thought it might be nice to know.
MCPyGUI will basically be for small applications with the MCWebGUI style, such as an installer or a simple tool. It will be a wrapper for tkinter, and hopefully be available for Windows and Linux.
The development of MCPyGUI will start once MCWebGUI is completed and development of Netherrack has begun. Like all of our other projects, it's going to be open source so you can use it too!
Unlike MCWebGUI, MCPyGUI applications cannot load anything, at any size, at any time, because the file size would explode if it used MCWebGUI's assets, and it would also be way too laggy to load in like 3 seconds. So it needs to be build in a specific way, with BastionCMD. More will be released about this info soon, so again, keep your eyeholes peeled for new posts about it!
📚 Our Content System, Bookshelf!
Bookshelf also hasn't started development yet, since it will run on MCWebGUI.
It will be a completely modular documentation system, but will also be able to be used for other things. In short, it's an easy-to-use documentation system with the MCWebGUI look, so we can keep our documentation consistent with our applications. (This will also mean we'll be documenting MCWebGUI, in something that's created with MCWebGUI!)
It's pretty simple, more info to be released soon...
🧹 Clearing up some things about Quartz
There was some confusion about what Quartz is, so this section of this month's devblog entirely focuses on what Quartz is.
Quartz Server is a Minecraft Server, coded in C#, with content added through Lua. We are aware that this makes using Java plugins not possible, but through our Lua API it won't be hard to recreate the plugins, now that it is no longer Java.
Quartz Client is a Minecraft Client, that is coded from scratch. It is not using any Java code. It won't use a Java Server. It relies on the Quartz Server. We will include a Mod-loader, that allows people to add their own Lua code, simply by putting their mod file in a folder, simelar to Java modding.
If you feel the need to make Quartz run on a Java server, then we won't stop you, but we'll also not support versions of Quartz that rely on a Java server, so maintanence & support is up to you.
We are aware that Quartz is a huge task, please do not mention this in our Discord server.
0 notes
worldismyne · 1 year
Good Intent Ch 5
Summary: Harv’s odd feelings for his best friend have been growing stronger. He’d do anything to rid himself of them, even resort to magical means. But will Harv’s own clouded disposition be his downfall?
Rating: T
Pairing: HarvFinn
Ao3 Link
Harv had come to class that day wholly unprepared. Between Finn dragging him around town all weekend and not getting enough sleep; Harv had completely forgotten about the exams. He groaned at the ragged stack of parchment was passed around the room. The general mood in the room was a defeated one. All accept Emet and Finn, who probably wrote long things for fun.
"This is not a snack." Clayton instructed. "You will be given only one sheet of paper, one." He glared at Emet. "You will only write on one side of the paper and there will be no talking! This essay will be on the practical application of sword fighting." With a final scathing look to the class, he sat at his desk. "You have one hour. Begin." Finn gave Harv an encouraging smile and the group began to test.
Harv looked at his blank piece of paper in all it's intimidating glory.
'Sword fighting is where you hit things with your sword.'
Okay, that's a good start. It fits on the page and it's as true as you could get. Harv looked up at the blackboard where the instructions were written. The minimum word count was six hundred words. He looked back down at his ten with dread. How was he supposed to stretch out such a simple idea into something with that much... muchness? 
"How do you think you did?" Finn asked as the class filed out to the practice field. The warrior boy sighed at the snow ladened dirt. 
"Not too good. I couldn't think of what to write for the first half and then I had to rush to finish."
"I'm sure you did fine. The teacher's standards are low." Finn shrugged. "What about you Emet? How do you think you did?"
"Fine; naturally." She smirked at him. "Good luck on the field. You're gonna' need it." She chuckled heartily and jogged ahead.
"Don't listen to him Finn, he's just messing with you. You'll do fine. You have been practicing, haven't you?" He looked over at Finn and was surprised to see him just staring at him with this vacant look in his eyes and the faintest shadow of a smile. "Finn?" The blond shook his head as if snapping out of a trance.
"Sorry, I zoned out for a bit." Finn quickened their pace; his face flushed from the cold in the air. "What did you say?"
"Did you practice your archery?" Harv frowned in concern, Finn had seemed a little off since the incident at the palace. He didn't seem sick or anything, but every now and again he'd catch Finn lost in thought or humming some nameless tune. 
"Oh." Finn bit his lip to hide a guilty smile. "Maybe."
"Well I grew an inch," Finn gestured to himself with false outrage, "and mother wanted to make sure all my clothes fit. And then this new fabric came in from the east; so I might have, sort of, been busy for most of the week." Finn tittered. "But I did practice, a bit, just not to your egregious standards." At this Harv sighed, honestly he should have known.
"I shouldn't have to hold you at knife point to get you to practice." 
"Don't get huffy with me Harv. I did try." Finn defended. "I'll be fine." The reached the practice field, now barren in the wake of the November chill. Snow, packed tight and soiled by the students boots clung tight to the perimeter of the field, finding shelter near the weapons rack. The sky grey and overcast sent down a few flecks of snow as a warning. 
"SIT DOWN MAGGOTS!" Clayton bellowed at his students.
"Just fine." Finn whimpered.
"Today, we'll be testing your ability to hold you own in battle. Unfortunately, we aren't allowed to kill you if you fail anymore. The king finds it too... depressing." Clayton shrugged. "So, instead, we'll have to use blunt, safety weapons coated in jam. If you are marked in a vital area with this stuff, you fail. BUT, you won't pass until you mark your opponent in place of a lethal blow. Any questions?" Clayton pointed to Trevor. "Yes?"
"Who is our opponent?"
"I'm so glad you asked." Clayton said with a wicked grin. "Class, each of you will be up against an old super star of Warrior U. Number one in his class, Brutus." Brutus was an eight foot, ten behemoth of a man; clad in leather armor. His weapon was a giant club coated in mulberries. "So, who's first?" 
"Great job Harv," Clayton scribbled a few notes down, "next time keep your foot work in mind." Harv nodded and hobbled over to his friends. He was too young to do something as ridiculous as twist his knee during battle. Usually he could just beat his opponents with brute force, he hadn't had much practice outmaneuvering people. It didn't help the ground was frozen solid underneath.
"You're gonna' want to ice that." Cliff whispered as Harv eased himself onto the ground.
"Alright Finn, you're up." Clayton flipped over a sheet on his clip board. 
"What, me? Can't somebody else go next?"
"Everybody else has already gone." Clayton jerked his thumb toward the rack of 'safe' weapons. "Let's get this over with. Weapon of choice?"
"Bow." Finn squeaked. He pealed himself off the ground and gathered up his supplies.
"Remember Finn," Harv hollered, "one shot, that's all it takes." Finn nodded in agreement, then turned to face his opponent. Finn stared up at the towering warrior, his meekness clearly upsetting to his foe. Brutus swung his club with a wide sweeping motion, which Finn narrowly avoided. The blond fumbled with his bow and reached for his quiver, but it wasn't there.
He looked to the side and saw it lying in the dirt. He must have dropped it when he ran to avoid the club. Finn scrambled toward his ammo, only to be chased off by the club again. This time, the club arched over Brutus's head and smashed the quiver along with its contents.
"No!" Finn shrieked. The uni-browed giant growled at him in irritation. He had expected to hit Finn with that blow and finally get to go home. With a roar, he swung his club wildly.
"Yeah," Cliff sighed, "he's dead."
"Totally." Emet agreed.
"Hey don't say that." Harv looked for a sign of positive affirmation from his friends.
"Yeah," Trevor said, "Finn could totally sing the guy into submission." The group digested this for a moment. As Harv held his head in his hands, his friends snickered at the thought.
"What, was it something I said?" Trevor turned to Cliff.
"...you tried." Was all Cliff could say to assure his friend. During this side conversation, Finn had been chased all around the practice field. Unfortunately, no amount of cardio could prepare him for a lumbering warrior with a three foot club. He was running out of steam and fast.
The next thing Finn knew, he was tumbling to the ground face first. Groaning, Finn rolled over to see what it was he had tripped on. His quiver laid smashed by his feet and Brutus only a few paces away from wear Finn lay. The blond clenched his hands in fear and felt something thin in the dirt. It was an arrow half! With only a few seconds to make a decision, Finn nocked the arrow half and fired.
Brutus froze, mid strike, and lifted a thick hand to his forehead. He brought his fingertips to eye level to see them covered in purple juice, then looked to Finn's scurrying away.
"What happened?" Clayton frowned and looked up from his doodle. He hadn't heard any grunts or impacts for a few seconds now. Brutus pointed to his own forehead in confusion. "Oh... Uh... Finn, it looked like you pass; it guess."
"I passed?" Finn stopped cringing and turned to Brutus whose forehead was marked by Finn's blunt arrow. "I passed!" He sprinted toward his friends with renewed energy. "Guys, I passed!" Harv stood up as Finn bounced over.
"You passed?" A shy smile spread across his face.
"I PASSED!" Finn flung himself at Harv in an excited hug.
"Finn! I can't-" Harv choked out. "My leg-" Harv struggled to stay upright with Finn swinging on his neck; but his injured leg buckled under the increased weight.
"Ah!" Harv toppled over with Finn in hand. Harv flushed immediately, but Finn couldn't stop laughing. "Did you see that?" Finn pushed himself up enough, so he wasn't lying on whatever it was he landed on. "I thought I was going to d-"
"Umm... Finn?" This was bad, real bad. His friend was hovering over, almost straddling, him in front of his friends. Thankfully, Finn seemed to take notice of their situation, though he was slow to do anything about it.
Finn's heart seemed to slam against his rib cage with how fast it was beating. His face flushed as he noticed how close he was to his friend's face. However, this unexplained nervousness toward Harv was quickly dampened by a wave of dizziness. This new feeling that suddenly was flooding him caused every fiber of his being to weaken; which made him pitch forward.
"Whoa!" Harv caught his friend just before his lips hit his own. Instinctively he pushed Finn off of him. "Finn!" But Finn didn't object; come to think of it, Finn hadn't said anything. "Finn?" Harv asked again, softer this time. He crawled over to his dazed friend.
"Hmm?" Finn lolled his head to the side to look at Harv.
"Hey... Are you alright?" Harv asked. Finn was staring at him oddly again. The blond nodded slowly, unsure of his own answer. Harv stood and offered Finn a hand. Finn placed his hand in Harv's, interlocking their fingers, and then continued to lay in the dirt. "Finn?" Finn opened his mouth to speak, then changed his mind and shook his head. He was too light headed to try to stand yet.
"I think I might have hit my head harder than I thought." Finn confessed as he scrambled to formulate his thoughts.
"That's not good." Harv nibbled at his bottom lip before turning to his friends. "Hey guys; I'm going to take Finn home, he's not feeling well. I'll catch up with you guys later." Finn took a deep breath and tried to collect himself.
"Kay Harv, see you later." Trevor waved. The blond was feeling better now, he could probably make the walk home. However, his train of thought was interrupted by a pair of strong arms lifting him off the ground.
"But my Saga final..." Finn blushed, caught off guard by Harv's sudden actions. His head felt heavy, so it wouldn't be a crime to let it rest against Harv's shoulder. 
"It's OK, I got you." Harv murmured. Finn looked up at his guard and felt his head swim again. It wasn't a bad thing, Finn decided. The soft blue eyes, tanned features; both were pleasing to look at and it was nice to be feel someone warm pressed up against him. Finn wouldn't deny that he liked the idea of Harv's attention being solely focused on him without having to fight to get it. The benefits of which, seemed to fuel this twitterpated feeling that had grown within him and robbed him of his senses. It was a pleasant feeling.
Very pleasant.
So he was content to let Harv carry him to the cart in a heavy silence. Sure, he could have told Harv that he was able to walk. But then he wouldn't be able to listen to Harv's pounding heartbeat. What the warrior didn't know wouldn't hurt him.
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ineffableplanner · 2 years
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Newsletter #94 - The week of Saturday December 4th 2021 - Saturday December 11th 2021
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! I am still in this fandom to a certain point, but twice-weekly posts (and finding the information save the ones you lovely people send me) is beginning to take its toll on the gazillion other things that are lining up. I am considering ‘abdicating’ the newsletter if I can find someone who is willing to pick it up and run it. If you do, please contact me through [email protected]. There’s a gmail to take over, a twitter, a tumblr and even an instagram I never got around to using. As well as a pillowfort account and a trello. I will still be around to assist if needed and I WILL vet applications. If you've ever started shit in this fandom, I'll probably know and the answer will be NO. I have too much respect for the users of this newsletter to just go for the first and best offer.
If no one is interested, I may either retire the newsletter when 2022 hits or at least put it on hiatus. Or possibly change the style of it to reblogging rather than listing.
If you know of an event going on or coming up, feel free to let me know :)
Go forth, have fun! Create much!
If you run a GO tumblr with recs or resources, let me know. Running a zine and want to get the word out? The inbox is always open.
If any discord servers go AWOL or you feel one should be added (remember to clear it with the MODS first) feel free to let me know. As always, the email [email protected] is always open for business.
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12 Days of Blasphemy - December 25th - January 5th
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NEW Aziraphale’s New Year’s Dissolution - signup are open!
Make Yuletide Gay (oursidezine event) Nov 28th - Jan 1st
Chanukah Omens 2021 - November 29th - December 6th
Good Omens Zine Archive (mainly of interest to zine publisher/handlers)
Jukebox Event - (no deadline)
We’re On Our Own Side - weekly prompts (no deadline)
Good Omens Fic Rec Bingo - (no deadline available)
T-RECS Tuesdays (GO fanfic recommendations) (no deadline/ongoing)
#ButterOmens (ongoing multi media event(writing/art/whatever you want))
Encourage good feedback (no deadline/ongoing)
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OPEN for sign-ups
None at the moment, feel free to let me know if you know of any or run one and want to give signups a boost.
OPEN for mod/help applications
Let me know if you’re looking and want a boost
Let me know if you have one you’d like featured
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As always, when entering a discord server, follow its rules, check out the dos and don’ts and don’t harass the mods or your server sibs.
The Buggre All This Server (18+) - Book, Radio, Musical Omens
Good Omens Petrolheads Reference Library - specifically for GO vehicle talk/research etc
Ace Omens Discord Server - Click here for information post (link updated feb 13th)
The Bookshop’s Backroom (18+) The Bookshop’s Backroom (18+) is a community server based on Good Omens (Book, TV, Radio).
Do-it-with-style - runs various events. Takes all ages.
Fuck Yeah Good Omens Characters - give the other characters apart from Aziraphale and Crowley some love. Takes all ages, NSFW optional.
Good Omens Fic Writers (you don't have to be one to join! Direct link to server)
Good Omens Party House (18+) - Click here for information post
Good Omens Stitch-A-Long (ever wanted to learn how to stitch?) - Click here for information post
Good Omens Whump (18+) - Click here for direct access
Ineffable Wives Discord Server - Click here for direct access
Soft Omens Snuggle House (18+)- Click here for information post
SERVER INTEREST CHECK Interest check for a TopCrowly server
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Book Omens (book) - This is a community for the novel Good Omens, by Sir Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. There are communities for tv!omens, specific GO ships, and mixed book, radio and tv content, but we've been lacking one that's focused on just the book, so here we are!
GoodOmens - A community for the book by Neil Gaiman & Sir Terry Pratchett and its adaptions to radio and TV with an extra large helping of Ineffable Husbands/Wives/Partners.
Good Omens (TV) - Community for the TV version of Good Omens
Ineffable Husbands, Ineffable Wives, Ineffable Partners - A community solely for Aziraphale and Crowley from the Good Omens book/radio adaption/TV series being in some kind of romantic or platonic relationship. =) Please read the "Rules and Info" section before posting/reblogging here!
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If you have any suggestions for blogs with recs and/or resources, feel free to let me know.
Aziraphale’s Library (themed recs and more)
Recs by Dannye Chase/@holycatsandrabbits
Recs by Prolix (various pairings done by tags)
**Ineffable Husbands Fanfiction and Fanworks** (FB group, requires membership)
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Community Calendar (Trello) can be viewed here (it is updated through the week if I hear of any events to add and will often have some more information on the events/zines etc.).
This newsletter is mirrored on pillowfort and tumblr and announced on twitter.
* This is something tumblr never learned but PF has adopted from the old LJ format - if anyone wants a PF invite, just ask - we get 3 per week anyway to give away and there are pillowforters who will happily share invites.
If you have an event you want to add to the calendar and the weekly Newsletter, don’t hesitate to let me know either in the asks/PM or via ineffableplanner (@) gmail dot com.
Also, feel free to share this post. This blog is NOT for reblogging of events, but for listing and perhaps making it a bit easier for everyone to keep track of these events before they’ve come AND gone ;)
Disclaimer: I am not running any of these zines, events or servers (in the few cases where I am involved in the mod work, I will make note of this). Please use your common sense and if you feel you’ve entered an event/zine/server/community you feel uneasy about, do not hesitate to step away from it. You may let me know if there’s a problem with one, but please know that I am not able to police every single one of them, nor will I play God in other people’s domains. I will let the mods know there is a problem (without mentioning your name and if it’s grave enough, take the link off), but please do not expect miracles and do not use me as your tool to get back at servers/server mods for personal reasons. I abhor being pulled into fandom wars and kerfluffles.
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jonsking-blog · 6 years
ONE Cryptocurrency Soaring. If you don't invest in cryptocurrency right now, you could regret it for the rest of your life...If you have ever thought about cryptocurrencies as an investment, I urge you to listen to what I have to say.  Because if you make the right decision, you could find yourself jumping for joy on top of an enormous pile of cash. Ready or not, a growing number of economies, banks, and billionaires are backing these new forms of tender. And once you understand how easy it is to profit from cryptocurrencies , it’s easy to see why...The cryptocurrency market is preparing to take off. Anything you’ve seen up to this point is going to be shadowed by the amount of money that’s about to come pouring in. And for investors who get in before November 10th, digital currencies are going to be a once-in-a lifetime opportunity…And just one investment – even one under $10,000 – could put you one step closer to being wealthier than you’ve ever dreamt of…And here’s the best part…You don’t have to know a single thing about cryptocurrencies to build your fortune. Just give me 5 minutes and I’ll show you how…The only caveat is that you must act quickly…Because on November 10th, one event could send a tiny cryptocurrency soaring upwards of 319,000% And all you have to do is wait for my word, and you stand to make millions in easy money. Investors who wait idly on the sidelines until the media tells them ‘buy now’ are going to lose out on millions and potentially billions of dollars. And if you wait for the media to tell you when cryptocurrencies are safe, you’ll be doing just that…I'm not here to double or triple my money, when I can potentially create 10X, 100X or ever 1,000X my money.  And any of my clients can tell you...When I share an opportunity like this...A lot of people can become incredibly wealthy. If prospects and hhad listened to me, they could have turned $1,000 into $253,000.00And if those prospects had held for 6 more weeks, they could have seen gains of 1,663%.Take Joshua Herring...He started making money immediately...Nos, you're probably getting tired of hearing about smart homes, smart cars, smart phones, smart frying pans - every smart gadget.Well I was "in" early on that massive trend as well.And when North America started having a conversation about the legalization of Marijuana, my clients had a chance to turn even bigger gains! Barry Ponce.He says he made over $39,000 in a month and a half.And Jeff Wentz says he made nearly $45,000 - in under a month. Now he's targeting his first million.And so far this year, a whopping 97% of my trades have been winners.I want to repeat that...This year, 97% of my recommendations have been winners.But that's all in the past.The opportunity I'm talking about today has the potential to mint millionaires virtually overnight.I'll tell you more about that in a few minutes.Right now, I'd like to give you a quick rundown of my three rules for buying cryptocurrencies .If I want to keep my 97% win rate, every cryptocurrency I touch must adhere to every single one of these rules.Rule #1: The Asset Must Have Intrinsic ValueWhen Bitcoin first launched - the concept was simple: An electronic payment system based on mathematical proof.The idea was to produce a currency independent of any central authority, transferable electronically, more or less instantly, with very low transaction fees.Ethereum took the concepts that drive Bitcoin's growth several steps further...The Ethereum blockchain not only provides greater security, anonymity, and functionality; it also gives the Ether tokens intrinsic value.The value of Ether tokens is based upon the demand to build on the Ethereum blockchain.Because of Ethereum's superior security, and functionality, Significantly more fortune 500 companies are building platforms on the Ethereum blockchain than any other.Just look at some of the players...From banking giants like...J.P MorganCredit SuisseUBSINGNational Bank of CanadaAnd more...To other multinational corporations like...BPIntelMastercardSamsungToyotaMicrosoftAnd more...In all, there are over 100 companies, including the ones above, who are members of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA).The EEA connects Fortune 500 enterprises, startups, academics, and technology vendors with Ethereum.That means they're betting big on Ethereum.And with every application they build on the Ethereum blockchain will come a Fortune 500 bump in demand for Ether.Ether is designed to be safer than the U.S. Dollar, or physical gold...And, Ether's intrinsic value is the crux of its design.Rule #2: The Asset Must Be New... But Not Too NewYou may have see this chart before...You're looking at the 5 Customer Segments of Technology Adoption.And I'm going to show you exactly where you want to buy a cryptocurrency.Segment #1: InnovatorsInnovators get in on the groundfloor of some very interesting startups.But without awareness from the general public, they have no way of telling whether a technology will thrive.I do not recommend you buy a cryptocurrency at this stage.It's too risky for me...Remember, I have a 97% win rate to uphold.Segment #2: Early AdoptersConsider the early adopters, "testers."Early adopters basically decide whEther a technology is useful or not.They tell us whEther our cryptocurrency is worth what its creators have touted.They're still in a risky spot - just not nearly as risky as the innovators.Segment #3: Early MajorityIf you invest here...Cross your fingers and hope your investment is a sure thing...Because you'll be lucky to even see gains of 20% in a year.I believe this is where we are with Bitcoin — and that well may have already dried up.Segment #4: Late MajorityThe late majority are typically skeptical about innovation...Many of my readers fall into this category.I get it... And it's ok.They're the readers of mine who are genuinely overwhelmed with the fast pace of the technology world, but they understand how important technology is to the current (and future) U.S. Economy.They read my work so they can comfortably invest in technology without having to worry about what the newest iPhone will mean for Apple shares; or what the Presidents Tweets mean for Twitter stock.The majority are some of my biggest supporters, and I've helped a lot of them become very wealthy over the years.Segment #5: LaggardsNo matter how technologically illiterate you are, you do not fall into this group.After all, you're reading this letter on a device that's connected to the internet.Laggards may not even be using digital computers yet.These are the folks who invest by burying gold in their back yards, because they don't even trust banks.I get it... I'm ok with them, too.I just wish I could teach them about cryptocurrencies .Because cryptocurrencies were built out of distrust for banks.And they have several advantages over banks...Cryptocurrencies Are 100% AnonymousI don't mean "anonymous" like, no one will be able to track how much money you have invested in cryptocurrencies , or whether you made a transaction or not.That part is airtight. Better than any bank today.I mean, no one has to know your personal details.Think about it like this - your bank might use your social security number to connect your assets and make assumptions about how you should invest.cryptocurrencies and blockchains instead use a unique ID.Meaning, your personal information, like Social Security Number, is at a significantly lower risk of ever being stolen.Yes, that's right...The use of cryptocurrency, and blockchain could have prevented last month's data breach that threatens the safety of all of our personal information.Cryptocurrencies Are 100% Legal Tax HavensSo, not only are some blockchains safer places for your money than banks...They're also legal tax havens.You see, any money you keep in Ethereum is non-taxable.It's like keeping your money in a Cayman Island bank account...If the Cayman Island bank offered a potential for an exceptional 319,000% gain.So, when should I buy?In my years as a stockbroker...The world of cryptocurrencies is different.It's volatile, and unpredictable.The downside for innovators is HUGE...And the upside for the early majority is still larger than even the riskiest conventional investments.That's why I recommend buying when the early adopters stage is exactly 75% complete.Investing at this stage can help avoid a vast majority of risk, and puts us in position for the fastest and easiest gains.I could go on and on about the benefits of ERC-20 Tokens...But, I'll spare you the technical jargon.In short, ERC-20 tokens are cryptocurrencies that are built on the Ethereum blockchain, and must comply to a specific set of standards.As previously mentioned, Ethereum is the most powerful blockchain in existance.ERC-20 tokens are able to harness the security and power of the Ethereum blockchain, and also nourish growth through projects independent of Ethereum as a whole.So you can buy an ERC-20 cryptocurrency, gain thousands of percentages regardless of what Ether is doing.And, at the same time, investors who buy a completely separate ERC-20 cryptocurrency should increase the price of Ether, and therefore your cryptocurrency.ERC-20 tokens present the definition of "having your cake and eating it too."I want to tell you a story...I love America... and I love the freedom and opportunity it creates for us.This is a story about opportunity in America...And I think it illustrates the opportunity that's taking place for every day Americans right now.The opportunity to create wealth for your family for centuries to come...The year is 1849.America was in expansion, and California was growing.The Spanish (Innovators) who made it out there first, had no idea what mix of opportunity and disaster the new land would bring.They were looking for gold, but never found it.Social strife and economics, and the knowledge that California was not out of reach drove more Americans (Early Adoptors) westward.And, one day - in what we refer to as "the bay area" of California - gold was found.Not just a little bit of gold...Enough gold to make the early adapters some of the wealthiest Americans at the time.Back east, word of the gold strike spread like wild fire.Now, tens of thousands of Americans (Early Majority) en route to California had one thing on their minds: GoldSwarms of Americans risked life and limb to make the journey...And by the time they arrived...It was too late.Gold was few and far between.The early adapters had already claimed almost all of the gold.The rest of the new Californian settlers had to mine tirelessly for little more than dust.The story of the California gold rush is almost exactly the same as what's happening now - and what's about to happen this year - except for three facts:There is significantly more wealth to be made today, with cryptocurrencies.Building a fortune in cryptocurrencies requires almost no work. (You can trade on your smart phone).You don't have to risk more than $100 to potentially make millions.I can't stress this enough...The digital currency boom that's happening right now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.You may never have a chance to make this kind of money, this easily, ever again in your life...Making Millions In cryptocurrencies Is As Easy as Investing GetsOrdinary Americans have been able to build massive fortunes...Buying up small amounts of cryptocurrencies with their spare change here and there...They're watching as their pocket change turns into a six-figure payday.And I'm Going to Make It Even Easier For YouNow, if you've listened to anything I've had to say today, you're asking yourself three questions:1. What is the next cryptocurrency to take off?2. What is this event Jon King mentioned earlier?3. How do I get in?That's where I come in...www.lionsharecapitalgroup.comThe time I've spent working with high-tech start-ups has given me access to information less than 1% of crypto investors have access to...And I have the smartest and most-dedicated research team in the industry.With them at my disposal, we can evaluate all of the potential initial coin offering (ICO) opportunities...And find the ones that could mint you a millionaire in a matter of months... weeks... or even days.Prospective investors would be wise to note that.The Money Is Pouring In...Billionaire investor Michael Novogratz estimated that the crypto currency market could reach 5 trillion as early as 2022.And what's more... ICO funding hit a record $800 million in Q2 2017.The cryptocurrency industry is ripe... Right where we want it.So all you have to do is:Follow my lead...Now...What's important to focus on right now for new investors is a single, binary event that is set to send the entire crypto-space into a parabolic rise.And it's coming sooner than you think.Things Are Moving Quickly...Russia, a country that had outlawed cryptocurrency in 2016, is now moving towards full legalization.In fact, Vladimir Putin recently sat down with one of the founders of this cryptocurrency to discuss using it as a tool to diversify the Russian economy.The Emirate of Dubai has also expressed serious interest. Crown Prince Sheikh Maktoum says he wants Dubai to "execute ALL transactions" with a program that includes this universal currency "by 2020."Even the White House is signaling that it is preparing for a future with blockchain technology at the forefront. Chris Liddell, assistant to the president and director of strategic initiatives at the White House said that "Perhaps most important ... is implementing foundational data standards now, so that the U.S. can be in position to harness the potential of blockchain and other technologies moving ahead."As we look to the future, we want to ensure that today's reforms do not hinder tomorrow's adoption of emerging technologies," he said...It doesn't take a genius to see that cryptocurrencies could be the future of money.And my research indicates that Ethereum could give investors an even bigger return than Bitcoin.The reason is simple.A Single Massive Development Could Make This Blockchain Reach Billions of People.Where once you had a few cryptocurrencies on the fringe...Now you have a cryptocurrency eco-system - with millions of investors raking in cash from this emerging technology.And while Bitcoin has been around since 2010 and most of the huge gains have already been made...Ethereum is still only 2 years old, which is why investors are feverishly bullish on this promising new technology.Like I mentioned before, there is a major catalyst that will signaling exactly when and what to buy.The last time this event occurred... the price of Ethereum jumped over 100%.Since then, ERC-20 tokens have grown 20X that.And the next phase is rumored to be only weeks away.My "formula" indicates that this event is going to be the defining moment for Ethereum, and ERC-20 Tokens.LionShare Capital Group.comIncluding what to do before, during, and after the upcoming catalyst that could deliver 319,000% returns virtually overnight.In plain English, I've laid out which ERC-20 tokens, powered by Ethereum, could dominate the blockchain and its technology.Just like Bitcoin, for instance. It was the hottest investment story back in 2013 and 2014.In June of 2013, I alerted Wallstreet that the time to get into this digital currency had arrived.That's because just weeks before, I had met with several CEOs, founders, and venture capitalists in California. They were at the forefront, developing the currency exchanges and investment funds that would push Bitcoin into the headlines.At that time, Bitcoin was trading for $90.Bitcoin skyrocketed 1,192% over the five months that followed.It peaked at $1,163People from across the country were making hundreds of thousands of dollars.Some were even banking millions.I look at investing in Ethereum and ICOs today just like I did Bitcoin back then.I believe it gives you the chance to become a millionaire.That's why I'm in this business - I want every one of my readers to have a shot at making a fortune for themselves.I was one of the first to recognize the potential for huge profits from rare earth metals because I personally knew the advisors and board members of many rare earth mining companies.But I want to do this for a very specific reason.I predicted the run would be historic...And that's exactly what happened.And for the folks who've already joined LionShare Capital Group, received my initial recommendation on cryptocurrency- and made investments in Ethereum-well the payoff was enormous.Like I mentioned, recently Ethereum began absolutely exploding.Folks had the opportunity to make thousands upon thousands of extra dollars.And a small stake in this red hot market could have made them instant millionaires.So I congratulate those people for going with their gut - being bold - and making the move to invest in our fund.As I said before - I am looking at Ethereum purely as a market analyst. When it comes to cryptocurrencies , all I care about is can investors make money in this market.And the answer is heck YES - and tons of it.A lot of folks stood on the sidelines the first go round.But I sincerely don't want them to miss this next big opportunity.A small stake in the cryptocurrency I'm recommending could make you more money than the stock market ever made period.Remember, big catalysts are coming.So, I also don't want you to miss out as this cryptocurrency flies even higher than before.That's why I'm letting everyone get my cryptocurrency fund management fee free first year! lionsharecapitalgroup.com
ONE Cryptocurrency Soaring. If you don’t invest in cryptocurrency right now, you could regret it for the rest of your life…If you have ever thought about cryptocurrencies as an investment, I urge you to listen to what I have to say.  Because if you make the right decision, you could find yourself jumping for joy on top of an enormous pile of cash. Ready or not, a growing number of economies, banks, and billionaires are backing these new forms of tender. And once you understand how easy it is to profit from cryptocurrencies , it’s easy to see why…The cryptocurrency market is preparing to take off. Anything you’ve seen up to this point is going to be shadowed by the amount of money that’s about to come pouring in. And for investors who get in before November 10th, digital currencies are going to be a once-in-a lifetime opportunity…And just one investment – even one under $10,000 – could put you one step closer to being wealthier than you’ve ever dreamt of…And here’s the best part…You don’t have to know a single thing about cryptocurrencies to build your fortune. Just give me 5 minutes and I’ll show you how…The only caveat is that you must act quickly…Because on November 10th, one event could send a tiny cryptocurrency soaring upwards of 319,000% And all you have to do is wait for my word, and you stand to make millions in easy money. Investors who wait idly on the sidelines until the media tells them ‘buy now’ are going to lose out on millions and potentially billions of dollars. And if you wait for the media to tell you when cryptocurrencies are safe, you’ll be doing just that…I’m not here to double or triple my money, when I can potentially create 10X, 100X or ever 1,000X my money.  And any of my clients can tell you…When I share an opportunity like this…A lot of people can become incredibly wealthy. If prospects and hhad listened to me, they could have turned $1,000 into $253,000.00And if those prospects had held for 6 more weeks, they could have seen gains of 1,663%.Take Joshua Herring…He started making money immediately…Nos, you’re probably getting tired of hearing about smart homes, smart cars, smart phones, smart frying pans – every smart gadget.Well I was “in” early on that massive trend as well.And when North America started having a conversation about the legalization of Marijuana, my clients had a chance to turn even bigger gains! Barry Ponce.He says he made over $39,000 in a month and a half.And Jeff Wentz says he made nearly $45,000 – in under a month. Now he’s targeting his first million.And so far this year, a whopping 97% of my trades have been winners.I want to repeat that…This year, 97% of my recommendations have been winners.But that’s all in the past.The opportunity I’m talking about today has the potential to mint millionaires virtually overnight.I’ll tell you more about that in a few minutes.Right now, I’d like to give you a quick rundown of my three rules for buying cryptocurrencies .If I want to keep my 97% win rate, every cryptocurrency I touch must adhere to every single one of these rules.Rule #1: The Asset Must Have Intrinsic ValueWhen Bitcoin first launched – the concept was simple: An electronic payment system based on mathematical proof.The idea was to produce a currency independent of any central authority, transferable electronically, more or less instantly, with very low transaction fees.Ethereum took the concepts that drive Bitcoin’s growth several steps further…The Ethereum blockchain not only provides greater security, anonymity, and functionality; it also gives the Ether tokens intrinsic value.The value of Ether tokens is based upon the demand to build on the Ethereum blockchain.Because of Ethereum’s superior security, and functionality, Significantly more fortune 500 companies are building platforms on the Ethereum blockchain than any other.Just look at some of the players…From banking giants like…J.P MorganCredit SuisseUBSINGNational Bank of CanadaAnd more…To other multinational corporations like…BPIntelMastercardSamsungToyotaMicrosoftAnd more…In all, there are over 100 companies, including the ones above, who are members of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA).The EEA connects Fortune 500 enterprises, startups, academics, and technology vendors with Ethereum.That means they’re betting big on Ethereum.And with every application they build on the Ethereum blockchain will come a Fortune 500 bump in demand for Ether.Ether is designed to be safer than the U.S. Dollar, or physical gold…And, Ether’s intrinsic value is the crux of its design.Rule #2: The Asset Must Be New… But Not Too NewYou may have see this chart before…You’re looking at the 5 Customer Segments of Technology Adoption.And I’m going to show you exactly where you want to buy a cryptocurrency.Segment #1: InnovatorsInnovators get in on the groundfloor of some very interesting startups.But without awareness from the general public, they have no way of telling whether a technology will thrive.I do not recommend you buy a cryptocurrency at this stage.It’s too risky for me…Remember, I have a 97% win rate to uphold.Segment #2: Early AdoptersConsider the early adopters, “testers.”Early adopters basically decide whEther a technology is useful or not.They tell us whEther our cryptocurrency is worth what its creators have touted.They’re still in a risky spot – just not nearly as risky as the innovators.Segment #3: Early MajorityIf you invest here…Cross your fingers and hope your investment is a sure thing…Because you’ll be lucky to even see gains of 20% in a year.I believe this is where we are with Bitcoin — and that well may have already dried up.Segment #4: Late MajorityThe late majority are typically skeptical about innovation…Many of my readers fall into this category.I get it… And it’s ok.They’re the readers of mine who are genuinely overwhelmed with the fast pace of the technology world, but they understand how important technology is to the current (and future) U.S. Economy.They read my work so they can comfortably invest in technology without having to worry about what the newest iPhone will mean for Apple shares; or what the Presidents Tweets mean for Twitter stock.The majority are some of my biggest supporters, and I’ve helped a lot of them become very wealthy over the years.Segment #5: LaggardsNo matter how technologically illiterate you are, you do not fall into this group.After all, you’re reading this letter on a device that’s connected to the internet.Laggards may not even be using digital computers yet.These are the folks who invest by burying gold in their back yards, because they don’t even trust banks.I get it… I’m ok with them, too.I just wish I could teach them about cryptocurrencies .Because cryptocurrencies were built out of distrust for banks.And they have several advantages over banks…Cryptocurrencies Are 100% AnonymousI don’t mean “anonymous” like, no one will be able to track how much money you have invested in cryptocurrencies , or whether you made a transaction or not.That part is airtight. Better than any bank today.I mean, no one has to know your personal details.Think about it like this – your bank might use your social security number to connect your assets and make assumptions about how you should invest.cryptocurrencies and blockchains instead use a unique ID.Meaning, your personal information, like Social Security Number, is at a significantly lower risk of ever being stolen.Yes, that’s right…The use of cryptocurrency, and blockchain could have prevented last month’s data breach that threatens the safety of all of our personal information.Cryptocurrencies Are 100% Legal Tax HavensSo, not only are some blockchains safer places for your money than banks…They’re also legal tax havens.You see, any money you keep in Ethereum is non-taxable.It’s like keeping your money in a Cayman Island bank account…If the Cayman Island bank offered a potential for an exceptional 319,000% gain.So, when should I buy?In my years as a stockbroker…The world of cryptocurrencies is different.It’s volatile, and unpredictable.The downside for innovators is HUGE…And the upside for the early majority is still larger than even the riskiest conventional investments.That’s why I recommend buying when the early adopters stage is exactly 75% complete.Investing at this stage can help avoid a vast majority of risk, and puts us in position for the fastest and easiest gains.I could go on and on about the benefits of ERC-20 Tokens…But, I’ll spare you the technical jargon.In short, ERC-20 tokens are cryptocurrencies that are built on the Ethereum blockchain, and must comply to a specific set of standards.As previously mentioned, Ethereum is the most powerful blockchain in existance.ERC-20 tokens are able to harness the security and power of the Ethereum blockchain, and also nourish growth through projects independent of Ethereum as a whole.So you can buy an ERC-20 cryptocurrency, gain thousands of percentages regardless of what Ether is doing.And, at the same time, investors who buy a completely separate ERC-20 cryptocurrency should increase the price of Ether, and therefore your cryptocurrency.ERC-20 tokens present the definition of “having your cake and eating it too.”I want to tell you a story…I love America… and I love the freedom and opportunity it creates for us.This is a story about opportunity in America…And I think it illustrates the opportunity that’s taking place for every day Americans right now.The opportunity to create wealth for your family for centuries to come…The year is 1849.America was in expansion, and California was growing.The Spanish (Innovators) who made it out there first, had no idea what mix of opportunity and disaster the new land would bring.They were looking for gold, but never found it.Social strife and economics, and the knowledge that California was not out of reach drove more Americans (Early Adoptors) westward.And, one day – in what we refer to as “the bay area” of California – gold was found.Not just a little bit of gold…Enough gold to make the early adapters some of the wealthiest Americans at the time.Back east, word of the gold strike spread like wild fire.Now, tens of thousands of Americans (Early Majority) en route to California had one thing on their minds: GoldSwarms of Americans risked life and limb to make the journey…And by the time they arrived…It was too late.Gold was few and far between.The early adapters had already claimed almost all of the gold.The rest of the new Californian settlers had to mine tirelessly for little more than dust.The story of the California gold rush is almost exactly the same as what’s happening now – and what’s about to happen this year – except for three facts:There is significantly more wealth to be made today, with cryptocurrencies.Building a fortune in cryptocurrencies requires almost no work. (You can trade on your smart phone).You don’t have to risk more than $100 to potentially make millions.I can’t stress this enough…The digital currency boom that’s happening right now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.You may never have a chance to make this kind of money, this easily, ever again in your life…Making Millions In cryptocurrencies Is As Easy as Investing GetsOrdinary Americans have been able to build massive fortunes…Buying up small amounts of cryptocurrencies with their spare change here and there…They’re watching as their pocket change turns into a six-figure payday.And I’m Going to Make It Even Easier For YouNow, if you’ve listened to anything I’ve had to say today, you’re asking yourself three questions:1. What is the next cryptocurrency to take off?2. What is this event Jon King mentioned earlier?3. How do I get in?That’s where I come in…www.lionsharecapitalgroup.comThe time I’ve spent working with high-tech start-ups has given me access to information less than 1% of crypto investors have access to…And I have the smartest and most-dedicated research team in the industry.With them at my disposal, we can evaluate all of the potential initial coin offering (ICO) opportunities…And find the ones that could mint you a millionaire in a matter of months… weeks… or even days.Prospective investors would be wise to note that.The Money Is Pouring In…Billionaire investor Michael Novogratz estimated that the crypto currency market could reach 5 trillion as early as 2022.And what’s more… ICO funding hit a record $800 million in Q2 2017.The cryptocurrency industry is ripe… Right where we want it.So all you have to do is:Follow my lead…Now…What’s important to focus on right now for new investors is a single, binary event that is set to send the entire crypto-space into a parabolic rise.And it’s coming sooner than you think.Things Are Moving Quickly…Russia, a country that had outlawed cryptocurrency in 2016, is now moving towards full legalization.In fact, Vladimir Putin recently sat down with one of the founders of this cryptocurrency to discuss using it as a tool to diversify the Russian economy.The Emirate of Dubai has also expressed serious interest. Crown Prince Sheikh Maktoum says he wants Dubai to “execute ALL transactions” with a program that includes this universal currency “by 2020.”Even the White House is signaling that it is preparing for a future with blockchain technology at the forefront. Chris Liddell, assistant to the president and director of strategic initiatives at the White House said that “Perhaps most important … is implementing foundational data standards now, so that the U.S. can be in position to harness the potential of blockchain and other technologies moving ahead.”As we look to the future, we want to ensure that today’s reforms do not hinder tomorrow’s adoption of emerging technologies,” he said…It doesn’t take a genius to see that cryptocurrencies could be the future of money.And my research indicates that Ethereum could give investors an even bigger return than Bitcoin.The reason is simple.A Single Massive Development Could Make This Blockchain Reach Billions of People.Where once you had a few cryptocurrencies on the fringe…Now you have a cryptocurrency eco-system – with millions of investors raking in cash from this emerging technology.And while Bitcoin has been around since 2010 and most of the huge gains have already been made…Ethereum is still only 2 years old, which is why investors are feverishly bullish on this promising new technology.Like I mentioned before, there is a major catalyst that will signaling exactly when and what to buy.The last time this event occurred… the price of Ethereum jumped over 100%.Since then, ERC-20 tokens have grown 20X that.And the next phase is rumored to be only weeks away.My “formula” indicates that this event is going to be the defining moment for Ethereum, and ERC-20 Tokens.LionShare Capital Group.comIncluding what to do before, during, and after the upcoming catalyst that could deliver 319,000% returns virtually overnight.In plain English, I’ve laid out which ERC-20 tokens, powered by Ethereum, could dominate the blockchain and its technology.Just like Bitcoin, for instance. It was the hottest investment story back in 2013 and 2014.In June of 2013, I alerted Wallstreet that the time to get into this digital currency had arrived.That’s because just weeks before, I had met with several CEOs, founders, and venture capitalists in California. They were at the forefront, developing the currency exchanges and investment funds that would push Bitcoin into the headlines.At that time, Bitcoin was trading for $90.Bitcoin skyrocketed 1,192% over the five months that followed.It peaked at $1,163People from across the country were making hundreds of thousands of dollars.Some were even banking millions.I look at investing in Ethereum and ICOs today just like I did Bitcoin back then.I believe it gives you the chance to become a millionaire.That’s why I’m in this business – I want every one of my readers to have a shot at making a fortune for themselves.I was one of the first to recognize the potential for huge profits from rare earth metals because I personally knew the advisors and board members of many rare earth mining companies.But I want to do this for a very specific reason.I predicted the run would be historic…And that’s exactly what happened.And for the folks who’ve already joined LionShare Capital Group, received my initial recommendation on cryptocurrency- and made investments in Ethereum-well the payoff was enormous.Like I mentioned, recently Ethereum began absolutely exploding.Folks had the opportunity to make thousands upon thousands of extra dollars.And a small stake in this red hot market could have made them instant millionaires.So I congratulate those people for going with their gut – being bold – and making the move to invest in our fund.As I said before – I am looking at Ethereum purely as a market analyst. When it comes to cryptocurrencies , all I care about is can investors make money in this market.And the answer is heck YES – and tons of it.A lot of folks stood on the sidelines the first go round.But I sincerely don’t want them to miss this next big opportunity.A small stake in the cryptocurrency I’m recommending could make you more money than the stock market ever made period.Remember, big catalysts are coming.So, I also don’t want you to miss out as this cryptocurrency flies even higher than before.That’s why I’m letting everyone get my cryptocurrency fund management fee free first year! lionsharecapitalgroup.com
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