#I saw this in my inbox and screamed
masquenoire · 1 year
"And I humbly dub you as my lil meow meow." / Sylvia
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“... What the fuck is a meow meow, Dove?”
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normal-about-the-dca · 2 months
he's here to boop you!
let him in (or tell him to go back to work, Sun and Moon are looking for him)
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Well, well, well, it seems a booping fiend found their way into my inbox!
Jokes on you-- I'm prepared!
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kruinka · 1 year
Do you think Kaiser would look good in 25ji
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DO I???? THINK???? KAISER?????? NIIGO????????????????????????? anon how dare u put this in my head u have ruined my life
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politemagic · 2 months
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bonus voob meme for u anon because i'm just now responding 🖤
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dave-me0wstaine · 7 months
do u think dave mustaine goes like "HERE I COME AGAIIIINNNN" like in sweating bullets when he busts
*gently puts a hand on your shoulder* i need you to log out for me, please.
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danganphobia · 1 month
Laishuro College AU prompt, and notes:
-first note, we’ve seen in casual doodles in the adventurer’s Bible that Toshiro seems to have an eye/interest for art and aesthetics. My gf for this AU is that he knows how to draw people and plants pretty well, but not animals or buildings. -second note, I’m using a chuck of Lokh’s own college AU idea where Laios is actually a online, novel writer on the side.
Toshiro, less interested in the DM campaign than he is staring at his surroundings, especially when said sessions took place at the old Touden House, he’s always looking around at the family pictures and nicknacks. Half-hoping he’d eventually see Falin’s childhood room, though having the sessions there was as rare enough.
So Toshiro isn’t super happy when the opportunity of exploring the home does arise, it’s to help Laios with his part of their assignment. When Toshiro looks around (reluctantly) Laios’ room, he notices all the bugs inside frames, and shelves full of animal parts like feathers and bones. So much so that even Laios notices Toshiro is distracted, and so he shows Toshiro his rarest souvenirs from going around the forest as a kid.
Toshiro is shaken to see a feather with similar patterns and colors as it was described in one of his favorite indie novels. Inside a rusty lunch box was also a few rocks and ores, but that feather stood out. Laios puts it all away before Toshiro can form the right question, a part of him also thinking it could just be a coincidence. The seed has been planted though, and so he can’t help but seeing the other similarities in Laios and the descriptions in the novel. Even notices his style of narration whenever they have a DM session after that.
Just a slow burn of Toshiro connecting dots and felling super frustrated yet enamored by the similarities, while planing to find a way to figure it out without anyone, especially Kabru (bc he would eventually just make fun of him anyways lol) finding out. So he has no other choice… Toshiro is going to have to get Laios all alone to confirm his suspicions and perhaps even… Admit his admiration for Laios work. If that’s all he’s found himself to enjoy about Laios that’s is.
This got my brain juices going. Drabble under the cut.
It never felt like it was the right moment to catch Laios. It was only fair, he was a busy guy outside of club meetings. So, Toshiro decided to do things the old-fashioned way.
When the class they shared together ended, he turned to Laios, opening his mouth to speak, but then he was bombarded by their peers sitting nearby in the neighboring rows.
Realizing that it was yet again not a good time, Toshiro stood from his chair and grabbed his things, leaving the classroom. As students flooded out of the door, someone else came rushing after him.
"Hey! Toshiro!"
Startled by his name being called, Toshiro turned around, meeting with Laios face-to-face again.
"Sorry it took me so long," he panted, catching his breath. "Did you wanna talk to me about something?"
Feeling put on the spot, Toshiro wanted to flee. Then he remembered, he needed to speak to Laios for a reason; a really good one. But he needed more time to gather his bearings about this.
"Can you meet me at the restaurant later tonight?" Club sessions weren't tonight due to everyone's schedules being packed, so they'd have a table to themselves.
"Sure!" Laios nodded. Another friend of his presumably called after him, catching his attention, but he made sure to properly say goodbye to Toshiro first.
Then, it was back to being invisible again.
Later, Laios met him at the restaurant as promised. He was on time, which wasn't unusual, but Toshiro was expecting him to postpone because something had come up.
Toshiro just had a coffee, because he had assignments he preferred to stay up late completing after this. He let Laios order whatever he wanted, though. He even offered to share some of his food with Toshiro, one of which was a gigantic plate of french fries.
Toshiro gave into trying just one, dipping it into the glob of ketchup on the side of the plate. It was incredibly salty, but it tasted incredible.
"Good, right?" Laios grinned. Toshiro smiled back. Okay, here goes nothing...
When Toshiro vouched to change the subject, Laios picked up another fry. "Try another!"
Seeing Laios dangle the salty fry at his face, Toshiro took it from him, taking a bite. Laios' smiled brightly, and then he began to talk to Toshiro about plans for their next campaign.
It was impossible to get Laios to stop when he was on a passionate tangent, so Toshiro let him. He paid for their check, insisting it was his treat and not Laios', and then they left the restaurant. Thankfully, judging by the silence, Laios must've run out of steam.
"Laios," Toshiro began, ignoring his racing heart as he continued. "Do you... do you remember when you showed me your collection at your house?"
Laios perked up. "Oh. Yeah, I do. Why?"
Toshiro stopped walking. Laios stopped a few steps ahead of him, noticing Toshiro wasn't moving anymore.
"That feather I saw in your lunch box," Toshiro said after, "I noticed, that it was also mentioned in one of your novels..."
Laios was quiet for some time, making Toshiro panic, wondering if he said the wrong thing. Then, he heard a chuckle come from the other man.
"So," he started, hands in his pockets as he approached Toshiro. "I'm guessing you figured it out, huh?"
Toshiro could only blink in utter confusion. "What?"
"I thought I was being subtle, well, kinda." Laios said with a bashful smile on his lips.
"I don't-" Toshiro shook his head, frowning. "Understand..."
"You basically just told me you read my novels, only someone that does would know this at all," Laios said, being more direct this time. "I haven't shown anyone other than Falin that feather."
This must mean Laios wanted to show him his collection, just Toshiro, and only him.
"Are you serious?"
Laios laughed, ruffling the back of his head. "Yeah. Y'know, it really makes me happy knowing you like my work."
Toshiro walked past him, pink coloring his pale cheeks, and it wasn't from the cold weather.
"Wait, Toshiro! Where are you going?!" Laios chased after him.
"Far away from you." Toshiro muttered.
"Just hold on a second!" Laios grabbed his arm, shifting in front of him on his feet. "I'm not trying to make fun of you about it!"
"The similarities between you and your writing made me feel like I've gone insane, and I've been keeping this in for weeks and weeks without saying a word about it," Toshiro confessed. When he saw that Laios wasn't reacting, he came to a disturbing conclusion. "How long have you known?"
"Hmm..." Laios hummed, taking his hand off Toshiro's arm. "I just had a feeling, I guess? Besides, you were kind of acting off since then. At first I thought you were freaked out, but that can't be the case. Then there was the possibility you knew about my work. I didn't want to ask you outright. I thought it was a stretch, so I was hoping you'd come to me about it."
There was no reason to try to fight this. Laios had him cornered.
"I'd have to admit, you are a remarkable writer," Toshiro said begrudgingly. "You and your protagonists have some things in common. Brash, insatiable, oblivious, surprisingly perceptive to other's emotions." And those just happened to be the traits that drew Toshiro to Laios in the first place. "But their resolve..." Laios stared at him intensely as he continued, hoping he could ignore his nerves, "is nothing like I've ever seen, I can't believe I'm saying this, I feel as if if they keep going on they could rule the world someday and succeed."
Laios' smile was warm, hearing Toshiro's feedback. "Yeah?"
He was suddenly closer than before, close enough for their lips to touch if he had taken another step.
"Yes." Toshiro whispered, a breath away from feeling Laios' lips on his, a hand on his chest, tilting his head up slightly.
Just as Laios was about to grant that wish, stirring Toshiro's gut, he snapped out of it last minute, stepping away.
"I should, uh, get home-" Toshiro blurted, eyes darting from Laios.
"Oh," Laios coughed, covering his mouth with his palm. "Okay. Sorry, I know you have an exam tomorrow morning. Can I walk you home?"
Toshiro waved his hand. "You don't have to do that-"
"Please." Laios begged, coming closer again. Toshiro stumbled back, because if he were in the same position as he were in before he was going to do something he'd regret in the morning. "Can I?"
Laios was just walking him home - an innocent gesture of kindness he'd been doing for some time now. It shouldn't mean anything, should it? He practically confessed that he idolized Toshiro and how happy it made him to know Toshiro was a reader of his novels. It was sure to affect their relationship in some capacity; but maybe if they pretended otherwise, it wouldn't make things weird between them.
Toshiro nodded. When he walked, he slowed his pace for Laios to catch up. Somehow, their arms couldn't stop brushing on the entire walk back, but neither of them could bring themselves to look at each other, far too embarrassed to.
Who were they kidding, they couldn't be subtle about their feelings on the situation to save their lives.
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wizard-eater · 1 year
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snip snip idiot
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fruitybashir · 28 days
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Kris pre-blowjob step stool
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Ah, finally. This is the address I found after asking around. It should be where this universe's me(s) live. I wonder what they're like. Did they continue music or art? Hm.
Oh. What happened here?? Everything's burnt...
Oi. Father? What exactly happened here? Was this you?
Akito, is that you? And...what are you wearing.
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sheldoney · 1 month
doctorbrown asked: ↪ Internet browsing activities
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There are several sites that Sheldon enjoys browsing: Physics World, America Physical Society, Khan Academy, CERN, arXiv, IEEE Xplore, Physlink, and sometimes he will go on Reddit.
He has a plethora of comic book websites he frequents as well as Star Wars and Star Trek. He also used to have Myspace when it was hip (cool) and he does have Facebook but he only uses that for work and close friends. He does have Instagram but barely uses it. Sheldon does have X (formally twitter.)
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bweirdart · 2 years
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send me a character and i might draw them (limited slots)
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giddlygoat · 2 years
three simple words. mercified. boston. basher.
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i went a lil crazy with this one because i was so excited to draw a punk rock emo disaster and also because a lot of people requested it. thank you other two anons who encouraged me to finally put this design on paper! 
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glacialswordsman · 14 days
❛ you’re lucky you got away with only a scratch. ❜
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With a smile, the Captain merely moved his bandaged arm out of view, canting his head to the side innocently. He was wearing long sleeves, but that alone is a dead giveaway to something clearly being wrong.
Come on, Kaeya, covering up what little skin he shows off? Unheard of!
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“I’m not quite sure what you mean? I didn’t get away with anything because nothing happened.”
He’s lying through his teeth and everyone knows it.
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bb-drayster · 4 months
you do NOT need to be styling your hair like that at 6 fuckin feet tall that shit makes you like 6'2
hey, no need to be jealous you can’t replicate the drayster swag
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glitchtricks94 · 8 months
For the get to know your fic writer game!
25, 40, 64
25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on? Toss up between Little Star and Ache honestly. I poured my heart into Little Star because it's a sweet Gyutaro fic with an established relationship and the explanation of a headcannon I have for him, which was Gyutaro having a love for the night sky. I worked hard trying to get it to work to where I busted it up into two parts. Ache is a Gyokko fic I made while trying to work through some very negative emotions, and since I have a love/hate relationship with Gyokko, he was the perfect fit for an angst fic. I made it hopefully feel like he truly lost someone dear to him because of his pride and now he misses them dearly. I love that soft ache of longing and wished it got more attention. 40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see? I'm pretty sure I'd short circuit if that ever happened, but...I think I'd love to see some fanart on either Fixation or Addiction, but those aren't fully written yet. I'd cry from happiness if I saw any kind of artwork on those since those are my heaviest and most well loved projects in the works. 64. Something you love to see in smut. ROMANCE! Genuine, true romance. Something between proper lovers with the full established relationship, the soft touches, the warm kisses, just...GAH! Oh my god, one fully going all out with rose petals on the bed, a romantic dinner and then ending it with a night of passion- GAH! I melt~!
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amethiosspouse · 3 months
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hi |˶˙ᵕ˙ )ノ゙
this is probably very sudden but here’s some art-
hope you like it!
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AAAAsnsgskg TYSM
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