#I have nothing against dickbabs per se but the way Taylor writes them makes me want to gauge my own eyes sorry
zeroducks-2 · 1 year
If you're still doing the ship thing, I saw a fanart of them so barbara/dinah?
I am still doing it! Keep feeling free to ask about any ship (or reblog the ship game yourself, it's here!) As for dinahbabs,
I ship it!
What made you ship it? Listen. I love female friendship and sisterhood and sisters-in-arms and galpals and confidants and soul-sisters. I do. But there is nothing polite or heterosexual when it comes to this
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Or this
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And especially this
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This happens in Birds of Prey #21 btw, and I recommend it cause it's a good ol fun read (hard to admit but fucking Chuck Dixon could write decent stories)
So, yeah. I don't even like Barbara and I am not the biggest fan of Dinah, but LOOK AT THEM.
What are your favorite things about the ship? The fact that I manage to tolerate Babs only when she's around other female characters lol. No but really, it's not Barbara's fault but she gets handled by Men™ who write her to be either the token female character or the token love interest of the main man (who changes from story to story - I think she had a pass with all the batboys AND Bruce and honestly fuck off yall at DC Central have no shame).
But around Dinah and the other birds of prey she really shines, she can be a badass and vulnerable at the same time without having to be The Love Interest whose affection saves/motivates the hero, or a Girlboss with no perceived flaws because that's how writers at DC Central think a strong female character acts.
She is allowed to be herself for herself, and a relationship with Dinah doesn't go against that in any way. For as much as Tom Taylor makes Dick say that Babs is his best friend and yada yada, he also only makes Dick talk exclusively about himself in regards to Babs, which paints a real sad picture of a man who "loves" this woman just because he feels validated by her in his Man Things.
While Dinah and Babs' become friends slowly and FOR REAL, getting to know each other in a way which is simply not there when they put a male character around Barbara. And beside everything, if you look at their relationship as a slow burn romance it's really frickin cute.
Also, lesbians. We stan lesbians in this household.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Probably the fact that I ship this while not really liking Babs is already pretty unpopular lol
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