#I still don't have shows that air during the summer though lol
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hypogryffin · 9 months
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ok but like so you know how portable had that one yukiko cameo. so like OBVI the remake is going to have p5 characters appear also <-straight copium. anyway here are my pitches
Image ID:
Three pages of rough sketches with colour blocks. Image 1 has Maruki (coloured blue) standing awkwardly with a seemingly nervous smile on his face, looking younger and wearing Gekkoukan High School's uniform. A smaller drawing next to him shows himself and Rumi (red) smiling and laughing together. The text next to them reads "If Maruki was school-age at the time of P3's story he'd be about 22-25 years old [during P5 canon]". The number 22 has an arrow pointing to it that reads "1st year HS", and 25 has another that says "3rd year HS". The text continues, "Since he's supposed to be older (I think), it wouldn't make sense for him to show up". A wailing emoji with its hands up in the air is added next to the block of text. From there, an arrow with the caption "But!" points to another sketch of Ichinose (green) in Gekkoukan's summer uniform. The message continues next to another drawing of Ichinose, this time in the regular/winter uniform, "I do think Ichinose is probably the right age for it! Definitely not because I've been wanting to draw her recently nope no siree". Further notes continue down, reading "One or two [ear] piercings, none on the face" with a drawing of an earlobe, "Shorter hair" with a dotted line and a sketch of scissors depicting that her hair is about shoulder-length, and finally, "She'd still be in her stoic era so no smiles here, LOL." Additionally, back near the drawings of Maruki, there is another sketch of Rumi in Gekkoukan's uniform, with a note that says, "Were Maruki and Rumi canonically high school sweethearts? Or did I just hallucinate that information"
Image 2: A drawing of Zenkichi (dark blue) in an unbuttoned suit. He has his hair in a ponytail, and his arms folded behind his back. The text next to him reads, "Zenkichi, approximately mid-to-late 30s. / He can't be aware of the Dark Hour for [the sake of] continuity in Strikers, obviously, but he could still be reasonably(?) involved? I.E. assisting Kurosawa with something? Maybe related to a request from Elizabeth, a social link story(???), or main story things like [A block that reads "Spoilers" in all capital letters]'s death or Fuuka's "disappearance". I don't know, man." There are a few asides written next to it, reading "Maybe [he and Kurosawa are] friends" and "Investigating Apathy Syndrome?" respectively. Then the text continues, "Could be [Public Security], or maybe a career police officer (as in pre-promotion or something, I don't know I'm not a pig, myself". An additional doodle has the information "Akane would be about 7 years old" alongside a drawing of Zenkichi blabbering senselessly about his daughter, showing off a set of pictures, to the Persona 3 Protagonist (light blue), who looks awkward and has "Go away" written behind him as his internal thoughts several times.
Also, there is a sketch of Mitsuru (red) in plainclothes, smiling as she holds up two tickets, saying "I have received tickets to a gallery by Madarame Ichiryuusai, I was wondering if you wanted to accompany me there." The next drawing is of Yukari (pink) smiling and looking up from the book she's reading, though visibly apprehensive. She says, "Uh, yeah, sure, that sounds fun!" While her inner monologue yells "That sounds so fucking boring holy shit". It then cuts to her gripping the protagonist's shoulders, saying, "I need you to come with me to this stupid ass art museum I can't say no to Mitsuru-senpai." The protagonist says, "I, like, could not want to do anything less-" but is interrupted by Yukari adding, "I'll buy you dinner after and you can bring Aegis." The protagonist says, "Deal."
Image 3: A drawing of the lobby of the dorms. The protagonist (blue) sits on one of the couches with Koromaru (grey) sleeping with his head in his lap. The TV is on, showing a picture of someone standing at a podium with microphones pointed at them, and blares "Diet member Shido Masayoshi makes bold new proposal on foreign policy..." The protagonist watches, seeming disinterested. The next drawing is of the Big Bang Burger logo, with someone saying, "'Big Bang Burger'?", getting the reply, "Yeah, they just opened a shop last week. Wild Duck's got competition now, I guess." The next panel is of Ryoji Mochizuki (teal) and the protagonist standing together, revealing Ryoji to have been the first one to speak, now continuing, "Eeh, wow, that name is so lame!" as he smiles genially. He then turns to the protagonist, pointing to himself as he says, "Hey, you wanna try it? I'll pay!" The protagonist shrugs and says, "Sure."
End ID.
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jav-uni · 10 days
I’m sure you know this in your business even in your country but I find it so astounding that people here do not understand - 90 percent of this “relationship” was written about in articles. There’s always a “source” never the party involved or anyone with a name. For god sake he was doing a charity video for a teacher and an article was written claiming it must me he’s dating this PT girl. Come on people that’s ridiculous. Thats how this started and you still think that’s a real thing? And in that article it even has Deuxmoi saying he never dates that age range . And then we still didn’t see these two public until the day of her show premiere with a grabbing hand tossing angry Central Park walk. Wake up people. And magazines don’t cover celebs liking things on IG making people into couples. It’s all fabricated. Man has never said her name.
In my country, we have PRs, but they are NOT as publicized at this range: We just hear the rumor or an entertainment journalist shares a grainy pic, and they have some press during a huge event. Or they just spread the rumor without pics. But the GP is smart and they call them out. We call it "just marketing" lol (Our President is not married and when he got elected, and had a GF that appeared out of nowhere when people were wondering if he was in a relationship, and started trolling if he was gay or not, anyways they went public people thought immediately it was PR - they even played that game, they can't fool me! - Even when there was a BUA the GP said "Oh so they finished their contract?", and now he has another GF that also appeared out of nowhere and people are saying, "Oh, she is the new hire") Even entertainment journalists are petty about it, they mention it because they have to, but their comments say otherwise, LOL. There is a reality show on air right now and entertainment journalists said on their shows that producers usually reach out to their participants and ask them to "create content with x participant" which means flirt, make out, etc. They promise them prestige and even make it to the finale because these reality shows are contests.
And some real couples fake breakups to promote their products or brand deals. This summer it was "leaked" a WhatsApp audio of an "A-list" (our version, though) TV host that was implying that she was "having issues" and told a sob story that looks like a breakup, something that you will confide with a friend. People freaked out and thought she was divorcing her husband, both A-list. There was press everywhere and a few days later she posted a statement on her stories saying that she was "having issues with her internet connection and was going to hire ACB internet company", and her next story was the ad.
Long post, I KNOW! I could be talking about this all day lol. But in short, everything is manufactured. Some people don't know it, but when you are inside of the business you can identify how it was manufactured and the strategies bts.
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babytarttdoodoo · 9 months
i love your prompt fills! <3 so, a prompt for me: jamie and roy go out for a beer again, they don't have a fight this time! platonic or romantic is fine, wtv you prefer, i just want them to have a nice time lol
I actually had so much fun writing this and it very quickly became what could be the start to my post-S3 universe that I've been spinning headcanons and lore for.
Because of that, it ends a little weird, but I hope you enjoy it regardless.
Jamie was picking at the edges of the label on his beer bottle. His thumbnails had scraped a nice little mound of soggy, gluey paper onto the shiny surface of the bar and didn't show signs of stopping.
He'd elected for a seat near the door. If this all went sideways, he wanted to make a quick retreat before it came to blows. Again.
His phone buzzed.
From: Roy Running behind. Be there in 5.
Well, he wasn’t being stood up, at least.
To: Roy No worries mate. I’ll get a round in 🍻😜
Jamie flagged down the bartender and asked for another beer, not bothering to replace his own barely touched bottle.
True to his word, Roy strode into Bones & Honey a few minutes later, predictably dressed down in jeans and a leather jacket. Jamie had opted for a nice shirt this time, since his (albeit designer) hoodie had left him feeling out of place on their last outing, even before it got ruined.
He gave Roy a little wave to catch his attention and smiled when he drew close.
“Heya, lad. Just got you a beer, that okay?”
Roy grunted, taking in the two drinks and the pile of scraped up label. His eyebrows did something complicated.
For a moment, Jamie thought Roy was going to berate him for having alcohol and felt indignation swell in his chest. He could do what he fucking liked during the off-season, thank you very much.
He didn’t, though. His gaze lingered on Jamie’s hands around the bottle for another second before he took his seat without complaint and all the fight response deflated from Jamie’s hackles as Roy took a sip from his own waiting beer.
“Sorry I’m late,” he offered, clearing his throat. “Had to drop Phoebe off at her mum’s.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Jamie said. “How is she?”
Roy narrowed his eyes, unfairly suspicious of a perfectly innocent question. “My niece or my sister?”
Jamie snorted, freeing up some of the tightness in his chest. “Phoebe. But if Ruth’s been asking about me…?”
“She fucking hasn��t.”
“Right, then, the nine-year-old it is.”
He grinned cheekily in the face of Roy’s eyeroll, sure he wasn’t imagining the faint twitch of a smile.
“Phoebe spent two hours explaining why she’s planning to cover her room in magic plants or some shit for the summer solstice and only shut up when I gave her ice cream so, apparently, she’s getting weirder. But, yeah, she’s fine.”
Jamie nodded, considering. “Mint. Kids are fucking bizarre. It’s brilliant.”
The quick little exhale of air from Roy might have qualified as a laugh if Jamie were feeling generous. As it was, he was more preoccupied by how… weird Roy was sitting.
He was rigid as a board on the plush stool, leaning decidedly away from Jamie with a hand gripped on the edge of the bar. It looked as uncomfortable as fuck.
“D’you want to move?” Jamie suggested, wondering if the high seat was messing with Roy’s knee, or back, or some other old man body part. “There’s a free table over there.”
Roy’s eyes followed Jamie’s gesture to the booths set along the back of the room and he shook his head. “This is fine.”
“You sure? ‘Cause you look one sneeze away from falling over.”
Roy sighed heavily and made a visible effort to relax, settling more comfortably. “There. Better?”
“You tell me, mate,” Jamie said, bewildered.
Roy grunted again and took a long pull from his beer. It seemed to fortify him for voicing whatever was spinning around in his head.
“Thank you,” he eventually settled on, growling like the words had been dragged unwillingly through his clenched teeth. “For. Suggesting this. We didn’t… I didn’t know if you still wanted to be… Friends. After.” He waved a hand around, gesturing to their surroundings and clearly referencing the last time they’d been there.
“Oh.” Jamie blinked, pleasantly surprised by the admission. “Well, yeah. Didn’t get much of a chance to straighten all that out, did we? I were on a plane fairly quick after the season.”
Roy nodded, staring back at the bartop with that same intensity Jamie could now recognise as discomfort with the subject matter. Or, at least, mostly that.
“Keeley didn’t go with you.”
It wasn’t a question but Jamie answered it anyway. “Er, no. Doubt you’d have wanted to be trapped with me on the other side of the world after all that, either.”
He had been disappointed when Keeley emailed to say Barbara was going to be accompanying him ”for the sake of their professional relationship”. It was fair - it still hurt.
Barbara turned out to be a surprisingly good laugh, though, and was very protective of their contract. In turn, that meant she was militant about ensuring Jamie was taken care of on every shoot and that he got a say in what went to production.
She even kept up with their entirely GIF-based text thread after returning home. It was nice.
“Wouldn’t have minded a free holiday.” Roy broke into Jamie’s thoughts with a shrug and it took him a second to catch up to the conversation again. When he did, he scowled at Roy’s poorly disguised smirk.
“Eh, it weren’t an holiday! I was working! Don’t need to be rude just because no one‘s wanted to take your picture in the last century.”
Jamie sniffed and took a sulky swig of his beer.
“Oi.” Roy knocked their shoulders together. “I’m just joking. I know you work hard.”
“Yeah, well, everyone would do if it were easy, wouldn’t they?”
Roy tilted his head in a ‘fair point’ kind of way and shifted to face Jamie, instead of being actively primed for an escape. “Got anything else lined up for the summer?”
Jamie hummed and shrugged. “Driving up to Manchester next week. Not staying long, though. Mummy and Simon are going on holiday for most of August. Might see if any of the City lads are about.”
“Didn’t realise you still talked to that lot.”
“Not many of the first team. But there’s guys on the reserves and doing PT stuff now that I came up with. We still try to hang out when there’s a few of us in the same place.” Even though Roy seemed more curious than judgemental, Jamie wondered if he was about to be accused of divided loyalties.
He would definitely be at risk of a hefty fine from the team for ‘cavorting with the enemy’ if he ever went on a night out in Manchester during the season.
“You got any friends like that?”
“A few.” Roy’s face turned pensive. “No one from my Sunderland days is playing anymore but I’ve been invited to weddings and shit. Stopped talking to anyone at Chelsea when I left.”
Jamie scoffed. “What’d you do that for?”
The immediate tension in Roy’s jaw made him regret asking but, to Jamie’s surprise, a moment later he took a deep breath and offered an explanation.
“I didn’t want reminders. Wanted to… fucking… disappear. Fuck off and… be forgotten.”
Jamie gaped. “But you’re Roy Kent.”
Roy barked a laugh. “Yeah. Suppose I forgot that for a bit.”
Jamie huffed and shook his head, draining the rest of his beer to cover the warm feeling in his chest at making Roy genuinely laugh.
“Alright, then, you’re an old weirdo with no friends. What are you up to for the rest of the summer?”
The good humour deflated out of Roy again and Jamie immediately regretted whatever had tumbled out of his mouth to cause that reaction.
“I, uh, I’ve been talking to my doctors a lot.” He looked down at his beer, grip turning white-knuckled around the glass. “Looks like I need a partial knee replacement. Soon, if I want to be… fucking upright by the start of the season.”
“Fuck,” Jamie exhaled lowly, glancing down to the leg in question and worrying again about the high bar stool. “They can fix it, though?”
“Theoretically. Said that last time, though, didn’t they?”
Jamie blinked. “What last time?”
Roy turned to him with a furrowed brow. “Oh, right. That was before you came back.”
“You, er, you had to have surgery, then?” Jamie felt vaguely ill. “When you retired?”
“Yeah. Small one. Didn’t help like it was supposed to.” Roy shrugged. “Artho-something. Just made it worse, then better for a bit, then back to a shitting mess in the span of a month.”
Jamie nodded, processing that. Any thoughts he’d spared to Richmond that summer had revolved about Ted and the little army man he still had in his trophy case. He’d avoided thinking about the game that got them relegated as much as possible. Fucking awful night all round, that had been.
Thoughts about Roy, when he let himself linger on them, had been ugly, tainted with guilt and resentment.
His tongue darted out to nervously wet his lips.
“Well, let me know when you’re out of commission this time, yeah? Need me coach to get me back in shape, don’t I?”
Roy chuckled again, smaller this time, and Jamie instantly felt lighter.
“Alright, fair enough.” Roy indicated the empty bottle Jamie was still titling around between his hands. “Same again?”
“Yeah. Yeah, go on then.”
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rant-delulu-blog · 6 months
GMMTV Part 2: A Detrululu post - WinnySatang Edition
(Feel free to call me a clown if I'm wrong)
Part 1: Why I think main show will happen
a) What about ‘We Are’?
Okay so, first of all, I'm not going to lie,... as much as I love the idea now, when they announced the show, I was quite disappointed. Yes, I love the cast so much, but also I was expecting a main show, not ensemble. Anyway, my feelings changed a lot over the following weeks and now I'm so excited about it.
b) We Are: Why the rush?
One of the things that really surprised me about 'We Are' is how fast everything is. How fast workshop went, and how fast they started shooting. I know P'New shows usually air during the first months of the year, but it's still weird to me.
As far as I know, the only one from the cast who has another show is Phuwin (Summer Night) but I have yet to read any rumors about it or any kind of promotion or anything.
Also it’s not about Pond going back to school either since he already started.
2. Logo, Mascot and Merch
I think one of the main things that leads me to believe WinnySatang will have a non-ensemble show next year is the fact that they have a logo and merchandise. Releasing merch with a logo and a mascot before a show is announced is definitely weird, and so far there's not a ship that has acted JUST in an ensemble show that has that.
In addition, in this case, I don't see why MarcPawin and AouBoom wouldn't have those too...
So far since Book Fair last month, they have released (apart from the logo):
Card Sets (this doesn't mean much on its own as Neo, Mark, Dew and Nani also got a set each (which makes DewNani the only ship that hasn't been part of a BL show... which is sus to me but that's material for another post maybe))
Washi tape: an important thing to point out here is that one of them shows clearly a plushie design.
Photo strip
Pocket mirror: this not only has a logo but also a mascot, make of that what you will.
I'm going to ignore standees here since they're related to My School President, and those were the only standees released (edit: and a Neo standee)
a. There aren't any 2024 calendars though, are there?
Nope, you got me there. I have no clue either.
b. What about MilkLove, though?
Yeah, it's true. They don't have any merch or logo either, and you could say the same about Sizzy (as opposed to LYKN -a newer band-)... so, you see the pattern here. Good old GMMTV.
b. If you mean Neomark and Flukethor, they aren't CPs...
True, Flukethor was part of The Warp Effect and Neomark of Only Friends, both ensemble shows by P'Jojo but one immensely more successful than the other (an understatement). We don't know yet what's going to happen with Neomark, as they keep having events together and are even part of School Rangers 2024 lineup, but so far, all their merch has been related to Only Friends.
3. LOL 2024
Okay, so this is also very weird to me. Why wouldn't you include AouBoom and MarcPawin here. It makes no sense whatsoever to me.
I'm going to ignore School Rangers since it's clearly not CP related
4. a. Wouldn't Satang have spoiled something if they had another show?
Satang... well, it's true that he keeps spoiling stuff. Also it's true that he spoiled the fact they had a logo and GMMTV Part 1 date. That last one even meant his manager had to ask the media to delete part of the interview (one of them forgot about it though and they took down the video a couple of hours later). Personally, I think he can't talk much right now.
Also, Satang's second to last sentence during his speech on Book Expo caught my attention.
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'There will be for sure'? Make of that what you will.
b. What about Winny?
Winny has 300 tweets on his account and we barely know if he's alive or not between events so... (he's out there touching grass, good for him or watching anime).
5. Winny's, Satang's and Phuwin's Comments
Another thing that caught my attention now that I think about it are these comments:
a. Winny's comment on Satang's post days before GMMTV Part 1
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What about that bat? That's not QToey ('We Are') for sure.
b. Winny's caption on his own post days before GMMTV Part 1
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Okay, so, Winny and Satang posting nonsense comments or inner jokes isn't anything new. That's their whole thing.
But 'dark romance'? That's also definitely not 'We Are.'
I'd usually say it's just nonsense but there's also Phuwin's comment on an unrelated post from days before
c. Phuwin's comment
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What is it about bats? Seriously? Is it an inner joke or something?
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lostloveletters · 1 month
do you have any headcanons for married life bucky and holly? i love what you’ve written for them so far it sounds like they have a lot of fun together😍
YES! I am constantly thinking about post-war Bucky and Holly, they’re so fun! HCs are below the cut.
Bucky is definitely the “standing in the living room while watching sports” type of dad. You know what I’m talking about. Anyway, the Egans have season tickets to Nationals games. Bucky shows the fuck up when they play the Yankees. Holly gets kind of annoyed when he switches out Henry’s Nationals hat for a Yankees one in the parking lot before they get into the stadium.
Incredibly enthusiastic Little League parents (which you can read more about here!)
Bucky and Holly rent a townhouse in Georgetown that serves its purpose while it’s just them and Henry. When Holly’s pregnant with Cindy, they move to a suburb outside of DC, probably Arlington or Alexandria, and buy a bigger house. It’s beautiful, pretty much everything Holly ever dreamed of.
They throw the best parties. This is the Jell-O mold era. The questionable recipes in women’s magazines era. The themed party era. Everything’s colorful and tacky and probably in poor taste, in retrospect. Bucky can still out drink anyone but he tries to rein it in for the kids. The singing almost always gets out of hand, though. Don't even get him started on 'Happy Birthday'. Holly takes photos of everything (Are they always in focus? No. Do they still go in the photo albums? Yes.)
For the most part, Holly’s a stay-at-home mom. She’s super involved in the kids’ extracurriculars and enjoys dedicating the time to her family. Once both kids are in school full-time, she probably starts volunteering at the National Air Museum to keep herself busy. Bucky loves that for her🖤
They start a lot of traditions together! Going to the Cherry Blossom Festival in the spring. Definitely vacation in Ocean City or Virginia Beach during the summer. Maybe they take a train up to Manhattan around Christmastime for a long weekend, especially when they have kids (and Bucky actually gets to see New York lol).
Between Holly calling Woody, and Bucky calling Buck, and Holly and Bucky calling each other when Bucky’s away, their long-distance phone call budget is high, to say the least. That’s including the phone sex🤭
Toeing the line of obnoxious when it comes to PDA. God forbid a married couple actually like each other...
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fates-theysband · 2 years
All the color asks for Employee 432?
let's fuckin GO [starts looping the kisaragi station song on spotify and attempts to crack my knuckles but just kind of hurts my fingers a little bit]
black - how do you and your f/o comfort each other during rough times?
i mean, before they get their physical form back words are kind of all we have, but once they are able to physically experience the world again touch becomes a huge grounding thing for both of us (it's already one for me lol) so we get super cuddly when one of us has a bad day
dim gray - what do you two wear to formal events? what kinds of formal events do you go to together?
the most formal event either of us would likely get invited to is an office christmas party but if we went to a wedding or something we would probably both wear just suits. our respective personal styles don't really translate well to formal wear lmao
eggshell - how do you show each other that you trust one another?
we're both private people who don't really like talking about our personal problems so the fact that we're willing to open up about stuff to each other is a huge show of trust.
beau blue - what would the both of you do together on a lazy summer afternoon?
provided the heat isn't completely stifling we might go for a walk outside. i imagine it's been a while since they've had fresh air.
french blue - after you two have gone stable, what kinds of dates do you go on?
so i feel like even without the whole "spent a lot of time living in the walls of reality" thing they don't handle crowded or loud places well (which, neither do i) so i'd imagine a lot of museum dates or something to that effect.
indigo - who says ‘i love you’ first? how does it happen?
they do. i imagine it happens while they're still the timekeeper, after we've been actually talking for a while. they say it right before the game cuts to the start menu, in their last dialogue before they epilogue. i blitz through the figley ending so i can get to them again and say it back.
electric violet - what’s something odd, extravagant, or thrilling that you and your f/o like to do sometimes?
since both of us have absolute Gunch sleep schedules we're...not quite regulars at local 24 hour establishments but nobody really remarks on the sight of us anymore.
lilac - what’s something that makes you and/or your f/o nostalgic?
i know in my heart that we both have that Nerdy Kid All Grown Up nostalgia for science museums. probably that's a date we go on at least once.
tea rose - when you and your f/o first get together, how do you act towards each other in terms of affection? is it awkward? does it come naturally?
i mean, they didn't get a lot of human interaction even before Everything and i currently don't get a lot of human interaction so it was extremely awkward at first, especially after they got their body back because it was a constant mental battle for both of us of like. "i am like comically touch starved and there is another person who i know loves me right here but i don't want to overwhelm them".
wild watermelon - what’s both of your dream vacations like? do you agree on the location/activities?
they have that very office worker dream vacation of a tropical vacation to an island resort where nobody, least of all work, has any hope of reaching them until they're back. i'm more of a tourist-friendly city with a lot of history kind of person (although i also agree with the "drop completely off the radar" part). i feel like either of us would be willing to take the other's dream vacation though.
jasper - how fast do you two take your relationship?
well even now i still consider it to be kind of pining stage so i'd say...reasonably slow? like it's still progressing steadily but we're not in a hurry.
auburn - what’s one unhealthy or lavish food you can both agree is worth indulging in?
i swear on my life these exist and they're awesome: deep fried pb&j uncrustables.
coffee - do either of you have a garden or any house plants? if so, how good are you at taking care of them?
we're not really houseplant people (also i imagine just a fictionalized version of my actual place for my ship with 432 and there is simply not sufficient sunlight entering my basement apartment lol)
flame - would you two be more prone to get up early and watch the sunrise or go out and watch the sunset? alternatively, would you stay up until the sunrise and then sleep ‘till one?
oh boy we are night owls, the both of us. catch us waking up at 2 PM and then not wanting to get out of bed for another hour. and then staying up until like 4 AM.
bronze - do you and your f/o have any kinds of traditions you keep?
not yet but it's been like two months, give us time
canary yellow - what are the silliest nicknames you and your f/o use for each other?
we don't have silly nicknames for each other. Yet (meant threateningly).
granny smith apple - if you and your f/o had to move someplace new, where would it be? why?
probably somewhere a little smaller and quieter. less overwhelming for the both of us.
hunter green - what’s your favorite thing to do outdoors together?
go the fuck back inside i'm just goofin. we like picnics!
mountain meadow - on a particularly cold, rainy, or otherwise stay-in-doors kind of day, what activities do you do with your f/o?
we like playing video games and watching trash tv together!!
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beepboop358 · 2 years
I was thinking about season 4 and I think Mike and El will still be together even though he looked confused at the end of s3 because he is not sure if Will feels the same way. So the writers will keep working on showing that they don't work as a couple. Maybe they break up for good this season. And I think Will finally is going to accept himself and this will make Mike start to accept himself too. What if Will comes out to him? It'd change everything, right?
Hi anon!
I am inclined to think Mike & El never officially officially get back together (like have a conversation about it) but El just assumes they are back together since she told him she loved him at the end of season 3. And it kind of fits with what we saw in 004. There's a movie on the st4 list Wayne's World where there's a similar scenario where boy and girl date, then break up, but the girl doesn't understand and is being really clingy and acting like their still together, and the guy is just like chill we aren't even dating anymore. (not an exact quote LOL) But they could be using this movie for the bohemian rhapsody car sing along, or as inspiration for Jonathan & Argyle's friendship 🤷‍♀️ I do think they will give us some moments Mike & El emphasizing they aren't together anymore, etc. etc. They left the season 3 ending up in the air with that for a reason, so they could give us the 'un-development' of them in s4.
I totally agree with you! I don't think Mike realizes Will feels the same way he does :) I think in season 3 Will has kind of accepted himself, and he's just trying to hide it now. I think Will has known since he was a kid, and Mike is the one who is more confused. I don't even think Mike gets to the point where he's just like "ohmygod I'm actually gay" until the very end of season 3. They both have very different experiences with coming to terms with their sexuality in how and when they do, and I just love how the show demonstrates that 😍
I wonder if Will would come out to Mike first. He'd need to feel comfortable and like he knew Mike wouldn't judge him or say anything snarky like he did in season 3 during their fight, but perhaps some trust has been regained over that summer after starcourt (which I still want to know wtf happening with them during because they were FLIRTY at the end of season 3) I think some people would expect Will to come out first and Mike's confession/coming out to come later, and It would certainly open the conversation up for Mike to say how he feels about Will! You're right it would totally change everything! I'm not even totally sure Mike realizes Will is actually gay. It would be perfect if Will came out to Mike when they discuss their fight and how Mike said he "doesn't like girls". I think hearing Will is gay, might help Mike accept himself a little more, because he'd feel less alone, and vice versa for Mike coming out to Will.
thanks for the ask! I hope you're having a good day! 💜
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Hello, hello!! It's me again!! Here to interrupt your feed with yet another of my random genshin thought of the day! Recently, on one of Zach's (Aether's VA) streams with Poonam (Klee's VA), one of the viewers mentioned something about Klee driving a mini-car affectionately titled the 'dodocar'. This got the gears in my head turning, and I started thinking about the different modes of transport each character would use. These are some scenarios my brain came up with!! I wanted to send them your way because you always have the loveliest ideas, and wanted to know if you had any more thoughts on the matter! As such, Miss Hazel, today I present to you my offering of Genshin boys as different modes of transport! 💕
- 🔎
Diluc would drive a car. No question about this. I've always imagined him to have a sleek, modern-looking car that's maybe a little bit on the pricier side, but not completely outrageous by any means. The man doesn't really seem like the type who would want to show off his wealth, but he also can't deny that he has an eye for much of the finer things in life.
You watch as Diluc mans the car, watching the rolling hills flash by the window. There's something uniquely intoxicating about sitting in a car with someone else for hours on end. It makes you want to open up to them, makes you want to share stories which you perhaps wouldn't have wanted to share otherwise, much like a drunkard who's had one glass too many and is now blabbering on about their whole life story. Ah, but then again, perhaps this is only so because the two of you were drunk on something else entirely? You didn't know the answer to that question, but as you watched the way his sunset-eyes crinkled with mirth at your terrible, terrible Michael Jackson impression, you think you were okay with never knowing the answer to that question so long as the two of you could stay in this moment forever, just as you were.
Albedo doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who would really enjoy driving. Instead, I think his preferred mode of transport would be cycling! He wakes up much earlier every morning because he insists on cycling to work instead of driving. Albedo seems like a very practical sort of fellow. Sure, cycling is more time consuming, but it's efficient, more environmentally friendly, and overall better for his health. That makes it a win in his book.
On the weekends though, especially as the weather starts to get warmer and the air is filled with the welcomed promise of spring, Albedo would often take you out for dates in the park on a special tandem-bike. The two of you would cycle around for a while just watching the flowers bloom and the greenery come back to life, before stopping for a quick picnic lunch underneath a grand magnolia tree. You laugh as you move to wipe the little bit of cream from the cake you two just devoured which is still stuck on his upper lip. It's a sweet, saccharine kind of love, one that reminds you of fresh morning-dew and hopeful new beginnings.
Over the summer, you found out that Childe has somehow managed to get his grubby little hands on a jet ski. Uh-oh. He says he wants you to ride it with him. He's saying please. He's giving you the puppy-dog eyes. You cannot say no to that face. You do not know where he got it from or even when he learned how to use a jet ski, but really don't think this is a good idea. Come on, you cannot look at this man and try to convince me that he is not an absolute speed demon. One moment he's showing off cool tricks on the jet-ski and then the next moment he's- oh JESUS CHRIST CHILDE SLOW THE FUCK DOWN, SOMEONE'S GONNA FALL!!
Thankfully, he's a skilled enough driver that everything went relatively smoothly. This time, at least. As he stops the vehicle to give you that dopey little grin and make sure you're still alive, you take a moment to playfully hit him on the shoulder for making your heart race a million miles an hour. He only laughs. Still, it was exhilirating. And you would never admit it to his face, but he does look kind of cool showing off tricks on the water. Maybe this wasn't such a terrible idea after all.
Kaeya is a proud owner of a motorcycle. Specfically, he owns one of those lovely old-school 1980's Honda motorcycles. The people living in your neighbourhood almost went mad the moment they saw him pull up at your door with, complete with dark sunglasses and a leather jacket. You thought he looked rather stupid. Still, you were glad that he brought his bike with him. It made it easier to traverse the city traffic and get to your destination quicker.  Kaeya takes you out on a ride to one of his favourite destinations for a midnight snack: a night market, filled with rows and rows of stalls selling piping hot food. You hop from stall to stall, sharing the food and tasting everything the market has to offer together before heading back with a full heart and a full stomach.
There's a sense of youthful freedom that comes with taking late-night rides with your beau like this. Your arms around his waist, the wind billowing past your face, the moonlight reflecting the stars in his eyes... It makes you feel young again, makes you feel as though you were seventeen once more, discovering the thrills of love for the very first time. You've missed this. You've missed him. Sighing contentedly against his shoulder, you silently watch the blinking city lights fade in and out of view as you drive through the city that never sleeps.
Zhongli... Has no vehicle of his own. He's broke, your honour. Sorry Zhongli, I don't make the rules here. Thankfully, he lives in a city with a great public transport system, so he has no issues getting around if he needs to. The lack of personal vehicles also means he gets to spend more time walking with you, an activity which he has grown to really enjoy, so I suppose there is a silver lining after all. The two of you often work rather late, so the streets were usually barren by the time you leave the office. You and Zhongli would often walk to the train station together after your shifts have ended, basking in the stillness of the night and the almost alien glow of fluorescent lights.
He loves chatting with you during these walks. He would ask you questions about your day, about your work, about plans for the weekend. Sometimes he would point out the different types of plants and rocks he noticed on your walk to the station. In the train, the two of you would sit silently together, content to just enjoy each other's presence. Sometimes, on particularly rough days, you find yourself falling asleep on his shoulder while waiting for your destination. He finds this incredibly endearing, and would always take it as a cue to give you a quick peck on the cheek before tucking you closer to his side.
Sometime later, you two are awoken by the train staff. The both of you had fallen asleep on the train and had missed your stop. Whoops.
i love these! 
I really vibe with the Albedo one too - he’s very practical and pretty frugal, waste isn’t something he seems to enjoy creating so everything eco-friendly would be his go to ( we can be eco-friendly together my dear )
lol Zhongli!
plus you made these cute little interactions T.T adorable to the max!!
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notasdriedapricots · 3 years
Some HCs for young Lucas in Argentina no one needs but here they are
I know it's canon that he "helped build houses in Argentina", and that doesn't mean he necessarily lived there, but it kinda does. And he said he moved a lot in the same chapter, it's implicit, okay I don't care lol. It goes without saying, but if anyone thinks I'm wrong/wants to ask about something specific or that I forgot/wants to add something, you're more than welcome and I'd love that.
Ok, so given that a few days ago was a homeland date, and that the very next day a mate (this 🧉, not this 🧍‍♂️) was thrown at me on the dashboard (which was awesome tbh) I actually sat down and wrote them. And now here they are
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- So, while we're still at the subject: mate. For those who don't know, mate is basically shared reversed tea, that's the easiest way to explain it; it's not tea, but it's close enough, and the proportion between leaves and water is inverted, and you pass the thing around until you're out of water. Yeah, you know Lucas was not into the whole "five people sharing a straw" thing, he found it disgusting, but he eventually gave in because of peer pressure. He wouldn't now, but at the time he was a teenager in a foreign country trying to make friends and was already at a disadvantage (more on this below). He liked the taste, though; it's kinda like a strong green tea. Still avoided it whenever he could, but did have it on his own at home sometimes while studying, and he knows all the details about it (dusting the leaves, appropriate water temperature, starting with cold water, not overpouring, not moving the straw...). Hasn't had it since he moved away, though.
- When? From mid 2008 to late 2009. So, because I headcanon him as being born in 92, he moved there soon after turning sixteen and left at about seventeen and a half. I was rambling about the school year but I feelt it got too technical; I'll explain it further if you want, but I swear it makes sense.
- Another basic: Where? Maybe surprisingly, not Buenos Aires. His dad would have business there because of course he would, but he wouldn't take his family to live there. They would live in another big city, likely Córdoba, that's close enough (and has regular, hour-long flights to and from Bs. As.), big enough, but less dangerous. In a private neighborhood, though; the famous one on the south side. The horse related one. Wink.
- It's practically canon that he was in TECHO, come on. Which makes sense, because TECHO has always been full of rich kids.
- Obsessed with the food. A mixture of Spanish and Italian with a twist, plus fantastic meat and fantastic wine. Simple but effective. And his mother picked up some cooking habits and recipes, which he appreciated deeply.
- Appreciates the simplicity of the whole concept of "asado", and his high school friends taught him to light a fire properly. Keep achuras the fuck away from him, though.
- Has a weakness for dulce de leche, of course, and keeps a jar of it in his fridge at all times.
- Love/hate relationship with the slang. So. Much. Slang. And it was hard the first month. Like, you thought "succulent" was bad? He got war flashbacks from that. He spoke Spanish Spanish at first, so he got made fun of for the way he pronounced the "z"s and some "c"s, and how he said "tú" and "vosostros" instead of "vos" and "ustedes" (this explanation is useless if you have no idea about the differences between Spanish and Rioplatense Spanish, but this would have been such a big deal. Think a whole new way to conjugate 2° singular AND plural. Also verb usage. Also, if we do put him in Córdoba, the accent. Also very fast speech. Poor Lucas).
- On the note of language, even though he was kinda shocked at first, he ended up finding the extremely liberal use of curse words hilarious.
- Tried going to a football match. Once, and never again. Not vibing with the "climate"...
- Played football with a group of high school friends every Saturday.
- Still baffled by the politics.
- Went to the coast for a week one summer. It was supposed to be two but his parents were like "Nope" and left early. Still thinks people who go to the beaches are low-key-high-key delusional. ("You know that Brazil is right there, right? It's literally one plane away.")
- So shocked at first when every guy he was introduced to bro hugged him and every girl kissed him on the cheek. He quickly got used to it, though, and lowkey missed the excessive warmness when he left.
- Surprised at how people could have the most offensive nicknames and be completely fine with it. I'll just say he himself got fucking lucky he didn't get one.
- Had a group of friends that he missed like crazy when he left. They threw him a surprise goodbye party and showed up at the airport. He still talks to most of them every once in a while.
- He had to readjust a bit when he returned to the UK.
- During college he went back twice, once in summer and once in winter. In summer he rented a car and went through the "Route of wine" in Mendoza, and then drove through the Patagonia (aka the south of the country). In winter he visited the north: the Iguazú waterfalls, the north-west, and some big cities.
- Oh, and that gif is from what became one of his favourite movies: Nueve Reinas. He was watching The Simpsons on TV when the episode ended and the movie began, so he left it on. If you're curious, DO NOT watch the American version; there's a very strong cultural factor that is completely incompatible and ruins the movie.
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bisluthq · 3 years
One thing that I think you’re missing from the Lover “invisible muse” theory is that Lover is the only album she’s ever written about someone while she was dating them, without having any kind of shield/protection.
Someone wrote a very smart thread on Twitter when Lover came out, about how it’s difficult to write and release songs about someone you’re coming home to every night. It’s one thing to write ATW, Style, IWYW, Dear John, SBT, I Almost Do... about past relationships and then say “I never name names!” (even though everybody knows - or suspects - who you’re singing about); it’s another thing to write songs about the person you’re currently dating and you want to have a successful relationship with. Everybody knows (or thinks) that she’s singing about Joe. And sure, maybe she’s not (we’re not in her mind), but the point is that everyone is gonna automatically assume that everything she sings is about him. And she sure as hell didn’t t help her case when she said that her music is about her life (something that she was still doing during the Lover era, let’s not forget that).
Which is why that Twitter thread said that in Lover the perspective is strongly hers. We hear very few details about Joe, it’s more about what she feels for him, and that’s because she needs to come back to him at night. That’s a person - and a relationship - she treats with care (per her words): she’s not gonna air his dirty laundry (or even go into excessive praise of him) in public. If she did that, the relationship would probably become unmanageable.
Why was she able to go more in depth with rep and folklore/evermore? Because she had a shield. With rep it was the persona she constructed, and with folklore/evermore it’s the narrative that she isn’t writing solely about herself. The latter has always been true, but now she’s officially saying it out loud and she’s making sure that everybody knows it (look at the SNL skit...), which means that she’s more comfortable singing about him/their relationship more in depth: because she has the shield of “this is fiction” protecting her.
Lover is the only album she’s ever written about someone while being with that someone and without having any kind of protection. In rep she’s singing from another persona for half of the album, and in the other half she’s only ever singing about cute little stuff related to him. Plus she wrote almost all the songs on rep BEFORE news broke that they were dating. On folklore and evermore the EXPLICITLY autobiographical songs are VERY much about her/about cute stuff (lss, invisible string...). Even when they’re about something deeper, they’re about how HER problems influence the relationship (peace). The songs where she really sings about their problems from his point of view are all fictional (like cowboy like me).
She’s simply protecting her own mental health, their relationship and probably also him. With her last two albums she found a very balanced way to protect her own mental health and her relationship, with Lover she was still navigating how to do that, imo.
And anyway, Cornelia Street, Paper Rings, False God, Afterglow (and Cruel Summer, but I know you don’t think it’s about him) are all VERY detailed and personal. London Boy is not meant to be taken seriously, but it still has cute little details about their relationship (like the whole “so please show me Hackney, doesn’t have to be Louis V up on Bond Street” which mimics KOMH). Daylight, MA&THP and ME! are meant to be from her perspective from the very beginning. The only songs that really strike me as “distant” and “generic” are ITHK and everything in Lover apart from the bridge. But she wanted the latter to be a wedding song: that’s why she made the verses and the chorus generic enough so that everybody could relate to them in a wedding dance, and then she wrote an incredibly autobiographical bridge to show that the song is still hers. And about ITHK she said “Basically, I was playing around with the idea of quiet confidence. There's something so sick about quiet confidence; somebody who, they're not arrogant, they're not cocky, like, that's obnoxious. But, there are certain people who just walk in and they don't need to be arrogant because there's something beaming from within them that they probably aren't even in control of. And when you meet a person like this, you're like, 'Why do I want to walk over there and talk to that person?' I can't explain it, but I think it's this quality. It can be a really shy person, it's not like you gotta be loud. Some people just seem like they know who they are, they don't need to brag about it” and that SCREAMS Joe, so I think she very much had him in mind when writing the song.
Fair points and very eloquently argued!
One thing I feel strongly about lol because I’m such a simp for that song (like I know she meant for Lover to be a wedding song but this is probs gonna be mine if my future spouse agrees lol): I don’t think she sings about problems from his POV in CLM. I think that’s a very romantic song but obvi fictionalized. I think the only real deep dive we’ve had on how both parties feel or have felt is CI and maybe parts of evermore and I think that’s because they’re co-written I think he contributed his own ideas and feelings and thoughts.
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with the two spunch bop episodes being pulled and making them kind of "lost" episodes even though there's gonna be dvds still with them or pirate streaming sites so i don't think they will truly be lost media one day but anyways lost media in general always interested me remember the whole debate on whether or not "a day with spongebob" was real or not lol i am glad in this day and age it's easy to upload and save media content and that even if they do get pulled there will be a copy looming
Yeah! I find it funny how people act like it'll become lost media just because it's not on streaming services. Its still gonna be aired on cable, on dvds, and the internet! Things these days are less likely to become lost media because of the internet which I'm thankful for. Things like all the episodes of astrology with squidward tho is actually lost forever.
I too also watched videos about if "a day was spongebob" was real. I've always seen the promo pic floating on the internet. It's great how we have youtube and other people who are willing to dig into that. Kinda sad it never actually got made and remained just an idea. But at least we know the bottom of it! It feels fun finding out these things with other people. That's what makes the internet fun!
Though I've heard we are living in a digital darkage right now. A lot of media and information is stored on the internet. Only accessed with the devices we currently have. Sometime in the future, there might be an issue where people need the specific devices we use right now to access out information. That's going to be an issue. Then this stuff will become lost media lol
Personally, lost media I'm really interested in (that's not spongebob related) is the original jimmy two shoes pilot. Apparently the show was supposed to be for adults and officially set in hell instead of miseryville. And I need to see it?? Sadly it seems like it's gonna stay as permanent lost media until an investor has a copy of the pilot and is willing to cough it up.
Or these weird shorts that used to come on during the summer when I was a little kid. One was someone fishing in an ice pond and the thing becomes really trippy and surreal. It felt like a fever dream. Another was a short about a cat that was down to their last life and some other animal has this split personality that wants to end the cats life, but also save it. Another about a dog who causes chaos by thinking they're smarter than everyone else. They were all fever dream creepy and I want to know if they exist out there. Somewhere.
That's a mystery for another day.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Okay, I'm SO curious who you'd match me with (if you don't have time for that, it's fine tho 😊) I'm outspoken and headstrong if I'm convinced to do the right thing, but also emphatic and try to help everyone. I believe in karma, so try to be kind to people. I'm often impatient, but never with people who try their best. I regularly want to do seven things at once and end up doing none, but most of the time I try to stick to the plan. I'm not really romantic, but see love in the little things. 😊
Hi, there love! I always have time to do a match up for ya!<3 Thanx so much for the request! sorry for taking soooo long lol! I hope you enjoy! 
Hehe, I had some difficulty with your matchup cause I could easily see you with most of the warlords… but finally, I made a decision! 
So I match you with..................... Ieyasu
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Wow you were an outspoken firecracker when you first arrived. You definitely didn’t take the warlords shit! Although in saying that even though you were a strong-willed, determined woman, you were also incredibly gentle and kind. That firecracker in you only really came out when you were threatened or had to stand up for your beliefs. After made sure Nobunaga understood that you were not to be treated like some toy or object, you reverted to your crazy sweet, kind state. You reminded them all so much of a 2nd Mitsunari. An angel in disguise. You were loving and compassionate towards everyone, even Hideyoshi stopped suspecting you after seeing how hard you were working and what a sweetie pie you were.
 Ieyasu would often pull his face at your pure, innocent naivety; he didn’t need another Mitsunari making his life difficult. He would usually roll his eyes whenever you and Mitsunari would beam at each other and talk about your days. Although you quickly came to realize his contradictory ways, as he would always whisper explanations of complicated war jargon to you during war councils, because quote on quote, “your clueless expression can be seen from a mile away.” Or he would even bring you food to eat during banquets because “a weakling like you would faint in a second if you don’t eat a proper meal.” After that, you made up your mind that there was more to this sulky boy than meets the eye.
On day Nobunaga declared that you, Masamune, and Ieyasu were to join him in settling a dispute in a neighboring region. Naturally, you rode with Ieyasu because if you were to ride with Masamune, the two of you may get lost and cause more trouble for him. Ieyasu held you gently in his arms, going at a slow, steady pace to ensure maximum comfort, although he would never admit to doing that. 
You guys discovered that the local daimyo of the region was overtaxing his people to the point of starvation as he would take their all their crops as payment as well as any money they made from selling what little they had left. In addition, the daimyo had switched loyalties, so this was a trap to lure Nobunaga out and assassinate him while trying to settle the dispute. You, Masa, Nobunaga, and Ieyasu were heavily outnumbered, as the daimyos goons started filing into the room ready to kill you guys. You honestly felt sick to your stomach at the way this man was using and abusing the people he was put in charge of. As the fight broke out and continued, you spotted the daimyo trying to sneak away in the chaos. It was now time for your fight or flight instincts to kick in, and you chose to fight. You ran out the door to follow him, dodging all the weapons flying through the air. Out the corner of his eye, Yasu spotted you chasing after the daimyo and swiftly fought his way through the room to follow you. You ran as fast as you could down the hallway to catch up to the guy. Once he was within arm’s reach, you threw yourself to the ground, grabbing hold of his legs in a tackle. Unfortunately, you had forgotten everyone had carried weapons in the past. The man was twice your size, and his attention was now entirely on you. The two of you wrestled for a while until he drew his sword. Things were looking pretty grim for you. He drew his sword high in the air, intending to deliver a final blow to end your life when it was blocked by non-other than the porcupine boy himself. At this point, all his goons had been defeated, and it was just the daimyo left. You were still on the floor and decided to help Yasu out by kicking the man’s knees in, causing him to tumble to the ground allowing Yasu to knock him out. You let out a sigh of relief at finally being safe. Emerald eyes full of anger was now turned on you “Silly girl, what were you thinking tackling a guy twice your size to the ground, do you have a death wish or something,” You stated that you couldn’t just stand by and watch that sleazy guy get away from inflicting so much pain and hurt on other. You had only acted on instinct. Before things got too heated, Masamune defused the situation by complimenting the brave lass on saving the day. He walked you out of the room and gave you a ride back
That night an unexpected guest knocked on your door. Yasu let himself in. You were shocked; you kind of low key thought he really disliked you, especially by the way he was calling you weak and stupid for 20mins after talking down that asshole. He sat down gently in front of you and gave you a salve for your hands and legs, cause during your little wrestling match with the daimyo you got a few scratches and bruises. You were double shook, especially when he wore such a gentle expression. He apologized for what he said, all while stuttering and being as red as a tomato. He stated that he wasn’t angry, just worried about what could have happened if he wasn’t there to protect you. At the end of his little apology, he admitted he was wrong for calling you weak because he had never seen a woman so headstrong in his life before, much less take down a man twice her size without a second thought. He gave you a small head pat hoping to convey his feelings and left. And so, your friendship started.
In the weeks that followed, he took it upon himself to teach you some self-defense in the form of archery. He definitely didn’t choose to teach you this so that he can hold you in his arms while guiding you to fire an arrow or anything. The two of you actually got to get to know each other a bit better through these lessons. You, for one, had come to see the real Yasu, a gentle kind spirit. You fell in love with him a little during these lessons. Often after these lessons, he would invite you over for some tea, obviously, under the pretense of you needing to rehydrate; otherwise, you are going to cause problems for him if you fainted from dehydration. During one of these tea dates, you even got to meet the little fawn. Better yet, Ieyasu gave you a basket full of veg to feed the little deer by hand, your heart was won.
One day you were busy carrying some books back to the archive when you spotted Ieyasu. You called out to him so the two of you could walk together cause you noticed he was headed in the same direction. Your clumsiness decided to strike you and that very moment, as you tripped on the flat ground. You had braced yourself for the pain of hitting the floor only to land onto something soft…. Ieyasu. Both of you were now nose to nose. Yasu’s heart was beating out of his chest, and honestly, both of your faces couldn’t be any redder. You helped him up while apologizing profusely only to be met with not a scold but him laughing. You were so confused even more, so when he let it slip that, only he could fall in love with a clumsy girl like you. When that statement slipped from his mouth, his eyes went wide at the realization, and he covered his mouth with both his hands. You just smiled and grabbed hold of both his hands, pulling them down so you could give him a small kiss. You just looked at his utterly shocked expression, gave him the biggest smile, said “me too,” and continued on route to the archive. And that my friend is how your relationship started.
Both of you weren’t really big on romance, but you did show your love for each other with little gestures. Yasu also opened up completely to you during this time about everything. Especially about his past and how weak and defenseless he sometimes felt. You just accepted this softie boi with open arms. You told him your beliefs on karma and that all those who had caused him pain in the past would have to answer for their cruelties eventually. He thought he must have had some crazy good karma to have found and be loved by someone as beautifully wonderful as you. The two of you loved to spend time together cuddling and nuzzling each other. Hugging Ieyasu was like embracing a big soft cloud, it was so sweet and warm. He loved giving you little Eskimo and butterfly kisses to show his affection. His kisses were soft like a whisper and as sweet as candy. You loved it when the two of you would spend your breaks together, just playing outside with wasabi or chilling under a shady tree. Or even when he would surprise you with some homemade rice balls for the two of you to share in the garden. The two of you could often be found snuggled up together, reading while sipping on some tea in the warm summer sun.
Other potential matches.............Masamune or even Nobunaga 
I hope you enjoyed it! and thanx again for the request! ^0^
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All the questions >:D (You don't have to :p)
Ahhhh thank you :D It’s gonna take some time to reply to all of them though haha :P
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
Hmm a friend that I haven’t seen for a long time ^.^2. Are you outgoing or shy? Sometimes I can seem outgoing but... actually it’s not true... at all XD
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? Hmm a friend :3
4. Are you easy to get along with?
Yep, people tell me I’m kind so I think so.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Hmm I guess XD
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
I really like those people who are kind not just towards me but with everybody. And those people who have a passion, a dream and are brave enough to go after it :3
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
I really don’t think so lol
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Hmm you :P
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Not if I’m talking about it with a close friend... but if I’m talking to a person I don’t know well, yes. It can be veeeery embarassing XD
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My mother. We have a great relationship and we usually have deep and meaningful converations.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
I was talking about air conditioning and how much useful it is XD
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
The one that I’m obsessed with is called Azegag by Mamamoo (Don’t judge me! It’s a korean song and I find it very funny and happy, it’s perfect for summer :P)
Same Dark Places by JR JR
Mess is mine by Vance Joy
Run boy run by Woodkin
Believer by Imagine Dragons :3
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Yes! I really like it
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
I believe in luck but miracles... I’m not so sure.
15. What good thing happened this summer?
Nothing yet XD Well, my friends bought me a neck choker that I love and a book that I adore ^.^ I don’t like celebrating my birthday but they make it so fun.
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
... *whispers* I never kissed anyone... that’s embarrassing... byeee :P
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
Yes! I don’t believe in those close encounters of the third kind but the universe is huge! And it’s infinite (maybe), wouldn’t it be terrifying if we were the only ones in here??
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
Yep XD
19. Do you like bubble baths?
I don’t usually take bubble baths but I kinda like it. It’s relaxing.
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Hmm my neighbor is an old lady that I’ve seen five time in my all life haha so... yes? XD
21. What are you bad habits?
I can be messy sometimes and I tend not to talk about my problems directly. Also I can be kind of passive and I wish I was more motivated. Also I can be kinda pessimistic... that’s it XD
22. Where would you like to travel?
California and Korea :3
23. Do you have trust issues?
Yeah, it’s very difficult for me to trust people, boys... even friends sometimes.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Coffee time :D
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
Hmm my thighs/legs. There’s nothing wrong but I don’t like them.
26. What do you do when you wake up?
I check what time it is. And it’s usually late haha
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
I’ve never thought about it... I’m kind of pale so I wouldn’t want to have it lighter. Maybe just a little bit darker because I can’t get tanned. At all XD
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My friends from high school :3
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Hmm I’m not sure...
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Maybe! If I find the right one, why not? :3
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
My hair’s very long so yes, definitely.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
A threesome? :O That’s too much action for me hahaha
33. Spell your name with your chin.
What? Hahahah M-A-R-T-A XD
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
I just go jogging and I used to go horse riding when I was younger.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
Without TV
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
I start mumbling about something stupid I’ve done or heard XD
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Hmm kind, with a good sense of humor, sweet but not too cheesy, creative and... that’s it :3 Ah and we should have some hobbies in common of course ^.^ Also I like people who are open minded.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Muji, which is a nice, japanese stationary shop. And Tiger because it has lots of cute and cheap stuff. And H&M for clothes.40. What do you want to do after high school?
Hmm I’m already in uni so... XD I’m going to study Japanese both Language and culture and a bit of Korean ^.^
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m usually very quiet but if I’m too quite it might mean that I’m extremely worried.
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Yep, sometimes.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Uhh, both :D
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Family and... routine probably.
46. What are you paranoid about?
I’m paranoid when it comes to be around people I don’t know well. I start thinking that they’re just pretending to like me when it’s not actually true.
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Hmm a couple of times. DESCLAIMER: I don’t usually drink but lately I found out that I don’t mind it if I’m with my friends and I don’t really get too drunk or do crazy stuff so... wait, maybe I was just high then? :O
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Hmm I spent lot of time sleeping XD
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
It was black... almost all my clothes are black haha
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Yep, nobody in particular... just somebody who wasn’t me.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My personality
53. Favourite makeup brand?
KIKO, becuase it’s cheap XD54. Favourite store?
Muji :D55. Favourite blog?
I can’t choose just one ahh56. Favourite colour?
Indigo57. Favourite food?
Sushi58. Last thing you ate?
Hamburger59. First thing you ate this morning?
A snack with a glass of milk
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Hmm I don’t think so.61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Nah, I’m a good kid :P62. Been arrested? For what?
No XD63. Ever been in love?
Yes, I guess64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
...65. Are you hungry right now?
I just had lunch66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Hmm I really like my Tumblr friends 67. Facebook or Twitter?
None XD68. Twitter or Tumblr?
Tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now?
No, I’m not watching it XD70. Names of your bestfriends?
Melissa, Alessandra, Giada, Agata. Nice names, aren’t they? :371. Craving something? What?
No72. What colour are your towels?
Light brown and purple72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Two! I love pillows.73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Just one giant and fluffy cat XD74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Lot of them haha but in my room there are just a couple ^.^75. Favourite animal?
I love all animals and I really can’t choose one76. What colour is your underwear?
😏😏😏 Why do you ask haha? Black... it’s always black XD77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Vanilla78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Hmm I don’t know how it is called in English but it’s basically milk with small pieces of chocolate.79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
Blue80. What colour pants?
Black81. Favourite tv show?
Right now it’s Stranger Things82. Favourite movie?
I don’t have one83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
... What’s this? XD84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
O.O85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
O_O86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
Uhh Doriiii, she’s my sprit animal XD87. First person you talked to today?
My mother88. Last person you talked to today?
My dad haha89. Name a person you hate?
I don’t hate anyone. I’m a peaceful person :P90. Name a person you love?
My family, friends and animals... all of them XD91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Myself :D92. In a fight with someone?
No93. How many sweatpants do you have?
A couple94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Too many to remember XD95. Last movie you watched?
A Street cat named Bob :3 (The cat was way so fluffy)96. Favourite actress?
Hmm Emma Watson I think97. Favourite actor?
Ahh I don’t know... Tom Hiddleston maybe XD98. Do you tan a lot?
Not at all haha99. Have any pets?
Seven cats XD100. How are you feeling?
Sleepy101. Do you type fast?
Not really haha102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Yes :O103. Can you spell well?
In Italian yes XD I have to check some words in English though ^.^104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
Just my old self XD105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
No106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
No, I’m a kind human being :P107. Have you ever been on a horse?
Yes!108. What should you be doing?
I should be studying Japanese Art and Japanese but I’ll do it later XD I still have the entire afternoon haha109. Is something irritating you right now?
The hot weather110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Yes... don’t judge me please *blushes*111. Do you have trust issues?
Yes112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My mom113. What was your childhood nickname?
I didn’t have any114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
Yes, I’ve been to Austria, Spain and Portugal next week :D115. Do you play the Wii?
I used to116. Are you listening to music right now?
No117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Yes!118. Do you like Chinese food?
Yes!!119. Favourite book?
Ahh too many to choose :O120. Are you afraid of the dark?
No... ok, maybe. But just a bit XD121. Are you mean?
No122. Is cheating ever okay?
It’s never ok. It can happen and I think I might even forgive a person who cheated on me but it’s not ok.123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
CAN SOMEBODY KEEP THOSE THINGS CLEAN? XD124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Hmm I think that you can actually feel something special for a person at first sight but falling in love takes much more than that imo.125. Do you believe in true love?
Yes, I do believe in true love even if I understand that even true love can’t be perfect.126. Are you currently bored?
Nah :3127. What makes you happy?
My family and friends. Also stories, books, tv series,exploring :3128. Would you change your name?
I think so XD129. What your zodiac sign?
Cancer130. Do you like subway?
I don’t know XD131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Hmm let’s hang out together? :P132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My mother133. Favourite lyrics right now?
I have a long way to go but why am I running in place?I scream out of frustration but the empty air echoesI hope tomorrow will be different from todayI’m just wishing134. Can you count to one million?
Yes XD135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
“My dad’s not home right now” I said on the phone while my dad screamed “Who’s on the phone?” XD136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Closed137. How tall are you?
1 m 62138. Curly or Straight hair?
Straight139. Brunette or Blonde?
Brunette140. Summer or Winter?
Winter141. Night or Day?
Night142. Favourite month?
July143. Are you a vegetarian?
No, I tried and miserably failed haah144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Dark145. Tea or Coffee?
Coffee146. Was today a good day?
Ah... yes?147. Mars or Snickers?
Mars148. What’s your favourite quote?
”Worry less about the person you once were, or the person you dream you someday will be. Worry about the person you are right now. Or don’t even worry! Just be that person, the best version of that person you can be”.149. Do you believe in ghosts?
I don’t know150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
I have two books open in front of me... the first one is full of Japanese verbs ^.^ The first line of the other is an Italian poem “Trovando la strada come aperta, correvo per quella più speditamente” Not one of my favourites though XD
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airsay58259 · 7 years
(1/2) Do you watch the French dub of The Flash/any other English-language shows, or ignore it altogether? I used to be much more obsessed with different translations of the same texts than I am now, but this obsession still occasionally resurfaces. So I pretty much always watch dub on TV and later compare it to what the characters actually had said. Sometimes the results are pretty weird, when our translators don't bother to (don't get paid enough to?) find out if something might be (tbc.)
(2/2) an idiom or a pop culture reference, and just translate it literally, and I facepalm. Weird subtexts appear where they weren't supposed to be, the characters acquire random tragic backstories out of nowhere - fine, sometimes translations are surprisingly good. So I've been wondering how do other fans from the countries where English isn't a/the main language interact with the official dub. And, well, decided to ask.
Interesting ask! I used to watch every English/American shows dubbed because I didn’t have much of a choice then (before “TNT TV” came around here with the option to watch the original version, or well, when I started watching online). Smallville, Buffy, Friends... the “normal” version in my brain is the French dub and hearing the real voices sounds weird to me now so if I watch reruns, I keep the French dub - even if I know it’s better with the original version, kids’ memories are a strong thing. 
But now I watch everything with the original language, even if I don’t speak it (I watched a Brazilian show on Netflix, 3%, pretty cool). When I catch a show on TV, French dubbing sounds just awful nowadays (I know a few people in the business, what used to be an actual job with budget and time turned into a half-time job people need to get done as fast as possible, sadly Netflix -which I otherwise love- and other similar services are the main reason, they need the shows dubbed much faster than before, while French TV used to air shows 9 months/1 year after the US). Flash airs during the summer here and sometimes when I had nothing to do I’d watch the episode with my mom, who always watches the dubbed version of everything, and ohmygod it’s terrible. To give you an idea, Barry sounds like a 13 year old boy. You can watch the French trailer here. 
The translation changes the meaning of lines sometimes and my favorite (worst) thing is the metahumans name. Captain Cold? He’s Captain Glaçon. That’s right, not Capitaine Glaçon, they just translated half the name because while French people apparently can’t understand “cold”, they’re good with Captain, thanks Marvel I guess. Reverse Flash becomes Nega Flash, which is also the case in french comics so can’t blame them... but ugh. One of the best lines from the pilot also became utterly useless, when Oliver first says “like a Flash”, in French it’s “comme un éclair” (like a lightning), so later when Barry voices-over to say a friend gave him the idea for a name, it just doesn’t make any sense. Also my eyebrows raised when Caitlin’s “someone I care about” (=Barryin 107) became “someone I love” in French lol, where’s your chill translator.
I think dubbing could be good again if done well. I always prefer the original but sometimes my friends drag me to the theater and since they’re muggles, they watch with dubbing. It’s a lot better than TV shows, I’ll admit. Current TV shows though, meh. Netflix isn’t even trying with the shows they directly buy. In Outlander someone said “court”, speaking about the King’s court (and it’s a french word initially), but the translation was tribunal (court of law). Sure dure, characters are in freaking Versailles meeting the King but ok, tribunal it is.
What do you think about dubbing in your country? 
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insugarush · 7 years
Prelude Part II: Wings Tour in Seoul 18th & 19th February 2017---The Process
Prelude Part I
Prelude Part II: Wings Tour in Seoul 18th & 19th February 2017
Part 2: The Process: Bias, Accommodation, Permission, Tickets, Visa, Letters—In that order!
Now that I was an established and a very public Army (my family couldn't fathom my obsession—they still don't—but it was no secret) like everybody else, I was devouring the endless content BTS and BigHit keep us happy with, constantly. 24/7. They would make my day brighter. Bring a smile to my face. Make me laugh out loud. Make me tear up. All in front of my laptop. YouTube was my new best friend and I carried around electronics wherever I went because come on—it becomes an addiction and you start getting withdrawal symptoms when you go even a day without them! I am not the fan-girling type, but boy oh boy, did BTS convert me and convert me hard! They have this special gift of making each and every one feel so up close and personal with them. I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking this..they brought out this protectiveness in me that I only reserve for my closest and bestest friends. I wished the best for them, wished to protect them, wished to do things to help them.
I was so upset when I came across that video of RapMon and Yoongi being dissed by Bfree or whoever the hell he was.
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Lets not even talk about Flower Boy Crew or whatever, one look at Kookie’s face on an article that spoke about his mistreatment and I refused to watch it.
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It still makes my blood boil. Sometimes, I stay up thinking of ways to exact revenge on those assholes, excuse my French. Ugh. Anyway. Moving on.
What I’m trying to say is, the connection was real and intense and unbreakable right from the get go.
Lets take a moment to talk about biases because it's a rite of passage isn’t it? One has a bias. One loves all 7 babies equally, but one always, always, always has a bias that makes one’s knees weak. It may come as a surprise to you (my name is insugarush after all), but my chosen bias within the first few weeks of being a newborn Army was Jungkook.
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He was cute and his moves mesmerized me and there were endless videos about how adorable he is and also contradictingly manly and oh-so-talented and he likes Noonas (yayy small victory there) The Golden Maknae had caught my attention and I was pretty sure that would be it. I remember being annoyed at Suga while watched Summer Package thinking “Why is he so lazy” “why is he so sleepy and grumpy” “Jungkook is so cool” “He hardly even has footage”
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This was before, of course, I knew about how hard he worked and all his issues. All older Armys will remember Suga used to get little footage earlier even in variety shows as compared to the rest of the boys, probably because in the pre AgustD era he used to be more reserved and just generally more quiet and not this funny, spontaneous, carefree, fun person we see today (touch wood) (may God always keep him this happy and give him more and more reasons to be with every passing day)
But this is what I tell people. I didn't choose Yoongi, Yoongi chose me. Much like life and fate and other small, inexplicable things that ultimately come together to form the bigger picture. I don't know how it happened, during which show or concert or bomb, but way before the BST comeback, suddenly, my radar picked up on Yoongi. I couldn't look past Yoongi. Everyone else faded into the background and it was just Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi for me. All his charms came to the forefront and suddenly the same videos I watched and got annoyed at earlier now became super-duper cute and I just entered this black hole and just…you get the point. He destroyed me. Ruined me for life. It was 2 weeks of Jungkook and then Yoongi was like “bitch look at me” and I was a goner. He STOLE my heart people. STOLE it. And now its his forever. <sigh>
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Sliding into my bias list like.
Anyway. I had made up my mind. BTS was true love. I had to see it till the end. The moment even just the rumours started circulating about their world tour, I promised myself I would attend one of their concerts. I promised myself I would make it work somehow! Do what it takes. Go wherever it’s easiest to get permission. I think that was still around their comeback sometime in October, because there was no official announcement yet.
Once it was announced the easiest target for me was LA. I had family there and visa, and also a fellow Army cousin sister, so it was literally just about booking the flight and getting the concert tickets, everything else would be taken care of, and my parents would be satisfied. This happened on 19th November. As expected it was easy to get permission from my family, and I got super-duper excited because I really thought this is gonna happen! What I didn’t expect was issues cropping from my family there..it seemed they wouldn't be around at that time etc etc…my heart was broken people. Into a million tiny pieces. Its one thing knowing you can never go, but another getting so close to going, seeing literally everything work out, and then having to cut out that dream and throw it away again. My family tried to make me feel better saying there would be a next time and there are so many concerts to come but I was sad. For exactly 2 days. Lol.
Like I said, I don’t give up. For a moment, I considered trying for Newark. Same country, different coast, but I had friends so it might work. Worth a shot! I was desperate. I just didn’t want to give up. The next day I got talking to another cousin whose in Dubai and we decided amongst ourselves that it was now or never. Forget anywhere else, we MUST go to Seoul for this. There would be more concerts, true, but this in particular was a special one! This one had all the boys’ solos and it was a next step, the end of one era and the beginning of a new one and the first concert was in Seoul. We must go. And it HAS to be Seoul because we have noticed the level of interaction the boys have with KArmys (obviously because of no language barrier—though int Armys get their own perks in their concerts)
21st November I booked accommodation online on my credit card. I didn't tell a soul, just me and my cousin, without permission, without tickets, flight OR concert—just pure faith that I need to make this work. The only thing on my mind was---people will flood the city and even if we get permission and tickets and visa, maybe there would be no room for us in Seoul because everything would be sold out! Lol. The mind is funny when it panics. Of course the whole city wouldn't have been sold out! It was a BTS Concert, not Olympics! But in my mind it was just as big, if not bigger.
I made sure I booked rooms that can be paid at a later date, took a wild guess at the dates (we had the tour dates I just booked 2 days before to 2 after) and it came down to $1000 for 2 rooms, max 5 people. Not a bad deal if you do the math!
Permission. Now this was a whole other ordeal. If most of you reading this are from India, like me, then you know this is not normal yet. Letting your daughter travel all the way to another part of the world just for a concert, to watch 7 boys you don’t know of, just doesn’t happen! All I can say is, I worked hard people. I concentrated on not making my parents angry. Doing whatever they wanted. Missed out on things I wanted to do so that I do what they want of me. When I was in sufficiently good books, broke the news to them that this was the goal I was working towards. I’m not the type to ask my parents for things, they could see how badly I wanted this. “No way” my dad had said. “I am not sending you to another country alone just with another cousin sister.” He did get convinced finally when I added desperately that my cousin’s mom might be joining us too (she had no plans but it sort of became a conditional permission) I promised him I would pay for my accommodation, concert tickets and any expenses on my own. All I need from him is permission and air tickets. Lol. This is how we compromise people! I didn’t dare breathe a word about how I had gone ahead and booked accommodation without his knowledge. What he doesn't know won’t hurt him! :P  
Concert Tickets. This made me cry. I am not kidding. This was the most stressful part of this entire ordeal. I kept reminding myself how much I love BTS and how this will all be worth it in the end. I give 100% credit to my cousin sister, who btw, hadn't even taken permission from her own folks yet, but worked with everything she’s got to secure tickets.
First we tried the normal way. The date and time were out, the website was in Korean, but still accessible. I got one of my best friends who also happens to be a Korean to help me out. She lives in New York but she agreed to wake up at 4am to book our tickets for us..I filled her in (“BTS? Now who are they? Are you over Kim Hyun Joong? Park Bo Gum too? Good Lord you are not faithful”) We did a trial run before the actual day of booking. We navigated the page, downloaded the app, etc etc. We decided the 3 of us would try and book together from India, Dubai and New York, and whoever gets through, great! I had heard horror stories about tickets being sold out in minutes and didn’t want to risk it. I was fully aware that I would cancel all my plans if I didn’t get tickets.
On the day of the tickets opening up for sale to the general public, I was traveling. In the middle of nowhere. Somewhere around Mysore Palace to be exact. Everyone reading this from India knows we are not that lucky with internet, specially on the highways atop mountains, but I was carrying my stuff. We were out with another family and everyone was very hyped about this. One of the boys had asked me, “Who ARE these people that you’re going all the way to Korea to see?” I am proud to say I made an Army fanboy right there once I made him listen to Fire and then Dope. I prefer making people listen to the songs first so they don’t judge on the basis of appearances.
My throat was dry and my heart was pounding, I had everything ready—laptop, net, credit card. My friend from NY on the other phone with me, we’re all waiting for the sale to open. The minute it happened, all 3 of us on 3 laptops in 3 different corners of the world started frantically trying to buy tickets. We wanted the stands, BTS only. We all made it as far as seat selection page, but after that it just. wont. budge. For all of us! We tried and tried. I thought maybe it's the internet. I did everything I could! But the seats just wouldn't get selected. I saw the seats dwindle IN FRONT OF MY EYES. It went from 300 seats available to 150 available to 50 available to 10 available to finally---sold out. I called up New York and Dubai hoping and praying they have something—nope. Same story everywhere. I wanted to cry. I was just broken. I mean..I had done everything possible, but it just didn't happen. It dint work for all of us! At the same time! What does this even mean?!
I was so sad. Like so sad. I remember everyone trying to cheer me up, and me just reigning in my tears because we were traveling with another family. I couldn't even grieve properly. I just left that to it but refused to cancel my hotel yet. I could cancel in Feb without being charged so I just..left it. Mostly because it would break my heart to do it.
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Unable to make the selection after coming this far--^
The next day we got information that some tickets are going on re-sale on the same website at midnight. AGAIN we sat. Again we got stuck at the same place. Again we saw the numbers dwindle and dwindle till they got sold out. Again. Now I was beyond frustrated. How can this happen 2 times in a row?! How have the others got their tickets?! What are we doing wrong?!
I realised too late it was probably a website thing, we should have tried the app the second day. Just didn't strike me till the tickets got sold out again right in front of my eyes! That helplessness and frustration is something I can never forget. And I felt worse when I realized the solution, just 5 minutes too late. Should have used the bloody App.
This time instead of being sad, I was filled with anger and determination. I’m gonna do this somehow, I vowed to myself. This was mid December already. My cousin sister and I started working on finding re-sellers on Twitter and on the Korean re-sale sites. We tried KoreanBuddy, koreanshoppingservice..dude I don’t even remember! I just remember a lot of Korean websites, Google Translate and Stress, that's all. We did our research, checked up blogs on how buy re-sale tickets, what to look for to find out if it's a fraud etc etc. We found a legit site called TicketBay and a bunch of people selling at insane prices ($400 for a $100 ticket) and finally decided on one seller and bought 2 tickets. This is January 10th already..the concert is a month away, and we’re still buying tickets. No one at home knows about this yet. My cousin did all the leg work..many people backed out, many people asked for payments in advance. We got lucky that the only girl we paid in advance turned out to be true, we were desperate at that point and only wanted to score tickets. I had decided even if it's a loss, it would be a secret I would take to my grave. Once we secured that, we became more relaxed. The girl was to meet us 1 day before the concert and hand over tickets, she seemed honest and sent loads and loads of proof before we took that leap of faith! I would strongly advise better decision making abilities people. We got lucky. We sent her money on PayPal, she could have turned out to be a fraud and run away with it and couldn't have been able to do jack..but again, we got lucky.
Just so you guys get a modicum of an idea about how messy this thing was:
Kind of proof to expect:
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Trying our luck everywhere:
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Being suspicious little bitches because come on--money!
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Just an idea of how frustrating it all was:
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Then we started actively working on Air Tickets and packing. Now my cousin decided to START getting permission, lol. It was much more stressful for her, she’s younger and it was a long and drawn out process, but she managed finally. Her mom and sister wanted to come along too, so that worked out for all of us! I’m glad I hadn’t cancelled my 5 seater accommodation in December! But Air ticket prices had shot up, and I ended up paying $1200 for my tickets instead of $600, which I could have if I had booked earlier. But I was waiting for at least concert tickets and my cousin to sort out her permission issues!
An idea of my packing list:
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All of January was very, very stressful. Trying to find re-sellers is a pain, and trying to figure out if they are legit is even worse. Everyone had their own demands. Some we could and some we couldn't meet. Someway down the line we decided that now that we’re going all the way to Seoul to actually watch the boys, it would be a shame to just go one day. And hence the whole process of looking for more tickets re-started! Ugh. Ugly! But now that at least 1 pair was secured, we were okay with people wanting upfront payments on the day of the concerts and meeting us outside etc etc…worse comes to worst, they would ditch, but at least we would still have our money with us! One girl did ditch us btw. She suddenly stopped replying on 19th morning, on the DAY of the second concert, but thankfully my cousin had another back up contact lined up. Seriously, kudos to her! She managed the tickets on her own.
In total I ended up paying $600 for 2 tickets for both days as late as late as January 16th, that was just me. My cousin paid additional for her 2 tickets! The first pair of tickets we got delivered to my cousin’s friend in Korea, even that BigHit sent out the physical tickets so damn late (10th or 11th February I think?) that our hearts found no rest till the tickets were in our friend’s hands! We picked those for 18th up on 17th night, and additional 2 tickets with upfront payment  for the 19th also the same night. Another extra ticket 19th morning, just before we entered the arena for the second day.
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A picture of the delivered ticket that finally put us at ease!
It was sticky and messy and oh-so-stressful, I just remember being constantly stressed right from December to February when I actually left. Of course worth it in the end when we got to see the boys, but I strongly recommend downloading the app and using it every damn day if you have to, just get familiar with it (Interpark) so when the time comes you are prepared about how to buy your own BTS tickets at stock price!
I’m glad I got to see the boys but I could have easily saved $1000---which would have meant that much more merchandise or maybe even an additional concert in the nearer countries if I was feeling a little too ambitious with my parents and permission! :P
We hardly had a week to go before leaving for Seoul now, and that was mostly spent in trying out outfits to pack, making itineraries (I have done extensive research guys, please ask me what you want to know, I can probably become a guide in Seoul if I want by now). I listed down things I wanted to do/places I wanted to visit/food I wanted to try, area wise in my diary. Which mode of transportation to take, which card to buy that would work on Subways---etc etc. I sort of tried taking responsibility for this because my cousin had managed all the ticketing mess more or less on her own.
So my last week was spent in that, and the fan project I randomly decided to start. Things actually fell into place so late, that by the time I initiated the fan project there was already too less time to spread the word or go about it in a more organized manner. But thanks to all the lovely, lovely Indian Armys who helped me out so much by spreading the word, sending in their letters and artwork, and even cover page for me, it worked out! I spent the last 2 days in India editing and compiling the book to BTS, I wanted it to look nice and I really, really wanted to take all your lovely words to them. Some of those letters were so touching that I remember feeling like I was intruding by even reading them. Even after I reached Seoul airport, I was working on the book, marking up the letters etc. The final result turned out really nice, actually! I will write a whole other update for that, because the sort of drama that happened there deserves a post lol.
For now, just glimpses you’ve already seen on my Twitter @insugarush:
The pages on which I printed the letters:
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An array of things while compiling <omg you guys are SO talented>
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The actual book..!
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Soo for anyone who wants to know..this entire thing took me about 3 months of insane stress and planning and about $3000 in total, which included escalated Air Fare and Concert Tickets, Hotel Tariff, Visa and even expenses in Seoul. It's an inflated figure and I’m sure you can manage with waaay less if you are smart about your bookings!
A lot of people emailed me when they heard about me going to Seoul for the concert saying how lucky I was. Yes, maybe 1% of it was luck but trust me guys---I worked freakin hard to make this happen. Against all sorts of odds. I could have given up long ago, at the first sign of it not working out, but I kept pushing. What I want to say is…please don't feel its something that will never happen for you. Its just about charting out a way and trying your best. At least give it your best shot! Don’t give up in your head, before you even try, just because it seems impossible. If it really doesn't happen after that, no worries…at least you tried! Even I couldn't have imagined all this would work out. I think about how I was so close to going to LA or Newark---but I’m so glad I pushed for Seoul. It was the culmination of a whole lot of efforts, not just luck..
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Me, finally on my way to see my boys!^
Sorry for the long post, and once again, thank you so much for your patience. I know I’m taking my own time, but I want to update properly and in detail! Sorry if this post was too long or boring, send me feedback on Twitter @insugarush and I would be happy to inculcate it in my next posts ^_^
Stay tuned!
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