#I’m just now realizing we only ever saw the full outside of the Haus a few times
ericbttle · 2 months
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you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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blaze-art · 4 years
The Search For Kukui (Mermaid AU): Chapter 1
A bottlenose dolphin splash and swam through the big sea surrounding the Alola region. It jumped and leaped out of the water at any opportunity it could, thinking it would be faster if it did so continuously. 
The dolphin, despite it’s frantic movements, was enjoying the energy of swimming so fast and leaping so high. It was so lost in the thrill that it didn’t notice the floating fishing net that was floating aimlessly in the sea. Swimming right into it, the dolphin struggled to break free, squirming and shaking in a desperate attempt to get out, alas it’s attempts were useless. 
Fortunately for the dolphin, a medium size boat was drifting on the water near it. Noticing the dolphin’s plight, two people in black and blue uniforms quickly got into their diving suits and jumped it to rescue it. 
“Cut the net! The quicker, the better!” one of them commanded the other, doing just so. Despite now being free from it’s restraints, the dolphin was still injured and terrified. It lied motionless as the two workers brought the dolphin to the Nether Agency (a organization who’s goal it is to reduce pollution and protect animals and pokemon affected by it) facility.
Leia was reading The Little Mermaid while her mother was looking out of the window of their residential quarters, which showed the populated beach full of people enjoying the Alolan sun.
“If you want to go outside and play, that’s okay by me. You should take a break, dear. ” Leia’s mother suggested to her, Leia closed the book, stood up and looked at her mother with nervousness. 
“I would...but...I don’t really know any of those people...” Leia anxiously replied, thinking her mother wouldn’t take “no” for an answer. “It’s always that way when you move, sweetie. You’ll make friends in no time.” Her mother comforted her. “Maybe later...” she responded. 
Her mother walked towards the box with the oil-covered Wingull. “Since you’re staying indoors, why not do a little favor for me?” she proposed. Leia walked over to the box, “Sure. What do you need?” she asked. “Found this little darling this morning, these oil spills never fail to make me shed a tear.” Her mother explained directing her eyesight towards the Wingull, “I think he deserves a good bath, get a rag ready, dear” Her mother added, Leia grabbing the rag and detergent off the table as soon as her mother said so, handing them to her. 
Her mother picked up the shivering Wingull and proceeded to wipe away the oil of it’s feathers. “Make sure to apply the soap with the grain of the feathers. It’ll get the most oil off without breaking them. “Yuck...will he be okay?” Leia asked sympathetically if not a little disgusted. “I’m afraid it’s not certain, we’re going to do all we can for it to thrive once again” Her mother answered grimly. “Perhaps you can finish up” she told her.   Passing the bird into her daughters arms, she watched as Leia scrubbed the oil off gently and efficiently. “Should we set him free?” She asked, looking up at her mom. “Best not to, the soap removes the oils that allow him to fly, he will be Sharpedo food if we release him now” her mother answered warily.
“I hope there is something more we can do...” Leia muttered somberly, “I’m sure there is...not only must we clean up after the fact, we should do what we can to prevent it in the first place.” her mother consoled her. “Even this solution I created needs to have constant conditions like temperature and current in order to work...” she commented disappointingly, she handed her daughter a bottle of a different mix. “I think this will work better, if you find any oily coral, you should use some on it.” her mother suggested. 
Suddenly there was a knock at the door, Leia’s mother quickly rushing towards it to see who it was. She opened the door revealing a Nether employee with a package in his hands. “Package for Mrs. Fernstein” he addressed, “Oh thank you so much, sir”  her mother gratefully thanked while grabbing the package out of the employees hands, waving the employee goodbye as he walked away and closing the door. 
“Is that for me?” Leia asked in curiosity, “It is, It’s from your father” her mother answered in obvious delight, handing her daughter the package. “Remember to read the tag, sweetie” Her mother advised. Looking at the tag it read;
                                  To my very special ocean princess                                                    From: Dad 
Leia was excited to see what was in it, unwrapping the bow of the box diligently as possible, as to not seem disrespectful. Inside the box were four necklaces, each with a scallop shell, strung together with miniature pearls, each of them had a different colored shell, one blue, one yellow, one cyan, and one red. Right next to them there was a note. 
“I found these on my expedition and felt that you might like these, maybe give some to your best friends. Take care out there, be kind, and be good.” - Love, Dad. 
Leia’s smile was wider than it had ever been for a long time, that was one of the perks of having an explorer for a parent, you always get cool stuff. Her mother was the same way, no words needed to be said. 
“Oh dear, I’m almost late for the meeting scheduled today!” Her mother spoke in panic as she looked down at her watch. She grabbed her coat was about to leave when “Mother” Leia piped up at the last moment “Yes sweetheart?” her mother responded, only her torso could be seen peaking out of the door, “May I go play with the dolphin?” Leia asked rather nervously. Her mother smiled “Go ahead dear, just follow the instructions on the blackboard. He could use a little company now that he’s almost made a full recovery. Goodbye now, sweetie, I’ll see you at 10″ She answered and left.
Leia changed into her Mareanie inspired two-piece swimsuit, tossed the box into the recycling bin next to the desk, and grabbed her trash bag for when she goes to the beach later, as well as her black messenger bag for her personal items. 
Stepping into the pool area, she saw the dolphin swimming in slow circles, presumably because of “Capture Stress Syndrome”. Placing her bags onto the counter with the yellow frisbee, she eyed the instructions on the chalkboard for about a minute and turned back to the dolphin. 
"Uh...Hey there, I see your doing better than yesterday, sooner or later you'll be released back into the wild in no time. We're not here to keep you or anything" Leia spoke to the dolphin, a little self concious of the fact she was speaking to a animal and not a human being. The dolphin stopped, showing that her voice got to him, he eyed the bucket filled with mackerels by the door, from the looks of it, he was pretty hungry. 
Leia grabbed three mackerels, a bit digusted at the wet feeling and smell of the dead fish, but tried her best not to show it. She threw them into the pool, the dolphin dived in to grab and eat them. 
She held onto the little ladder and slowly lowered herself into the pool, she could imagine the dolphin delighted to have some company with him, which he was. The dolphin dove under, leaving only his dorsal fin visible, circling around the young girl while making a clicking sound to "memorize" her through sound waves.
Leia smiled as the dolphin swam a little further from her, she hadn't had much fun with another living being for a while, and boy was it a relief that she did now. The dolphin leaped over the little girl, her eyes agaped in amazement, the dolphin dived back in rather close to her and continued to jump some more, circluing around her. 
The dolphin swam up towards her, offering his dorsal fin to grab on to. Leia hesitantly did so, the dolphin swimming laps around the pool, although she felt like she was about to fall off, the girl was having a time of her life.
After the little joyride, she got out of the pool and eyed the frisbee, without much thought, she grabbed it and threw it towards the pool, the dolphin jumped up to grab it, Leia's smile growing a bit wider with each catch. She decided to try throwing it at the further end of the pool, steadying herself, she threw it once again, the dolphin positioned itself for the catch, when suddenly, as he jumped-
"I got it!" said a voice that wasn't her's, it was very peculiar as no one else was in the room...
Leia stood there in shock, mouth wide open, as the dolphin caught the frisbee, diving back into the ocean. For a minute, there was no sign of him resurfacing, but a bright flash of blue accompanied by a bunch of bubbles on the water surface. 
Finally the dolphin popped up from the water, only...the bottom half of it (lower waist to legs) was still a dolphin. The top half was that of a young boy, about the same age as her, his skin was dark, his dark green hair was tied in a ponytail supported by two yellow seashell clips and his eyes were a deep gray. 
The boy threw the frisbee back at her, she jumped off the sides to grab it, falling straight into the pool. When she resurfaced she was staring right back at the boy. 
"You...you talked?!...and you're a...merman?!" Leia questioned in shock and disbelief, she looked down into the water for a split second to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. "I did?" The boy asked, looking down at his hands, realizing he revealed his true form to a human. "Oh! I guess I did! Uh, I guess the hermit's out of the Krabby, so to speak. Perhaps I should introduce myself, Leia" The boy said, playing off this rather surprising situation. 
"And you know my name?!" Leia asked in complete awe, "Nothing wrong with my hearing, above water, underwater, heck, even through doors!" The boy answered nonchalantly. 
"I'm Hau" the boy introduced himself. "Hau...Is it said like "how are you doing?" Leia questioned, confused at the rather unsual name, unsual for her at least. "Pretty much" Hau confirmed. "A bit of a...unique name" Leia commented. 
"Kukui gave it to me, he said that I reminded him of the hibiscus flowers that we decorate the kingdom with during festivals." Hau explained. Leia's eyes widened at the mention of a kingdom "Amazing! Your kingdom?" Leia asked curiously, wanting to know more about it. "Right, My kingdom, it's..." Hau was about to tell her, but he stopped before he could continue, his expression turned from his usual cheerful look to one of panic, which was a rare feeling for one like him to show.
"Oh no! My kingdom! Kukui! What was I thinking?! How long have I've been here?!" Hau frantically exclaimed as he swam in very small circles, realizing he'd been distracted by the whole "getting-caught-in-a-net thing". "About 5 days..." Leia told him, remembering that today was Thursday, it was Sunday when the Nether Agency found him. 
"5 days?! What a disaster! I gotta get out of here!" Hau responded. "Calm down, hold on! What's going on? What's the problem?" Leia asked in confusion, grabbing onto Hau's shoulders to keep him in place.
Hau took a deep breath, his expression slightly going back to the usual jovialness. "When I swam into that net, I was searching for Kukui and my grandpa, Hala. They went missing, and I was worried they're in trouble or hurt, or worse. I have to find them before it's too late!" He explained. "Leia, please help me get out of here!" he pleaded. 
Leia swam closer to Hau and hugged him from the front. "Of course I'll help you, Hau!" she declared. It took almost no time to climb out of the pool and open the hatch using the lever by the pool's boarder gate. 
"There you go, Mom said you were almost fully healed anyway, so she wouldn't mind." Leia told the merboy with a comforting smile. "I guess this is goodbye. I'd like to thank your mother, but she'd think you were going cuckoo." Hau replied gratefully "Believe me, my mother can be full of suprises...are you sure you have to go?" Leia replied rather saddened at seeing her new friend go. "Kukui is my king, Leia, and Hala is my grandfather. If they need my help, I can't fail them. But I'll never forget you" Hau responded with a smile, he too was disheartened of having to leave her. 
"I won't forget you either, Hau. Good luck...and take care..." Leia bid him farewell, sadly watching him swim out to sea, changing back into his regular dolphin form. 
Little did she know that surprise encounter was only the beginning, the beginning of a quest that will change her life forever...
                   [End of Chapter 1, To be continued in Chapter 2] 
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