#I honest-to-god have been seeing star wars drama on my dash?
measlyfurball13 · 2 years
Look I just think the takes of "the Jedi were fundamentally a good group of good people" and "the Jedi were vulnerable to corruption and misuse" and "the Jedi did not give Anakin what he needed to succeed" and "Anakin is ultimately the one responsible for his actions" should all coexist.
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sanversandfriends · 1 year
Tumblr media
Sanvers fans know her from her amazing contributions of art and fic to the Big Bang, but @morganastorm24 is also a multi-talented writer and artist for multiple ships in the DC universe. She also has love of everything Lois Lane. In honor of the Planet's star reporter, we've asked her to share a glimpse into her writing process. Thanks, Morgana!
Tell us a little about yourself. How did you get started writing fic? Have you written for other fandoms? What are your favorite tropes?  
I've been writing for as long as I can remember - even longer according to my mum. I've always loved creating stories and would sit with my teddies and toy horses, reading them stories (even before I could read, because that's what pictures are for, right? Telling a thousand words and all that). For my 6th or 7th birthday, I apparently asked for a "really nice writing set and an even nicer book to write in". I was given a ring binder with plastic pockets, a notebook and a pencil case full of stationery. I still have that ring binder to this day, though it's not filled with all my random childish scribbles like it once was. 
I started writing fanfiction not long after Star Wars: Attack of the Clones came out. That's the earliest fanfic I can remember writing, anyway. I wrote Anakin and Padme's adventures after they got married, and then when rumours started flying about what was going to happen in Episode 3, I wrote my very first "fix it fic" by finding a way to keep Padme alive (as I couldn't bear the thought of my favourite character dying). Most of those very early fics never left the pages of the notebooks they were scrawled in and nobody else ever saw them (thank god!), but it wasn't until I started reading fanfiction online that I realised I could actually do that too - share my ideas with the world. I dabbled a little in fanfic for the tv show Casualty (a British medical drama), had more success with Doctor Who, wrote some more Star Wars, then Merlin and eventually (and most recently) Supergirl (with a dash of other DC). 
What were your inspirations for this particular story? What was it about this/these ships that grabbed you?
This fic was born of a single image - namely Chyler first revealing that she was going to wear a black and blue super suit and become Supergirl for one episode. That image alone was enough to get my mind racing with possibilities and ideas of how it might come to pass. I have to be honest and say I stopped watching the show after the Crisis stuff, so I've never actually seen her episode as Supergirl, but maybe that's a good thing? At least this way I know that my version of her is different and unique.
I am and always will be a huge Sanvers stan, but there's something so appealing about AgentCorp as well, and the show really dropped the ball when they wouldn't let Alex and Lena be together. They're an interesting and dynamic pairing - they share interests, are both huge science nerds and yet so completely different that its great fun writing them both together.
As for Lois and Kara - that one literally came out of nowhere and took me by surprise. I'd never intended for it to happen, and yet now that it has, I'm wondering why I never thought of it sooner!
Has the time spent away from your story changed your outlook or approach to any of the storylines or themes? Have you had any new inspirations or breakthroughs/revelations in the meantime? 
Absolutely. I got to a point with the fic where it had grown stale, and I was constantly hitting up against a wall with no idea how to get around it, or to power through it. So, I walked away from the fic and decided to focus on other WIPs and new creations instead. Coming back to it now, I've been able to see everything with fresh eyes, and I can see not only where I was going wrong before, but also a way to fix it. Changing the villain, adding characters, getting rid of redundant plot threads and adding more relevant pieces has really helped to get this work to a place where finally, I can see the finish line and I know I'm going to make it. That's a huge relief, considering where I was 2 years ago when I first started writing it.
Any advice for new or aspiring fic writers?
Never give up. No matter how hard it might be, just put words on a page. It doesn't matter how rubbish they are, as my BFF always says, "You can't edit a blank page." Let yourself suck, let yourself write horrendously. It's all good practice. Even if those words never leave your notebook or the document on your computer, they've taught you something, they've helped you to improve, so be proud of them.
Writing is also a bit like a painting. Not even Da Vinci or Van Gogh sat at his easel and created a masterpiece on his first try. There's the initial sketches to plan out the idea. That's your plot or summary. Then you add basic blocks of colours. That's your first draft. From then on, you work away slowly, adding details, shading, contouring...those are your second, third, fourth drafts. Keep revising and editing as much as you need - there's no right or wrong number of times you should be doing it. Because each time you do, you're adding more detail to your masterpiece. And what you end up with is a work of art.
One final piece of advice... writing is not a solo event. All those times a writer is depicted sitting along, tapping away at a keyboard or scribbling in a notebook, it's so misleading. Get yourself a writing buddy. DKGwrites and I are best friends, we met through fanfiction (and I'm eternally grateful for that everyday). We have regular writing sessions together, and ok it's 90% messing around, distracting one another, talking utter nonsense or throwing random videos and links to each other, but that 10% when we do actually behave and get down to the task at hand, it's so much more fun writing together than it ever is when we try to write alone. Silliness aside, we help one another, bounce ideas off one another, motivate and encourage one another, and it's the best thing ever. So find yourself a writing buddy, and have a blast!
If you were going to promote this fic with a single line, what would it be? 
What if Supergirl was a badass redhead called Alex Danvers?
We'll have more about her artwork in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, check out her work on A03!
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fcmilybonded · 3 years
Name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
the be honest meme // @j-reau
1. nobody freaking READS. okay not nobody, but how many times do i have mutuals only written on my blog, and yet i constantly get nonmutuals trying to interact. look, i get it, i do - but breaking my mutuals only rule isn’t gonna get me to follow you okay? same with smut blogs - look, you do you, my dudes but i clearly state in my rules that i do not write smut; so why you followin’ me and liking my starter calls and sending memes in?
2. drama. before i joined the to fandom i was in the dctv fandom, and the marvel fandom and jesus mc’christ - every single day there was at least 3 different dramas going across my dash and 90% of them could have been easily dealt with just basic communication and idk not being passive aggressive??? never forget the time in the star wars fandom someone accused someone of stealing a word in their url also something i’ve seen a million times that never fails to make me laugh and shake my head in ‘dear god why’ person 1: vagues about sb person 2: vagues about person 1 person 1: omfg how dare they vague
3. shipping wars and shipping drama and just people getting so head up about what people can and can’t ship. and i’m not talking about actual real life problematic things. but i’ve seen so many people attack ppl who just ship things that... they ship. like seriously who CARES this much about it??? just let people ship who they wanna ship. also the rampant biphobia i see when it comes to ships too lmao never change rpc never change 🙄
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sirbadgerduke · 5 years
Retrospective Thought: Top Ten Games of The Year 2018
Oi! 2018 was pretty good year games, innit? Maybe not as consistent as 2017 for quality, but I reckon it’s still a damn great year! Anyway, now that all the other Game of The Year stuff has happened, I think I’m going to do my own list, which I’ve done for a couple of years now. Well, let’s get to it, which games blew my socks and which 3 particularly royally blew my socks off!
10) Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker’s Memory(PS4/PSVita) Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is basically Discount Persona with a Pokemon battle system(only with a cooler way of switching moves via a skill bank of sorts). The story, however, is not a follow up from the previous title but a companion story of sorts. You play as a Hacker whose account has been stolen. You embark on a journey to regain your account and to stop the person responsible for the whole thing. The story pretty much opens up as you progress, taking some of the previous game’s plot with a dash of “Alternative point of view” to boot. Hacker’s Memory has it’s downtime moments, sometimes it can feel like a real grind, but leading a team of your suited up fave digimon has never felt better, definitely worth picking up if you like Persona and Digimon!
9) Dragonball Fighter z(PS4/XBO/PC/NS I enjoyed both Xenoverse games, they aren’t perfect and the RNG is real ass with a side of cancer thrown in. People clamored for a new Dragonball Z flavoured, bonafide fighting game. ArcSys delivered on that front, and boy did they really deliver the goods! The gameplay is frantic, epic and balls to wall bonkers. It’s easy to pick up if you just want to fight around with your favourite characters, whilst also in-depth for those seasoned fighting game maniacs. The gameplay is top tier and an absolute pleasure to play. Pick it up if you’re a Dragonball Z, Fighting Game or both fan!
8) Darksiders III(PS4/XBO/PC) I love the Darksiders franchise. I enjoyed the first game, adored the second one, and now I really like the third iteration. Is it perfect? No, is it the best one? Not by a loooong shot, but the game is a blast to play. Following on from the previous game’s style, it’s a companion piece that follows Fury’s side of things during War’s trial at the Charred Council. Fury is one of the Four Horsemen, badasses that do badass shit when and how they see fit. While the first one is a more Character Action experience with Zelda-isms, the second being a reverse of that with a Open World and Dungeon styley, the third, is a smaller game that focuses more on a “Metroidvania” like world with combat feeling a tad like Soulsborne stuff. The bosses are all a treat to fight(well, except one), the world is aesthetically gorgeous despite not exactly being on GoW or Red Dead’s level. Pick it up, give it a whirl and enjoy!
7) Yakuza 6: Song of Life/Yakuza Kiwami 2(PS4) I can write a whole retrospective on this series, I absolutely adore this franchise with all my heart. Yakuza follows the life of Kazuma Kiryu; a form Yakuza big dog trying to live an ordinary life with his adopted daughter Haruka. Now, the story is a rollercoaster of badass moments, heartwrenching scenes with a dash of twists and comedic parts in all equal splendor. The combat, is easily a star alongside the story, solid, fun and very in-depth yet easy to learn. Kiwami 2 is a remake of the second game whilst the sixth game is the final part ot Kazuma’s story. I’d wholeheartedly recommend these titles to those who either have just got into the whole franchise or are veterans to the Yakuza Franchise. Kiwami 2 is also a remake of possibly the worst part of the series. Pick it up if you love great crime dramas with twists and turns around every exposition dumping corner!
6) Hollow Knight(PS4/XBO/NS/PC) Now, I know it came out in 2017, but I only played this game this year, so it still counts for my list. Hollow Knight is a Metroidvania with a Dark Souls-esque style of worldbuilding and story. The gameplay is a pleasure, and the each zone, each area is both unique to one another yet seamlessly interconnected and not too “wild” in the vein of being out of place. The bosses are both horrifying and cute, same goes for the enemies and NPCs you encounter in the game. The music, the art design and the gameplay are all fantastic, quite possibly my favourite indie title since Pyre. You play as a wanderer that happens upon Hollownest, a small, almost empty little town of critters, below lies a dungeon thwart with danger and a terrible past. Any further, and we are heading into spoiler territory. I hugely implore you to pick this little treat up, you will not regret it at all.
5) Fist of The North Star: Lost Paradise(PS4) From the developers of Yakuza, comes an adaptation of a fantastic little Manga called Fist of The North Star, basically Mad Max but with anime martial arts. You play as Kenshiro, the Successor of Hokuto Shinken, a martial arts style of deading folks. While not a completely panel by panel adaptation and more of a single one shot story using the world and characters of Fist of The North Star, the Yakuza style gameplay really lends itself for adaptations like this. The story could easily be just fanfiction, they really made it something more than fanfiction level fanservice. It’s a really good single story set in it’s own little world. The gameplay holds itself perfectly for this adaptation, with a few added crazy kill techniques that you can level to deal out more damage. Buy it if you are either looking to get into this series, or are a long time fan.
4) Super Smash Bros:Ultimate(NS) The flagship “Not a Fighter” fighting game that started as a Nintendo Legacy series brawler to becoming a huge flagship of a video game legacy brawler. I’ve always adored Super Smash, even the previous one(though it’s not particularly jam-packed with content). Ultimate brings back EVERYONE and even includes some newcomers(Who really should’ve been here since at least Brawl), more content than you can imagine, a reimagined classic mode, a new single player and a fun little collecting system called Spirits, this game is a fanservice love letter, and a big one too. It is worth the price, pure and simple, buy it now!
3) Monster Hunter World(PS4/XBO/PC) I only ever played the first one to completion, tried to get into the 3DS titles and thought “I don’t like it” despite loving the shit out of the monster designs. On a whim, decided to World at launch, and boy was that a fantastic decision. I fucking love this game, from the story(simple but fun) right down to how the monsters are programmed to be as naturally animalistic as they’ve ever been, all the while adding in some old and some new beasties to hunt!. I’ve had fun with friends, on my own, raged at certain monsters(LOOKING AT YOU, BEHEMOTH) and spent hours farming for the material to craft weapons and armors I really want. I’ve spent over a hundred years into this game, and will gladly spend the same in the upcoming expansion! Get this game NOW, you will love it, I assure you!
2) Marvel’s Spiderman(PS4) Spiderman is one of my favourite heroes, he’s grounded, he’s tragic, and he feels like a real person. It would stand that a game based on him, would’ve been a huge success(Spidey 2 was great!, Ultimate and Web of Shadows were really good! The others? Eeeeeeehhhhh not so much). Developed by Insomniac, this return to form for the webslinger is a helluva return! The combat is fluid, fun and fantastic, the story is great whilst the City That Never Sleeps is a nice if pricey expansion. But the webslinging, the bread and butter of any Spidey game, is quite possibly the best, better even than Spidey 2 in my honest opinion. The story is superb, and when *that* scene happens? It will hit you like a ton of bricks. The bosses? Probably the best of this year honestly. This is a must buy for any spidey fan, marvel fan, hell, superhero fan of all kinds!
1) God of War(PS4) Usually, a soft re-imagining can be as well received as a Gary Glitter Comeback Tour, but this one? Boy oh boy, this game is a masterpiece. You play as Kratos, older and wiser since his temper tantrum trilogy in Greece, he’s a father again and now must take the BOI on a journey. I really don’t want to spoil it any further for people who haven’t played it yet. The combat is a great revamp overall(I miss doing juggling combos but eh, the rest of the game is steller), hard hitting and brutal like you’ve known before whilst adding a more personalised flair to it. The soundtrack and audio design is steller, as well as the voice acting. Boy oh boy, the story is fantastic too, following a journey of growth(not just for Atreus) and facing one’s demons, it truly is the highlight of the game. More boss variety could’ve been added, maybe a little more enemy variety too, but these are just minor critiques by the most minor of things. Get this game now, you will enjoy it!
So that’s my list, yes i didn’t include Red Dead 2, haven’t completed it, but I’d gladly do a review once I’m done. Another good year of games has ended, roll on the new year, with another batch of stellar games(I’M LOOKING AT YOU, RESIDENT EVIL 2 REMAKE, DMCV AND HOPEFULLY GHOST OF TSUSHIMA!). Hope you have a happy new years, and had a great Christmas!
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southsidestory · 6 years
#across the stars (a wank wars story)
SUMMARY: Across the Stars dramatizes the story of the real life Skywalker clan, and fans of the show have built a legion of fractured followers across social media. Ben Solo goes by @mynameiskyloren, and his dealings with Rey, aka his rival fandom leader @jakkujunkrat, bring more than his true identity to light.
NOTES: This is the Star Wars social media fic that absolutely no one asked for. At best I can call this romantic crack with a dose of seriousness, and at worst the result of my brain weasels. Either way, it’s somewhat of an ode to tumblr and its crazy. If this isn’t a dumpster fire, please let me know! (PS my awesome husband helped me brainstorm for this, the evil genius.)
a long time ago in a fandom far, far away...
It is a period of civil war. Fans of popular historical holodrama ACROSS THE STARS squee over the Skywalker family legacy. The show’s three arcs, Republic, Rebellion, and Resistance, have earned critical acclaim and a legion of followers. In the wait between Seasons 7 and 8, WANK WARS fueled by boredom have gripped the fandom as they never have before.
The FIRST ORDER disparages AtS for its failure to dramatize the real Skywalkers' lives with historical accuracy after Season 3. @thesupremeleader, a BNF known only as Snoke, instigates drama whenever the fandom threatens to settle down.
But @mynameiskyloren, Snoke’s loyal devotee, is keeping his true identity hidden from the fandom. It’s only a matter of time before his dealings with @jakkujunkrat draw him away from the First Order, and he makes enemies of his former friends...
15 days before the Season 8 premiere
Look @mynameiskyloren I really don’t care about the historical accuracy of seasons 4-7. Most of us are here to have fun, to write fic and make art and shitpost about our favorite characters. You and your anti brigade need to get off your high tauntauns and face facts: Across the Stars prioritizes good storytelling over everything else. If you can’t accept that maybe you should move your ass along to another fandom instead of harassing the people who are here to celebrate something we love. I mean, this is a holodrama. Don’t you have anything better to do than fight over a piece of fiction???
#ats #wank wars #first order bs #fuck you very much
You’re a hypocrite @jakkujunkrat. You’re arguing over a holodrama too, so you must not have anything better to do either.
And in case you haven’t noticed, this isn’t just fiction. These are real people’s lives being portrayed for mass consumption. Seasons 1-3 dealt in facts, and it still managed to draw all of us in, so don’t feed me that shit line that following real events doesn’t make for a good story.
Just be honest: you’re here to ship Han and Leia, and you don’t care what their marriage is like irl as long as you get their perfect love story in AtS. Maybe YOU should gtfo and find somewhere else to fangirl.
Or you know, just stick to scavenging, since that’s probably all you’re good at.
#ats #hanleia shippers are the worst #and jakkujunkrat is their queen #fuck you too sweetheart
Calm down, mynameisasshole. Dragging Rey’s real life into a fandom fight is a dick move. Especially since your privileged ass probably doesn’t know the first thing about the kind of hard work Rey does every day. So sit down and shut up.
#wank wars #first order bs #leave my friend alone
14 days before the Season 8 premiere
unpopular opinion: Yav Korren is a good-looking man and a great actor, but he is not as hot as the real Ben Solo.
#ben solo #my husband #apologies to yav #but otherwise sorrynotsorry #all these candids of ben cropping up on my dash are fucking me up #han and leia made the best looking son #they have good genes
lmao someone is thirsty. that’s an unpopular opinion for a reason, rey. you know i love you, but we’re gonna have to agree to disagree on that one. back me up @fn-1337
#yav korren is almost as hot as my boyfriend
Sorry baby, no can do. I’m with Rey on this one.
#<3 #ily poe
Ben Solo is boyfriend goals. Fight me.
#we appreciate ben solo in this house #don’t come on my lawn and disparage my man #ben solo
Sorry @jakkujunkrat, it’s gross enough to ship real people, but openly talking about a 19-year-old celebrity child like he’s a piece of meat takes it to the next level. You’re really something else. Am I right, or am I right @therealhux @mynameiskyloren
#RPF is the stuff of nightmares #creeping on a real kid is even worse
100% correct, Phasma. I couldn’t agree more.
I hate to ever support @jakkujunkrat, but I don’t think it’s fair to criticize her just for having a celebrity crush. Who the hell doesn’t?
And she’s right about Ben Solo. Definitely better looking than Yav Korren.
@themaidofstarkiller I’m 18, which I have plastered across the top of my blog. You stalk me too much not to already know that, so you can stfu with pulling Ben Solo’s age like it’s a receipt.
and kylo… did you just defend me??
#is the sky falling?
Don’t get used to it, junkrat.
13 days before the Season 8 premiere
Just a reminder to the First Order that I have a zero tolerance policy for talking to Resistance fans.
I’m not going to call you out, but you know who you are.
#stay away from the resistance #if you want to keep your place on the right side of this fandom
There’s no accounting for taste these days.
#not that I would expect better from the fan in question #he has so much trouble following the rules #like a toddler
@therealhux if you have something to say to me, go ahead and say it.
#vagueposts are for cowards
I just did. Or did you miss it with that goldfish attention span of yours?
#don’t see you calling thesupremeleader a coward
Fuck you.
So eloquent.
I don’t think you have room to further alienate your allies right now, Kylo. You’re on thin ice.
#get it together
sorry @thesupremeleader
jakkujunkrat: finn, are you seeing this?
fn-1337: you mean mynameisasshole taking heat from the first order BNFs? yeah i’m seeing it, and it tastes like sweet sweet comeuppance.
jakkujunkrat: i know i shouldn’t, but i feel kind of bad for him. he’s getting roasted by snoke and hux just for being nice to me. do you think i should say something?
fn-1337: rey. are you kidding me? this is the guy who’s been giving you hell for *four* years. remember that time he left a nasty review on your post-canon fic? he called it what… “repetitive and trite”?
jakkujunkrat: okay. good point. he can fend for himself.
12 days before the Season 8 premiere
This is the worst selfie in the world, but here you go. My sunburned face in all its glory.
#it me #forgive me for dirtying your dash with this
You should change your handle to jakkuleatherface. Or buy some sunscreen.
#she’s going to look 50 when she’s 30 #jakkujunkrat
No wonder you’re single @jakkujunkrat
#I knew that someone that bitchy couldn’t be pretty
Don’t listen to a word these shitheads are saying, Rey. You’re beautiful.
#say one more word and i will drag you guys to hell and back
hux: i don’t think your pasty ginger ass gets to talk about anyone else’s looks
phasma: you’re as pretty on the outside as you are on the inside. which is to say ugly af
rey: you’re stunning, and they’re just jealous.
#you guys are really reaching here
fn-1337: Rey? You okay?
jakkujunkrat: yeah. i’m fine. just don’t really wanna talk right now.
fn-1337: all right, peanut. let me know if you need me. i’m here all night.
JAKKUJUNKRAT INBOX - ask me whatever as long as it’s nice
Hey. I’m really sorry to see all the hate you’re getting about your selfie. I hope this isn’t creepy coming from anon, but… I just want you to know that you’re really pretty, and those guys are being assholes. It’s got nothing to do with the way you look. They’d say the same thing to any Resistance fan.
Thanks, nonny. I really needed to hear that.
And thank you @starfleet-ace and @fn-1337 for being awesome. You guys are the best friends a girl could ask for.
11 days before the Season 8 premiere
I need to take a break from fandom for a little while. Real life is catching up with me, and the rig I’ve put together to even get a slow shitty connection to the holonet is breaking down. I need to put my scavenger hat on and do some maintenance.
See you guys in a few days.
#it’s just a brief hiatus #i promise i’m not ghosting #personal
Take care, peanut. <3
#best friend #see you soon rey
Maybe with the queen gone the peasants will settle down.
I have a finger to point at you @therealhux. Here is a clue: it is not the index or the pinky, or the ring or the thumb. It’s the one you put up when you don’t give a fuck. :D
#choke bitch
10 days before the Season 8 premiere
Look, all I’m saying is that old!Han and old!Leia’s actors absolutely killed it in Season 7, and I can’t wait to see what they do in Season 8.
#my dash is flooded with promo photos of my OTP #and all I want to do is write HanLeia #ONLY TEN MORE DAYS
Newsflash: your OTP is separated irl. Kills the romance a little doesn’t it?
If Season 8 is full of the same used romantic tropes that 4-7 was full of idk if I’m even going to stick around for it.
#god i hate this fandom #fuck the resistance
I’ve never prayed harder for used romantic tropes in my life.
#mynameisasshole strikes again #and for the record i only ship HanLeia in AtS #not irl #wank wars #first order bs
9 days before the Season 8 premiere
JAKKUJUNKRAT INBOX - ask me anything mean and you’ll be blocked
Hi. I know you said you were going to be gone for a little while, but I was just wondering if there’s an ETA on when you might be back? The fandom is pretty boring without you, junkrat.
jakkujunkrat: ...did you send me that anon?
mynameiskyloren: no. if i have something to say to you i’ll say it to your face
jakkujunkrat: come off it, kylo. nobody calls me just “junkrat” but you. i’m “rey” to everybody in the resistance, and first order idiots would never send me anything that nice.
jakkujunkrat: kylo? you there?
mynameiskyloren: i’m here
jakkujunkrat: well. you sent it, right?
mynameiskyloren: yeah i did. but i can explain
jakkujunkrat: explain being decent to me? yeah that’s gonna require a fucking thesis.
jakkujunkrat: you’ve done nothing but harass me since i got involved in this fandom
mynameiskyloren: give me a break, rey
jakkujunkrat: i’m not giving you anything
mynameiskyloren: fine then there’s no point in having this conversation
jakkujunkrat: just be honest. why’d you send me that ask?
mynameiskyloren: because you seem all right. i still disagree with you about pretty much everything AtS related but… i don’t know. i’m starting to think that’s not a good enough reason to give you hell
mynameiskyloren: i think if i’d met you irl we could have gotten along. you have to admit that we keep up with each other pretty well.
mynameiskyloren: rey? say something
jakkujunkrat: i have to go
8 days before the Season 8 premiere
Attention, all First Order fans: one of our own has been fraternizing with the resistance. And what’s more, he’s been stringing us along from day one.
@mynameiskyloren has lied about his age, where he lives, and who he is. He also has a relationship with the Across the Stars cast and their real life counterparts, which he’s been hiding for seven years.
Kylo Ren is actually Ben Solo, and if you don’t believe me I’ve got receipts and all of his personal information below the cut.
[Read More]
#payback is a bitch #mynameisalie
Hux. Is this some kind of joke??
@therealhux did you seriously just doxx one of your own??? wow you’re a piece of shit
Why isn’t anyone commenting on the fact that one of the biggest antis in this fandom is BEN FUCKING SOLO?!! ACTUAL SON OF THE REAL HAN AND LEIA!
#holy shit #it explains a lot at least #oh god i’ve been shipping his parents’ characters
@jakkujunkrat REEEEYYYYYYY
This is gross. Real life identities should be protected, not revealed. Shame on you @therealhux
Wow. This is crazy. I just got to this fandom and it’s kind of exploding…
#this guy can’t really be ben solo tho right?
I don’t think it needs to be said, but if anyone hasn’t put it together yet: mynameiskyloren is no longer welcome in this fandom.
#that’s what you get for lying
jakkujunkrat: kylo? is it true?
sorry, this blog does not exist
7 days before the Season 8 premiere
Hi everyone. This is the former mynameiskyloren here. There’s been a lot of stuff said about me in the last twenty-four hours, and I want to clear it up.
1) @therealhux did doxx me, which is low even for him.
2) I was talking to someone from the resistance, and the reason why is that I’m coming to see the damage that anti behavior can cause. I’ll make a more detailed post on that later, but in short, it’s going to involve a lot of apologizing.
3) In case you hadn’t guessed from my new handle: yes, I am Ben Solo.
starfleet-ace: REY where are you?? finn is flipping out and i can’t handle a fanboy meltdown this big on my own
starfleet-ace: Rey?
mynameisbensolo is following you
JAKKUJUNKRAT INBOX - don’t ask me anything about ben solo
HOLY HELL!! mynameiskyloren is Ben Solo?!! pls tell me what you think about all of this Rey
ok i can see that u don’t want to be asked about ben solo, buuuut… you know we’re all dying to hear from you, right? i mean, you made that post about ben solo being hot, and then he turns out to be kylo!! come on Rey, throw us a bone here!
fn-1337: rey, i know this has gotta be pretty weird, but i’m starting to get worried about you. can you please come online long enough to let me know you’re all right?
jakkujunkrat: hey finn. i’m sorry for disappearing. this is all just… a lot.
fn-1337: yeah, i guess it would be.
fn-1337: can i ask you a question?
jakkujunkrat: always
fn-1337: are you the one he was talking to?
jakkujunkrat: yep. and he followed me this morning. idk what to do, finn.
fn-1337: you don’t have to do anything. you don’t owe him shit just because he decided to finally act like a human being. not after the way he’s treated all of us.
jakkujunkrat: i know that. really, i do.
fn-1337: then what’s the problem?
jakkujunkrat: the problem is that i think i was starting to like him. and now he’s… he’s ben solo. how am i supposed to talk to ben solo?
fn-1337: he’s just a person, peanut. an asshole, but a person.
6 days before the Season 8 premiere
Guys. I know you’re interested in what I think about the Kylo Ren / Ben Solo thing, but I would really appreciate it if you’d stop sending me messages about it. I’ve turned off anon for now. All of you have a nice day.
#sorry #this is getting to be a bit much
So are you guys running off into the sunset together yet?
#you don’t have anyone fooled
It looks like you can’t read: I’m not talking about Ben.
#your name should be therealilliterate
Our resident pathological liar certainly has the money to fly to Jakku. You two fucking yet?
this post has been deleted
mynameisbensolo: Rey? I understand if you don’t want to talk to me, but if you can, let me know
5 days before the Season 8 premiere
It seems like this fandom has forgotten why we’re really here. Season 8 starts in FIVE DAYS, so can we please forget about doxxing drama and focus on the fun?
#damn #ats #ats season 8 #FIVE DAYS in case i didn’t say it loud enough for the people in the back
I am with you @fn-1337!
Am I the only one that thinks @bee-bee-ate is some kind of resistance bot?
in entirely unrelated news, is anyone else sick of Snoke’s stupidly detailed metas with a list of citations longer than his arm? we really don’t care how many degrees you have, man. it’s just a holodrama and you’re treating fandom like a history test you have to pass.
I think it’s safe to say that you wouldn’t know much about passing history tests @starfleet-ace.
FN-1337 INBOX - don’t bother with hate
Are you going to roast Snoke for calling your boyfriend stupid?
You bet your ass I am.
#bring it you supreme idiot #i’m about to rip you apart
4 days before the Season 8 premiere
jakkujunkrat: Ben? I’m here
mynameisbensolo: Damn. It’s really nice to be called by my real name lol
jakkujunkrat: lol I guess so
mynameisbenolo: Rey, I know it probably doesn’t mean much, but I’m sorry for everything I did to you. I hurt you and I bothered the hell out of you, and if I could take it back I would.
jakkujunkrat: It’s not okay, but I believe you. And I guess I can see now why you were so sensitive about the show. It must be weird to see yourself represented on screen like that.
mynameisbensolo: lol yeah. Especially when the popular opinion is that Yav Korren is a lot better looking than me :/
jakkujunkrat: Well. Not to me. But I guess you know that.
jakkujunkrat: this is so embarrassing.
mynameisbensolo: i saw that you deleted everything you had tagged with my name
jakkujunkrat: what, you went looking through it? That’s not narcissistic at all.
mynameisbensolo: better than tagging a stranger #my husband
jakkujunkrat: i don’t know why i thought i could talk to you. i don’t care who you are, you’re still awful
mynameisbensolo: wait i’m sorry rey don’t go
mynameisbensolo: please
jakkujunkrat: why shouldn’t i?
mynameisbensolo: i wasn’t trying to be mean
jakkujunkrat: and yet
mynameisbensolo: Stop it. Stop acting like you don’t feel this too.
jakkujunkrat: i don’t know what you’re talking about.
mynameisbensolo: Then I’ll be more explicit. I like you. I think you’re gorgeous and funny and smart, and I’ve wanted to kiss you for awhile. Long before I had any idea what you looked like.
mynameisbensolo: Still don’t know what I’m talking about, sweetheart?
jakkujunkrat: i can’t do this right now. i have to work if I want to eat. Literally.
mynameisbensolo: please don’t disappear again
3 days before the Season 8 premiere
If one more person sends @jakkujunkrat another message or hijacks her posts with questions about Ben Solo I will personally escort them to the nearest burn unit.
#not kidding #not even a little bit #leave my friend alone #sologate
get these thugs, finn.
I support this action.
#protect our scavenger queen
jakkujunkrat: all right. let’s talk.
mynameisbensolo: I’m really glad you said that. Because… okay don’t be mad. Please.
jakkujunkrat: ...why would I be mad?
mynameisbensolo: I’m kind of. Here.
jakkujunkrat: what do you mean “here”?
mynameisbensolo: as in, on Jakku. I’m at Niima Outpost right now. I’ve tried getting directions from about ten different people but they either don’t speak Basic or have no idea where you live.
jakkujunkrat: you’ve got to be joking. are you joking?
mynameisbensolo: Depends on how angry you’ll be if I say “no”
jakkujunkrat: You have to leave. Right now.
mynameisbensolo: Oh. Okay.
mynameisbensolo: I’m really sorry, Rey I don’t know what I was thinking. I just knew you were here, and I wanted to have a chance to talk to you in person. But if you want me to go, I’ll go.
jakkujunkrat: then get out of here
Please forgive me.
#do not reblog
2 days before the Season 8 premiere
All I’m going to say is that you got what was coming to you.
#no i don’t regret doxxing him #stop asking
#lol #revenge is delicious
Do you think they’re broken up? Or were they ever together?
#forgive him rey!! #i don’t know what he did #but pls forgive him
Full offense @mitakahere but this is none of your business.
#leave my friend alone #i’m getting really tired of tagging that
Resistance morons aren’t welcome on this thread @fn-1337
Get the hell off Hux’s post.
#they’re just everywhere aren’t they? #but finn is the worst
@themaidofstarkiller you have a bad dye job and a worse attitude. Perhaps you should consider a personality recalibration.
#i could help with that! :D
jakkujunkrat: Ben?
mynameisbensolo: yes?
jakkujunkrat: where are you?
mynameisbensolo: on Hosnian Prime. Why?
jakkujunkrat: please come back to Jakku
mynameisbensolo: really? You’re not messing with me, are you?
jakkujunkrat: really. I’ve never had a visitor before, and you surprised me by just showing up unannounced. which wasn’t all right by the way.
mynameisbensolo: I know. I won’t do it again.
jakkujunkrat: stop messaging me and get on a ship.
mynameisbensolo: as you wish, sweetheart.
1 day before the Season 8 premiere
okay i think that no matter where you stand in this fandom, we can all agree that tomorrow is gonna be awesome. we’ve been waiting a year for this! don’t let us down, Rian!
You can say that again, love.
fn-1337: Rey??? Where r u? I need someone to celebrate with.
jakkujunkrat: sorry finn, i’m busy.
fn-1337: what are you doing that makes you too busy to cheer with me?!
jakkujunkrat: ...you wouldn’t believe me if i told you. catch you later!
fn-1337: oh come on, you can’t do this to me
fn-1337: REYYYY
Season 8 premiere of Across the Stars
DID YOU SEE THAT? @starfleet-ace?!
#i’m fucking dying #this is the most amazing day of my life #well except for when poe agreed to go out with me #STILL #it’s great #ats season 8 #ats
yeah i saw it! best season premiere ever.
#love you finn
I can’t believe we can agree on something.
#this is a novel experience #ats season 8 #if they keep this up the show might actually become worthwhile again
The astromech droid is my favorite character.
#so relatable
Where the hell is Rey?! @jakkujunkrat
#come back our scavenger queen #we miss you
Did it really happen like this? Please you have to tell us!!
mynameisbensolo: are you seeing this?
jakkujunkrat: of course :)
jakkujunkrat: watching Yav is pretty weird now that i’ve met you
mynameisbensolo: still think i’m the better looking one now that you’ve seen me up close?
jakkujunkrat: you know i do. at least i really hope so after last night.
mynameisbensolo: are you doing okay? you seemed upset afterward
jakkujunkrat: i’m fine
mynameisbensolo: Rey. I think we’re a little past lying to each other at this point. What’s wrong?
mynameisbensolo: was I bad?
jakkujunkrat: no! no. please don’t think that. it was wonderful, Ben, really. you were wonderful.
mynameisbensolo: so were you. and i really hope it wasn’t the last time i see you. i’d like to come back. Or bring you to Hosnian Prime with me.
jakkujunkrat: I can’t. I can’t leave. That’s why I was upset. My family left me here, and I’m waiting for them to come back for me and I can’t leave. I want to but I can’t and I probably sound really stupid right now but I’ve been waiting all my life and I don’t want it to be for nothing.
mynameisbensolo: it’s all right. You don’t have to go anywhere you’re not ready to go, sweetheart.
mynameisbensolo: And I can wait. If that’s something you want.
jakkujunkrat: It’s not easy. Waiting.
mynameisbensolo: That’s okay. You’re worth it.
64 notes · View notes
saranel · 6 years
The Last Jedi review, sorta
I don’t think I’ve talked enough (if at all) about what a huge Star Wars nerd I am on this blog, mostly because I didn’t love TFA as much as most people seemed to and I just never joined in the renewed fandom frenzy.
TL;DR on my views on TFA: It was fun enough, some interesting new characters, beautiful visuals, but I’d seen that movie before.  It came out in ‘77 and it was much better then.  Homage is one thing, rip off is completely another.  Mostly, I guess I was just disappointed that they didn’t dare to try and move the universe forward a bit, beyond the already trodden path.
Say what you will about the prequels, but I will always, always maintain there’s nothing wrong with them a better script and director couldn’t fix.  George tries, bless him, but he can’t write dialogue worth a damn.  Not even Meryl Streep could’ve made the line “So love has blinded you” any better than Natalie Portman did, and both she and Hayden have proven themselves to be much better actors than they were in Star Wars.  I’m not bothering with Ewan because he was one of the few really great things about the Prequels. 
That having been said, what George can do is weave a decent background story, and the Prequel Trilogy’s story is much, much richer than the OT’s.  Taking off our nostalgia-colored glasses for a moment, let us be honest: the OT was so successful because it did a very simple thing, and did it well, and had a cast with wonderful chemistry. The story itself is nothing to rave about: just your simple Evil Empire vs Plucky Rebels story.  But the Prequels actually got political and much darker than the OT did, they just did it clumsily.  Still, it was something new in the Star Wars universe and George always tried to expand the known worlds by giving us even small glimpses of other cultures and planets.  Don’t forget that Star Wars was never meant to be high-brow Science Fiction a la Philip Dick, but a space adventure.  This doesn’t mean that the story can’t have nuance, but the point of Star Wars was always to be a fairytale exploration of a fictional galaxy.
Compared to that, the new trilogy seemed extremely lacking to me.  And seeing The Last Jedi a few days ago really cemented that.  Never before have I seen so many things happening in one movie while nothing really happens at all.  It makes Attack of the Clones look interesting in comparison, and that’s saying a lot.  ALSO LUKE, WTF HAS THE MOUSE DONE TO MY SPACE SON, THE FUCKING GALL.
So yes, surprise-surprise, TLJ manages to rip off Empire (with a dash of Battlestar Galactica thrown in for good measure) and does so poorly.  It was not a terrible film by any means, but I honestly thought it was no better than Phantom Menace. And Phantom Menace had the Duel of Fates.  So. 
(okay, to be fair, TLJ didn’t have Jar Jar so that’s one point in its favor)
In a nutshell:
(cut for spoilers)
- Poe.  Poe was good. Moar Poe, there was a serious lack of Poe in TFA and it has been rectified, this was a very good decision. 
- The silent scene.  Y’all know the one.  People in my theater literally gasped in unison.  I was bored outta my skull up until then and as soon as I realized what Holdo was about to do, I sat up, all ‘oshit’ and it was amazing.  Beautifully shot, beautifully clever, and the most badass hero death in the SW universe.  Only comes in second in terms of best scene in the movie because the other one involved a more established and beloved character.
- MY SON LUKE KICKING HIS NEPHEW’S ASS LIKE IT AIN’T NO BIG THANG.  In full disagreement over how shit went down between them in the past, but Luke showing Kylo who’s the most goddamn powerful Jedi in the galaxy (which Luke did canonically become in later years btw) was such a rewarding scene.  Also, he was dressed in black.  Like in ROTJ. Because fuck yeah.
- Rey’s parentage.  Most people probably hated that she’s not a Skywalker but I just... kinda loved the suggestion that she was the Force’s answer to Kylo?  It’s happened before with Anakin, so this isn’t exactly new, and Anakin, too, came from ‘nothing.’ I liked it.  She doesn’t have to have illustrious parentage to be important in the series, and as much as I love my Space Drama Queen clan, it’s time the universe moves on from the Kardashians of the galaxy.
- Luke’s death.  I don’t agree with 99% of what went down with Luke in this trilogy, I think it was deeply out of character, but his ending?  That was spot on.  Did I want more out of his storyline? Obviously, but examined in a vacuum, his ending was beautiful to me.  Especially that last scene.  Best scene in the movie from start to end.
- Yoda manipulating the goddamn heavens to rain thunder upon the ancient tree.  Ilu Yoda
- Leia and Holdo discussing Poe.  This was an A+++ short scene. Get it, ladies.
- Snoke is gone, thank the heavens.  Worst-named villain in movie history, I couldn’t stop laughing every time someone said SUPREME LEADER snoke.
- Luke getting his kicks in that boring-ass island via EXTREME ROD FISHING, lmao the nerd
- So, um... Kylo and Rey?  ....ew? (did they not think Finn and Rey were super cute or)
- So, um... Finn and Rose?  ....ookaaaay? (did they not see Poe biting down on his lip when he saw Finn in his jacket or)
- I don’t really care for ships in this trilogy tbh, whatever.  Guess I’m steering clear from attachment until I know who’s related to whom (THIS IS A DANGEROUS UNIVERSE TO SHIP IN OKAY).  Plus, not really feeling particularly strong toward any couple, just... not Kylo and Rey, ew.
- Rose.  I liked her, but... they hardly gave her anything to do.  That casino storyline was such a mess, made it seem like she was there just to be there.
- Finn’s storyline. Snoozefest.  I like him, but... see above.
- lol wtf happened to Chewie...? He was just... there?
- SPACE-WALKING LEIA.  I’M SORRY, OKAY, I know this scene will be big with many people, and lord knows I wanted to see Space Mom use the Force beyond that Spidey Sense shit, but this was just so dumb. 
- All the ‘humor.’ My god, just... no.  Not every scene needs to be steeped in Whedon-speak, please stahp.  I will admit the first scene got a chuckle out of me, but the rest...
- The ‘plot.’  This was literally an extended car chase scene in space with some Sense8 type shit thrown in. Rey hardly even did any training, ffs.  
- so the force-sensitive member of the trio goes on to be trained by a wise, isolated mentor and finds herself drawn to a place steeped in the dark side and ends up seeing only herself reflected in there, meanwhile the rest of the characters are involved in a chase across the galaxy, running away from the evil empire, and at some point decide to ask for help form a well-known swindler who betrays them and in the end everything seems bleak with just a tiny glimmer of hope. HMMMMMM. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. 
- quite frankly, I’m still in shock Rey finished the film with two fully biological arms
- O hei, look, it’s The Salty planet Hoth.  With pod-racing.
- Really? Rey blushing at shirtless Kylo? Really
- The whole damn Casino storyline.  I don’t care if it’s meant to set up something for the last movie (probably not) but it was long, boring, and a clumsily written attempt at a storyline that could’ve been more nuanced and a good addition.
- why did we have to see Luke milk that alien Y
- Leia (and Han in TFA) giving up on her son instead of beating some sense into his ass with a space slipper. Y’ALL KNOW SHE WOULD.  Baaaaad characterization. Space Mom would never.
- Also, fuck whoever decided that Leia, who canonically has the exact same force potential as Luke because they’re twins, never developed her powers beyond Force Sense or whatever.  If you’re not gonna give the woman a lightsaber, at least have her Force Push fools out of her way. 
- Wtf Rey you obliterated that nice alien’s cart and didn’t even apologize they work hard every day you should be ashamed
- why was it meant to be funny when porgs were slapped around wtf
- “what’s that canon?”  “Basically a small death star” kjashKLAFJSHSAJKDFSADFHSAK 
- Kylo. Can he just die, plz, the expanded universe did the Evil Solo son storyline so much better.  Yet another way in which this trilogy is totes an ~*homage*~  No shade on the actor though, he did a great job.  It’s just the violent manchild character I cannot stand.
- So like... we’re never gonna learn what Snoke’s deal was...? Or how he got to Kylo...? ....Okay then.
- This movie was 2 and a half hours long.
12 notes · View notes
mygangtome · 7 years
who were they then, who are they now: richard armitage
My dearest, dearest tumblr user. We’ve been here before, haven’t we? I’ve tried time and again to persuade you to watch this glorious, bonkers, utterly compelling madhouse of a show, and despite my recommendations of yesteryear, you still haven’t been persuaded.
So I’m going to have to bring out the big nose guns.
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pictured here: god he’s so dashing i hate him so muuhuhuhuch
Ladies, gents, and nonbinary friends, I present to you Richard Crispin Armitage. If you don’t know who he is, you probably haven’t been on Tumblr before.
who he was before?
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pictured here: he’s a fiend in feline shape, a monster of depravity
Back in the hazy, long-gone days of 2006, Richard Armitage already had a more substantial following than a lot of the Robin Hood cast. He’d been around a bit in stage and the small screen; he joined a circus in Budapest, played Macavity in Cats, stood by the side of a pool as eye candy in Cold Feet, gave a career-defining performance as Smug Man At Party in This Year’s Love, and even turned up as an extra in Star Wars.
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pictured here: DIDN’T KNOW THAT, DID YOU, EH?
The sudden explosion of Richard into the public consciousness is primarily due to the BBC’s North and South in 2004, in which he played a brooding Northerner who primarily wears black and holds a position of power.
Then he got cast as Guy of Gisborne, a brooding Midlander who solely wears black and holds a position of power.
Typecasting? What’s that?
who was he then?
I’ve talked extensively for previous My Gang To Me days about Guy’s character, and his excellently melodramatic interactions with other characters on the show. He’s the big baddie in a show which needs one; the sneering, scowling foil to Robin’s optimistic heroism. But he’s also generous to a fault, obsessively loving, and full of thwarted ambitions. No other character divides the fandom more - is he a misunderstood good guy or an overindulged crybaby? Are he and Marion meant to be or an abusive relationship? Does he deserve a redemption arc? I DON’T KNOW, I’M NOT THE BOSS OF ROBIN HOOD, STOP ASKING ME ALL THESE QUESTIONS.
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pictured here: there’s no such thing as too much eyeliner
Two years ago, I wrote the following about Guy, and it holds true:
More often than not we end our hijinks with an exasperated shout of “GISSSSBORRRRRRNE!” echoing through the castle and a shot of Guy slinking off to explain how he got foiled this week… Despite being a handsome devil, he is so deliciously dislikeable in a proper, old-school, tying-people-to-the-railroad tracks kind of way. And I’ll be honest, it’s worth watching the show just for a demonstration of how Armitage is able to smoulder with all parts of his body up to and including his back.
Where the Sheriff revels in his own villainy, Guy never thinks of himself as anything but The Hero Of This Story, and is all the more gloriously villainous for it. It certainly doesn’t hurt that the show is well aware of the fact that Richard looks nice without a shirt on.
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pictured here: how many times can i use this screencap before it become gratuitous
Admittedly, my particular preference is for bearded-and-soulful-Armitage (more on that later on) but you know, any Armitage is good Armitage.
richard on guy
The Thing You Probably Know Already About Richard Armitage is that he is a ~method actor, which means that he takes all his roles Very Seriously. He wrote a diary for Thorin. He underwent waterboarding in order to get in character for his role as Lucas North in Spooks. He got extremely into William Blake for Dolarhyde. And, believe it or not, he also got very emotionally attached to Guy.
Today, [Richard] knocks on [series writer Dominic Minghella’s] door with a pencil and pad. Can he ask me some questions about his character? I tell him, truthfully, that I can’t believe he is here - an actor of his talent, sitting on my sofa, talking to me about playing this part. I feel so lucky. Suddenly, I stop myself - do I destroy what little (gamma-male) authority I have by being so candid? I glance at him. My concerns are unfounded. He is blushing. 
source: interview in sunday telegraph, october 2006
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pictured here: richard cosplaying as 80s investment banking!au guy of gisborne
I can’t even be mad at this point. 
His own opinions on Guy are about as complicated as the fandom’s.
“I’m really hoping that when people sit and watch this, when Gisborne is trying to woo Marian they absolutely squirm in their seats and their skin is crawling. That was my main aim with this character, to make people absolutely despise him.” 
source: interview on bbc robin hood website, october 2006 
“His love for Marian is something which is beginning to unravel him and he’s becoming more human through her. It’s actually surprising him. I don’t think he quite realises what’s happening to him - he’s becoming human throughout the course of the series, I think.” 
source: interview on robin hood audiobook, “will you tolerate this?”
who did he become?
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pictured here: i’ve never seen spooks so i can’t comment but OOH, DASHING
After Robin Hood, Richard officially became a Household Name when he joined the cast of Spooks as Lucas North, a series regular. Technically he started filming it whilst finishing off Robin Hood, which must have been an experience.
He stayed with Spooks for three years, becoming That Guy Off Spooks With The Face, You Know The One, and also turned his hand to a few other television and film roles over the years. 
He warmed the cockles of our collective hearts when he turned up as Dawn French’s love interest and future husband Harry Kennedy in The Vicar of Dibley. Bit of a jump for him, this one, as it’s a handsome and charming accountant, rather than a handsome and charming spy. Still, he rose to the occasion masterfully, and also got to snog Dawn French, so he won on multiple accounts.
In 2011, he turned up as the bespectacled Nazi spy Heinz Kruger in Captain America: The First Avenger. He got to have a secret submarine and run around with tommy guns. One time Chris Evans punched him in the face. It was awesome.
And then Thorin happened.
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pictured here: majesty~
I will keep this brief, because if I talk too much about Thorin Oakenshield I’ll burst into tears, but it was the role that changed his life.
“I just think it’s a really amazing opportunity to take a character from a book that I was brought to as a child. My first experience on stage was in a production of The Hobbit at the Alex Theatre in Birmingham, and I played an elf.  And Gollum was a papier-mache puppet with a man offstage on a microphone. It’s been in my childhood very prominently, so to come to it as an adult,  a middle-aged man, and have another look at it is a brilliant opportunity." 
source: ‘the hobbit’ cast press conference, february 2011
Yes, that’s right, Richard Armitage is a Tolkien nerd. He wore elf ears made from cereal boxes to see the Two Towers in cinemas (he was thirty years old at the time).  And in 2012 he first graced our screens as Thorin, the proud and noble long-lost king of Erebor and a significant change of pace for a man who had developed a career as shifty, morally-dubious hired killers. 
He developed a reputation on set for being “moody and broody” (his words, not mine), due to all that method acting stuff that kept him fretting about the fate of the dwarven race when everyone else was fretting about lunch, but his performance was hailed as one of the best in the trilogy and - of course - it absolutely transformed his career.
who is he now?
Good question, and really one for Richard himself, or his doctor or his therapist or maybe a priest, but we’ll take a stab at it anyway.
After The Hobbit, Richard took a break from the massive media scrutiny and did what all British actors do when they’re scared, which is be in a play. In his case, the play was The Crucible at the Old Vic (I saw it, it was INCREDIBLE) and it earned him an Olivier nomination.
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pictured here: bad timez 4 johnny p
He bounced from that into a couple of movies that you are, on the whole, unlikely to have seen - disaster movie Into The Storm, social drama Urban and the Shed Crew, bizarre fantasy Alice Through The Looking Glass…
But his most iconic role of late has been in Hannibal, as serial-killer-with-a-heart-of-gold-actually-no-wait-he-murders-people Francis Dolarhyde. He joined Hannibal for the last explosive season, and seems to have had a lot of fun killing people and wearing flower crowns and… I don’t know, I don’t go here, I’m doing my best.
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pictured here: @nettlestonenell challenged me to fit at least one additional shirtless shot into this post, so here’s naked dolarhyde doing something that’s probably evil
It seems to have gone down well with the fans. And things are only looking up for our boy, who’s filming season two of his spy thriller Berlin Station as we speak. He’s based in London these days - still famously private about his private life, but happy to chat on twitter and instagram - just finished performing in his off-Broadway debut in Mike Bartlett’s Love, Love, Love, earning rave reviews, and he’s got several movies coming up.
my gang, to me!
Have I persuaded you yet that you want to get to know the man who was Guy of Gisborne? Well, you’re in luck - the boy’s been busy. You might see him on the big screen this year in Pilgrimage, or Ocean’s Eight, or Brain on Fire. He’s aging well, like a fine wine, and you only have to poke a toe into his tumblr tag to find that his ‘army’ of fans are as passionate now as they were when Guy first slithered onto our screens, eleven years ago today.
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pictured here: then & now
I think he might actually be aging in reverse.
Of course, if you want to see more of Richard, there’s one surefire way to do it - and it’s the reason I made this post. Come along and join the gang in Sherwood, and get to know Guy for yourself! Buy some DVDs, or fire up a stream, and settle down with a couple of glorious episodes of the friendliest, loveliest show in television - BBC Robin Hood. 
No matter how famous he gets, to us, he’ll always be Guy. And we wouldn’t have him any other way.
Sorry, guys. We saw him first.
post by @interestinggin / with thanks to richardarmitage.net & richardarmitageonline.com
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