#I needed another facet of my life to shamelessly ripoff for writing purposes
frick6101719 · 5 months
tag game: (9) people you'd like to get to know better
Thanks for tagging me, @the-sun-and-the-sea! It's been so long since I did one of these, but I do enjoy them.
1. last song: The Last Dance, by St. Paul & the Broken Bones. It's an apocalyptic dance groove, just like it claims to be. 10/10.
2. currently watching: The new PJO series! Haven't seen the newest episode because I'm watching it with family, but it has been intriguing so far. I also JUST finished yet another run of Sense8 with my Copenhagen roomies, which was AMAZING.
3. three ships: This is extra hard right now, fuck. I have been so out of fandom for the last few months I need some fires re-kindled. But of course, Everlark and Kanej are up there... maybe I'll be That Guy and pick Cato and Caerwyn from my own fic for my third. I'm feeling self-indulgent, and for reasons a bit messy to get into, they've been on my mind a lot recently. So, yeah.
4. favourite colour: As usual, I have been super into chartreuse of late. But like a nice, dark, forest green has also been a vibe. Maybe just green?
5. currently consuming: Tea! And Swedish Berries!
6. first ship: It's gotta be Everlark. I don't really remember getting invested in a ship before THG. Those kids set the bar, that's for sure 🧡💚
7. relationship status: In a relationship.
8. last movie: I cannot remember for sure, but I think Gone Girl. I know I'm so so behind on this train but it was so good. It's always amazing when a movie does its book justice, and WOW.
9. currently working on: Too much, but what else is new. The next chapter of IMKM is always in the works, and I'm picking away at the sequel to The Last Songbird and the mini fic-series I want to build around Only One Reasonable Plea. But I haven't gotten to write in so long! Can't wait to do more in the new year 😊
Thanks again for the tag! I will tag @im-doing-hot-girl-shit, @totchipanda, @rivkah94, @just2bubbly, @clumsyyhearts, @katnissdoesnotfollowback, and anyone else who wants to share!
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