#I see Abel still has fantastic eye bags I love that for him
skyloftian-nutcase · 7 months
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Ok I don’t think Tillieth would swear but I think she’d be weirded out that this short man who looks like her husband just… replaces him lol
LOL OH I love this!!
Til having a meltdown sounds about right! And poor Ammon!! Abel looks so weirded out and concerned aww all these poor babies are not having a good day (except Sarah LOL, she’s like “oh wow you got tall!” 🤣)
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semper-legens · 3 years
130. The Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes, by Neil Gaiman
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Owned?: Yes Page count: Unknown, not numbered My summary: Deep in his mansion, a man weaves a spell to capture Death. Instead, he gets her brother Dream, and for seventy years holds him prisoner. But the earth is not well. People suffer the sleeping sickness. And when Dream claws himself free, he is angry...and diminished. My rating: 4/5 My commentary:
The Sandman! The only thing Neil Gaiman’s written for adults that I, personally, have both read and liked. I love this comic, every time I read it I always feel inspired to write about myths and fairies and all of that good stuff. Sandman is about Dream, one of seven Endless, anthropomorphic personifications of ideas like Dream, Death, or Desire. It draws heavily from folklore and myth and loosely tells the tale of events happening in the 80s and 90s after Dream is released from captivity. This volume covers Dream freeing himself and strengthening himself by taking back objects that power him - a ruby, his helm, and his bag of sand.
This is an introduction to Dream and the concepts that run this world, and for the most part it takes it slow. We are introduced to Dream through the eyes of his captors, magicians of the 20s who totally aren’t Aleister Crowley and his cult. This human perspective gives us a mortal human view of Dream, and it is largely from this perspective that we see him as a character. It grounds him with reference to reality, which introducing him as a Big Important Anthropomorphic Personification early on might not have done.
There is a certain amount of tonal weirdness present in this early version of Dream. Overall, this volume is a lot darker than what is to come, in a grisly and gratuitous sense. Not that later volumes aren’t dark, but they are more fantastical in their horror, whereas this is bloodier and gorier. There is also more influence from the DC universe, DC characters and concepts being shown on-page, which is largely abandoned later but for some cameos. It’s not unwelcome - personally, I like the darker tone here - but it is strange when viewed with the rest of the series.
Dream as a character is interesting. We get a sort of slow-burn introduction to him, a lot of emphasis being placed on his diminished state after being captured for years and how it has weakened him. Still, we get to see a fair amount of who he is through his interactions with others. He is civil with John Constantine after he helps him, confident and clever when dealing with Hell and its demons (in a shapeshifter battle! I love shapeshifter battles!), and powerful when dealing with John Dee. And yet we see his, for lack of a better term, humanity, when Death comes over to berate him for being pretentious and moping. He is taken down a peg, and we can relate to him more for these flaws and foibles.
Recurring anciliary characters from the Dreaming are introduced in this one, like Cain and Abel and their endlessly-repeating story, or Lucien the librarian. They are introduced fairly seamlessly, with time given for the reader to get to know them and what they are like, without overwhelming the reader. I also, in retrospect, appreciate the foreshadowing - later-significant characters Judy and Unity Kincaid show up here in minor roles, ready to recur in the next one, the Fates show up early, and Lucifer’s animosity to Dream will kick off the main plot. Death, as mentioned, is the only other Endless to show up, and she’s great. She’s a perky goth who loves humanity. Her story is one of my favourites, with Dream accompanying Death as she picks up souls. It’s such a human look at death and how it affects us, and it sets the tone well for what is to come.
Overall, I’m fond of these comics, and this first installment is a pretty solid start. See you tomorrow for volume two!
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Protagonists and their cohort and stuff...
As mentioned before, the FoE academies teach for Five Years. 26 in a year separa into Cohorts of 13 (Smaller class sizes?). With the exception of Dom Daniel which only accepts 13 students for a year(possibly the same for either Leeds and Kidd Academy or Tomoko Academy). Protagonists for this thing will be entering their first year blah blah...for a variety of reasons.
Perdita Alunni: Still figuring her out, but basically got on the FoE's radar when it was noticed she has skill in Making. figuring out her whole thing still.
Rei Arashi: Practically raised within the FoE, Rei Arashi is the adopted daughter of Preternatural Intelligencer Tomomi Arashi. Rei has natural Albinism (unlike most other white haired characters whose hair is white for different reasons), can see and communicate with Ghosts. Plays an instrument of some sort (still figuring that out). Came along with variou trick Umbrellas given to them by their mother. Has occasionally interacted with Faeries (due to Tomomi occasionally leaving Rei in the care of Rosemary Goodfellow) and from those interactions picked up a habit of not writing their name consistently. Though there are 5 writings she regularly uses and three favorites. The Second oldest in the Cohort (mid to late 20s ish). Knows Aled and Acrasia.
Acrasia Pendragon: Ninth child of Queen Gloriana and her consort Arthur Pendragon. Joining the FoE with recommendation from her aunt, former Headmistress of Archimag Academy Morgan Le Fay. Has Mist grey Mothlike Wings. Has a Wand that's a silver branch, a Faerie Pistol, and a Book gifted to her on her naming day that's full of how to make potions and stuff. Loves turning people into animals and back for fun.
Aled of Faerie: Son to Queen Titania and her consort Oberon. Has Antlers, Moth Wings of Blue and purple. A Trouble maker at heart, young Aled has three magical gifts. A Living Shadow, a Selfswinging Sword of Thunderbolt Iron, and what the FoE recognizes to be a 'Hide and Seek Ring'. On good terms and supportive to his cousin Acrasia. He or she might have a crush on Rei. Was recommended by Inteligencer Rosemary Goodfellow.
Rubedo Kleinmann: Seemingly a son to One of the Kleinmann family. Rubedo is short and somewhat frail. Reccomended by multiple Kleinmann Eldritchicians. Breaking with Tradition of the Kleinmann family by not attending Dreadrock University and joining the FoE at the earliest chance. Youngest of his cohort at...17? Or something.
Omer Adams: A Half Giant, both good with animals, baked goods, and mechanically minded. Omer 'ran away'(given full support by everyone there) from the circus his Family (Mom(the Giant Gerlinde) Dad (Cain) elder brother Abel and sister Eve) works for 'Mr. E Fantastic Phantasmagoria'. only one against him joining the FoE was Mr. E (or his 'Uncle Algernon'himself and that was mostly petty annoyance). limited Shapeshifting and illusion based magic.
Casandra Sibyl Read: A Cambion (half demon child) With some shapeshifting and Prophetic Abilities. Cassandra's demonic heritage shows up in horns, a tail, and purple skin (basically a Tiefling?) and Eyes that are like full moons yet not blind? Ward to 'Astrophel O Mancy' owner and proprieter of Mancy's Emporium for Fortunes, Herbs, Games and more. Joined the FoE after a particular game night with Mancy and her coworkers. one Co Worker insisting Cassandra join the FoE, another saying she should go to Dreadrock...Cassandra ultimately deciding to join the FoE. With both a recommendation from her former Eldritchician Coworker, and another from Mancy himself. Was given several gifts on leaving. a bag of Dice for gaming. A Tarot Deck Hand made by Mr. Mancy (he doesn't hold with Tarot, but Cassandra enjoys doing readings among other methods of Divination), a Telescope(for stargazing) and reminding Cassandra to keep up on her Violin Practice. And a silver ring with some writing on it. accompanying Cassandra is an Owl that always accompanied Mancy. Stolas. tumblr is dumb so I guess I need a second part for the rest of their cohort.
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