#I will ponder on more silly fun stuff and return enlightened
capricioussun · 3 months
Heartfell hcs?????
Heartfell !!! Heartfell !!!!!!
♡ Asgore is crazy!! This man coped with grief by developing a god complex (very normal reaction)
♡ Papyrus loves Mettaton, but he tries not to admit it too much, he draws a lot of inspiration from him and admires him so much
♡ ...which is super ironic given how much Mettaton hates himself. Sort of. It's complicated... At least he (used to) like his style so there's that..?
♡ Toriel has so much heart shaped kitchenware and decor and she tries so so hard to make herself and her home inviting, it's really a lovely place to live, trust her, stay, stay!
♡ Sans is always sweaty because his damn coat makes him so so hot but Papyrus picked out his outfit so he keeps it on, lest he disappoint him and make him think he doesn't find it completely and totally cool and fashionable
♡ Alphys is somehow both more and less insecure than usual Fell style AUs because she has more of an influence in popular underground culture, which gives her a leg up in being more socially accepted, but at the same time, she's well aware how much others are growing to resent the way their world is, and struggles with taking that personally (despite they mostly hate the parts she has very little to do with)
♡ Undyne still regularly has tea with Asgore despite the uh, rough patch they had in the early days of her becoming captain
♡ Flowey has definitely gotten good at playing the game, so to speak, but he’s become incredibly resentful of it all. It's so horribly fake, it's like slathering pink paint and heart stickers over rotting boards and he can't stand being around others for very long, even Papyrus...
♡ Unrelated, but unfortunately he does still have a lot of nostalgia for the heart shaped strawberry rolls Toriel used to make
♡ Grillby, while still fitting in seamlessly, is one of the few who doesn't go out of his way to conform too thoroughly. No one really questions it
♡ Papyrus has a shawl the Snowdin Innkeeper crocheted for him when he was still fairly young. It's more an infinity scarf now, and he won't let anyone else see it, but he holds it very dear to himself as possibly one of the only sincere gifts he’s ever received
♡ Doggo is actually completely blind! He relies heavily on sound and smell, and even though most others dislike the lieutenant, he can't help but have a soft spot for him since he’s one of the few fellow guards who doesn't underestimate him
♡ NCG is actually something akin to a drug dealer, and him and Sans have developed a slight rapport since Sans buys his "cigars" from him. Wouldn't exactly call them friends, but it's...nice to have a guy you don't feel you have to be as careful with appearances around
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