#I just. really like high cha low wis characters. and Travis
the-walking-spoiler · 8 months
Fjord is my favorite critical role character for — well for a lot of reasons! but a lot of them are tied up in the fact that this guy’s self-esteem was so low that he spent the better part of a year doing an impression of his foster dad around his closest friends so they’d respect him more. Guy of all fucking time. Took fake it til you make it way too far and now he’s got three deity pacts, a pirate ship, and several fake personalities on rotation. Task failed successfully
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I hope u don't mind me randomly rambling in your inbox,but I'm a little confused about the whole Fjord/Jester/Cad situation.Beau,Caleb,& Marian seem to be assuming that Jester & Fjord are already an item,if not officially,but Cad and Fjord's interactions have read to me as super romantic lately,as well, especially since their super-softness towards each other after Fjord threw away his sword in the forge.Then again,Travis himself has said he's not really interested in romance in D&D.Thoughts?
jester used to have a crush on fjord; laura has implied that the crush is no longer a thing. marrion, i think, knew that jester had a crush, and thus was kind of protective at first. beau is kinda realizing (very carefully) that jester might not be straight. veth is really stuck on fjord and jester being a couple, because she’s Like That. and caleb has sadboy disease where he’s like ~of course the woman i have feelings for who is ten+ years my junior  has two other, far more worthy courters than myself, who are of course fjord and beau,~ even if beau is the only one who has actually said in canon “i have feelings for jester,” and yasha has expressed a level of attraction to jester more recently than fjord has. and cad has a crush, but i’ll get to that later.
fjord did not return jester’s flirtations when jester flirted. he cares about her very much, and they both view each other as confidants to a degree--although (per a passive insight check in the pirate arc) caleb, beau, and cad had at least kinda caught on to the accent thing, jester was the only one who actually knew about it. they are very good friends. their latest one-on-one--with ice cream, and the hat--felt entirely platonic to me, at least. it was very sweet. i think that jester no longer being interested in fjord has softened their relationship a great deal, and that they make a fucking delightful pair--fjord has low wis, and jester has low-ish cha (in comparison, at least), which balances the two of them out in terms of social stats in a fucking delightful way.
caduceus and jester are best friends. caduceus is aware that jester, at one point, had feelings for fjord. he is probably also aware--as he is an insightful fellow--that jester’s feelings have faded. together, they bought pants that make fjord’s ass look good; it cannot be determined whose idea that was. the hat was jester’s idea, but caduceus was very pro it.
caduceus has very strong feelings about fjord that appear to be romantic. he has straight up said that he expresses his affection through gift-giving, and his Biggest gift to date is the star-razor. that’s a...lot of effort to put into a gift for a boy you just met because he’s learning how to Not Unleash Eldritch Demigods. he also commissioned the holy symbol before fjord committed to the wildmother, even though he was genuinely cool with fjord going to any god. he is thrown off his guard whenever fjord compliments him; the second he is slightly uninhibited--the two times we’ve seen him high--he has spent his time talking about fjord. and then. well. we saw murduceus slay happen this week.
caduceus thinks that just being able to help fjord has made leaving home--for as much conflict as that caused him internally--entirely worth it.
caduceus does not risk himself in battle often--he wants to be a “good cleric.” the times we’ve seen him falter are walking across a battlezone and using a greater restoration (rather than a dispel, which had a low fuckin dc even cast at level 3) on fjord and fifth level blight on the fucker who killed him.
caduceus is not straight. i’ve talked a lot about cad being gay on here but: the infamous “they kill us and we just come back gayer,” quote--unconfirmed, but iirc it’s reputable. sunbreaker ulumon got all three bottom table characters horny--caduceus claims that the sunbreaker winked at him, and tried to make himself look demure in his presence. caduceus has “feelings about sex and intimacy” that tal would like to explore in canon, and cad is currently trying to figure out “who he is.” that’s a coming out arc, babey!
fjord cares very deeply for caduceus. he is the first person that fjord chose to open up to about the accent, he consulted cad about his dreams even before all of that, and felt connected enough to cad that he trusted him to help him with his search for spiritual guidance pretty much immediately. caduceus “inspires” him, and is “very sweet,” and fjord feels very protective of him in general, and wants to impress him and help him in any way he can.
i’m not analyzing fjord’s sexuality stuff because 1) others have done it better and 2) travis straight
BUT fjord recently said, without gendered pronouns, that his type is someone who’s honest and upfront about their feelings. in the next episode, he said that caduceus was usually honest and upfront. hm.
jester has, of late, displayed some level of interest in beau and some level of disinterest in fjord. enough said.
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