#I just think a smartphone is kind of an intruder when I write if it makes sense
elbiotipo · 11 months
Some of the aesthetics I want to introduce to my space opera setting just aren't possible anymore. Beto reading an paper magazine issue of Astronaútica Popular, old heavy CRT monitors (especially true when spaceships need to save weight), Ragua playing around with an old hand-held console, steel welded rockets. On one hand, it's also a bit nonsensical to expect realism in this way; all old sci-fi looks quaint and obsolete to us, except perhaps for the cyberpunk genre which remains surprisingly prescient, so no matter what I invent, it will be obsolete so I might say fuck it and go with a retro style anyways. On the other hand, it does requires less suspension of disbelief that daily life can remain mostly as it is, rather than go back to say, paper magazines and single use electronics.
It's just... I hate writing about using electronics because that's what I do all day. Writing my characters pulling a cellphone to solve their daily problems (as I did today multiple times) just clashes with me. A scene of Beto reading the latest astronautic news on his smartphone feels less authentic, if it makes sense, that him reading a magazine. Why is that?
The focus is still on the adventure and the "costumbrismo" (in quotes because it's not), the daily life of a rugged pilot in the space frontier who suddenly has to deal with a new person in his life. I don't want to write about him scrolling through his social media timeline, I want to write about him landing the ship on a remote airfield and basking under the light of unknown moons while drinking tereré. Even the presence of contemporary electronics just sorts of bothers me.
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matsumayhem · 7 years
hi, I think my ask may have gotten eaten before. If you can, could you write how the brothers react to them walking into the room their S/O was in and she's singing and dancing to a really ~suggestive~ pop song? She's always been super blushy when it comes to sexual talk, too, so it's a bit surprising. Also she hasn't noticed them come in yet. Thank you!
Ohohoho, this honestly 100% sounds like something that I’d do.  Slight NSFW involved here! -Mod Kota
The Boys Walk in on Their S/O Dancing Suggestively
At first he’s completely shocked.  Was his s/o, normally all shy and blushy, really dancing to a super suggestive song?  His eyes are the size of dinner plates.
After the initial shock wears off he has the biggest shit-eating grin on his face.  
He leans against the wall and watches you, arms crossed over his chest.  
If he’s being honest, he really wants to say some sort of sassy comment, but a larger part of him just wants to keep watching you dance.
He won’t say anything until the song is over, after which he’ll clear his throat to get your attention.  
“Wow, y/n, I didn’t realize you were into this kinda stuff.”
Watching you sing and dance was enough to get him half hard, just barely noticeable through his pants.  He’ll probably give you the option of helping him take care of his little problem~
He’s lured to the room by the loud music and the sound of your voice, but unable to make out the lyrics until he’s close.
He doesn’t open the door at first, he’s too busy being flustered now that he’s realized that the song isn’t exactly innocent.
His hand shakes a bit when he finally reaches to open the door and peek inside the room.  Once he sees you his face turns bright red.
Of course, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like what he was seeing.  Watching you sing and dance so suggestively was enough to send a tidal wave of dirty thoughts to his brain.
He watches you for several long moments before slipping back out quietly, not feeling brave enough to announce his presence.
You might have a hard time finding him for a little bit afterwards, simply because he needed to go use the bathroom to take care of a steadily growing problem.
He wasn’t paying too much attention at first, mostly entering the room to ask you to quiet down a bit so he could focus on reading.
Hoooh boy was he surprised once he realized what you were doing.
You’d realize he was in the room when you heard a thunk behind you, and when you turn around Choro would be there, mouth hanging open and his book laying on the floor.
You start turning red but before you can defend yourself Choro starts talking: “I-I’m sorry!  I didn’t mean to intrude!”
He’s practically flailing his arms while he tries to apologize but ultimately buries his face in his hands, both embarrassed and turned on.
“…But you know… you looked really good dancing like that.”
He was napping and woke up due to the music blasting in the other room.  Grumpy from being so rudely awakened, he went to see who the hell was making noise.
(of course if he knew it was you from the get go he would’ve just grabbed a pillow to put over his head and gone back to sleep)
Ichi threw back the door, opened his mouth to speak- then immediately stopped upon seeing you.
Holy shit?  What exactly is going on right now?  Am I dreaming?
He makes a noise akin to being strangled which alerts you to his presence, and he slaps a hand over his mouth once he realizes that you were likely going to be embarrassed.
“Don’t mind me…!  You can keep dancing… if you want…”
Of course it’s kind of hard to ignore the fact that he’s there, and that a little stream of blood is leaking from his nose despite his attempts to stem the flow.
When he hears music blaring and you singing along to it he doesn’t think twice about rushing to join you.  Dancing is more fun when done together, after all!
He throws the door open and freezes mid-step, music lyrics suddenly clicking into understanding in his head.
And watching you dance like that…
Poor little Jyushi gets a boner pretty damn quickly once he realizes what’s going on.
He’s not quite sure what to do now.  You look so cute and hot doing your own thing!  He doesn’t really want to disturb you, but he doesn’t want you to catch him watching.
Eventually, after much feet shuffling and sleeve flapping he calls your name to catch your attention.
He ignores his hard-on and asks if he can dance with you.
Of course you oblige him… but it would probably be best if you switch to something more innocent for the time being.
Honestly he probably recognizes the song coming from the other room and gets curious as to who else is listening to it.
Because let’s be real, he has the best music taste out of all of his brothers and it’s almost unthinkable that one of them would enjoy a song as great as this one.
(At least that’s what Totty likes to think)
When he quietly opens the door and peeks inside only to see you singing and dancing he has to bite his lip to keep from making any noise.
Because fuck, you look hot
He pulls out his smartphone and immediately starts taking video of you, determined to save it for future use.
Once the song starts winding down he puts the phone into his pocket then proceeds to announce his presence so he doesn’t startle you too badly.
“Mmmm, y/n, I didn’t realize you had such good taste in music!  Perhaps you’d like to dance again, with me this time?~”
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bitcoinegoldrush · 6 years
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Edward Snowden Launches Open Source Safe Room App
Technology & Security
Smartphones aren’t just about basic communication. They hold intensely personal information, financial records, hordes of cryptocurrencies. As valuable as they are to owners, they’re at least that or more to those who might do harm. Dissident Edward Snowden is helping to launch Haven, an open source project designed to help protect investigative journalists, human rights defenders, and government corruption whistleblowers.
Also read: Ron Paul, Tequila, Sun, Fun, and Crypto
Snowden Offers Peace of Mind Application in Public Beta
“Haven is for people who need a way to protect their personal spaces and possessions without compromising their own privacy,” the project’s Github explains. “It is an Android application that leverages on-device sensors to provide monitoring and protection of physical spaces. Haven turns any Android phone into a motion, sound, vibration and light detector, watching for unexpected guests and unwanted intruders.”
It’s the pet project of noted US government whistleblower Edward Snowden. He’s best known for having run afoul of the one hundred year old Espionage Act and stealing government documents. As a CIA contractor, he evidently obtained unauthorized access to previously publicly unknown surveillance nets used by governments and telecommunication giants. The sensitivity of the information he nabbed meant immediate efforts to seek asylum, and he eventually was accepted by Russia in 2013. Excerpts from Mr. Snowden’s documents were published in The Guardian, Washington Post, New York Times, Le Monde, and Der Spiegel.
The open source, beta release was initially meant for “investigative journalists, human rights defenders, and people at risk of forced disappearance to create a new kind of herd immunity. By combining the array of sensors found in any smartphone, with the world’s most secure communications technologies, like Signal and Tor, Haven prevents the worst kind of people from silencing citizens without getting caught in the act,” the site claims.
The application came about through funding from the Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF), an organization designed to give support to whistleblowers like Mr. Snowden and in the tradition of Daniel Ellsberg, not to mention journalists such as Glenn Greenwald. FPF was instrumental in developing Secure Drop, originally conceived by Aaron Swartz, assisting as a go-around for Wikileaks, thwarting the cabal to block its funding.
Intercept Journalist Gives it a Whirl
Investigative journalist Micah Lee of The Intercept notes his entire professional livelihood is contained on his laptop and other devices. He follows encryption protocols, but that wouldn’t prevent tampering without his knowing. “If I come back and continue to use my compromised computer, the attacker could gain access to everything,” he writes. The application “only saves images and sound when triggered by motion or volume, and stores everything locally on the device,” according to the site. “You can position the device’s camera to capture visible motion, or set your phone somewhere discreet to just listen for noises. Get secure notifications of intrusion events instantly and access the logs remotely or anytime later.”
Mr. Lee, who helped in developing Haven, points to its potential limitations. False positives are probably the easiest example. Having settings designed to be extra sensitive would capture routine goings-on, taking up valuable space and possibly contributing to undue paranoia. “You definitely need a separate Android device to use Haven effectively,” he warns. “A clever attacker who knows that you’re using Haven could jam the wifi, mobile data, and SMS wireless frequencies, preventing Haven from sending you notifications. The attacker could then attempt to access the phone to delete the local evidence logs from the device as well,” he points out.
Less obviously, “If an attacker can both jam your Haven phone’s radio signals and also hack into it to delete the evidence of intrusion,” Mr. Lee continues, “it’s possible for them to then still do an evil maid attack on your laptop without getting caught.” There also a lot of little steps to make a so-called safe room. A couple of times Mr. Lee “positioned my Haven phone in the right place, made sure it was connected to wifi so I could get notifications, and plugged in so the battery wouldn’t die, but then forgot to actually activate the app. Several hours later when I returned to my room and found the Haven phone deactivated, I had no way of knowing if an intrusion occurred or not.”
As with any beta rollout, there are bugs to be found, and that’s why the code has been released open source. Everyone is encouraged to contribute to making the application that much more secure and usable, rather than just a way to pick up loud noises.
For now, it’s only available through Google Play. Apple users will have to wait for a direct application, the project insists, but in the meantime can snag an Android burner phone, and then if “you run Signal on your iPhone, you can configure Haven on Android to send encrypted notifications, with photos and audio, directly to you. If you enable the Tor Onion Service feature in Haven (requires installing Orbot app as well), you can remotely access all Haven log data from your iPhone, using the Onion Browser app,” they urge.
What do you think about Snowden’s app? Let us know in the comments below.
Images via Shutterstock, Cboe, and Pixabay. 
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jaclynbross1 · 7 years
5 Ways To Make Your Home Smarter
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'Smart Homes' are constantly being talked about nowadays; with the advance of technology, people are beginning to find their homes and the tech within it somewhat outdated. From the start of Smart TVs to the Smartphones, the Smart Technology group has grown rapidly over the last few years and who knows where it's going to go next. Smart Homes technology isn't just gadget-y, it's often energy saving, and makes how we use technology more efficient, convenient and user-friendly. So if you're looking to make some simple tech updates to make your home more up to date, then here's 5 basic home upgrades that can make your home just a little more smarter.
What is a 'Smart Home'?
Smart Home Technology generally relates to anything in the home that can be controlled or accessed wirelessly away from the actual device, whether this is a smartphone, tablet, PC or even just via your voice. It's basically technology made for the future and making everything more convenient and easier to use.
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1. Smart Heating
Starting with THE most obvious - yep everyone's opting for these nowadays, smart thermostats connected to your heating. This allows you to manage your heating, even when you're not at home.   What's the point in that, you ask? Well if you finish up early at the office, you can switch the heating on early ready for your arrival home. If you have teens who are likely to increase the temperature on the thermostat whilst you're away, you can see this and control it. If you accidentally leave the heating on, well you can now switch it straight off from your phone. It's seriously great for energy saving and just the convenience of it! Many thermostats also monitor usage and even tell you to the penny, how much energy you're using. The most common Smart Thermostats out there at the moment for central heating systems are the Nest and the Hive, but there are many more on the market and I'm sure even more to come! If you're looking to compare different Smart-Home thermostats, PlumbNation offer an extensive range right here for pretty much all budgets.
What about Electric Heating?
Fear not, Smart Technology has now moved into the electric heating world too. These ecoSave Smart Wifi-Ready Electric Radiators from the Electric Heating Company allow you to control your heating, just as the Nest or the Hive. BUT, electric heating goes one up on these and allows you to control the heating by each individual radiator, which makes it even more efficient and energy saving! If you're planning an evening in front of the TV, you can heat up the living room without heating up the home office, the pantry or the conservatory. It's brilliant and I think, much more logical! You do need the additional gateway kit for the Wi-Fi part to work, but you can read all about that and my review of this radiator on the blog here. Spoiler: It's pretty freaking awesome!
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2. Smart Security & Alarms
Another pretty popular choice is in the security and alarm group. Back in the day, when Alarm systems were first brought out, they were pretty awesome. But nowadays if you hear an alarm bellowing out at 4am, well you just ignore it don't you? Very few neighbours are dropping by the house checking everything's OK. It makes the old alarm systems totally outdated and completely pointless. But what if you could check the house and alarm yourself, even when miles from home? Genuis! With smart home security systems and the added aid of cameras, you can see what's happening inside (or outside!) the home when you're not there. Each alarm package is slightly different, but with the Yale Smart Home System, you'll get a phone notification of any suspicious activity and if you see an intruder on the camera system, you can raise the appropriate call yourself. And if nothing's going on, well at least there's no alarm going off for weeks on end unbeknown to yourself whilst on the yearly vacation. It's instant and real-time security!
As well as Alarms and CCTV, there are also Smart Fire Alarms as well (like this one), which work in the same kind of way. Smart home security is the best, most efficient kind of security you can have within the home.  
3. Smart Lighting & Smart Sockets
Yep, you can now control your lighting and your sockets from your wirelessly as well, which is pretty bonkers! Left the lights on? You can turn them right off. Late home but want the house to appear occupied? You can turn them back on. So how does this work, you ask? You just need to buy Wi-Fi Ready bulbs and the hub which connects them all to your Wi-Fi network. There's many brands out there now and even IKEA have their own Wi-Fi range! It's pretty much the same deal for sockets too, and this works via a plug adapter (like these!) which you simply plug the device into. So if you've forgotten to turn the washing machine on in a rush leaving for work, well now you can turn it on straight from your phone. You'll even never have to worry about whether you've left the straighteners on again! Brilliant! 
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4. Smart Home Hubs
This is probably the most popular one for this year; Smart Home Hubs. These are basically a device that can control almost all of the above in one place, through voice alone. There's a few different models and brands out there, but the most common one on the market is probably the Amazon Echo. This is a standalone 'pod' which you can talk to and control different things within the home. If you want to switch on those lights - you can just ask the hub to do it for you. Need to turn the thermostat down? You don't even need to pick up your phone. Smart Home hubs are also great for use a speaker and you can even request a song of your choice, yep you guessed it - just through voice. You can ask the hub to send text messages, make calls, what the weather forecast is, the square route of 64, it can even write you a shopping list. It's pretty much your own personal assistant, controlled entirely wirelessly through voice. Madness!
5. Smart Pets
No, I don't mean Pets can now be controlled from your phone - but there are crazy awesome Pet devices out there that help you to keep a track of your pets even when you're not there. My favourite of the bunch is the Smart Cat-Flap (like this one) that only allows your cat into the home. Just by using your cats microchip ID, it keeps neighbours and stray cats out and whatsmore, the cat flap also alerts you as to when he/she goes out and when they return. If your working late, it takes the worry out of not being there to let them in and if your cat likes to go out at night - well they now can! You can monitor their in/out patterns and see any unusual changes and you can also introduce a curfew to lock the flap wirelessly if you need to keep the cat in/out.
Another fave is also the PetCube which allows you to watch, interact and even feed pets, wirelessly straight from your phone. Say what? The PetCube is basically a camera which keeps a watch over your pets and you can access wirelessly on the phone. But this goes one step further as you can talk to your pet with its built-in speaker and you can release treats from the camera (yep - really!). So even when you're not there for them, well you now can be!
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So that's my five favourite Smart Home Tech gadgets out there right now. Who knows what will be next - Smart Ovens perhaps? I'd love to know what Smart Home gadgets you have within your home or any weird ones you think are also worth a mention! *This Post Is In Collaboration with PlumbNation & The Electric Heating Company. Thank you for supporting the brands who support this blog!
from Tips For Basements http://www.kezzabeth.co.uk/2017/11/5-ways-to-make-your-home-smarter.html
0 notes
chrisobandous · 7 years
5 Ways To Make Your Home Smarter
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'Smart Homes' are constantly being talked about nowadays; with the advance of technology, people are beginning to find their homes and the tech within it somewhat outdated. From the start of Smart TVs to the Smartphones, the Smart Technology group has grown rapidly over the last few years and who knows where it's going to go next. Smart Homes technology isn't just gadget-y, it's often energy saving, and makes how we use technology more efficient, convenient and user-friendly. So if you're looking to make some simple tech updates to make your home more up to date, then here's 5 basic home upgrades that can make your home just a little more smarter.
What is a 'Smart Home'?
Smart Home Technology generally relates to anything in the home that can be controlled or accessed wirelessly away from the actual device, whether this is a smartphone, tablet, PC or even just via your voice. It's basically technology made for the future and making everything more convenient and easier to use.
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1. Smart Heating
Starting with THE most obvious - yep everyone's opting for these nowadays, smart thermostats connected to your heating. This allows you to manage your heating, even when you're not at home.   What's the point in that, you ask? Well if you finish up early at the office, you can switch the heating on early ready for your arrival home. If you have teens who are likely to increase the temperature on the thermostat whilst you're away, you can see this and control it. If you accidentally leave the heating on, well you can now switch it straight off from your phone. It's seriously great for energy saving and just the convenience of it! Many thermostats also monitor usage and even tell you to the penny, how much energy you're using. The most common Smart Thermostats out there at the moment for central heating systems are the Nest and the Hive, but there are many more on the market and I'm sure even more to come! If you're looking to compare different Smart-Home thermostats, PlumbNation offer an extensive range right here for pretty much all budgets.
What about Electric Heating?
Fear not, Smart Technology has now moved into the electric heating world too. These ecoSave Smart Wifi-Ready Electric Radiators from the Electric Heating Company allow you to control your heating, just as the Nest or the Hive. BUT, electric heating goes one up on these and allows you to control the heating by each individual radiator, which makes it even more efficient and energy saving! If you're planning an evening in front of the TV, you can heat up the living room without heating up the home office, the pantry or the conservatory. It's brilliant and I think, much more logical! You do need the additional gateway kit for the Wi-Fi part to work, but you can read all about that and my review of this radiator on the blog here.
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2. Smart Security & Alarms
Another pretty popular choice is in the security and alarm group. Back in the day, when Alarm systems were first brought out, they were pretty awesome. But nowadays if you hear an alarm bellowing out at 4am, well you just ignore it don't you? Very few neighbours are dropping by the house checking everything's OK. It makes the old alarm systems totally outdated and completely pointless. But what if you could check the house and alarm yourself, even when miles from home? Genuis! With smart home security systems and the added aid of cameras, you can see what's happening inside (or outside!) the home when you're not there. Each alarm package is slightly different, but with the Yale Smart Home System, you'll get a phone notification of any suspicious activity and if you see an intruder on the camera system, you can raise the appropriate call yourself. And if nothing's going on, well at least there's no alarm going off for weeks on end unbeknown to yourself whilst on the yearly vacation. It's instant and real-time security!
As well as Alarms and CCTV, there are also Smart Fire Alarms as well (like this one), which work in the same kind of way. Smart home security is the best, most efficient kind of security you can have within the home.  
3. Smart Lighting & Smart Sockets
Yep, you can now control your lighting and your sockets from your wirelessly as well, which is pretty bonkers! Left the lights on? You can turn them right off. Late home but want the house to appear occupied? You can turn them back on. So how does this work, you ask? You just need to buy Wi-Fi Ready bulbs and the hub which connects them all to your Wi-Fi network. There's many brands out there now and even IKEA have their own Wi-Fi range! It's pretty much the same deal for sockets too, and this works via a plug adapter (like these!) which you simply plug the device into. So if you've forgotten to turn the washing machine on in a rush leaving for work, well now you can turn it on straight from your phone. You'll even never have to worry about whether you've left the straighteners on again! Brilliant! 
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4. Smart Home Hubs
This is probably the most popular one for this year; Smart Home Hubs. These are basically a device that can control almost all of the above in one place, through voice alone. There's a few different models and brands out there, but the most common one on the market is probably the Amazon Echo. This is a standalone 'pod' which you can talk to and control different things within the home. If you want to switch on those lights - you can just ask the hub to do it for you. Need to turn the thermostat down? You don't even need to pick up your phone. Smart Home hubs are also great for use a speaker and you can even request a song of your choice, yep you guessed it - just through voice. You can ask the hub to send text messages, make calls, what the weather forecast is, the square route of 64, it can even write you a shopping list. It's pretty much your own personal assistant, controlled entirely wirelessly through voice. Madness!
5. Smart Pets
No, I don't mean Pets can now be controlled from your phone - but there are crazy awesome Pet devices out there that help you to keep a track of your pets even when you're not there. My favourite of the bunch is the Smart Cat-Flap (like this one) that only allows your cat into the home. Just by using your cats microchip ID, it keeps neighbours and stray cats out and whatsmore, the cat flap also alerts you as to when he/she goes out and when they return. If your working late, it takes the worry out of not being there to let them in and if your cat likes to go out at night - well they now can! You can monitor their in/out patterns and see any unusual changes and you can also introduce a curfew to lock the flap wirelessly if you need to keep the cat in/out.
Another fave is also the PetCube which allows you to watch, interact and even feed pets, wirelessly straight from your phone. Say what? The PetCube is basically a camera which keeps a watch over your pets and you can access wirelessly on the phone. But this goes one step further as you can talk to your pet with its built-in speaker and you can release treats from the camera (yep - really!). So even when you're not there for them, well you now can be!
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So that's my five favourite Smart Home Tech gadgets out there right now. Who knows what will be next - Smart Ovens perhaps? I'd love to know what Smart Home gadgets you have within your home or any weird ones you think are also worth a mention! *This Post Is In Collaboration with PlumbNation & The Electric Heating Company. Thank you for supporting the brands who support this blog!
from Home Renovation http://www.kezzabeth.co.uk/2017/11/5-ways-to-make-your-home-smarter.html
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New Post has been published on Atticusblog
New Post has been published on https://atticusblog.com/fox-news-anchor-others-hit-network-with-race-bias-claims/
Fox News anchor, others hit network with race bias claims
Fox News faces renewed felony claims that it mistreated non-white employees, a week after network discern Twenty-First Century Fox Inc severed ties with its largest star over unrelated sexual harassment court cases.
11 modern and former Fox employees, such as Information anchor Kelly Wright, filed an amended lawsuit in New york nation court docket on Tuesday claiming they were demeaned, humiliated, paid much less than white co-workers, and surpassed over for promotions.
The lawsuit was firstly filed remaining month by Fox News payroll personnel. Tuesday’s criticism brought magnificence motion racial discrimination claims.
One after the other on Tuesday, a former Fox News money owed payable specialist, Adasa Blanco, filed a lawsuit in federal court docket in NY claiming her complaints about racial discrimination were unnoticed and she became forced to give up in 2013 as a result.
A Fox News spokesperson in a declaration said the network vehemently denies the claims and “will vigorously protect those instances. “In both instances, the plaintiffs say they have been ridiculed and mo They are saying Fox executives along with Dianne Brandi, the network’s pinnacle lawyer, informed them nothing might be carried out due to the fact Slater knew too much approximately unspecified “improprieties” committed by way of former network chief Roger Ailes and top-rated commentator Invoice O’Reilly.
Fox stated Slater turned into fired in February in reaction to the complaints.
Catherine Foti, a lawyer for Slater, in an announcement stated the claims were “frivolous” and “entirely aimed at producing headlines, inflaming racial tensions and poisoning potential jury swimming pools and judges. “The brand new racial discrimination allegations came after Fox on April 19 stated it had ousted O’Reilly over sexual harassment claims. Ailes become pressured out ultimate yr after a sexual harassment lawsuit by using former anchor Gretchen Carlson, which turned into settled for $20 million.
Both Ailes and O’Reilly have denied any wrongdoing.Feed through former Fox News senior vice president and comptroller Judith Slater because of their race.
Maxine Fox
Maxine Fox writes well-researched diabetes articles with an emphasis on curing diabetes certainly. After being identified with type 2 diabetes, she did sizeable research on a way to reverse diabetes evidently. As a scientist, she changed into able to delve deeply into the scientific literature going returned for many years. What she found was shocking. kind 2 diabetes did now not even exist earlier than the 1920’s and an enormous root purpose changed into the creation of “trans fats” and other unnatural ingredients into the human weight loss program. This is a 100% verifiable reality but None of the mainstream diabetes magazines and other most important assets of diabetic information want to reveal this reality. They may be very worried about making their advertisers (most pharmaceutical agencies and diabetes supply businesses) satisfied. In truth, even if doctors have attempted to put this records of their diabetes articles, advertisers threaten to leave and the articles don’t get posted. A real remedy (and a herbal therapy for diabetes might suggest an extreme loss of sales for these multi-billion dollar industries.
Maxine Fox’s diabetes articles are devoted to supporting people cure their diabetes via natural way. Besides supplying strong facts, she hopes to serve as an instance to others that it’s miles feasible to completely reverse your diabetes and loose yourself from a lifetime of taking diabetes medication every unmarried day. Maxine’s HgAC1 turned into above 10 whilst she was first identified however every test has lower back a analyzing of much less than 6 for greater than a yr. There are no extra daily curler coaster rides in blood sugar tiers – in fact, even consuming ice cream sometimes does not appear to purpose an intense surge in blood sugar.
Leftist Cable Tv News Interview So-Called Experts Who Hold Pronouncing – I Assume – Before Speakman
The leftist Faux News and socialist propaganda have hit an all-time high. Their techniques so obvious now that even a low-IQ, millennium with the attention span of a gnat can see quicker than a Google search which brings back 4.five million items for your question in 0.0054183710391 seconds – do not accept as true with me – seek Faux Information and spot for yourself why do not you?
Right here’s how it works. The leftist media gets collectively to attack President Donald Trump, blows something out of proportion, embellishes his feedback, calls him a racist and then interviews semi-outstanding individuals who want to get on Television and asks them; Do you think Donald Trump is a racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe, sexist or liar? Then, the visitor being interviewed gives us their Opinion based totally on their echo chamber mindset. Then the media repeats with lesser recognized, frequently difficult to understand folks, individuals who manifest to want their three minutes of fame and represent some leftist organization that sounds neutral. Then the interviewee another time states the same speak factor.
Nevertheless, each time media brings on a guest interviewee, after interviewing themselves, journalists on Television, the interviewees start their sentences with; “I Assume” and then cross directly to trash Trump, and the reporters by no means query their remarks, best trust them in one huge glad Kumbaya moment. The humorous element Right here is we don’t have to ask what someone “Thinks” who’s from the Middle for Progress of America, or the Sustainable Equality Institute for Girls. We already know they hate Trump, marched in opposition to them, perhaps even broke the law somewhere rioting?
Whilst the News media interviews a person who has a leftist bias, and that they say they “Think” properly this is no longer Announcing lots because, in the event that they repeat the identical vintage talking points, they are now not questioning at all. And, to that point, no person at the left or proper in all likelihood cares much approximately what they Assume. This is not News, newsworthy or maybe relevant to the truth of life in the world. All it does is give media repute and fame wherein it isn’t always due and hasn’t been earned.
It is a substitute illuminating as to why the left-wing media is losing ground, profits, and viewership in recent times. It also is going to show us why no person trusts cable Tv Information anymore. At first-class It’s miles enjoyment, and an experience-exact programming to help one’s view of the arena, and this is the best true thing possible say on it. Please Suppose in this, no, truly don’t forget it all.
Network Advertising In A Way That Works
One of the first-class parts about turning into a Network marketer is that your marketing campaign can develop indefinitely. However, that doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to grow at all. Do not be One of the realize-nothings trying to get rich via Marketing. Read the records furnished in this text and you’ll recognize what it takes to prevail at Community Advertising and marketing.
At the same time as many humans mistakenly recognition their efforts on the numbers of leads they get, a hit marketers emphasize the significance of satisfactory prospects. When you have employees who’re dedicated to their component, each you and they may see monetary growth.
Get a separate phone line as a Network marketer in order that humans can constantly stay in contact with you without intruding on your non-public life. You may get this cell phone line on the identical cellular smartphone, However, ensure it’s registered to a blank commercial enterprise address. You do not need to be so personal with every person.
Usually, make certain the prospect is relaxed and relaxed with you earlier than seeking to promote your product. Being a terrific listener and displaying the individual that you care approximately their emotions and thoughts go a protracted Way towards building consider. Be honest about your need to listen from them because people can tell when someone is faking them out.
When beginning a Community Advertising approach, you must parent out what your driving motivation is. Is it how plenty income you want to make? Is it an item you need to shop for or maybe, it’s fulfillment based totally on the quantity of earnings-earning people you have got on your downline? Sometimes, supporting others is the greatest advantage of all.
Monitoring your Community Advertising downline is extremely vital. If you see someone underperforming, ask them if they need any assist or advice. If a person drops off entirely, maybe they just need a few motivation to get back on track. You need to be a mentor to the human beings underneath you to ensure they’re making you profits in addition to themselves.
With so many details to attend to on your Community Marketing commercial enterprise, it is easy to lose sight of your number one purpose: prospecting. When you have a dozen emails to respond to, a pile of paperwork cluttering your desk, down-lines to train, and an enterprise convention to wait, locating new potentialities can From time to time get lost in the crowd. make certain you prioritize your duties to maintain prospecting on the pinnacle of the listing. Whilst your different responsibilities are still important, you Do not have an enterprise with none customers.
Boom your Community Marketing success by means of taking the time to study one new approach each day to enhance your leadership abilities. Skim an e-book of inspirational thoughts. Find out what 9aaf3f374c58e8c9dcdd1ebf10256fa5 experts are announcing. Sign up in a community university or person-mastering management direction. Examine the biographies of well-well famous world leaders and enterprise specialists. Comprise their techniques into your business plan, and take rate of your accomplishments!
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