#I’ve heard Jennifer say Glenda but I’ve never heard Tiffany say it
tiffanyxvalentine · 8 months
Tiffany named her Glinda after the good witch, change my mind.
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 year
A random au idea came to me about a month ago that I started to write but couldn’t quite get off of its feet. The basic premise is: Human Chucky and Tiffany, Doll Glen/da. I’ve decided to rewrite it, and I’m not going to say anymore…
If you’d told Chucky sixteen years ago that he would be sitting down with his doll wife and doll child/children and gently explaining to said doll child/children that the voodoo pregnancy that was meant to give them a new body didn’t work, he would have called you mad and then slashed your throat for daring to talk to him. Yet, here he was, trying his best to comfort a now sobbing Glen whose dream of having a proper family was beginning to shatter. 
“There there, it’s okay kid. Nothing to get too upset about, besides, being human is way overrated.”
That didn’t help. If anything, the sobs got louder as a result. Tiffany (never able to cope with children crying) decided to offer up the two options that could fix their predicament as soon as possible.
“Sweetface, you have two options here. We could either try again and risk Jennifer finding out about us, or we could have your daddy and I transfer our souls into human bodies whilst you and Glenda…”
The final words of her sentence didn’t need to be said. Glen immediately understood, and so did Glenda, despite their slight refusal to accept the proposed option. Glen sniffed and blinked back a fresh stream of tears with a decisive nod.
“Okay, we’re both happy with the second option, let’s do it.”
The difference between a small cage and a mansion was staggering. Once Chucky, Tiffany and the twins had settled into their new home (and bodies, in the adults’ case) the matter of the twins’ bedroom was immediately and thoroughly considered. Once Glen accidentally let slip that they and Glenda had lived in a cage before, Chucky and Tiffany were determined to give their children the biggest and bestest bedroom they could. Did they get strange looks from store employees when they ordered a custom canopied four poster bed in a toddler size? Of course they did. Did it matter though? Of course not.
Glen and Glenda had separate closets depending on who had control of the body each day, and they even had different sets of toys so that they didn’t feel forced to share like they had in their first home. Life was strange, but interesting at the same time. It was strange because Chucky and Tiffany had no idea how doll anatomy really worked, so they couldn’t just feed Glen and Glenda normally sized human food portions because there was a possibility that the food wouldn’t be digested, and they couldn’t set up play dates because most kids screamed or tried to steal Glen/da.
Chucky and Tiffany decided that it was important that the twins had a proper education, but they couldn’t make it obvious that they were escorting their children around art galleries and museums and not just a doll, so in situations like that, they had to get creative…
There was a very odd couple in the gallery. All of the tourists and tour guides saw a woman who resembled Jennifer Tilly (was it Jennifer Tilly? It was hard to tell, she had blonde hair) and a pale man with shoulder length dark hair walking arm in arm around the various exhibits, pointing out different art techniques (courtesy of the man) and fun facts (courtesy of the very enthusiastic woman) to… a red headed doll.
The way they were doing this was almost as if they were talking to their child and not an inanimate object. They refused to put the doll down, and one tour guide could’ve sworn that he heard the man mumble to the doll when it was in his arms:
“Kids, I know that you think it looks silly, but I really think we should’ve brought the stroller with us, because we could’ve brought the hood down over your heads to disguise you instead of looking like maniacs. Besides, my arms are getting tired here.”
But when the man caught him staring, he glared at him as if he were the crazy one and snapped:
“Hey buddy, why don’t you mind your own fuckin’ business, alright?”
And then the doll blinked.
When the now very frightened tour guide described what he’d seen to family and friends, nobody believed him.
Aside from museum and art gallery trips, Glen and Glenda’s education comprised of Chucky teaching them from textbooks he’d bought online. Except, he wasn’t a very dedicated teacher, and both Glen and Glenda ended up teaching themselves a lot of the time. If they asked their father for help on a particular question, he would scratch his head, chew on a pencil and then play a stunning game of word association that usually went along the lines of:
“Math is a subject studied at school, which rhymes with cool… cool is another word for cold, which is the temperature that ice cream is best served at. Wanna go get ice cream?”
Do you take Glen/da for a fool? Of course, they always went for ice cream.
Whilst trips to museums and ice cream stands was fun, Glen and Glenda longed for a proper education with kids their own age. So one day, Glen got their parents’ attention at the breakfast table whilst their father was cutting up the four bite sized pieces of toast that the twins were allowed in order to ‘test their digestive system’ and said quite seriously:
“Mummy, daddy, we’d like to go to school.”
The response they received was a confused:
When Glen elaborated on behalf of themself and their twin, their mother said:
“But honey, your daddy does a great job teaching you, doesn’t he?”
Rather than let Glen respond, Chucky shrugged sheepishly and said:
“The kids might benefit from an actual teacher. Did you forget that I didn’t actually finish school? That’s how little I actually care about it.”
And so it was agreed. Glen and Glenda would be snuck into the closest elementary school every day from nine till three.
“Glenda! You shouldn’t be doing that, it’s naughty! Chucky- Chucky, get in here! Glenda’s been misbehaving.”
“Uh, Tiff, what exactly are we disciplinin’ here?”
“Glenda said the f word.”
“And? You and I do that all the time, what’s the harm?”
“It’s not socially acceptable for children to swear Charles?”
“If we go out in public the kids pretend to be a normal doll, and they’re both really good at it. Who’s gonna know or care if our Glenda has a potty mouth?”
“I mean, I guess you’re right…”
“Besides, our idea of a date night was to murder people, who are we to take the moral high ground?”
Xavier had proudly ran his antique store for fifty years. The eighty-seven-year-old had many loyal customers, and he took pride in his work, especially his specialty subject - restoring dolls. This particular area of expertise had brought many interesting people and delightful children to his store over the years, but his last day of doing business would certainly prove to be his most… interesting.
It had started off so well, with only a few well known locals coming to to catch up and only one confused tourist wandering in in search of a bathroom. But around midday, a blonde woman and a dark haired man stumbled into Xavier’s store whilst gently cradling a red haired doll with a dislocated arm. The man was arguing with the woman as he quietly hissed:
“You said you could find a doctor.”
The woman angrily snapped back in a whisper:
“No, I said that I could find someone that could help. And I did, so I don’t know why you’re mad at me.”
The man replied with a bitter:
“Great, make our children feel like objects, that’s wonderful parenting. Perhaps tomorrow we can place them as an item for auction-‘
He stopped when he looked up and realised that Xavier had been staring at them throughout this exchange. The man awkwardly smiled and nodded, nudging the woman next to him who flushed bright pink when she realised what was happening. In an instant, the couple had rushed up to Xavier’s counter before carefully placing the doll down in front of him as the man asked with a terrifying intensity in his eyes and voice:
“Can you fix them- it, I mean?”
Ever the professional despite his confusion, Xavier nodded and fixed his ‘customer service’ smile to his face as he picked up the doll and examined it with great care.
“Of course, this little man will be right as rain in no time.”
Whilst relieved, the man and woman’s faces hardened as the woman politely explained:
“Our children- doll- happens to be non-binary. They/them pronouns.”
In confirmation, the man nodded before placing a reassuring hand on the doll’s forehead and pushing its hair back. Xavier just nodded and got to work, quickly popping the doll’s arm back into place despite the man and woman’s interferences and fierce warnings of ‘be careful!’
After five minutes, which felt much longer due to the couple’s hovering, Xavier finished his task, and handed the doll back to the man and woman who immediately enveloped it in a grateful hug. In response, the doll… breathed. Yes, it let out a shaky breath and lifted it’s plastic arms to wrap around the man and woman who were fussing over the newly fixed arm. 
The man suddenly remembered where he was and whispered urgently in the doll’s ear. Then, the doll fell still as if nothing had happened. Xavier felt faint, and as soon as the couple gave him money and walked out of the store, he collapsed onto the ground.
He didn’t pass away, but, at the urging of his family, he decided to retire and pass his store down to his eldest son who had been preparing to take over the family business for years.
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
I dunno if you ever wrote anything like this or even want to since it's about the series lol
But I saw a really awesome idea by my friend on here @cornerofhell where it would be a rewritten scenario if Glenda managed to get the OG/Scarface Chucky from Kyle and he were there to see Glen get shot and him going APE SHIT about it (and possibly lashing out at Tiffany and/or Nica)
If your able to write something like that, I'd love it! Please don't feel forced to though friend! Have a fantastic day!! -RainbowDelic 🌈
Hi Rainbow!!! And ooo! This is an interesting one!!!!
Glenda had stared at the head…or of what remained of the head. Kyle wasn’t lying when she said she took care of it. Half a chunk of the head was missing, the scars torn open and some teeth removed.
Glenda gave a pitiful wave to the decapitated head. The head gave a half smile at the redhead.
“Glad to finally meet you…”
“Well I already met your….whatever the hell those other version of you were”
“Oh…well I’m glad I got to see you.”
“Yeah…what the hell even happened? To your head?”
“Long story kid”
Glenda just replied with a scoff, already annoyed by the head’s dismissal.
“Do ya mind getting your old man out of this?”
“Depends….you gonna answer my questions?”
“No time”
“Then you’re not getting off the damn post”
“……fine, what do you want to know”
“Where the hell did I come from? Why do me and Glen feel this damn pain in our chest….it grows every single fucking day….and the funny part is…..mom doesn’t seem to fucking care”
“……well……you and Glen…..shit….I can’t even explain the first part….and for the hole in your chest….that’s thanks to your mother…..she split you and Glen up”
“……that makes no fucking sense…..you’re all the fucking same!!!…”
Glenda stormed off leaving the head on its post.
“You saw the doll…..and you remember the fire?”
Glenda paused turning back to the head.
“What did you say?”
“The fire…..”
“How did you know about that?”
“Because I was there kid…..Glenda I swear I’ll explain everything….just get me off this post…see that good guy over there?”
“Rip off the head and put this on”
Glenda skeptical but however complied. He’d already given them that key information. About that dream….if the fire, the fall, and the corpse.
Glenda set the head into the good guy and watched the doll readjust. Feeing and moving the limbs around.
“It’s been awhile since I’ve walked”
“Dad, follow me we need to get out of here”
“Wait wait wait….doll limbs take forever to—-“
Before he could finish Glenda picked him and and rushed the two of them outside. Running into Nica.
“Holy shit….long time no see….what the hell happened to you?”
“You’re crazy ass wife, you fucking bastard!”
Before Chucky could respond a car pulled up. Chucky recognized the body of Jennifer Tilly. It having the resemblance of Tiffany. He saw another person exit the car, who he assumed was Glen. They’ve grown so much since he last saw them.
Tiffany and Glen just paused staring at Glenda and Chucky.
“Not the best place for a family reunion”
The shattered family just exchanged glances. Only to be brought out of their trance by Nica holding a gun Tiffany. Tension rose and gunfire setting all hell to break lose. Chucky saw Glen sprint jumping to save Tiffany. At first it didn’t register till Chucky saw the blood.
Chucky practically threw himself at Glen lifting their head up from the ground.
“no, no, no, Glen…Glen….GLEN!!!”
Chucky’s heart sank at the chokes of Glen. After all this time and being held captive, he never realized how much he missed Glen and now Glenda. And the reason he hadn’t been able to meet them was Tiffany. He’d heard about her her obsession with Nica and her holding her and him captive. The way she treated the twins. The drunk she’d become. Word spreads fast.
Glenda immediately ran to Glen. Helping them up resting their head in their knee.
“No, no, no. Glen come on!”
Tiffany just watched in horror. She attempt to approach but was forced back by Chucky.
Glen broke the rant and began coughing and gasping for air.
“GLEN!!! Shit shit….Glenda here”
He handed them a sleeve from his shirt to use as a block to stop the bleeding.
“We need to get them out of here”
“You drive”
Tiffany trotted behind uttering out sorries and crying out to them…desperate to be heard. Only to be ignored, leaving her there….truly alone…
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midnightpsychos · 8 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @everyoneismytoy asked me:
It was different for Felix since he ended up getting possessed by the killer doll Chucky himself and he let him do it call it crazy he didn't care.  The truth is he had this passion for magic and dolls and he found himself wanting to be pushed deeper into the bitter sweet darkness of being someone else and as they say you can't always be the person you are because it will end badly as they say.   The infamous doll was now different happy with his new form and he decided to go and see Tiffany his former wife and mother of G.G. dressed in a black tee-shirt , jeans and boots a motorcycle jacket . And he had his nose pierced and his right eyebrow as well. Felix headed to Tiffany's with the doll in his hand he was still inside his own body but sharing it with Chucky. . seeing tiff once she let him inside he smiled at her and he took a deep breath enjoying this game.   " looking good doll it's me Chucky or Felix Catton. I always get it mixed up and that's fucked up.  How have you been ? You do look good. I found a new place to live now and well things are going to change now that I'm back" his voice was flat and void of emotion as he looked at her feeling the pull of Felix Catton and the fact that he had to keep him here and make sure this didn't go wrong. Why want a body of this boy ? He wanted more and being a doll was getting old and it was time to play and he would play like one should when they are a god. 
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Tiffany didn’t expect to see her former husband after they departed and G.G killed their own father in revenge for their mother but if there was one things that came out as successful, it was the fact that she transferred her soul into the former Jennifer Tilly and claiming it as her own, being without Chucky was the best thing for her since it meant that she could look after herself more before she was due to look after her children when they grew up and became more to handle.
However, she never threw the doll out since it was a symbol of who she used to be before everything had underwent but this time was different; and that was because Tiffany had to look after her children that Chucky provided when they planned to be together through the transfers into others souls just to do whatever they could as a dangerous couple but sometimes things don’t go the way that you plan them to but you live and you learn.
She heard the doorbell go and Tiffany knew that it could’ve been someone other than her new housekeeper because they had a key to get in so approaching the door carefully, the locks were undone and Tiff swore that her heart fell out of her body when she knew who it was. He looked like Chucky but didn’t know if he was actually possessed by him or whether he was so fascinated with the life of Chucky and what went on with it; she decided to let him in since Tiffany really wasn’t expecting anyone over and her children, Glen and Glenda were asleep it was the perfect opportunity for them to talk.
“Don’t call me doll, those days between you and me are over; we’ve tried to work things out by they just weren’t right for us and we’re better off in our own Chucky or whoever you are..” She swallowed hard knowing that since Chucky was back and talking to her that made her feel stranger than ever before; this was not like any other time when Chucky would come back because it meant that he would meet both of his children after all..
“You know I’ve been better, my children have been sleeping more peacefully giving me time to myself like I deserve and its just something that I’m grateful for since without your spent sample I wouldn’t of been able to have my children so if there’s one sort of credit I could give you it’s for giving me the opportunity to become a mother so thank you. But how have you been yourself? Considering that everyone has been saying that you’re dead when really you’re not, heh…”
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