#I put way too much thought in this ighifdhgujzd
✏️ [ Hi yes hello, any muse-]
Send me a ✏️ and I’ll tell you a headcanon I have for YOUR muse!
((Imma do more than one of your muse because I am obsessed-
Jayde strikes me as someone that is an absolute nerd about symbolisms. Language of flowers, gemlore, colors, animals, etc. With people he interacts with, he finds himself associating them with certain things. And if he wants to send a message or express himself to someone, he will leave behind tangible symbols. Roses for his significant others steel jewelry for Reaper, rotten fruit and veggies for Vulcain, a stuffed animal of whatever he assiciate with Nikei for her, etc. His affinity for symbolism results in him being rather artistic with poetry, illustrations, and even forms of scupting when he has the time. His works tend to be rather abstract unless you're familiar with the symbolism he uses in his pieces.
Harper can also be rather artistic, though not as often since she often gets caught up in other things. And her artistic field usually lies in poetry and caligraphy. Though her poetry is filled with less metaphores than her brother's, her poetry can still come off as abstract because... well... her experiences are pretty abstract. And they are often wrought with extistentialism and elritch horror. She's also got god like penmenship in general. She can even forge if she so chose to. Especially 115's penmanship, because she's often signing his paperwork on his behalf. She also keeps two journals, one for the current timeline and one for what she sees of other timelines. Just to make sure she can keep track of what's what, because you have to imagine that all the time stuff might scramble you a bit, you know?
I've always had the headcanon that Charlie and Lilith give any 'cubi that stops by unable to find someone to feed off of snacks. Catherine takes this a step further and cooks for them, whether at her own place, or at the palace. Of course, she started with simple things before slowly working to more complex dishes, and even creating her own recipies. Occassionally she'd also feed the hungry sinners whose forms indicated they were scorned women in life. All of that ended up culminating in her work on Earth that she's known for to this day.
You wouldn't know this unless you were close to him, but Hawk hugs with not only his arms, but his wings as well. Though wings are technically arms for birds, but you know what I mean- Anyways, little to say, his hugs are godly. If you're tiny enough he can completely envelope you and now your entire world is warm strong arms and soff feathers. Again, though, you have to be close to him. Like. Really close to him. He's not a hugger otherwise.))
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