#I'll listen to your FC complaints but then never do anything about them especially the person who's been abusive to you
itsjustliah · 7 years
I wanna know more about your love for ffxiv turning into hate
oh boy, here’s an exhaustive list!!!most of the following reasons are either personal game preferences (I don’t like grinding or wasting my time waiting around), my mental health (”people will make fun of me for being too edgy”, “they’re ghosting me after 2 weeks of pokes because they hate me”) or due to shitty experiences I’ve had, so don’t take my opinion of the game too personally.
I’m done with:- the endless tomestone grind through the same two dungeons every 3 months and 100 shitty dungeons with low level newbies- running the same endgame raid over and over to try and get my one drop for the week- raiding, which has been shitty since Heavensward and if I’m not in a static/running super hard for Tuesdays™ I can get fucked on a clear for anything- sitting and waiting for rpers to respond for 20 minutes while my computer can’t run any other game at the same time, and I tend to respond quickly (within 3 minutes)- going to RP events and being forced to do nothing but constantly read through the long-ass scroll just to see if the two people I’m talking to replied, then miss when they replied anyway- the amount of times I’ve struck up a convo/rp with a new partner and it’s turned out to be a horrible, stressful experience- the amount of drama I’ve had to deal with due to shitty people and being unable to call them out on it or warn people about them because “don’t start drama” - the “always walking on eggshells” part of the RP community- not caring about XIV has led to me not caring about XIV lore anymore and due to a horrendously negative experience with lore lawyers my first time RPing, I’m too anxious to try doing my own plot/lore-driven story for fear I’ll be ridiculed like a bunch of my lore lawyers friends now ridicule some people in the community- none of the friends I started playing XIV with play anymore and a lot of my RP friends have moved into other cliques and don’t talk to me anymore (which happens, not like I’ve been playing this game at all for 6+ months)- I have way more fun playing other games where I don’t have to sit around waiting all the time (for replies, for queues, for people to be on to RP with)- the combination of distaste for xiv and my current heavy workload leading me to never be on or available when people in my FC are roleplaying (making me feel more awkward trying to jump in four weeks later, knowing that I can’t be a real part of the story since I likely won’t be able to participate for another month)
those and I’ve found other ways to spend my time that are much more fun-efficient and less anxiety-causing. hell, even when I get toxic-ass players in overwatch, I don’t have to see them around tumblr or in game all the time, I only gotta deal with them for 20 minutes tops. plus with how busy I am with work and shit lately, I’d rather spend my time actually playing games versus running the same content over and over or slogging through RP events.
plus it’s loads better for my mental health that I’m not constantly feeling stressed/guilty about not rping / annoyed/pissed off about drama in the community. honestly, it’s a huge load off my shoulders. I have low tolerance for bullshit and just can’t be bothered with it anymore. there are way better ways for me to spend my time in a healthier manner.
honestly I probably would have quit the game back in 3.0 had I not started RPing lmao
#shitposting#ffxiv#it is really really hard to care about a story set in a game you don't give a shit about anymore#i mean at least stormblood's story was better#but the love was gone months before stormblood#also here's some bonus salt content for you!#defining shitty people who turned me off of the community#lol I should drive up and come fuck you upon a guy finding out I lived in a neighboring state#I know we haven't spoken in six months but here's a random paragraph about how edgy my character is now#I just started a relationship with your character but I have a crush on a girl I just met in an LS so I have to call it off#I'm going to pretend to be your friend but file false complaints with your FC when you start RPing too much with my friends#and everyone will take my side later because my art is cute#I'll listen to your FC complaints but then never do anything about them especially the person who's been abusive to you#who I'm going to make an officer now because they're my good friend and I'm sure they were just in a bad mood... again#Let me start a bunch of threads with you and drop them and ignore every one of your pokes over months at a time because fuck you that's why#I'm going to pretend to be your good friend but talk shit about you and your friends behind your back#then start a new account and try to get you to RP with me but add you on the same dicord account so you find out it's me anyway#the last one was more confusing than upsetting in the end#how can one woman have so many bad rp experiences?#find out in the tags!#and of course even posting this gave me anxiety#because god forbid someone from my fc sees and thinks i'm talking about them#this isn't about any of you lovely people my goodness#there wasn't anything you could've done
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