#I wanted to explore how Wilsоn's body could change during the year (interpreting it as 365 days or so)
polothatmakesyoufat · 3 months
ok but now that I think of it Stuffing in a Don't Starve context would probably be seen as like divine intervention. those guys are STARVING and now they have some excess fat reserves for the winter
This ask unexpectedly made me think so this got pretty long, I'm sorry :') Enjoy my collection of thoughts.
First of all, I draw a line between stuffing and weight gain – although these two often go hand in hand, they are pretty distinct kinks. Stuffing doesn't always lead to wg, weight gain doesn't necessarily require stuffing, etc. (Also I'm not actually into stuffing, weirdly). So I usually think about them separately.
An opportunity for stuffing could absolutely be seen as a blessing BUT I find it more interesting to look at it as a necessity. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about it is that you'd need a large amount of food available, which is probably rare. For that reason I can't really imagine a character stuffing themselves just to enjoy the feeling. It also fills you up for a significant amount of time but effectively leaves you out of commission – you can't run or fight with an overfilled stomach, you'd much rather lie down and not move. It probably isn't something you'd want to do just because, if you had to stay alert. So with that in mind I can imagine a couple of scenarios here.
1. A character has been starving for a long time and somehow finds food! A lot of it! I doubt they could control themselves. Bringing up my brief obsession with the Minnesota semi-starvation experiment, you almost can't get full after being so limited in your food intake. So it's very possible to just keep eating to the point of getting sick – and, going back to DS, that would mean wasting precious resources. But I doubt they could care (consider also the insanity effects).
2. Same thing minus being severely starved. A character finds a lot of food so to make the most of it they gather as much as they can carry and, if there's anything left, eat as much as they can fit in their stomach. They cannot afford to be wasteful. (To add to it, maybe the food is about to spoil? It all comes down to getting as much as possible from what's available).
3. Of course there is also the option where the survival goes exceptionally well and a character can stuff themselves just for the sake of it. But hey. Firstly, this is boring (to me.) and secondly, I SUCK at the game so my takeaway is that the characters must not be fit enough for survival to get to this point. (I refuse to get good.)
Weight gain is a much more long-term thing. I'm not sure how to interpret in-game time but let's believe the numbers and say it's 20 to 55 days between winters. How much weight can one realistically put on during this time? Not a lot, probably (unless we're involving some kind of magic). So for any substantial weight gain to occur a character needs to be well-adjusted in the Constant and have reliable, and excessive, food sources all year round. Another thing to point out is that extra weight obviously helps during winter but also slows you down and probably makes you more appealing for predators. So there's a compromise to be made here if a character is trying to gain on purpose.
For me, wg scenarios are reserved more to semi-canon nano-AUs, like my little evil threeway one. When you're safe(..?), don't have to chop trees/run around/hunt all day and have more than enough food, it makes sense to get fat. But out in the wild, I'm not so sure.
P. S. l'm not taking into account DST with multiple players because... I guess I'm more interested in the survival aspects of the survival game than in character dynamics. At least for now.
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