#I just think its sweet ❤️ guilty pleasure ship etc etc
trans-xianxian · 1 year
sorry, but i HAVE to ask and im curious. Why do ppl ship venti x xiao
AKHSMXUKAHXKDJ honestly it mostly just started as a goof, but then in trailers and little pieces of lore and now the most recent event there's been things proving that they Actually know each other and are friends with a meaningful relationship (esp the whole thing abt ventis music saving xiao from his karma once) and it's sort of made it a serious ship for people. mostly for me I just think that their potential is sweet and their personality combo is charming and the lore is fun and compelling, but ppl def get waaaaay too intense and weird about it (in both directions - both ppl who ship it and don't like it) in a way that's annoying and embarrassing with Any ship but especially two characters that until recently had not actually interacted w each other in game and was like. only lore. the moral of the story is never ever in your whole life ever engage in any sort of conversation w anybody except your mewtchuals about genshin because the discourse is insane and exhausting. stay safe out there king ❤️
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