#I’ll cross post to ao3 later when I have the spoons to embed images ♥️♥️♥️
terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
Gossip Girl Appreciation Week | Day 2: A Favorite Dynamic
A fic to celebrate the van der Humphrey kids! biological and honorary!
shoutout to @blairwaldcrf for the textfic idea <3
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Transcript below the cut
First Image:
Nate (sender):  attention jeeves
Jenny from the block (Jenny):  what did you just call me
Nate:  Dan and I need you guys to settle a debate
Punkin Butt (Dan):  Oh god
Punkin Butt:  I would like to preemptively apologize
S! 🌼 (Serena):  yesssss I am ready go on
Nate:  Daniel R Humphrey, my betrothed, the love of my life, believes that pineapple, fruit of the gods, the most delicious of the fruits, should not be on pizza 
Second Image:
B! 🐝 (Blair):  …
B! 🐝:  You’re kidding, right?
Nate:  that’s what I’m saying!!!
B! 🐝:  No, Nate, I mean: that is what you’re arguing about?
B! 🐝:  Because obviously, the answer is no. It does not belong. 
Punkin Butt:  AHA!
Jenny from the block:  yeah nate wtf is wrong with you
Third Image:
Jenny from the block:  pineapple alone: yes. 
Jenny from the block: pineapple on pizza: SACRILEGE. 
Jenny from the block:  DISGUSTANG
V! (Vanessa):  some things are sacred. 
V!:  proper pizza topping is one of them
Jenny from the block:  wow trying so hard not to make a joke about “topping”
Punkin Butt:  please don’t
Eric RHODES:  ^^^
Eric RHODES:  and re: the pizza question: sorry, nate. 
Fourth Image:
Eric RHODES:  it just doesn’t taste that good to me
V!:  yeah the sweetness from the tomato sauce combined with the super sweetness of the fruit…it’s just too much
Nate:  no no no V, that’s why you pair it with pepperoni
Punkin Butt:  absolutely not
Nate:  because the spice of the meat offsets the sweetness perfectly
Punkin Butt:  you are sleeping on the couch tonight
Jenny from the block:  harshhhhh
Fifth Image
Jenny from the block:  but fair tbh
Jonathan:  I…I kinda like it actually
Jenny from the block:  JONATHAN NO
S! 🌼:  it’s ok jonathan we still love you
S! 🌼:  natie though…
Nate:  wow. 
Nate:  I am feeling so attacked right now
B! 🐝:  You brought this on yourself, darling. 
Nate:  okay but consider this
Sixth Image:
Nate:  how many of you have actually TRIED it though? Instead of just writing it off as gross
Nate:  because of some preconceived idea of what pizza “should” be. 
Nate:  let go of principle. Open yourselves up to joy. To enjoying deliciousness. 
V!:  Well fuck
V!:  you’ve convinced me.
S! 🌼:  srsly V’s literally scrolling through grubhub now
Punkin Butt:  Oy. 
Seventh Image:
B! 🐝:  Well not here. J and I are making perfectly sensible croque monsieur. 
Jenny from the block:  yeah like true ex-patriots <3
Jonathan:  wbu Dan? Are you convinced?
Punkin Butt:  we’re doing separate orders
Eric RHODES:  now that’s true love.
Jenny from the block:  it’s easy enough when you bag the richest boy in new york
Eighth Image:
Punkin Butt:  hey
Punkin Butt:  hey
Punkin Butt:  fuck you
Jenny from the block:  ;)
Nate:  he takes my fortune I take his name. Fair trade. 
S! 🌼:  awwwwwww
B! 🐝:  ugh.
Jenny from the block:  gross
Ninth Image:
Eric RHODES:  aw come on Dan don’t make him sleep on the couch
Nate:  beep beep sorry line busy try again later
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