#I gotta learn to be a better storyteller like Arion is
foretokenfang · 8 years
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Arion’s personality from http://similarminds.com/cattell-16-factor.html
Arion’s results all hover around the middle of the score ranges and reflect a challenging part of his character design. As opposed to his deuteragonist/antagonist, Arion’s personality is straight forward and mild-mannered.
While he is often quite average, Arion tends to daydream of ideal worlds and stories with happy endings where strength can be found in the mundane. Though he is right about the ordinary rising to become extraordinary, he lacks the clear decisiveness and sharp judgement required to affect the flow of events.
His balanced traits lend themselves well to foil other, more polarized characters, highlighting the marked traits of the world around him without heavily skewing them towards the optimistic or pessimistic. The setback is that he often appears weak in comparison to the strong-willed characters of any story despite having the ability to be a pivotal player himself. As a thief turned mercenary, he is more suited to subtle strikes than bold strokes.
The center of his personality revolves around his emotional stability and ability to remain ‘himself’ under prolonged duress. He is keen on maintaining his sense of morality and world view but is driven to paranoia with the dissonance brought upon by his actions for survival. The mounting anxiety of his internal conflict erode at his stability, ultimately overcoming his better judgement as reflected above. It is this lapse that catalyzes events that lead to his failure as a ‘hero.’
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