devilfic · 4 months
I’m watching batman: the long halloween (2021) and SOFIA FALCONE PLEASE JUST GIVE ME ONE CHANCE
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claymorexpunisher · 10 months
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dogsgone · 1 year
Takes place roughly 8 years after the events of Twilight Princess. Link is back home at Ordon, herdin’ his goats and mindin’ his business. It’s a simple life, but it’s a good one.
Name: Link
Age: 25
Species: Hylian human, also a wolf when he wants to be. A werewolf, probably, but not beholden to the moon or its phases.
Birthday: December 2nd
Gender: transmasc nonbiney
Pronouns: he/him
Orientation: Fuck if he knows, or cares. Whoever catches his eye, far as he’s concerned. (most likely bi)
Link doesn’t remember his birth parents, but Uli and Rusl took him in and raised him as their own and continued to do so after their biological son Colin was born, so they’re his Ma and Pa whether they’re blood-related or not. It wasn’t hard to notice he wasn’t really from Ordon when he was the only person in the village with pointed ears, but nobody ever treated him any different because of it. It wasn’t until he returned home from his quest that he found out he had a new baby sister named Panna, and now she’s eight years old! And Colin is seventeen! Goddesses, how time flies.
Hair: Somewhere between light brown and dirty blonde, it’s a mess that’s reached his shoulders and he’s considering letting grow further.
Eyes: Well, he ain’t called a “blue-eyed beast” because his eyes are green.
Height: 5'2"… Colin’s reached a full foot taller than him, and Panna’s catchin’ up.
Piercings: His lobes are pierced, he usually wears a pair of blue hoops, though sometimes he mixes it up with the color.
Scars: He’d had a few scars from some rough tumbles as a farmhand before his quest, but after the fact, his body’s littered with them, big and small. He’s never liked ‘em, but he’s gotten used to ‘em, after all these years.
Tattoos: Only the mark of the Triforce on the back of his left hand, more of a birthmark than a tattoo. When he was a child, his parents said it was a blessing from the goddesses. Now, he knows it’s a curse. Hylia help whoever bears the mark of the Triforce, for it is She who has cursed them.
Physical: Old injuries and broken bones have made life a touch more painful for Link, but he can still do his job, and he knows when not to push himself. And if he tries to push himself when he knows damn well he can’t, he’s got hell to pay from his friends and family for doin’ that to his body, in the form of “You rest up now, and if I catch you tryin'a work while ya can’t, I’m sendin’ your Ma after you.”
Mental: Link’s always known that his mind doesn’t work quite like he thinks it should, but it seemed to get worse after he completed his quest. Nightmares, strange thoughts, lapses in memory, melancholy moods, they all seem to plague him more than they ever had but a decade ago. He’s got people to help pick him up when he falls, though, so he’s doin’ the best he can with what he’s got.
Link can still transform into a wolf at will, and by this point everyone in Ordon knows it’s him, so no more runnin’ and screamin’ from them when he trots around as a wolf.
Link’s a country boy, and he talks like one too. (Finally, a reason to talk like my Texan self and not have it be out of character lol)
He’s mostly nonverbal, and for the most part will communicate in Hylian Sign Language, but on occasion he will speak aloud, usually a short sentence, or someone’s name to get their attention. He prefers to sign as a human, though he does find it much easier to “speak” in wolf form. He’ll bark and howl all day, not a care in the world.
…Sometimes, and he’s not overly proud of this, he’ll end up barkin’ and growlin’ and howlin’ in his human form. Nobody who knows him finds this all that strange, given what they know now, but his siblings’ll still make fun of him for it, though. And so will Malo.
Speakin’ of Malo, he still runs his Malo Marts out in Kakariko and Castle Town, though nowadays he mostly sticks to his Castle Town branch, leaving the Kakariko branch in the capable hands of his employees. Link visits from time to time with a shipment of Ordon milk and whatever other goods people from home might want to sell up in the big city. According to Malo, those country goods are a hit, and people’ll spend big money for 'em. Every time he sees him, Link tells Malo he hopes he won’t let all this big business go to his head and become a greedy capitalist, to which Malo replies that Link doesn’t even know what a capitalist is. Oh, and Malo? He’s about eleven now. Feel old yet? Link sure does.
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feliciohno · 3 years
🧡✨ 🧡✨ 🧡✨ 🧡✨ 🧡✨
Saint Calvin told me not
To worry about you.
But he's got his own things
To deal with.
There's really just one thing
That we have in common.
Neither of us will be missed.
🧡✨ 🧡✨ 🧡✨ 🧡✨ 🧡✨
Saint Bernard sits at the top of the drive way you always said how you loved dogs I don’t know if I count but I’m tryin my best when I’m howlin and barkin these songs
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