#I’m horrendously down bad for monke and I’ve only had him for like a week
makotoismyson · 2 years
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hey besties guess who has a new fictional crush 💖🥰
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dunamanticarchivist · 6 years
Critical Role Latest of the Lateblogs C2E31 Commerce and Chaos
Well I think this is the longest I’ve held off watching CR 2 since binge-ing the first 13 episodes in a marathon procrastination for roughly 3 days. Which might be a good thing, that I’m giving sufficient priority to things around me. But not being able to browse twitter and tumblr cos spoilers has been rather killer. Now, for a relaxing shopping episode of... critical role. Also that title is amazing
Only 3 and half hours boo hoo
Or did they take out the break in replays?
Oh boi a Sam Riegel southern special
A true blue ‘murican musical masterpiece
Oh thank god I thought they took out the audio for the cheesy intro
That wouldn’t be the same any more would it
RIP Sam Riegel, but RIP Matt Mercer first
Dafuq Nott is now inventing flechette rounds in fantasy settings
Holy shit thats gonna be dangerous - one potentially explosive arrow
Im surprised Travis isnt asleep yet
Okokokokokok there are shenanigans afoot with letter forgery
(Ok i got spoiled a bit for this bit, but still)
Liam’s face palm is mood
Jesus there will be a million repercussions spilling out of this and plot ends for Matt to refine into knives to murderinate them with
Oh no this will not end well. At all. RIP erbady’s heart
Diamonds, fucking diamonds 
Ah there is Travis’ eyeroll. RIP him
LETS GO TO PUMAT’S (i saw a pumatprime logo that looks like amazon prime it was awesome sry i forgot who to credit it to on twitter)
Dese kids MOAR PUMATS 
Bath time again?
Thats really helpful Jester you should never bargain
A mighty girth....hmm not the group name you are looking for
Interesting spell selections. Feather fall, expeditious retreat, catapult. All 1st levels and uses reaction, bonus action and action. Very versatile
“This longsword”. Travis instantly becomes interested in shopping again. BAD FJORD BAD PUT DOWN THAT LONGSWORD. NO DONT EAT IT AGAIN BAD
The sword that was broken, potential plot point
Dust of deliciousness wtf that sounds absolutely baller
Cleaning out the pumats
ALL THE FUNKY ENCHANTMENTS someone please make the thinking meme for pumat 
The dancing sounds like a Otto’s Irresistable Dance a lvl 6 spell enchantment.
8000 gold for that. Interesting.
As an economics student, I am incredibly fascinated by the price systems that exist in Exandria (so 400 gold for +1 weapon)
Lotta pigeons hooting in here
Tfw when your hobo wiz is charming af
Only 100 gold off, its something but thats less than 5% off the bill (total should come up to 2400 golds ish)
Paper and ink in the same box, I too like to live dangerously
Marisha’s grabby hands for the bracers *squeeee
Matt, you have no idea how heavy paper can get
“May I go to the library” jesus that brings me back to childhood I loved my school library
We now have an official cook and potion maker on the road, its gonna be lit
Suvo’s Secrets ooo what a name. 20 ft by 20 ft. The first thing that comes to mind is how a Fireball would put the place to flame. I need help
Holy fuck thats a big dragonborn
Im calling it thats a hoarding hag of a dragonborn
FROM YOUR MOTHERS CHEST really Matt you forget the Ruby of the Sea was a prostitute for one second. Just one second. Meme mode ON
1 gold for fucking garlic they have no fucking sense for money 
They should have just brought Nott along and stole the whole bag
Jester please once again, never negotiate for prices.
Also if Matt was in the mind to fuck with them, they could literally be paying for the privilege of being cursed
Fjord bailing, shopping must have been super depressing
Bummer to have a week of failed investigation
Zenoth still being creepy af
Jebaited monk training Day 1: Time to fucking read
Roleplaying lvl 6 subclass features pretty good
Lotta bows there
Correction Laura: everyone be a Cobalt Soul monk
“I dont get to kill those guys?” aww man
Info dump lads this is a wiki filling episode erbady take notes
The Chained Oblivion? With all the manacles I think that’s shaping up to be BBEG of this campaign
Magical experimental in Solstryce? This is not a particularly helpful turn of events
I wonder does the eye serve as a spellcasting focus
Lots of charming ASMR voices with the Gentlemen and Fjord
oh shite its cree another WHERE’S MOLLY???
Ya he ded
Eyyy here we go (i got somewhat spoiled for this defacing of temples)
The ‘healers’ got a cloak for Nott the bravest rouge. Yes. But this is entirely wholesome and soul saving
Clearly the cast isnt all the religious or that serious about it
The platinum dragon is now.... a farmer. Very agricultural
-3 to deception at disadvantage. Still a 13. Absolutely golden
This is heresy and we are all going to hell
I HAD JUST HIRED HER goddamn they are horrendous at this skulduggery 
OH SHIIIIT 5 CROWNSGUARDS one of whom appears to be a spellcaster
fuck some kind of forcecage? Ottiluke’s Resilient Sphere does damage?
Jesus christ I didnt know I could get anxiety from watching a getaway scene
Good lord Jester virtually blew through her entire long rest of options in one night of revelry
Oh god here cometh the heartbreak
Thats alot of vague speak in the manner of gods
Dafuq the god is real? He can touch the dodecahedron? This sounds like a great amount of fuckery
Holy shit the time indeed passed I forgot there needs to be a break
Taliesin is playing his INT 9 well
Lets go vacationing in the Bahamas/Nicodranas/Menagerie Coast
Yes that is exactly how Jester would cast sending someone once wrote fanfic like that. It is obviously now canon
Paper = power
Everybody gets a dead people tea healing potion
Aaaand we’re back to the beginning
A delicious transitory episode, and hmmm a one-shot 2 weeks from now? Fascinating. 
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Last week, my d&d character got publicly branded...
...and it was probably one of the best experiences I’ve ever had in any roleplaying game I’ve ever been in. 
So, some context: it’s a ton of homebrew stuff, and one of the things is relating to Tieflings, and how they (and their Aasimar counterparts) eventually succumb to their fiendish blood (or, well, celestial). In the case of Tieflings, it kind of drives them insane ... like, tear your face off and eat it, insane. 
Naturally, this leads a lot of people to be... suspicious... of Tieflings in general. When will they fly off the handle? WHO KNOWS? It varies from Tiefling to Tiefling, and it isn’t terribly well-studied for obvious reasons. Like, there’s even a special order (The Silver Order) that’s meant to deal with various supernatural things, and the Brotherhood Bane handles all things fiendish or outsider-related ... Tieflings being a part of that. 
Only... if the Moon Blades, another branch of the Silver Order, are a surgeon’s knife meant to handle a problem with precision and care... the Brotherhood Bane is a fucking cannon you aim, fire, and worry about the casualties from later. 
The way Tieflings interact with this setting is full of racism and misunderstanding of things like mental illness and curses; it’s all about superstition and fear and the hatred that that brings, and it has horrendously fucked with my character from the day she was born. 
I took a sort of Tyrion Lannister approach with her origins - that is to say, nobility, probably royalty since her grandfather was the ruler of the country she was born to. (Mother died in childbirth, dad was MIA from the start.) Dreary place, stormy cliffsides, but lively people who adapted the motto “Weather the storm” as a way of spiting the shitty things that life throws at you. They wear bright colors with detailed patterns, tons of baubles, and their food is so flavorful it’d make a lesser being’s eyes water. Basically, I made a New Orleans spirited Greyjoy locale with the aesthetic of various Romani and India inspired colors & patterns. 
I say Tyrion Lannister because I always appreciated his constant awareness of the privilege his family name had given him - namely, not being killed upon birth, though it didn’t do him much good when it came to the abuses he suffered. 
Anyway, Mai is the character’s name, and she fell in love with another noble-born Tiefling girl she was introduced to, Alyssa Starstrider, a high elf that basically defined the term “aloof grace.” Alyssa was the first person that was ever kind to her, for starters, but it definitely helped that they were both Tieflings. To shorten this part of the story, I’ll just say that Alyssa was... troubled, even without the issues of the Dark Embrace, or the abuse she suffered at the hands of the family that was supposed to love and protect her. The two idiots ran away together, and eventually Alyssa succumbed to that good ol’ fiendish blood, and basically begged Mai to kill her before it was too late. Very sad. 
Alyssa was kind of my experiment in how genuine mental illness would interact with a catalyst as powerful as literally evil blood consuming your very being. The result was ... not a pretty picture. She’s easily one of the most complex characters I’ve ever created, and she’s a relatively minor background character that died ten years before the story even started. She did care for Mai, but the romantic love was not reciprocated so much as manipulated with intent that was neither good nor bad. 
Mai wound up being kind of a jackass, understandably, because the ordeal with Alyssa wasn’t even really the worst thing she suffered at the hands of other people; hell, she and Alyssa were briefly hunted down by the Brotherhood Bane, and though they narrowly escaped (due to Alyssa being very charming and them both being very young and helpless looking), the town that harbored them was burned to the ground. Distinctly unpleasant, no? 
But that all kind of changed when she joined a guild; a group of adventurers that nobody else really wanted in their party, all flung together into their team of rejects. A wood elf (in a setting where they’re racist eco-terrorists at war with the fey), a tribal orc (in a setting where they raid towns regularly), an underdark drow (in a setting where the drow killed their gods and most went to the surface, while the rest remained a terror for the surface world), the equivalent of a Chosen Undead (for those of you dark souls nerds), an outcast half Yuan-Ti (snake people, or sneeple), a way-too-adorable-and-cheerful half high-elf monk, and a dude in really shiny armor that looked way too young to know what he was doing (that wound up being a Chosen Paladin in a setting where most of the remaining dieties have like 1 or 2 paladins per generation, but I digress). 
They all kind of filled voids in one another, and became something of a family; they saved towns being raided by underdark elves, they saved the Baron of their country from a doppleganger plot, and a bunch of other cool shit that basically made them famous. The half Yuan-Ti was even a bard that made them rock stars, and... all of that included Mai, and that got the attention of the Brotherhood Bane. 
Suddenly, all of the racist shit just kind of collided all at once; the lingering, wary stares were nothing compared to the ice cold looks barely seen behind creepy masks of silver. The snide comments were nothing compared to the way they brazenly marched through town, questioning everyone. 
And Mai could have run for it, but... she really cared about the town, Runehearth, and everyone in it. She knew that they would probably die if she ran for it, and she also knew that they were a respected guild and that she had the favor of several nobles to keep her and everyone she cared about alive as long as she cooperated. But, well, that didn’t necessarily mean that 1) she wasn’t still terrified, and 2) things would go by smoothly. After all, she was still a Tiefling, and in particular, she was a Tiefling gifted with magical abilities. (Magus, especially, which are capable of putting out shattering burst damage.) 
It was deeply uncomfortable, and terrifying, and one of the most tense situations I’ve ever been in. The leader of the Brotherhood Bane group that had come for Mai spoke with the guild’s advisor and the leader of the town, while she answered questions coming from a huge guy in a mask made from a Tiefling’s skull and coated in silver. 
Her guildmates didn’t know what was happening, and she was afraid to say anything that might be construed as threatening or insulting - after all, despite her past history of being a jackass, she had grown to care for these people, and it wasn’t her own life that she was most afraid for. 
And then the leader of the town came back out and spoke with her and told her what was going to happen - a mark, basically, to track her progression into the Dark Embrace. A registry. And, well, we all know how well it goes when you have an entire group of people that you feel the need to slap a mark on to register them. But Mai accepted the terms, because it was better than everyone getting killed. 
Except they started to do it right then and there, and her guild mates freaked out and started a fight, which ended horribly and led to Mai basically being dragged to the center of town and it became a spectacle and ... 
And that’s when the orc, Lur, said something that kind of changed everything. Even as the Brotherhood Bane was delivering their spiel to the newly gathered crowd, even as they were basically firing up their dumb magical brand, and even as the rest of the guild was basically being held down by various Brothers... “Say the word,” he said, “and the Runeguard will come.” 
And that’s when Mai realized that none of it mattered; the villagers were horrified, her guildmates were devastated, and the only people who seemed to give a single fuck about the supposed “justice” were a group of little more than thugs given too much power. Something kind of, like... settled, because it wasn’t about this moment, it wasn’t about her, it wasn’t about the Brothers, it was about a message. 
“No,” she told Lur. “He wants to make an example. And I’m going to let him.” 
And so it happened, and it was terrible, and she was literally bed ridden in the alchemist’s house for two days, and some people even started protests to try to get her out of town, and Mai was definitely fucked up by the whole ordeal, but like... she saw her opportunity to basically be a martyr, and use her political position for good, and she fucking took it. 
She’s petitioning the Baron (who will talk to the Duke, who will talk to the King), she’s writing a book (most of the literature on Tieflings, if not all of it, was not written by Tieflings, and Mai has an education and a 20 intelligence, so it’s not exactly hard to come up with quality academic content), the works. She fully intends to pioneer a movement for the benefit of all Tieflings, and her lofty ambitions also include curing the Dark Embrace (or, at least, kickstarting the attempt to do so in legitimate circles, instead of desperate fool’s efforts). 
And that’s the story of how I’m starting a social justice movement in D&D for Tiefling rights. 
Also, Mai is a lesbian. In case the bit with Alyssa wasn’t obvious enough. 
But no, seriously, like ... it was the most intense session I’ve ever been in, and it hurt so bad, but it was the biggest turning point my character has had. She let herself be vulnerable (and hurt) for the sake of not getting everyone killed, which is not something she would have ever done before. And, well... racism is an issue we face right now, in the real world, as is misunderstanding of mental illness (and homophobia, but that’s not an issue in this setting). For all anyone in this setting knows, the Dark Embrace could eventually be a perfectly harmless thing or altogether nonexistent, if studied properly instead of (heh) demonized. 
To have it all thrown together in this CLUSTERFUCK of a session had my heart pounding, and I was practically hyperventilating (as were some other players). It was... emotionally heavy, to say the least. I’m still reeling, and it’s been a week. 
/end ramble 
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