#I think out of these three hinamiki might be my fav?
spittyfishy · 2 years
For the ship bingo, Oumota, Hinamiki, or Goshi (gonta/ryoma)?
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I honestly think this ship is so fun, rivals to lover potential lol. I think in cannon there’s a lot of animosity between them, but as a fan ship I think people do a lot of really neat things with them!
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Ok honestly, I know it’s a rare pair but I actually really like this ship!! I just want Mikan to be happy she’s my absolute favourite danganronpa character! And her and Hajime have some neat moments in the game! I started doing her free time events when I briefly got to play sdr2, and honestly Hajime getting to find out her past and her trauma I want him to help her and stand up for her against people like Hiyoko. And they’d just be really sweet!
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Truth be told I’ve never really thought of this ship before, I think they’d definitely be buddies! But I’m not sure about it as a ship, maybe that’s just cause I don’t really tend to ship Gonta or Ryoma with anyone lol
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