#I’ve never seen a wild one ever in my life only at zoo’s :0
catzgam3rz · 3 months
You live in Canada
I expect pet deers
Now pet mooses
If I rolled up to a place to drop off a package and there was a MOOSE in their front yard I would be getting the FUCK out of there lmao
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delilah705 · 2 months
Yes, I love horses!! Same, I’ve never owned one but I do work with them off and on. However I do look at sales or/and adoption ads (those both in and out of my price bracket, a girl can dream can’t she?). Have you ridden? If so, what discipline(s)?? Agreed, baby me just wanted to be a horse, wild & free lol. I can’t say I’ve really interacted with zebras before. I also love mules tho, they are so fun to be around. Yeah, never smart to be behind horses unless you know what your doing and even then you have the risk of being kicked. You never know when and what they’ll be spooked by and the reaction they will have. Same, I love games with horses and other animals! Most of the time I just ride the horses instead of playing the actually story line 
That’d be so cool!! Having little custom bookmarks! Like, just having your favs while you read, so cute!
¡Hola, buenos días! Me llamo Laniakea o Kela. ¿Cómo estás?
:0 You work with them?! That's so cool! :D (Oh, I know what you mean! XD I still want to some day adopt a dog from a shelter. I have too many right now to actually do that, one I picked out myself from my cousin's dog's litter after my first one passed in 2017 and two others that were the only ones left of relatives' dog's litters that no one wanted because they were girls and that I took in. But if anyone asks me what's on my bucket list or my life dream/goal: Take a dog home from a shelter). I have not, or if I did, I was too little to remember. I know there were some people across the road where I live who used to own horses. I loved seeing them run in the big open fences. Have you ridden? :0 I've only seen zebras at a zoo I went to with my cousin (not the one with the dogs lol). We even got to feed them and monkeys and buffalo and pet goats and a miniature burro! :D It was fun! The zebras bit at each other though! DX And as fun and cool as it was,… I don't think it was humane to have some of those animals in such small enclosures.
Mules! I don't think I've ever interacted with one. I seen one at a petting zoo I think a few years back at a festival, but I think it stayed near the back of the pen. But I did get to pet and hug a miniature pony! I love animals… But I don't think it was fair to have some of the bigger ones, especially the bull I remember, in such a small pen, even if it was just for a day. I love animals, but I don't like to see them suffer for money's sake, especially since it was really hot that day… I hope they're treated well behind the scenes. Yep! XD I once read a really long post explaining why they're so jumpy and how evolution kinda fucked them over with the way they're built. Ah, yes! XD Me in BotW and DAI!! I was so excited to get off the dang plateau so I could get a horse in BotW and I went into DAI like, 'I get horses?!? I get other mounts?!?!?' And back when I played WoW! I was so excited to get my mounts! I loved playing as a hunter for the sheer fact you could have animal companions. XD I spent most of my time running from enemies way stronger than me and dying a lot and running into bosses who wrecked my shit immediately.
!!!! You just gave me another idea! I could use both stickers and add drawings of my other favorite characters who I don't have stickers for! Ah! X3
¡Sus nombres son hermosa! ¡Estoy muy bien! ¿E tu?
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