#I honestly didn't think people would misinterpret them both that badly
mirokuna-hime · 4 months
Alhaitham and Dr. Ratio aren't same, they are actually each other's antithesis. They couldn't be any more different once you look past their bluntness and smart brains.
Alhaitham doesn't care about people as a collective, just very much about those he has a close relationship with -> Kaveh (and Cynari after the archon quest). He wants to live a simple, comfortable and easy life without overexerting himself (based tbh). He doesn't really care much about his own achievements and the moment he got promoted to acting grand sage he already couldn't wait to leave that position.
Dr. Ratio is someone who dedicated his whole life to spreading knowledge across the universe to cure people from ignorance. He believes everyone has the potential to achieve amazing things and he made it his life goal to help them and give them a push in the right direction. He get's frustrated with people who believe only geniuses can leave their mark on the world and don't acknowledge their own potential.
Ratio got 8 PhDs, 1 First Class Honor degree, solved a planet's energy crisis on his own, cured lithogenesis whicb was called the king of diseases and achieved a lot more yet was never recognized by Nous which hurts him.
Do you think Alhaitham would feel similarly? He wouldn't. He just wants to do his own thing. He's secure in who he is and doesn't need anyones praise or approval.
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lizziethat · 1 year
I hated how they made Sarah look in s3 for hooking up with Topper. They really made her look like she has no character development. We were robbed of Sarah and JJ boding time, i think that could've been so good. Like the fact they they were at that point in the same pickle, no money, no food, no family. Not even just that, they could've done so much with the both of the characters, maybe helping JJ kinda heal his trauma or maybe even she helping him with his feelings for Kie. The possibilities were really endless and it would've made both of them actually progress from where they were at that point... What do you think, i would like to here your opinion on this, what would you liked to see or to happen there?
I think what they were going for with Sarah is ...she's a teenager who made a mistake at a really hard time. John B. made mistakes too. Coming back was hard for all of them, so they all fucked up. And on paper, it sounds okay. But when Sarah's mistake is always the same one, and it never even made sense when she made it the first time, it's a little ugh. To me, she was sacrificed at the altar of plot -- and the desire to keep Topper around, which again, who needs him? The actor is lovely and all, but I've been done with Topper since Season 1. And it's sad that she was, because the Sarah Cameron of the finale? The one fighting for even before that John B? The one who hugged JJ, and who had those quiet moments with Kie? That Sarah Cameron is pretty darn amazing.
As I was watching the first time, I was really hoping the show was going to give us Sarah and JJ bonding. I think that was a missed opportunity. I think it should have started on the island, honestly. No one can convince me JJ didn't see the bruises on her neck after they got to the island and got flashbacks to Luke. And JJ might not be someone who likes putting his pain out there for everyone to see, but Sarah is one of them now. So I think he would have reached out, even without words. And the season did give them more of a familiarity with each other, which -- one month on that island with just 5 other people will do that. So yeah, they're close. It was right there, the parallel. Right. There.
Storytelling-wise, the reason why I didn't think we got it was -- Sarah would have been a good influence on JJ, and JJ would have probably made it so Sarah didn't go to Topper, just because she didn't need to. The writers wanted the Topper drama, and they wanted Jiara angst. There would have been much less angst if someone had just told JJ what an ass he was being. What I would have done would have been, if we needed to keep Topper (still not sure we do), then bring him in as JJ and Sarah are spending some time together, have him misinterpret things maybe and pull his Topper thing -- momentary angst, but also nothing that is OOC, and to keep the Jiara angst, just have JJ turn the convo Sarah wants to have about Kie into a conversation about their respective fathers. It would have been cathartic!
That's just spitballing, but my point is....there were ways to keep the angst for Jiara and even the momentary Jarah drama without doing my girl Sarah dirty, which I think they did. There were even ways to have her make an actual mistake, react really badly to John B. keeping secrets, go back to her Kook life -- hell, bring Rafe into it, anything is better than Topper!! I would rather deal with messy Cameron family drama than him.
Justice for Sarah Cameron 2k23. And Sarah and JJ actually bonding the way it makes sense for them to in Season 4.
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3416 · 2 years
What do you think is the decision if it's not a proposal? I'm kinda annoyed at Tim because i feel like he always sets stuff up like after 3x04 he said there's still scar tissue and that doesn't immediately mean that everything's ok which I feel like we didn't get that in 3x13. But maybe I misinterpreted stuff. I just want more Carlos and TK communicating scenes and I get it it's a procedural we don't have time for every conversation.
half the reason i'm convinced it's a proposal is bc i legitimately can't think of a decision that involves both of them that's finale worthy outside of it. people have theorized so much, but to me, none of it..... would make sense/be about both of them the way the synopsis implies. like i obv could be wrong, and the synopses aren't always 100% reliable, but it just.. feels big to see their names there and know we have no clue flkjsd.
i think tim probably meant scar tissue in general, rather than explicitly citing past issues like everyone wants tk and carlos to, lol. bc that's how relationships work and problems DON'T just go away, but honestly, it's tv. the time skips between eps are unknowable, we don't get to see the ins and outs of ANYONE'S relationship or conversations... i'd rather the show do what they've done than force us to sit through overexplain-y conversations every time there's a bump in the road for tarlos specifically. i wish ppl would move on from the 3x04 thing. i think they did what they could with the limited screen time they had to wrap it up. i don't think we need a conversation about 3x04 at this point bc tk, in his dream, acknowledges what he's done wrong... carlos gets to express his anger about the situation in the hospital.... i think we can assume they could express that to each other now that they both let themselves acknowledge it (in the presence of each other too even if the other couldn't hear). and LOGICALLY, it's really easy to see why forgiveness was immediately on the table when one of them just had to watch the other's heart literally stop. idk why people want to fight that so badly STILL. i wish the events of ep 3 and 4 were spaced a little differently, but the reason push hits emotionally is bc it's actually good... writing...... so klFJDS?
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bisexualterror · 4 years
noor: i'm very curious, very interested, bc like i haven't started the series it's on my to-see list 👀 and what little i read was hargreeves oc's who got paired with a sibling and that kinda weirded me out of watching it yet 😬 absorbs light hmm she's her own lil sun? her siblings lil sun? 🥺
nova: i love her, gimme more witches stories on the tvd verse khsjdjfb i can't wait to see her when the plot really starts to kick in, another win for the bennett coven who the actual series didn't seem to give a sh*t about 😤 and i saw an ask about sheila living i could cry hhhHHhHh all the adults dying, someone give this kids therapy 😶
marsilia: i lover her already, it's the first time i see a zabini oc, pls spare more mars lore 🤲 ksjsjdjf also love the nickname, mars, it's cute 💖 we also get to see more about blaise as character too! ALSO you know that whole can't remember if it was canon or fanon blaise's mom being a "black widow" or a this totally fanon mafia donna so yes can't wait to see this zabini family 😌 aAnNdD oh. my. stars. my brain just caught up she's gonna be same year with astoria, luna and ginny KSHDJSKDHD
altheia: omg 🥺🥺🥺 a doctor who oc 💖 who isn't linked with the doctor from the beginning kaksksldj like i love him but give me more oc's with their own backgrounds who don't immediately drop everything to be with him and stuff pls & tenk u 😔 lsjhskfif i thot u were gonna say theia IS missy's childe omg who is she? are her family or/and the master's important to be arranging marriages to each other? or will that be just a gallifreyan thing? what happens to her when looking into the untempered schism? how does she fare during the war? will she live to be around during the new who timeline orrrr?? ajlajshdofn sorry it's just omg 😭
OOOok sdndskjd so
noor: that’s vv fair, it’s probably because of the whole allison and luther sibling thing is canon in the show, they don’t do anything really romantic imo, it doesn’t go anywhere and honestly it seems like they just latched onto each other platonically as kids and might have misinterpreted as romantic cause they were isolated from other kids and didn’t have anyone other than each other n their other siblings??? anyway that’s how i watched it, but i 100% understand why it would put you off. but still i love these chaotic siblings svm and YES omg her siblings sun 😭😭
nova: mood, it’s part of why i created her, i love witches so much :D also ME TOO, i wanna write season three so BADly, i have so many plans for her you’re hopefully gonna love. and yeah, honestly i could rant on the injustice they gave the bennett coven but the one i hated the most was that most of them were used by other people and to further the plot and then died 😔 ND tell me about it!! we never saw bonnie’s home life but we can all take a guess and say that grams was the one who was there for her and ELENA LOST TWO SETS OF PARENTS AND THEN ALARIC FOR A BIT.  they need milk, cookies and therapy. (but also like bitch, me too tf)
djsjkjlkds ok so the main reason why i created marsilia was because i wanted to write more on blaise’s mom but lol i just had to make an oc too. there was def rumors in canon i THink of her killing all of her husbands cause they kept dying without any explanation and i wanna have fun with that, so yeah, thats gonna be fun :D also YES, i honestly just wanted to not have to rewrite every book/movie so i had her a year younger than blaise lisjlksjs but yes, she’s gonna be friends with both greengrass sisters, luna and eventually ginny (though she has a rocky start with everyone but luna XD)
altheia:  i love him too, A LOt, like so much, but yeah.....i prefer to know who my ocs are outside of their SO, esp with characters like the doctor, who can kinda be all encompassing. kjhkjdhkhsd thats what i thought it was gonna sound like after i wrote it LMAO but ye theia stays on gallifrey with her daughter when the master and the doctor leave. (damn did i just give ANOther oc my abandonment issues??)
just for a few decades so her daughter, cosima, can finish her education and then al says peace out, leaves in the dead of night to steal a tardis and travels with her daughter on her own for a few more decades that will probably pass by in like two chapters.
cosima is an odd mix of her parents, very intelligent and sweet but also super scary when angry skljslakjaslk their families are kind of important, at least they think so, but also it’s just a thing i wrote that’s normal for gallifrey.
ok so it’s kind in the WORks cause i need to figure out the side affects and the HOW part but when baby altheia looks into the schism, an alternate older version of herself, fresh from war, gets dragged into her conscience. IWONDEr WHO IT Was THAT DID THat? (it was the time lords, breaking their rules so they could groom altheia to help them in the war)
she has.... a rough time in the war, looses pretty much all of her family (cosima is ok though!!), might bring her brother abacus back cause i... can’t bare to kill him off permanently...  she WILL before around new who, i haven’t finished watching the classics so this is how i have her arks planned out:
first i’m gonna focus on gallifrey era for maybe 25 chapters and then i’m going to do like maybe four adventures of her with her daughter spanning those decades, the war i’m going to skip completely other then how she gets out of it, and then she’ll... be alone for half a chapter before reuniting with the ninth doctor (he thinks she’s dead... ) and from there i’ll probably just write her into the episodes i want, skipping some that i don’t want to rewrite, and stop whenever i get tired i guess (i do have an end in mind i just don’t know which season it’s gonna be in) cause i doubt this show is ever gonna end lsjalkLMAO
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panlyv · 4 years
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dawn's bl reviews that no one asked for! (@torfight gif!)
en of love: tossara & love mechanics
grade: 6/10 & 2/10 (respectively)
!!!spoilers below!!! (about the shows)
i'm going to review both series into one post since they are part of the same universe. (the last installment was supposed to be here too, but apparently it was postponed due to the covid19 situation, so im going to make a separate review for it once it airs.)
> pros of tossara:
• communication. i think everyone who has watched this series agrees with me that bar's communication skills are unbelievably good, and gun's too. i wasn't expecting it at all from such a weak show, but they really got that right and it's beautiful to see bar stating his ground and his boundaries, and being so honest about his feelings to gun, who was always open and understanding, and also very direct about how he felt about bar since the beginning. they leave no space for misinterpretations and drama, and god...... we do be needin' more of that, not only in bls, but in media as a whole.
• the story is cute and smooth. because of how clear both of them were about what they wanted and what not, things progressed naturally and pretty realistically, without unecessary conflicts. it's a great show for those who want something short but very heartwarming and sweet.
> cons of tossara:
• the acting...... yikes. none of them had outstanding acting skills, but the actor who played gun seemed way too cringe at times and it just didn't feel like i was watching a character, it was more like he was reading lines without compromise. and even tho bar's actor was kinda good, it still left me thinking it could've been better.
• the direction. as much as i have my complaints about until we meet again, if there's one good thing from that series is the direction. p'new made two amazing shows (love by chance & uwma) so, of course, i had some high expectations for en of love, especially being such a short thing, but idk.... i felt really dissapointed with how wonky the series was, i expected a lot more.
> pros of love mechanics
• war wanarat. he cute.
• yihwa. she's great and she & james are the only valid characters in this for defending mark from that asshole.
> cons of love mechanics
• god. ok. where do i even begin????? this show was a TRAIN WRECK. i had no expectations whatsoever for this, since i was expecting something along the lines of tossara and because people said the novel is problematic BUT GOD.......... even taking out some bad parts of the novel, love mechanics still delivered less than i could've ever expected them to. i swear. what the fuck was that.
• the cheating plot. bro... i hate cheating plots so fucking much, they are just a way of villainization of gay/mlm characters and cheating is unacceptable in any type of relationship. honestly, do i need to say more?
• how poorly mark was treated. why did the writers hate him? making him chase after bar when it was clear nothing would come out of that, for him to then become vee's fuck toy (quite literally) and be put on hold by vee (while developing feelings for him) because vee is a fucking coward and couldn't get his shit together. mark could've been great if they had focused on his need to love and be loved, and how he would navigate it and overcome this dependency on people, instead of basically making him a joke.
• how they made it seem like we should be sorry for vee and be by his side. bullshit. fucking bullshit. vee is one of the WORST characters i've seen. i swear. he's so so SO badly written. but there were some dialogues and scenes to make the audience think he was being the victim (when he was, in fact, the one causing all the problems) and think that mark owned him something (just to be clear, he didn't. mark was the one suffering at all times as a consequence of the countless fuck ups from vee in JUST FOUR EPISODES..... how did they manage to ruin something this bad in so little time istg)
• the timeline?????? i couldn't understand in what time frame the story was happening. it seemed like it was all in a week, but in ep3 james said it took vee almost an year to reciprocate mark's feelings, then three months since they "broke up" to talking again, and a ??? time skip where they had sorted things out and got together. which brings me to:
• making mark a joke. it's basically the same complaint from above but now focusing on how it seemed like mark forgave everything hurtful vee did to him simply because vee said "i love you". it sends a message to the viewers that mark is just THAT easy, needy and desperate for love, and he will accept anything. and that's extremely disrespectful to the character.
• again, the direction. same as tossara.
• vee. ugh.
would i rewatch it?: to be honest? no. neither of them
studio wabi sabi and p'new.............. what happened?????
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Hi, why did Jim not like Strickler dating Barbara? With Trollhunter!Claire how would things play out in Unbecoming? If the show had kept AAARRRGGHH female, how would this affect it, both in the show and meta? And finally, you mentioned the gay subtext with Blinky and AAARRRGGHH, why didn't they make them a couple? I mean, ever since Korra and Steven Universe, LBGT representation has skyrocketed, I don't want to come across as a SJW, but I just wish that the show took more chances with itself.
Okay, well, I should preface my analysis of Jim’s reaction to Stricklake by saying my biological parents are happily married to each other, so I have never personally been in the position of ‘child whose single parent has started dating again’; and I only knew two kids in high school whose parents I knew were divorced, and they didn’t talk to me about their parents’ love lives; so I can only infer based primarily on media stereotypes.
There are a few reasons portrayed in media as to why the child of a single parent reacts negatively to that parent getting a new love interest.
We can rule out Jim hoping his biological parents will get back together, because James Senior is a complete nonentity in their lives. Jim only mentions him four times, all in the first season - twice to Barbara (“You remember when I was old enough to ask about Dad? Remember what you told me? You said, we just have to take care of each other. And that’s all I’m doing, Mom.”) (“Shrimp cakes? Gosh, I haven’t had those since … since …” “Dad made them for us?” “I didn’t think you were old enough to remember.” ”Oh, I remember enough. I remember how his beard used to scratch my face when he hugged me. How he used to make you laugh. But most of all how much he hurt you when he left.”), once to Bular (“You wanna see Dad. I get it, trust me. But we don’t always get what we want.”), and once to Blinky (“You know I don’t care about my father!”)
There is, popularly shown in media and I’m sure it comes up in real life too, a dissonance in a kid’s mind between their school and home lives, which makes it uncomfortable to have their parents and teachers interacting, exacerbated if the student is having some kind of difficulty at school. Jim reacts negatively to Barbara’s interest in Strickler before he even knows Strickler is a Changeling. (“So. Mr Strickler. He seems very nice. Is he single?” “What?! I don’t know!”) (“Did you seriously just ask my teacher out on a date?!”)
Jim assumes something like a caregiver role at home, taking care of food prep and household maintenance. The introduction of a new person into their lives could set off a reflexive response of, “No, we don’t need you, we’ve been managing just fine on our own.”
Jim’s also very protective. The precedent of Barbara having a relationship that ended badly means Jim might be worrying from the start that a new relationship will also end in her getting hurt.
Any change, positive or negative, creates a stress response while a person readjusts. Having his mother start dating again would be a big change for Jim. (We see no indication she’s done so in the past ten years, although it’s possible she did and the relationships just never got serious enough for her to introduce the person to her son, and it’s also possible that it just never came up because Barbara’s past relationships weren’t relevant in a show focusing primarily on Jim being the Trollhunter.)
And then, of course, Jim finds out Strickler is a Changeling, and thereafter views all of Strickler’s interactions with Barbara through the lens of “he’s trying to get to me and using my mom as both a weapon and a shield”, which is accurate for quite some time, and of course is going to make Jim angry and scared, and not going to warm him to the idea of them being together. 
An Unbecoming with Trollhunter!Claire raises the question of whether Not Enrique would still take Enrique’s place.
In canon, Enrique getting swapped was indirectly Jim and Toby’s fault. Because they followed the goblins to the museum, they saw Nomura in troll form, and she revealed the Fetch and suggested bringing in a new Changeling to convince Bular not to kill her after her identity was compromised.
Therefore, a solid argument can be made that in the show’s version of Unbecoming, Enrique was never kidnapped. We never do find out for sure.
If the swap happens because of something Claire did as Trollhunter, Enrique would probably never get switched in the Unbecoming episode, which would be one of the reasons Claire thought at first that it was a better world. (Though she might eventually realize she misses Not Enrique.)
On the other hand, if the initial Trollhunter!Claire timeline was one in which Not Enrique were already planted in the Nuñez house before Claire became the Trollhunter, then Claire’s dynamic with Not Enrique just got a lot more complicated. She has memories of growing to see Not Enrique as an adopted sibling, which he no longer shares, and she has memories of saving Original Enrique from the Darklands, which she is no longer in a position to be able to do.
I figure the ‘failed attempt to thwart the reopening of Killahead Bridge’ thing would happen, because I interpret Unbecoming as a worst-case-scenario vision crafted by Merlin to make the Trollhunter off-kilter and desperate enough to do what the wizard wants without question, but I see this backfiring when he reveals himself because Claire would be furious.
Either way, time reverts itself to how it was before at the end of the episode.
Honestly I don’t see it affecting the overall plot of the show much if AAARRRGGHH had remained Johanna, especially if the writers still went with the show backstory of “raised by Gumm-Gumms and then deserted” rather than the book backstory of “one of the leaders of the armies against Gunmar”.
She would probably have stayed a pacifist for the first half of Season One, to force Jim to have to learn how to fight instead of just hiding behind his big scary troll friend.
We might’ve actually seen cats in the Domzalski house, if the gag was kept that they are drawn to Johanna and love sleeping on her fur, to their peril; but all the cats-being-eaten scenes were just barely off-camera in the show, so maybe not.
I personally would’ve had a less negative reaction to Jlaire, because Claire wouldn’t be the only girl in the core cast, although I might still feel like it was an “Obligatory Het Romance So The Main Character Looks Straight (Or If He’s Bi It Never Comes Up In The Show)”.
BlinkAAARRRGGHH would probably be just as popular as it is now, but if the ship still wasn’t canon (or even if it was), there would also be a number of people defending keeping Blinky and Johanna ‘just friends’ because of the under-representation of close male-female friendships in popular media.
The fandom would probably also create the sapphic ship of Johanna/Nomura, based on how they’re both kickass fighter ladies who used to serve Gunmar and then deserted. (Johannomura? Nomuranna, despite the different number of ‘N’s, sounds like it refers to Nomura/Morgana, though I think that would called Nomurgana, and Jomura could be misinterpreted as the ‘J’ being for Jim, which … no. Johannomura is clearest. Maybe Johmura if that’s too long.)
I don’t know why BlinkAAARRRGGHH was never made official, but I can make some guesses.
Option 1: they didn’t know how popular the show would be and didn’t want to lose potential popularity due to censors not allowing it to air in certain countries or conservative parents not letting their kids watch it.
Option 2: because Blinky and Johanna genuinely did seem to be Not Romantically Involved in the novel, the writers didn’t realize that the adjustments and expansions made to the characters and their interactions made them look like they were together, and so the romantic subtext was unintentional.
Option 3: it was presumed that it went without saying, like how no one in the show goes out of their way to point out Claire’s parents are married to each other. (Okay, except Jim does address Claire’s parents as “Mr and Mrs Nuñez” twice, so that comparison doesn’t quite work.) This is probably the interpretation that will ‘age best’ as LGBT+ rep in children’s-marketed media becomes more prevalent and accepted.
Option 4: the writers have a different love interest planned for one or both of the characters, to be introduced in Wizards, and the romantic subtext between AAARRRGGHH and Blinky was either unintentional or meant to be one-sided.
Option 5: they aren’t together yet, and the script is building up to them becoming an official couple in Wizards.
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