#I love MCR but honestly my favorite song might be All I Want For Christmas XD
sadrockandwaltzes · 9 months
Musical Musings
Sometimes I feel like the only thing that can save my heavy dirty soul is Queen
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namjoonieftw · 5 years
50 questions!  I was tagged by @knjclubie! Thank you my love 
1. what takes up too much of your time?
literally everything; school, my job, sorority life, rugby practices
2. what makes your day better?
coming home and listening to music, 
3. what’s the best thing to happen to you today?
I got bubble tea! 
4. what fictional place would you like to go to?
I just wanna go inside the Millennium Falcon 
5. are you good at giving advice?
sometimes? my brother convinced me to take up a minor in social work so ig?
6. do you have any mental illness?
7. have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
OH GOD all the time in my old house
8. what musician inspired you the most?
so many? mcr, fob, bts, logic 
9. have you ever fallen in love?
yeah, once. ONCE.
10. what’s your dream date?
going to a museum and then getting like coffee and talking about our favorite pieces
11. what do others notice about you?
how tall I am? 
12. what is an annoying habit you have?
I talk very very loudly, and walk super fast 
13. do you still talk to your first love?
nope, got ghosted and haven’t spoken since
14. how many exe’s do you have?
officially: one, off the record: who knows
15. how many songs are in your playlist?
in my biggest playlist: 596 songs (36 hrs 47 mins) in my daily playlist: 347 songs (21 hrs 49 mins)
16. what instruments can you play?
i used to be able to play the piano and violin
17. what do you have the most pictures of?
18. where would you like to go before you die?
Japan, i want to eat so much food there
19. what is your zodiac sign?
20. do you relate to it?
heck yea
21. what is happiness to you?
sitting in the sun and listening to my favorite music while people watching
22. are you going through anything right now?
a lot of trying to figure out who I am and what I really want to do in life
23. what’s the worst business decision you ever made?
honestly buying literally anything
24. what’s your favorite store?
Ocean State Job Lot, they have everything you could ever want
25. what’s your opinion on abortion?
do what is best for you in your situation
26. do you keep a bucket list?
hell yeah, not a lot gets crossed off but i still have one
27. do you have a favorite album?
yeah i have like way too many ok strap in tight yall: mcr - danger days, rm - mono, the 1975- the 1975, bruno mars - 24k magic, 
28. what do you want for your birthday?
my mom and i might get matching tattoos
29. what are most peoples first impression of you?
i am loud and tall
30. what age do you seem according to most?
honestly my dentist thought i was 15 but then people also think im 24 
31. where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
next to my bed, on my desk (that’s if i don’t fall asleep with it on my face)
32. what word do you say the most?
dope like  yeet dab spicy 
33. what’s the oldest age you would date?
34. what’s the youngest you’d date?
35. what job/career do most people say would fit you?
event coordinator, any job where i am organizing stuff
36. what’s your favorite music genre?
anything except country and screamo
37. if you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
Probably Australia, I just want to live there for a few years
38. what is your current favorite song?
Crying Over You - HONNE ft RM & BEKA Twilight - ATEEZ
39. how long have you had this blog?
since,,,, the summer?
40. what are you excited for?
all my concerts coming up, seeing my parents in a few months, seeing my best friend in a few months
41. are you a better talker or listener?
42. what is the last productive thing you did?
eat lunch, that just speaks volumes
43. what do you want for christmas?
honestly i just want to be with my family 
44. what class do you get the best grades in?
out of my psych, cj, and social work: social work
45. one a scale to 1-10 how are you feeling right now?
7 - the library is just really hot right now
46. what can you see yourself doing in 10 years? 
Hopefully just being happy
47. when did you get your first heartbreak?
18? 19? I think I was 19?
48. what age do you wanna get married?
honestly never? going through a wedding is a huge deal and so is changing your name, so idk
49. what career did you wanna have as a child?
astronaut, fashion designer, 
50. what do you crave rn?
to not be sweating my ass off in the library right now
I tag: @bangtantannie @carrotgguk @cafejoon @rmonochild @officialjoon
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pr · 5 years
I was tagged by @twothirtyams
FINALLY got around to it HERE:
Nickname(s): Energizer Bonnie. Bon Bon. Bon. The Bonster. Babe (Jake literally has called me Bonnie less than 20 times akdjakanan).
Gender: Lady gal. Tbh I would be agender because I just don't care but along that same vein I just don't care enough to explain that all the time/insist on pronouns. So. Respect to y'all who do. ✌
Height: 5′6″ (I'm the tallest woman in me or Jake's families but also like. Why am I not 5'11"+ akdjakajaj Kaylor's impact….)
Time: 5:47p CST
Where I'm from: Dallas, Texas. (I would specify the suburb but nobody outside DFW seems to kno lol.) Living in Austin, Texas for 21 more days though...
Hogwarts house: SLYTHERIN. Through and through. When I took the quiz at like 15 and got put in the opposite of Gryffindor I cried. But like. Now, I cannot imagine ever not identifying with everything about Slytherin. The ~dark side~ has never ever been appealing to me - I didn't even have an "emo phase" (I thought MCR was scary even) lol but. Ambition and cunning? Hell. Yes. Also Merlin was a Slytherin so. Dab.
Favorite show: Parks and Recreation has taken the top spot for yeeeears - but now it is tied with Crazy Ex Girlfriend. (I base a lot of my identity on kinned TV characters akdjakaj but ANYway.) 30 Rock close 2nd. Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul are 3rd, shockingly. Bojack Horseman an unfortunate 4th but I kin Bojack in a negative way. Always, ALWAYS stan Avatar: The Last Airbender at #5. I have too many to list tbh lol so just check my TV tag.
Favorite animal: So preface: I only like female animals. Akdjakaja. JUDGE me as you WILL. BUT. Other than hyenas, female animals don't RAPE. SO! ANYWAY! Bunnies at a hard #1!!!! 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰 Alligators, sharks, dolphins, elephants, horses/ponies, cows, pigs (lotta livestock akdjakajaba), cats, opossums, cheetahs, big cats in general, GIRAFFES (KK……) - I love animals a lot (from a sanitary distance akdjakajaj)
Favorite band/artist: I will not even count the obvious answer because that isn't fair. Other than her: Paramore/Hayley Williams, Ariana Grande, Lorde, Hayley Kiyoko, Halsey, Bastille, Troye Sivan, Harry Styles/One Direction, Rush (hate you Jake…), the cast of Hamilton and Crazy Ex Girlfriend.
...you can't judge me.
Song stuck in my head: Well I'm currently listening to Kung Fu Fighting akdjakaj but other than that Love Kernels has been stuck in my head for OVER A WEEK!!!!
Last movie I saw: Uhhh….tbh I really do not watch enough movies??? Honestly, it might have been Endgame?? God I am sad akdjakakja. Watched Crazy Ex Girlfriend 3× since June tho akdjakana
Last thing I Googled: murphy texas fourth of july concert
Other blogs: I've got a SHIT ton of saved URLs, but other than my temp hiatus blog @kaylor and its side blog @marvelousmidgesusie nah. Too much effort.
Do I get asks:Absolutely not. Never have never will akdjakajaj I'm good with it now.
Why this URL: Not to be like. Dramatic. But. After getting a canon URL previously and receiving 0 validation from it, I started this blog under the guise of like. Having just...a fun URL I can change whenever just to enjoy. So, when the lyrics were leaked, I jumped on this bitch because it was fun! And I'll probably change it again once Lover releases.
Number of blankets: Oh my God. Over 10. Too many.
Followers: Little over 125 I think.
Following: Idk. Maybe 200?
Average amount of sleep: I have been working pretty hard to make it at LEAST 8 - but that never fucking happens aidhakan 7-6 usually and it makes me MISERABLE.
Lucky number: 187, and any combination thereof. I know. Weird. But. On birthday turning from 7 to 8, July 18th (7/18), I decided that was the best day of my life, and that was my number. Do I remember anything about that birthday? Absolutely not. But. The number stuck. It shows up in my life a lot. From random (187 on a bus or on a utilities panel driving by), to mildly interesting (my license plate just has 718 or reblogging/liking things that equal combos of the numbers a lot), to really freakin' weird (the number my mom has had for almost 30 years ends with 0718, my Jake's birthday just happens to be August 17th 8/17). So. Idk. I just wike it.
What am I wearing: Tee from a coffee shop, A&M workout shorts, sports bra, crap underwear, and my heart on my sleeve.
Dream job: For my entire life, it was working in film, most recently being an editor. But within the last few months, in a dramatic turn of events, my ideal job would be doing what @tree-paine does: being the publicist of clientele in media, music, film, sports, maybe even politics. Idk.
Dream trips: Jake and I have an elaborate dream of traveling down the Alps from Frankford to Austria to Switzerland to Mulan and ending in Verona. Additionally, I am desperate to take Jake to NYC, LA, Boston, and San Fran. Would love to visit almost every hotspot in the US (Chicago, Atlanta, NOLA, Southwest, Pacific Northwest, Disneyworld, Colorado, Alaska, etc). Also VANCOUVER, lots of East Asia, lots of Europe, Giza, Jerusalem, South Africa - but I have literally never been out of the country and am TERRIFIED of flying let alone over the OCEAN. UM. I just want to be well traveled man lmao.
Favorite food: LOTTA shit I am NOT picky, but tops for sure: cinnamon rolls, cheeseburgers, pizza, mac n cheese, blueberries, pasta in general, sushi, and Jake's aglio e olio/veggie nachos.
Instruments I play: Lol. As if. I spent almost $300 on a keyboard but have been too depressed to try. Maybe someday. Have also been dying to sing for 23 years…
Eye color: Very, VERY light blue. Whenever I am in public, people lose their SHIT on the daily when they see my eyes. But for me like. Blue eyes be creepy. Lmao. I really want green/hazel eyes but like. W/e. So it goes.
Hair color: Naturally this dark, awful shade of ash blonde. But I've been coloring my hair since middle school, and for the past 5 or so years it has been a natural ginger copper. I dye my brows too, people think it's really because I am such a cracker ass white gal akdjakanakan
Aesthetic: Check my "aesthetic" tag lol. Idk. Peach/salmon tones. Farm animals. Florals. Dresses with sneakers. Women. Taylor Swift lyrics over pastel backgrounds akdjakaj. BUNNIES. Shots with a lot of negative space. Mornings and coffee and eggs and pancakes. Waking up next to Jake. Texas hill country. Cowboy boots worn right. Snow. Christmas. Idk. Just like. Look at the "moodboards" tag too akdjakaj.
Languages I speak: English, do you see my lily white ass akdjakajaj. I can speak Spanglish well enough to get through a transaction or vaguely pick up words but that is IT. Would love to know Cherokee, Korean, German, and whatever the hell Australians are saying tho.
Most iconic song: One time, I had a dream that I wrote my senior thesis on why the song "Red" was on the level of modern icon/classic as songs "Don't Stop Believin'", "Livin' On A Prayer", "Smoke On The Water", etc. I was insistent the opening notes were on the same level as "Immigrant Song" aodaajakaja. And I was SO passionate about it I WOKE UP CRYING AKDHALAJAKKAAJ.
OTHER than that, this is 100% subjective and to me personally but: Tim McGraw because those opening notes are just nostalgic as hell; Out of the Woods because when that leaked I was just starting to get back into TS and I put on my headphones and covered myself in a blanket and closed my eyes to be fully into it and oh my God...it was immersive, I will never forget that feeling; IV Sweatpants by Childish Gambino, because it was the MOST PLAYED SONG OF 2018 on our Spotify akdjakajaj; My Shot/Wait For It from Hamilton because they have both inspired and driven me to feel like I can take on the fucking world; and A Diagnosis from Crazy Ex Girlfriend because it changed my life and I have listened to it more times than I can count.
When I created this account: A few months ago. I am changing my person this year, and starting fresh with how I present my online persona was an important part of that process for me. But I have been on Tumblr on various accounts since 2010/11 lmao.
Best memory: Getting moved to the front row at my first TS concert, the 1989 Tour; so, so many things with Jake, years of memories; getting my bun; reconnecting with Sarah; a lot of SXSW 2018; my 20th birthday.
Best pun: The first thing that comes to mind is a post I reblogged earlier about how Lyra from The Golden Compass does not have a moral compass in the metaphorical sense and I said, "I mean. She has a compass. She quite literally very much has a moral compass." I thought I was funny lol.
Random fact: I finally got diagnosed with BPD! And I've lost 20+lbs this year (getting healthy, it's a good thing)! My closet is color organized by item!
I tag:
@kayspiracy @jake-from-state-farm-school @toastedcoconutchips @vagabonds-and-troubadours @grizzlybairparty @thefuckingstory @pictureofsoph1sticatedgrace @his-dark-memerials @taylorswift
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wildfey · 6 years
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So for my new years resolution I decided that this year I was going to read 52 books, e.g. one a week. Also that I would only count books that I was reading for the first time (so i don’t just reread night watch 52 times) and that I was going to try and read outside my comfort zone.
As you can see, January’s went pretty well. (badly written ramblings under the cut)
What I read this month (in chronological order)
Red Seas under Red Skies: Honestly I expected to finish this before the new year, but family (amongst other things) meant that I put it off and finished it on the 5th instead. However, even though I took a gap in the middle of reading, rsurs still stood out to me as a very good book, and i’m glad it was the first thing I finished this year (even though it ended on a massive cliffhanger, what the hell?!, but i’m getting republic of thieves soon so I’ll see how that turns out.) 
I loved the lies of Locke Lamora when I first read it, and honestly the second book lives up to that. Locke Lamora himself continues to be in equal parts amusing as hell and a little shit (I think anyone who knows me shouldn’t be surprised that he’s my fave character) but I also liked Jean a lot (more) in this book, especially because he’s a supporting character on his own rather than being one of several gentleman bastards. I do like that he gets a fair few standalone moments in this book.
what I will say is that rsurs has a feel that the author just put stuff in because he felt like it (e.g. the actual seas part comes in quite a while into the book and kinda out of nowhere) but I love pirate stuff so honestly I don’t mind, and seeing Locke and Jean with absolutely no idea what they’re doing is hilarious. Also bonus points for Zamira Drakasha who is fantastic, Ezri who is tiny and intimidating (something I appreciate because I’m the former but not the latter) and gratuitous cats, which I could never argue with (though I don’t think I would be able to get any of my cats aboard a ship).
I am Malala: So I decided to spend this month finally getting round to reading books I have had for ages, and I am Malala is the first of those. (I think I might have got it as a present one or two years ago). Anyways, I found it in my newly regained stash of childhood books (long story short they were in a crate in a cupboard behind several other cupboards and I wasn’t allowed to touch them, but I am now).  
Should I talk about the actual book now?
So Malala Yousafzai is someone I’ve admired for a long time, for obvious reasons. She’s only a couple of years older than me, and I think that makes me appreciate her strength even more, because it’s easier for me to compare to my own(I am really not a strong willed person :/). That was one of the things that stood out to me about the book, that Malala obviously had such courage to continue with her life, and while she was supported by her family, ultimately she had to make these very tough decisions and choose between her safety and the education which she valued. Throughout the book, she keeps on choosing the latter, even whilst her ability to access it diminishes. It’s very powerful to read about, and while I like to hope that I would make that same choice in the same situation, I’m not sure if I would be brave enough to. The other thing about this book is that there is a genuine love for her home in the swat valley, which makes it all the more painful when the Yousafzai family eventually have to leave. All in all that’s a constant in this book, that the things that are beautiful and worthwhile are still beautiful and worthwhile, even while the taliban attempt to destroy them, and that one day the taliban will be gone, and they will be beautiful and worthwhile still.
 I’m really glad I finally got round to reading this book. I very rarely like biographies, but I am Malala told a very painful story of endurance against evil, and I regret not reading it earlier.
Mother Courage and her Children: In general, I really enjoy reading plays for a couple of reasons. First of all, they’re usually pretty short, and you can read them in a couple of hours and still get a really engaging story in that time (while I do have a soft spot for ridiculously long fantasy novels, I can’t read them all the time, we all need a break sometimes.) The second reason is that if you read them aloud, plays gain an extra (let’s call it a) dimension to them that books usually don’t have. MCahC isn’t an exception to this, and if you’re not self-conscious I would recommend reading it out loud.
As for the play itself, it’s a classic, and I’m not sure I can say anything much that smarter people than me haven’t said before. I’ll try anyways though.
I’m always interested in reading stories that are pacifist in nature, but focus on people who are invested in war. There’s definitely an interesting juxtaposition between how mother courage continues to profit and benefit from the war, whilst at the same time suffering at it’s hands and losing her family to it. It’s kinda inevitable that her family is ruined by it, but at the same time she stays close. You could argue that she has little choice (after all, there’s a war on, where else is she going to get paid) but nevertheless I found myself wishing in a futile way that Kattrin would escape and live. (spoilers: she doesn’t.) It’s a play that’s much more interested in talking themes then telling a straight story, and the themes are just grim. 
Also I went on the wiki page for this book and apparently the MCR song “mama” was based on this play and I don’t even know how to feel about that.
The Railway Detective, book 1-->5: So, I’ve been interested in these books for a while now, mostly because I have a couple of niche book interests which are rarely indulged.
1. I really like history mysteries and
2. I think trains are cool (insert asdf joke). 
As a result I’ve been kinda nosing around these books whenever I see them, but nothing ever convinced me to read them. That is, until just before christmas I was waiting to see tlj with a friend, and I was on the charity shop trawl. And there I found them. The first 5 books in a neat little cardboard box set. For £2. Which was the real push I needed to buy them (after all, I could never afford them new, I don’t have £40 to spend on anything, let alone books.) 
They’re relatively short and easy to read, at least compared to a lot of the dense stuff I usually go for. Personally, I really liked them, and I might well reread one or two at some point (most likely the 3rd book “the railway viaduct” which was my fave. There’s nothing that revolutionary in them, you have your standard detective + sergeant, a series of historical characters including the perpetual Victorian favorites of pickpockets, thugs, lords, industrialists etc, a pretty love interest and her overbearing father. Normal stuff. But I think sometimes I need something a bit formulaic (and to be fair, the mysteries themselves are decent enough and can keep you guessing when they want to). Ironically enough, I think the best place to read these is whilst you’re on a bus or a train. (My 2 hour daily bus journey is definitely how I got through all 5 of them).
All in all, I wouldn’t 100% recommend buying them, unless you’re super into history mysteries or have a lot more disposable cash than I do. But if you find them second hand or in a library then they’re worth checking out.
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