#I was scrolling and saw a bunch of spiderman stuff and it got me thinking. I mean. din has a whipcord…
autumnwoodsdreamer · 5 months
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might I offer you all a Spidey Din to cleanse the timeline?
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tozxrvo-huskiel · 5 years
Dream Diary Feb2/2019
so the dream starts off and im like?? spiderman swinging around town and i get to this part of the town thats got those colorful triangle flags all over the powerlines cause apparently they're short circuiting because of something. im flying through them with web wings and suddenly these four helicopters fly by to investigate the outage but then they spot me and are like "YOU'RE SUSPICIOUS GET THIS GUY" so im weaving between and over and under the power lines and buildings trying to peacefully escape the helicopters by they are seriously persistent. i end up having to do a tight turn in the air which kills my momentum and i shoot a web at the helicopter's skiis and shoot myself away and escape to some field/hill over looking everything.
im still flying when i see this weird cluster of trees and buildings that are giving off some weird energy and everything like... stretches upwards like someone just taking a 3D model and increasing its vertical height. i fly around this cluster of trees and find that theres some weird energy portal going into the trees so i fly towards it, and in my mind (or maybe my spider suit i dunno) is like "you know, it was probably a bad idea to fly into this without a vehicle to protect me or something; there's a LOT of energy in here" but i fly through anyway and i feel myself get sucked in violently once i reach the portal entrance.
the pulling sucks me into this tornado in the center of the place and it knocks all the wind out of my lungs and im just being tossed around like "REGRETTING MY CHOICES" and i black out several times. eventually i regain my sight and control and im in some sorta colorful polka-dotted tube thats made outta umbrella material. im crawling up the tunnel  when i encounter a hole leading outside and a huge-beaked bird above me blocking my path. i try to web the bird, but either my web shooters arent working or they're out of web fluid so i stick my head out of the hole to my left. outside is all weird and foresty and cluttered with all sorts of colorful tubes and playhouse things. i look up and i see.... ANOTHER SPIDERMAN! and so im like "hey help me out i gotta we this bird!" but the other spiderman just cackles and... spits at me? drips unactivated web fluid at me? i dunno, but he's an asshole, but his bird is nice.
i think to myself that hey, this seems like the opposite of my situation! so im like "maybe if IM mean to the other spiderman, he'll do what i want" and so i stick my middle finger up at him and somehow stick out my tongue and the other spider man gets all offended and jumps out of his hole, then falls down trying to get at me and fails. i manage to squeeze myself out of my tube and climb up to his, taking his spot and passing by the nice bird and continuing on.
at this point, i for some reason am no longer spiderman, but Voe. i crawl out of the tube system and into an open playhouse area of sorts, and there are these two twin grandmas; one evil and one nice. they ask me to play these games and puzzles and if i win, i and my friends get to go home to our world. every game i lose, i get punished and one of my friends gets left behind. i agree, and for a while the games are easy. the same thing was happening as when i saw the opposite-spiderman: whenever something didnt go my way, i either went to the other grandma or did the opposite of what i felt i was supposed to do. over time though, the line between "opposite" and "good and evil grandma" started to get really blurry, and it turned out they were BOTH evil and i was just being lead down this path to my destruction in this color playhouse world.
every time i lose, i get zapped by some laser, and im growing weaker and weaker until eventually, the grannies are playing some sort of bingo/tic-tac-toe/battleship game over me with these little foam blocks. im just laying weakly next to the game board and my eyepatch is gone and only Frisk is left (though no friends had even showed up in the previous games so i dunno). The grannies are having a nice conversation with each other, but they both get tired of me not doing anything and i get zapped one last time and VOE DIES. LIKE HE STRAIGHT UP GETS MURDERED. Frisk starts screaming like NO!! VOE!! VOE!!!!!! and they're shaking and banging against the bars of their cage and their souls starts to glow a really intense red and everything suddenly goes black.
i wake up (still has voe) in some sorta warehouse/construction facility. im still missing the eyepatch and for some reason, now i've got a white wispy ghost tail thing instead of my legs, and everything is in third person. so voe is floating around all empty and emotionless, and we come across this big tractor truck, and some buff guy in a black t-shirt is like "you're in th wrong place you dumb spirit. get back to work" and he grabs my arm and drags me into this back office and voe just starts doing the work put in front of him, all empty and uncaring.
somehow, i split off from voe as like... his white turtleneck and i still have the wispy tail, and im floating around trying to get back to the truck and find a way out. i find the truck and pass by a bunch of other similar spirits, all emotionless and dead and stuff, and i see this door being guarded by two more buff guys in black shirts. the same guy that caught voe earlier catches me and calls me a "blood spirit" and checks this weird tag? tattoo? that i have even though im just a floating shirt with no head, and drags me back to voe, who's still working.
i fuse back together with him and instill him with my will and determination, and a spark sorta comes back into his face. we leave the work station and play dumb, floating around looking like we're going to do work like all the other spirits around, and make our way back to the hallway with the guards. as we get close, we suddenly shift into flying really fast and tackle our way past the guards while they're surprised, and make it out of the main facility and into some sort of fancy casino/hotel/lounge place with regular people in fancy suits and stuff.
Eventually as we're escaping the guards who are now chasing us, voe suddenly gets his legs back and is also in a fancy black suit, and we run until we find this window leading outside thats like three stories from the ground. like every fucking window in my dreams ever, we have to open it and its way too small, so we have to open it again, and then there's a fucking BUG SCREEN in the way. we dont have time to try ripping into it with our hands, so we back up and sprint towards the window and kick into it, breaking through and..... getting stuck at the upper chest. also for some reason, now voe is in some black and purple spiderman-like suit. One of the guards catches up to us and is like "hahah we can just get rid of you here like this" and starts to push voe out of the bug screen (while also low-key feeling him up it was weird and creepy and the suit got all stretched out funny).
eventually after way too long of a minute, we fall out of the bug screen and start falling towards the ground, but thankfully we're close to the wall still and voe manages to grab a jutting window ledge. There's Frisk and an cranky looking granny on the inside of the window, and Frisk is really happy to see us and the granny is pissed. "You may have escaped the spirit realm this time, but don't think i'm okay with it." Voe tries to be all fancy and show-offy and kicks off backwards from the ledge, and we try to turn to do a backflip and land on our hands, but for some reason we just fly out straight and land on our back in the grass. And then we try again. and like two more times until Voe finally gets to do his cool hand landing on the grass, and Frisk claps. the granny is unimpressed. We run off to the main entrance of the building.
at the main entrance, there's the nice granny who is actually nice now cause she's not some sorta trick made by the evil granny. she gives voe this giant curved golden sword with some sorta fluffy handle and some sorta poster scroll and tells us we have to deliver it somewhere to fully be free of the spirit realm's grasp, and its a huge pain trying to hold both of these huge items. like seriously this sword is almost as tall as voe is and he’s almost 6 feet tall
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a tatami-paper door suddenly appears just... standing in the parking lot of the building's entrance, and granny tells us whenever there's a door like this in our way, we have to strike it down with the sword. voe tries to cut down the door with his left hand cause he's left handed, but because im RIGHT HANDED, he cant do it because we're fused and i suck apparently. so we switch grip on the poster and sword and i strike the door with my right hand and it cracks and falls over. wow. super impressive. it seems kinda pointless but this is our quest now
the granny sends us off with some good lucks and voe runs and starts flapping his arms and we fly away
and then i woke up.
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