#I guess toriel would probably be the one? she has a good track record of taking in kids in need
multishipper-baby · 7 months
Thinking about my kriselle fankid again because I am so incredibly normal about them
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grimmdeltarune · 1 month
Random Chapter Three Secret Boss Ideas I Threw Together For No Reason.
Hi Y'all! It's been a good bit since I've made a new secret boss. Actually, now that I think about it, it hasn't. The latest one was. . .MIKE-MAYHEM TWENTY-THREE DAYS AGO??? I must of lost track of time. In that case, why don't I show off a collection of designs based on some ideas I had, some theories I enjoy, and some horror movies that I find interesting.
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Up first we have Shioreta! Shioreta is my take on what I'd like to call Dragon Theory. It's basically just that the Secret Boss of Chapter Three will be the How To Draw Dragons Book and may explore the themes of Asriel's True Nature. For Shioreta's Design, I based it off of the description of the dragon, Susie, stereotypical Japanese school girl attire, and a bit of inspiration from Sailor Moon. My idea for her lore is that she was abandoned by Asriel and has become a bit of an psycho who desperately wants a friend. She lives in a singular grayscale room with filled with flowers and a cherry Blossom tree, the petals of which would be blood red.
The next design on the choppin' block is Mirrorscare! This design is based on the one and only Scream franchise and is based on the "faker" trope that I've seen quite a bit in Secret Boss circles. Mirrorscare pretends to be Asriel or Ralsei or one of the goat people and eventually tries to attack the Fun Gang. That is honestly all of the lore I have for them.
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And now we have the one and only RIPley! Listen, I freakin' love Evil Dead. It is stupid gorey fun that can get REALLY dark and messed up. My idea for RIPley came from the bouquet given to Toriel. I'd say that the flowers eventually wilted which gave rise to something sinister. . .something evil and dead. . .RIPley's design is based on flowey (specifically one of his creepy faces), Ash Williams, the Deadites, and their arm is suppost to be made of lost assets. I guess you could say that they were assets that died in production, ayy? AYY???
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Also, yes. They have the Necronomicon.
Finally for this batch of designs, we have an idea that was brought to my attention by my lovely friend Glitch! So, without further adieu, please welcome Saudade!
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Saudade is supposed to be an old family recording of a happy memory of the Dreemurr Family. This now acts as her hitlist, as she stalks the land searching to find the 4 Remaining. . . She's inspired by The Ring and all of the creepy VHS tape goodness that comes with it! Her fight would probably have her come out of a TV to fight the Fun Gang.
And that, my friends, wraps up this collection of designs. I hope you found at least a few of them enjoyable and that you had just as much fun as I did designin' these freaks. To be totally honest with y'all, Mari absolutely popped off with RIPley. I may never recover from how sick they were able to make that freak. If you made it this far, you my friend get to have some bonus content featuring Buddy Bloomy!
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Buddy Bloomy was made by @glitch-the-artist , who also gave me the idea for Saudade!
Have a wonderful day and I hope to see y'all some time in the future!
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it-refused · 6 years
Working Title: Forward, Back (21/?)
Summary:  Knowing what’s going to happen doesn’t mean Sans can stop it.  Maybe he could’ve put it off forever.  Sans decides to go.
Rating: T
Part Summary: Undyne comes up with an idea and Sans and Alphys have a talk.
A/N: I’m still debating the robot bit (like i have it separated out in the document i pasted from) so it might not end up in the finished version.  
>>First Part<<
>>Complete Parts on Ao3<<
Undyne tapped her head.  "Hey!  What if Alphys uses her genius to build a robot he can tell all this shit to, and it doesn't record it? Sometimes people just have to practice being honest - train at it! -  before they can do it for real.  He could roleplay that he's talking to his brother.  Alphys could program in all our voices!" She jumped to her feet and set up some more spears to make things brighter.  
Toriel laughed.  "I think he would reprogram it to just have your voice say how cool he is."  
"Ok, so there's a fatal flaw in my plan, and it's Sans himself," Undyne said.  "But there HAS to be some way we can use cool robots to fix this."
"I don't buy it!"  Undyne slammed her fist into a rock, breaking it.  "We just have to make it cooler!"
"And sexier, yes," Toriel said, laughing.  They weren't on the right track for a solution, but they had a better idea of the cause, so she found herself optimistic.  
What she wanted, she supposed, was for this to end up having been a warning to all of them.  If things were better later because they had figured something out here, then maybe they would one day be able to look back on the time they almost lost him and think "thank god it happened so we could fix it and make it better."  
Toriel had just been so sure he was dead.  She could not help being optimistic now.  He was still alive, so they would save him.  
"Um, so...d-don't take this the wrong way, please?"  Alphys tapped her pen against her chin.  "I g-get that you're, uh, fragile?"
"that's me."  Sans was over by his blueprints.  He sounded more tired than anything.
"No offense!  We all have bad days!  Weeks.  Um, months?"  She sighed and muttered under her breath.  "Dammit, Alphys, if you can't do this at this point, you're in the middle of having a bad life."  She spoke up again.  "Um!  You know what I mean."
"i'm a babybones and i'll break if you say the wrong thing," Sans said, deadpan.  "don't tell me my shirt's ugly or i'll turn to dust right here."  
"Oh...shut up.  I'm being nice.”  It was difficult to coddle someone who didn’t want to be.  She just had to suck it up and be honest.  “But, um, in the nicest way possible, you still really suck at engineering."  She gestured at some of his work. "If you built it just like this, it'd break immediately and fry at least one of the parts we have no way to replace."  She took her pen and slashed at the paper.  The nib was in, so she didn't leave a mark.  "Whoops, goodbye!  Hope you know how to rebuild a temporal stabilizer!  'cause it's fried and half the electrical system's been sent to last Thursday!  Whoops!"
"thanks. heh.  great job not hurting my feelings."
"Your shirt looks nice though.  Eheh."  
"can't go wrong with number one grandma."  Papyrus had brought along a sack of clothes for him.  He'd been badgered into putting on something clean.
Alphys wanted to help him, but she couldn't work with this.  It wouldn't help to build something that would just break, or immediately fail. It might improve his mood short term to just go along with his ideas, but long term it would be much more painful.  She knew what he was like after a project failed.  "We just have to start from square one!"  Alphys swept the blueprints off the table, and then balked.  "Oh, shoot, I didn't mean to do that.  I need it to reference."  She knelt down on the floor and started cleaning up.
"that was pretty cool, though."  Sans looked away for a second.  "uh, you really planning to help out, here.  i thought the plan was to humor me and then drag me back to the surface."
"That was one of the suggestions," Alphys admitted.  "B-but, even if we could?  Papyrus and I talked it over and we think finishing this thing might help more than taking you back.  You could end up down here again.  Uh.  Even if you don't want to, actually. Teleportation has an interesting fail condition, huh."
"it's pretty neat."
She stood back up.  
"look, you can say whatever you want about me, if you're helping out," Sans said.
"On one condition?  It's not even an, um, ultimatum or anything.  It just can't work otherwise."
"i guess you need to know what you're doing."  
"I just...have to know what I'm helping make," she agreed.  
"yeah." He sighed.  "didn't feel like talking about it with the crowd here."
"M-maybe your brother should know, but.."
Alphys adjusted her glasses.  "B-but, just tell me for now.  Ok."
"k. uh."  He scrubbed his eyesockets with the flats of his hands. "so.  we're doing pretty good these days, right?"
"Uh, I haven't seen any indication of temporal anomalies myself, but, I guess I usually didn't."
"yeah. i meant broader, though.  with, heh, the broad.  and the rest of your life."  
"Oh!"  She laughed and stood up as straight as she could.  "Yeah!  We're happy?  I hate to say it since that's when everything likes to roll itself into a ball and toss itself in the trash, but...stuff's pretty ok right now!"  
"same here."  Before she could say anything else, he continued.  "i mean, obvious aside."  
"Other than that huge glaring thing!"  She shook her head, laughing. "No, I know exactly what you mean.  Nothing's wrong wrong."
"there's the usual life stuff, but, whatever."  Sans' eyesockets were dark, his voice dull.  She wanted to tell him he didn't have to tell her, but she said nothing.  "there's one bug up my ass i can't deal with."
"Some things c-can't be fixed, Sans."  He had always only told her the bare minimum, but like now, there were things she had to know to actually try and help him.  There were also the things she had just picked up from knowing him, and from guessing.  
"ok." She wasn't sure he had heard her, or that he was listening at all. "when i got stuck down here, i started thinking about it, though, and i got an idea."  He took his hand out of his pocket to gesture at the broken machine.  
"me and grillbz, we've had some fun.  and papyrus got to do so much of the stuff he always wanted to.  i'm ok with that, if something happened.  bro'll be fine, no matter what, and i've talked about it with grillby and he sort of gets it.  just - i know this is dumb, so i don't need to hear it - but those kids of bro's are really bugging me.  like, i like 'em.  i want to see 'em do good for themselves. weird, right?"
"heh. if something happened, though, i don't know.  they wouldn't get another shot at it, like the rest of us."
"I don't understand why they wouldn't."  
He told her, haltingly, why he had come down there in the first place. "so, sure, they'll still be around, physically, if stuff goes the right way again.  but these kids that are part of my family, the kids my brother raised - they'd just be gone.  worse than dead." He shrugged.  "kind of thing that keeps you up at night."
"G-god. What a horrible way to think about it!"  She didn't want to think about her own children, and how some small change could make it so one or all of them were never born.  What if that had already happened?  She felt sick to her stomach.
"yeah, yeah, it's a real pain," Sans said, dismissive.  "but, i came up with something."  He started sorting through some papers.  These looked older.  "i came up with this idea a while ago, but i gave up on it pretty quick since i would've needed to take apart this piece of garbage.  wouldn't do any good, anyway, not if i wanted to fix what was happening.  might be good for something else, though."
She didn't bother looking at his notes.  At at glance she could tell that it would take an hour to decipher his handwriting.  Instead, she looked over the blueprints.  
"can't stop things from starting over.  but maybe i can, uh...keep those two going when the rest of us move back."  
“Is that actually possible?"  
He shook his old notes.  The pages were yellowing, almost brittle. "yeah."
"Sans, would they even want to...to keep going, when everything else is...different?"  
"i mean, the other option is, uh, sort of like dying, but i guess i'd ask first."
"I hope so!  I don't know if I'd want that, even if...or maybe I would. I d-don't know.”  She rubbed under her glasses.  “Just them?"
"yeah. might be enough for a third person, but, eh.  alph, i dunno.  maybe this means i'm not a great guy, but i don't care that much about everyone else. we're all still going to be around, basically the same.  you and the dogs and everyone will have your kids again, eventually.  if i know those two aren't going to just be gone one day, well, i think i could sleep better at night."  He shrugged.  
She stared down at his plans.  "I don't really like this, Sans."
"it's up to you, if you help out.  i'm easy."
"Of course I'm helping."  She scoffed.  "I'm not letting someone do weird experiments with time in a basement with no one to point out when you're going overboard."  
He set the papers down.  "...thanks."
"And apparently I need keep you from electrocuting yourself."  She sighed.  
"i mean it.  thank you."  He looked up at her.  
Her head was buzzing with the hundreds of ways this could go wrong. "You're welcome, I guess.  I haven't done anything yet. So...uh, let's just get started!"
"got it."  
How was she going to explain this to Undyne?  
>>Next Part<<
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