#I mean she is secretly a 1000 year old dragon
vanilla-voyeur · 10 months
I'm absolutely obsessed with all the one star Nimona reviews that say it was a great movie except for one single scene that ruined it by shoving their politics down our throats
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nikibogwater · 3 years
It has been brought to my attention that a lot of my mutuals are not familiar with the Tales of Arcadia series, which means about 90% of my posts must be near unintelligible to them. In order assist them in deciphering some of my madness, here’s a brief rundown of the main protagonists in the series:
Jim Lake Jr.:
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A Good Boi
Loves his mum and takes good care of her after his deadbeat father ran off
Chef Skills
Chivalrous and polite, but also kind of timid at first
Has the most character growth
Actually feels like a real teenager, but not in an irritating way
Has a cool set of magic armor and a totally wicked sword
Gets turned into a half-troll for a little while and somehow that made him 10 times more attractive to the fandom, but honestly I like him either way.
10/10 Would adopt him as my son
Toby Domzalski: 
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The Ultimate Bro
Always has Jim’s back
Dork with bad teeth and a heart of gold
Is frequently the comedic relief, but also a genuinely good character 
Optimistic and cheerful, but will totally chew you out if you mess with his friends
Has a magic warhammer
Not all of his jokes stick the landing, but I found him legitimately funny most of the time
Is probably the most fun to hang out with
Likes minerals and video games
9/10 Would be BFFs with him
Claire Nunez:
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Girlfriend of the Year every year
Has a really good arc, but doesn’t really get any noteworthy defining personality traits until Wizards
Cute and Full of Rage
Loyal and protective
Was an actress before she became a Trollhunter so she’ll randomly quote/reference Shakespeare 
Uses shadow magic and is a really cool parallel to one of the main antagonists
Latina and probably at least a little Catholic (please just let me have this headcanon)
Has a wholesome and loving romantic relationship with Jim that doesn’t get in the way of the bigger plot
8/10 Would have coffee with her and talk about hair care routines
Aja Tarron:
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Not From Around Here, you might say
A literal Queen--no seriously, she’s the queen of an entire planet
But also just a Queen in every other respect
Has four arms, so she definitely gives great hugs
Curious and enthusiastic, but will also Kill You if you touch her little brother
Aptly described as a “Ninja-Kicking Warrior Angel” by her human boyfriend (also Staja is OTP, I’m sorry but they are just Too Precious)
Has a protractor that turns into a spear or a shield as needed
Hiding from a fascist dictator who overthrew her parents and took over her planet
10/10 Would play frisbee with her
Krel Tarron:
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Aja’s little brother and resident tech genius. Also probably my second favorite protagonist
Voiced by Diego Luna and that’s why I can’t bring myself to watch Rogue One and see Luna’s character die
Smart Lad who knows he’s Smart but is usually good about not flaunting it
Acts cold and disinterested but is secretly loving and sentimental
Scary when angered
Also a disk-jockey in his spare time
There was that one time where he Flossed, but I think the fandom has since forgiven him for that
His human disguise is a Latino and homeboy has to deal with a lot of racism and xenophobia for it--God bless America, amirite 😒
10/10 Would discuss music with him
Hisirdoux “Douxie” Casperan:
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Looks like a Punk, is actually a Bean
Selfless, compassionate, and loving
Everybody’s big brother
Is over 900 years old so you can bet he’s seen a lot of crap in his time
Has a shapeshifting dragon-kitty for a best friend
Has the most poignant character arc
Emotionally vulnerable and in dire need of a hug
Is a gifted musician who plays guitar and writes his own rock music
Gets an adorable Bean Sister at the end of Wizards
Legally cannot say frick
1000/10 Would hold him tight and kiss his forehead and tell him he’s doing wonderfully
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partly-cloudyskies · 3 years
1, 12, 16, 18 + one I didnt pick but you secretly want to talk about
This has run long so I’m putting it under a break. Some thought about my current writing projects, an old abandoned project and, uh, word counts below!
1) Welp I got three WIPs:
This is How We Grow: My first real attempt to fully commit to the heightened romance and emotion of an idealized pastoral setting but sometimes there are shadow monsters plus this also acts as an excuse to see more of Soup’s weblena art.
The Longest Shadows: A future fic where Lena becomes a badass shadow witch and Webby learns that the McDuck legacy is a complicated thing rather than the unalloyed good that she unthinkingly embraced as a youth (Yeah how you doin season 3).
The Glass Factory: A Maebea NITW AU where Mae and Bea find and cling to each other out of a shared sense of alienation as they bear witness to an economically depressed city in its final moments before the shockwave of gentrification turns it into something unrecognizable and hostile (YES I’m still working on it!!)
12) A dumb line from an old WIP... there are so many abandoned projects that are like, two chapters and then a separate file full of quotes that I thought were cool and then I never looked back on them again. I’m sure those hold up. Let me check my old writings folder...
OH NO. I have it and I hate it but I’m going to post it anyway:
Detta rises over the Blackfuse mercenary as he struggled with the debris crushing him. Short even for a goblin, she looms over him like a Titan contemplating the fleeting life of mortals. She raises one hand, closed in a fist that sparks and howls with the wind.
“I’m gonna put a hurricane in your skull. See what it does to your brain.”
FOR CONTEXT, this is an old WIP from, like, 2016. It was a World of Warcraft fic that I REALLY wanted to write. It took place during the Panderia campaign and was set entirely in Bilgewater Harbor, an island city of goblins that is almost entirely empty in-game but I always liked its chaotic design. It was about Detta, a goblin Shaman who had given up adventuring and became a freelance problem solver in Bilgewater. She had a Storm Elemental she named Dizzy who she used as a secretary. One day Korkron troopers loyal to Hellscream bursts into her office and tells her they want to hire her to track down a criminal. Tozz, one of the troopers, is assigned to stay with her to make sure she stays on task. Eventually they would find the criminal only to learn he’s a Twilight’s Hammer cultist who had been in Orgrimmar instructing Hellscream’s forces on the secrets of Dark Shamanism and Hellscream was hiding this by killing everyone involved. You can take it from me that it was VERY lore compliant while filling in the spaces that the game devs had left CRIMINALLY underdeveloped and was going to be a dramatic story in the vein of film noir, with intrigue and divided loyalties and shifting motivations all on the eve of war and rebellion and WoW DESERVED to have better story than it did and you know what I’ve decided that is actually a brilliant line and I am PROUD of it and --
You get the picture. Next question!
16) Hm... this is a question that I don’t really have an answer for because all worldbuilding is good worldbuilding if you ask me. I think the thing about worldbuilding is that a good 90% of it doesn’t make it to the page and we kind of struggle with that because if you have all this research material then you might feel compelled to splash it all out on the page so you’d have something to show for all the time you spent. But that’s not what it’s for, it’s so that you have something to refer to when you need it. It’s the big part of the iceberg no one else gets to see. So maps? Spreadsheets? Research? None of it is ridiculous. All of it is good.
I guess the most of it I’ve ever done was for the novel that I wrote. I had a lot of material for that. I drew a map and I even tried to keep it to scale by sketching it out using travel route lines in Google Maps. I guess that is a little ridiculous, but I’ve no regrets.
18) I hate title and I don’t really spend much time on them. I certainly don’t keep track of how many titles I come up with before settling on one. I tend to be direct, I think.
Glass Factory is called Glass Factory because there’s a glass factory in NITW and my story takes place in an art studio. There’s an art studio in Alexandria called the Torpedo Factory, and that and its surroundings is what inspired that story, so Glass Factory. ez.
Longest Shadows is about legacy, the shadows cast by Scrooge and Magica and how Webby and Lena fall under those shadows. Plus it’s Lena so there’s almost a 100% chance any story with her has some kind of shadow reference in the title. So that’s that.
This is How We Grow was probably the most agonizing of my recent WIPs in terms of title. I think it’s a little clunky. But it’s about the two main characters growing and it’s... there’s farming. Plants grow. So... uh, that’s it. I might not be a huge fan of the title but I’ve never considered changing it. Never look back, when it comes to titles. That’s my motto.
Now for a question of my choosing...
14) I can knock out 500 words pretty easily on a good day, like on a real good day I can do a 1000 in half an hour. I’ve had times where I got an idea in the morning, wrote 2000 words about it, edited it by lunch and posted it by evening. But good days are few and far between and mostly I just put in a paragraph or two where I can.
I used to be very obsessive about word count. Like, I still look at it today but now it’s just like “oh, that’s how many words are in this file, okay”, but years ago I practically lived by it. I think part of it was me chasing that NaNoWriMo dragon, which was something I used to be pretty focused on. Now that I’m older I wonder if NaNoWriMo actually helps or does more to hurt aspiring writers. I mean, it’s not like there’s any external consequences to falling short but when you’re young and you’re looking to commit yourself to something, it sucks real hard when you inevitably fall short and it can be discouraging.
These days I’m more in a “what’s important is that you’ve written something” frame of mind. It doesn’t matter if it’s four pages or it’s literally a single word. I’ve had single word days. And it’s okay! It’s okay to write a single word. Progress is progress, when it comes to writing. Now, if I look at the word count, it’s because a chapter I’m in is running longer than I would have liked and maybe I should consider splitting it in two or something because I am the kind of person who likes the idea of a uniform amount of words per paragraph thank you very much. Beyond that, I don’t pay word count much mind and I think I’m a happier writer for it.
So yeah!
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dearpadfoot · 7 years
My Thoughts on The Worst Witch: Episode One
I thought this might be fun seeing as this show watches like a poorly done Harry Potter knock-off. Here, have my thoughts: 
Ofc we’re in England because where else would magic happen?
So this girl can see things that her mom can’t? Very wizard. 
Apparently not wizard at all-- only witch! No magical men. Right on. 
So broomsticks come with spells that repel non-magic folk apparently 
and children can get their broomstick drivers licenses???
what’s with the secret handshake? Well met, my ass 
How lucky is it that this girl can see this school from her flat? Like how weird would it have been if she’d disappeared without saying goodbye to her mom and casually flew to the other side of the country? But now ‘chill mom, I’m just down the street!’ 
So basically at this school we have lady-Snape and lady-Dumbledore. classic 
Who named these kids anyway? 
Maud = Ron/Neville??? 
Also unsure if this bitchy little girl Ethel is supposed to be Draco or Hermione??
Making a grand entrance by crashing into school property was trade-marked by Harry/Ron circa 1992 btw 
HB for Miss HardBroom? More like for HEAD BITCH 
A pocket-full of lemon drops? Classic Dumbledore.
Why does this girl (Maud) know what non-magic folk are but seems surprised that anyone could grow up without magic?
Who tastes a 2-month old potion (I mean probably because summer vacay right?) that was made by 12-year-olds and hopes for the best????
So basically this school is Hogwarts - boys + cats. I like it. 
Also literally the Hogwarts crest except with purple instead of blue and a cat instead of an H. Nice. 
Why does Dumbledore lady have an evil twin? 
Whatever happened to just letting the kids try on a hat? Seems like less hassle. 
Worms and dragons are apparently related so that’s cool.... 
DumbledoreLady with the anger of Gambon’s interpretation post-Goblet of Fire ceremony means this one is not actually Dumbledore! I’m sensing the evil twin is afoot! 
Even witches get free education?? The American education system is a J-O-K-E
Talking to a frog now? Harry started the asking animals for life advice with Hedwig long before your time, small child. 
If everyone is waiting on you before they eat, why would you stop to admire yourself in your spoon in the meantime? Savage. 
No wands or anything. This is some Dragon Ball Z shit... 
Wrapped in a banner. “Had enough?” LOL HOW WEAK 
Aaaaaand there Mildred goes pulling a Harry level mistake with a heavy dose of bravery and foolishness 
And now Dumbledore gets to sacrifice for Harry and everyone will applaud them both. Classic. 
And where Mildred/Harry should have been expelled and/or arrested, there we go letting her into the school and allowing her to get a big head. If all you wanted was peace and quiet, this was your first mistake. 
But maybe this won’t be as dramatic because Mildred still has her mom, so imagine if Harry still had Lily. His life probably wouldn’t have been half as crazy... right? 
1000 points to Gryffindor. 
Edit: And I know it’s been mentioned that this book was around before Harry Potter, but it doesn’t make this any less FUNNY. Because they literally made everything and everyone LOOK LIKE what Harry Potter did for the movies! If they wanted to make it look like a standalone thing, they did a really poor job jussayin! 
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vodkawriter · 7 years
20 songs tag
1_ Favorite Song: Okay so my favorite song is a really inspiring one from Sia, Unstoppable. 2_ Song That I Hate: Well that is El Taxi, aggh I just hate it. 3_ Saddest Song: My saddest song is Good Enough by Cimorelli, that song can make me cry so easily. 4_ Song That Reminds Me Of Someone: Well, Demons by Imagine Dragons. It reminds me of Lana Parrilla. 5_ Song That Makes Me Happy: One of my childhood, A Spoonful Of Sugar of Mary Poppins... It always makes me happy. 6_ Song That Reminds Me Of A Moment: Angelina by Il Divo, my grandmother always listen it so it just stayed with me... I was ten and woke up early, she was listening to that song when we had breakfast together while she told me stories of when I was a baby, of how much I changed her life. 7_ Song Whose Lyric You Know Perfectly: Wings by Cimorelli. This song is very special to me and I highly recommend it. 8_ Song That Makes Me Dance: Chandelier by Sia. I literally sing and dance with that song, it's so beautiful. 9_ Song To Sleep: Lay Me Down by Sam Smith, his voice, the lyric, I like everything. 10_ Song That I Like Secretly: It won't be a secret anymore but... Let Me Love You by Justin Bieber. 11_ Song That I Feel Identified: Breakaway by Celine Dion, I really feel identified with this song. 12_ Song That I Used To Like And Now I Hate: La Mordidita by Ricky Martin, it's not that I hate it but I am tired of listen that song. 13_ Song Of My Favorite Album: Fire Meet Gasoline by Sia (1000 Forms of Fear) 14_ Song That You Used To Sing Until You Knew The Meaning: This is so embarrassing, S&M by Rihanna 😂 15_ Song That You Sang In Public: Shake it Out the Glee version at school. 16_ Song For Drive: Highway To Hell by Ac/Dc 😂 17_ Song Of Your Childhood: El Jacaranda by Maria Elena Walsh 😍 18_ A Song That No One Would Expect You To Love: Purple Rain by Prince... It's just that they think I just like the new music and not the old good one. 😉 19_ Song For My Wedding: That would be A Thousand Years by Christina Perri 😍 20_ Song For My Funeral: Really Gone by Sean Maguire 😔
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