#I seriously couldn't stop feeling awkward when making this lore
A Certain 20th Anniversary
Hey guys, I'm back!
Alright, are you ready for me to make myself look awkward?
For those wondering, today (April 14, 2023) is the 20th anniversary of a certain TV show. One that mystifies and intrigues me, and horrifies others that aren't me. One with such a strange concept, that I just felt it was necessary to add lore to it.
Don't ask...
I've got nothing else to say. Let's begin...
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I know what you might be thinking, 'oh dear, this is gonna give me SO MANY more nightmares!'
I can see where you're coming from, the siblings' appearances were (and still are) rather weird. Still, here they are now (with bios for each):
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Fun Fact: If you're wondering what that thing is under Henry's pectorals, that's actually an opening. As the siblings grew older, they developed an extra layer of skin, making their fur pelts completely removable. However, the pelts still act as clothing, so the siblings prefer to keep their pelts on in public.
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Fun Fact: All of the 5 Boohbah siblings have British accents (you know, because it's a British show?).
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Fun Fact: The reason that Z keeps her hail in a pony tail is because when it's loose, her hair is a little out of control.
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Fun Fact: The actor of Julian is the exact same actor who voiced Rokit in Mixels.
No, I am NOT kidding. Look it up.
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Fun Fact: While at 1st glance, she may actually seem heavier than Z, Jane's weight is actually the same as Julian, it's just that she's a little shorter than him.
Yes, I created actual LORE out of this nonsensical concept.
For those who are upset, don't worry, I'm not planning for them to be recurring characters in my canon (mainly because it takes FOREVER to color them).
But for those who don't mind, I'm actually going to spend next week posting sketch/doodle pages for each sibling.
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Paid in Lies (Spike x Y/N)
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Requested: No.
Synopsis: This is lore for the character in the other fics. It helps to build up the relationship and the direction. Feel free to get acquainted with it. <3
Word count: 2.5k
TW: None.
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Another droll day with the Scoobies. The Magic Box was their hangout after all. Spike wishes he was anywhere but this place. However, he found himself at the metaphysical store more times than not. After getting the chip implanted and losing his ability to kill, he finds himself being amused by their banter and attempts at saving the world.
Today was different. The normal Scooby chatter was taken up by a voice he didn't recognize. A story he had never heard was being told followed by laughter. He was weary of new people.
"So then I told him that he couldn't tell a newt's eye from a bat's and that's what makes him a horrible wizard." Y/n exclaimed and laughter erupted.
"I can't believe you got into a fight with a kid over the last piece of candy." Willow stated.
"I take Halloween very seriously." You quipped.
"Aren't you like a hundred?" Xander chimed in.
"Rude. I'm 25. I can still trick or treat. They say it’s the only day the big bad doesn’t come out" you got up from your chair and walked to the register when you noticed Spike.
Everyone became nervous about your statement.
"What big bad?" Buffy asked.
"I don't know. It’s just something people say." Spike approached you. "Welcome to the Magic Box how can I h-"
"Don't bother with him, he doesn't buy anything." Giles interrupted, having come from the back room after he heard your comment.
"Oh. In that case, hi I’m y/n." Your voice was inviting, suspiciously so. Spike didn't trust it but didn't back away.
"I’m the big bad" he responded.
"Interesting. Then it means that you don't come out on Halloween."
Willow snickered.
Spike seemed incredulous. You just met him and you're already making fun of him.
"He's Spike, he just exists." Buffy chimed in.
"Rough." You stated.
An awkward silence followed. No one would say it, but they wanted you gone. It was time for the Scoobie’s nightly meeting, and you weren't invited since you were a regular civilian.
Giles finally got the hint. "Y/n it’s gonna be a slow night. Why don't you head home."
You hesitated but nodded. You packed up your things. "Night guys! It was nice meeting you Mr. Spike Big Bad."
As soon as you leave the chatter picks up. Conversations about the latest big bad and how to take them down takes up the space. But not for Spike. His interest is peaked by y/n. He's used to being mocked but never by someone he just met, much less a human. If you knew who he was would you still try that stunt? He was strung out from a previous altercation and was actively looking for trouble. So, he starts asking questions about you.
"She just came in one day and asked for a job. She doesn't talk much about herself but knows a lot about the occult." Willow offered.
"I bet she's a demon" Xander chimes in.
"How about we slow it down on the demon accusations. She might just be a big nerd like Giles." Buffy mentions.
Giles frowns at Buffy's retorts.
Spike mulls it over. He's decided to get more information out of you. He may be off base, but he feels that you're hiding something. No one comes to Sunnydale just because.
The conversation continues in the background as Spike devices a plan to follow you, maybe find out more about you. He exits The magic Box without a word. He’s hot on your trail watching your every movement until you stop. He doubles back into an alley. He hears you snicker. He’s so irritated by your calm demeanor that he breaks his silent stalking.
“You know, pretty girls shouldn’t be walking alone at night.” He walks up behind you.
“You think I’m pretty?” You turn around, a grin on your face.
He’s definitely annoyed now. “I could kill you if I wanted to.”
“Same.” She retorted and started walking off.
He stands there, flabbergasted. Who do you think you are? Don’t you know who you’re dealing with?
He walks up to you again, walking beside you. Eyeing you as you walk silently.
After awhile you speak up, “It’s weird for you to follow me.”
He’s quiet again. You knew he was following you. Most humans are oblivious. “You’re not afraid to be on your own, huh?”
“Nope. I’ve done it my whole life. Being an orphan does give you that hyper independence vibe.”
He stands in front of you, stopping you in your tracks. He thinks over whether he will show you his vamp face. Maybe scare you a bit. He decides against it. “Just be careful, love.” He walks away.
“If it’s so dangerous, why don’t you walk me home, big bad?” You shout out to him.
He stops, smirks and turns around. He smugly walks up to you and you both resume a quiet but steady pace to your house. Upon arrival you turn to him, “I can’t invite you in. I just met you and I can’t risk all that noise. Thank you for walking me home, though.”
He nods nonchalantly. “Goodnight, then.” He walks away feeling a bit awkward. Like, what just happened? He offered to walk a stranger home and you refused to invite him in? Did you know he was a vampire? Were you just being polite? So many questions.
The next day a similar occurrence happened. He saw you at The Magic Box, heard you talking about the occult soliciting laughter with your odd anecdote, and off you were to your home. He debated whether or not to follow you again. As if his feet had a mind of their own, he trailed behind you once more. He caught up to you and started small talk.
Where did you come from. “North Carolina”
Where were you going. “To find freedom.”
How long were you planning on staying. “’Till the money runs out.”
Who were you in love with. You paused at his bold question. He shrugged, “well, answer the question.” He pressed.
You took a pause. You told him of two previous lovers, both in which love was unrequited. You explained that you lived for the moment and not for men.
Before he could start up with questions you interested with your own. You asked the same questions. He hesitated to answer your questions honestly.
“Same questions. Go.”
He sighed. “England. Err.. to…” He paused. He realized he didn’t have the answer to where was he going and how long he was planning on staying at Sunnydale. How to explain that he is a vampire with no real vamp-like behavior? How to admit that he was obsessed with Buffy? So, he opted to skip to the last question. “It doesn’t matter. As for love, I had a nice lady. Crazy bird, she was. I loved her until she left me. Now I just go with whatever fancies me.” He flashes you a grin. You laugh.
“You’re harping on me, but you have no real plan or ambitions.”
That hurt his feelings. He had ambitions, in the past he wanted to kill the slayer. Now he wants to date her. Maybe his priorities got skewed.
As he further mulls over what you said, you both arrive at her home.
“Thank you for walking me home, again. It’s nice to have company.
And so, this became a daily occurrence. Spike would walk you home and ask you about your life, your day, and your connection to the Scoobies. It seemed harmless and he enjoyed how normal you made him feel. With you there was no talk of demons or the end of the world, just a normal human doing human things.
A month has passed, and Spike is still walking you home every day you work at The Magic Box. Today Spike felt bolder in his questions while walking you back home.
“What are we?” Spike side eyed you.
“That’s a bit forward. If you need to know, I thought we were friends. I mean, aren’t you and Buffy a thing?”
He was taken aback by your observation. Of course, he had a thing for Buffy, but it wasn’t reciprocated.
“Let’s change the subject…” Spike trailed off. “Friends, huh? Don’t got many o’ those.”
You smiled. “Then consider yourself lucky to have me.”
He looked away, a smile on his face.
You arrive at your house. “So, when are you inviting me in?” Spike spoke up.
You paused. How to tell him you know… “I’m not ready. Give me time.” You made heavy eye contact. He stepped closer to you, sharing your space. You stood there for what seemed an eternity.
“I’m not gon’ hurt you.” He whispered.
You nodded, “I know.” You leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. You turned around and entered your house.
He stood there, surprised, and giddy. He smiled, a genuine smile as he walked back to his mausoleum with a pep in his step.
2 months have passed, and you too have spent a lot of time being close. Boundaries are still in place. Like he’s not allowed in your house, but you too linger at your doorway, in each other’s space. He is still after Buffy, but he brushes his hand against yours, whispers into your ear, and plays with your hair, among other affectionate touches.
3 months have passed, and you and Spike have gotten to know each other well. The Scoobies were weary of your inside jokes and playful glances.
“You know, the sun is setting quicker.” Spike mentioned as a hint that it was time for you two to head out.
You sighed. “Let me finish up this order.” You looked up at him feigning annoyance.
“Don’t want the big bad to get you.” Spike gave you a playful look.
You smiled. “Well, what am I keeping you around for?”
Xander groaned. “Kiss already.” He yelled in frustration which made you and Spike laugh.
As you were getting your bag a demon came crashing in through the entrance of The Magic Box. It snarled and tore down shelves and tables that were in his way. “Give me the slayer” He exclaimed.
“I’m right here, tall and ugly.” Buffy jumped in.
“Not slayer.” He swatted her away. “Real slayer.” He pointed at you. Everyone looked at you confused. You debated on whether to feign innocence or help out. Before you had made up your mind the demon started charging at you. At that point you back flipped into his line of fire and kicked him in the jaw. Everyone stood incredulous.
You proceeded to beat the demon punch after punch. Not holding back, you pulled a sword from a sheath you had strapped on your back under your shirt. Without hesitation you went for the demon’s throat, blood splattering everywhere. You stood covered in blood but triumphant.
Silence followed. You turned around, “Ta-da?”
Buffy stood from her spot and marched up to you. “Who are you, really?”
“Yeah, explain yourself.” Spike yelled from the back.
You sighed, defeated. “Everyone sit down. I’ll explain. Please, just listen and then ask questions. It’s a long story.”
You proceeded to explain that you were close to 1,000 years old, 985 to be exact, and that you were then deemed the slayer in your village. You were raised by your grandfather who was also your watcher. On the night of your 25th birthday, you killed a vampire that was the lover of a very powerful witch in your village. The witch, heartbroken and vengeful, put a curse on you that you would not die until you found peace. That doomed you to roam the Earth in the search of true peace.
The gang was quiet. The atmosphere was heavy. You were ashamed and embarrassed.
“Why did you lie?” Spike spoke up first. His voice was heavy with anger.
“I had to. It’s so difficult to be open about why I still exist. It’s shameful.” You lowered your head.
He didn’t seem satisfied with your answer and left. Your eyes trailed after him. You knew you hurt him. You purposefully created a whole life, and he believed it. You both shared moments, connection, vulnerability and yours was all a rouse.
“I’m confused. How can you not die?” Willow asked.
Her question snapped you back to reality. “Um, uh, Well… If I get mortally wounded, it heals faster. Even if it’s a fatal blow, my body regenerates.”
“What happens if you get decapitated, maimed, or burned alive?” Xander asks, curious.
Everyone looks at him. “What?! You were all thinking it.” Everyone nodded.
You chuckled. “One word. Regeneration.”
Everyone nods. “That makes sense and ew.” Xander responded.
You stand there, still covered in blood answering question after question. Have searched how to break the curse? Do you know what will give you peace? How many slayers have you met? Do you enjoy being eternal? You answered every question until they were satisfied. The conversation shifted to how 3 slayers could exist.
“It makes sense now how you knew so much about the occult.” Giles chimed in.
You grinned. “I dabble.” You say trying to be funny. A joke that landed flat due to the circumstances.
“I know this is weird. Me existing is weird but know that I didn’t mean harm. I’m just trying to figure out how to end this curse. I can’t be running around divulging my existence to every slayer. Having two slayers makes it easier to say that there is a third but still. You must understand where I’m coming from.”
The gang was quiet, pensive. “I think it’s best that you go. We can talk more about this tomorrow.” Giles stated.
“I know this is stupid, but do I still have a job?”
Giles glares at you. You raise your hands in a defensive stance. You decide it’s best to leave.
You walk home, alone. It’s the first time in the last three months that you were walking home alone. You felt tired and sad. Not only did you potentially lose your connection with the Scoobies, but you also lost who you considered to be your closest friend, Spike.  
Loud thrashing and banging can be heard inside the mausoleum. Spike is enraged and full of energy. Of course, the one person he wanted to lean on was a fake. Another illusion in his path. He felt like he could confide in her, trust her. She was no more than a liar, a con artist. To hell with her sob story. She hurt him. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t been honest himself, he did the best he could while obscuring the truth to protect her. To protect her! She would pay for making a fool of him. Everyone mocks him for his lack of vampire like behaviors. Everyone puts him down for failing at killing Buffy. But to made out to be a rube for trusting, for caring, that’s where he draws the line. He was vulnerable and he got paid in lies.
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chibisketches · 4 years
Frozen 2 impressions, especially relating to Elsa and Anna's Mom
I have many feelings about Frozen 2. Generally good music, nice costume designs, great visuals. But the story is a MESS.
Ok.... I know Disney wasn't thinking this far ahead when they designed the mother character, and presumably the sequel is just kind of taped onto the original's lore... but.... uh.... Disney? You're seriously going with "the very clearly white mother of our main characters is from obvious Native American/ Inuit allegory forest-dwelling people, all of whom are black haired and darker complected... though she is, again, very obviously white, auburn- haired, and looks nothing like the rest of the forest natives?"
Uh... wha...?
Look, Disney, I get what you were going for, and I applaud the effort to do an anti-colonial-prejudices, pro-native-peoples thing, which you were clearly angling at. I just.... some mistakes were made.
Making Elsa into some kind of winter-based nature goddess ruling among these native people by the end was already a kind of awkward "white savior"-y narrative choice to make. The "we're pretending it makes sense" mother thing just makes that whole arc weirder and more uncomfortable if you think on it for more than a few seconds.
Also, speaking of the mother, why are we retconning the parents into being doting and calm in the opening scene? They explicitly taught Elsa to fear herself and repress her every emotion, though this was clearly neither healthy nor actually helping, and gave her awful complexes as a kid. Maybe they meant well and thought they were doing the right thing, but this *is* abusive behavior, regardless of intention. These two were NOT good parents. Let's not just erase the incredibly emotinally-abusive way they raised their daughter to shoehorn in some childhood nostalgia plot threads. "Mom sang us a nice song when she wasn't coaching me to hate an intrinsic part of myself, and dad told stories when not training me to fear my emotions, never letting me forget about that time I accidentally hurt my sister while playing, and setting me up for a dysfunctional and repressed adult life full of depression and paranoia :D This definitely makes all the awful things they put me through 'for my own good' ok :D" That's sending some kiiiinda messed up messages to kids who have lived through / are living with abusive home situations, Disney...
I couldn't stop noticing the weirdness of the story, and it bothered me for the entire movie. The original Frozen had already, (however loosely), established who the parents were, and this narrative simply didn't fit the existing mother character especially. Why try so hard to force it when you could've done a more coherent and interesting concept? :/
As an aside: it sounded like the first draft of the plot was really different before The Mouse higher-ups got ahold of it, so it's possible that a lot of this was forced weird editing directives from the top.
My take:
Visuals: 10/10
Music: varied, but solid 8/10 (some of the lyrics were weak, but the tunes were pretty consistently good)
Writing: 3/10
There's a lot of lovely visuals and some neat ideas in the movie. Some amusing humor, Kirsten Bell is always fun, and the singing is great. Unfortunately it just never quite comes together. The stakes never feel particularly serious, though we're obviously supposed to think they are, there's a dull, overdone "trying to propose the entire movie" subplot, and the whole thing just feels forced and occasionally plodding. We know you didn't perma-kill Elsa. Or Olaf. This isn't suspenseful. Frozen is one of your most lucrative franchises. You're not killing off your nice marketable characters. None of us think you did. Please stop with the fake suspense.
I like that they tried something a little different with the overall plot, but I do not like that they did it with a lot of tired tropes, and excessive plot convenience that seems to be hastily tying a bunch of unrelated scene concepts together. You can almost hear the pitch meeting behind each cool idea as it doesn't *quite* mesh with the story around it, but gosh-darnit, it's a neat idea and we want to keep it in.
...Plus that awkward business with the mom.
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