#I have been thinking way too long about the holidays post-fungocalypse
prolix-yuy · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
My tiling project is going about 6x as long as I thought it would, but I've still managed to get in some writing therapy:
“What are those?” she asks, and for a moment Joel wants to snark something back at her - none of your goddamn business or don’t make fun of me - but then he realizes she probably doesn’t have any idea what they are. What would she have seen adorning a tree? Maybe dried fruit, popcorn, little trinkets that people saved hoping that one day they could have Christmas again?  So he clears his throat and makes himself vulnerable. To a teenager. Easily one of the scariest things on this earth, cordyceps included.
We have a little Joel & Ellie time! I'm heading to the finish line with this one, and it's got me giddy preparing to share!
NP tags @wannab-urs @trulybetty @iamskyereads @psychedelic-ink @musings-of-a-rose and anyone who wants to play!
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