#I found Lae’zel and was laughing too hard to explain
cfcreative · 5 months
DID YOU KNOW if you get Lae’zel killed full dead on the Nautiloid (failed all death saving throws full dead) you will find her ragdolled on the beach and get a unique dialogue?
This message brought to you by me and my spouse and our friend playing tactician together and deciding to kill commander Zhalk
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verai-marcel · 3 months
Your Hearth Is My Home (BG3 Fanfic, Astarion x Female Reader, Part 24 of 28)
Summary, Notes, Tags, & Part 1 are here.
Act I - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12
Act II - Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | 
Act III - Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 (18+) | Part 28 (END)
AO3 Link is here, my sweet.
Word Count: 4,380
Act III, Chapter 3 - The Torment
The next morning started off like any other. However, you were surprised when Wyll, Karlach, and Jaheira came back in the late afternoon with a tall, muscular, and bald man with a small rodent on his shoulder. Karlach and Wyll were following the other two with expressions of awe.
I wonder if he’s an associate of Jaheira’s… that would explain why Karlach and Wyll are fawning so hard.
The man saw you and grinned broadly, waving cheerfully at you. Your seal pulsed strongly in return.
Who exactly is this man?
Coming up to the group, you smiled warmly. “Welcome back, everyone. Who’s our new friend?”
“I am Minsc!” Then he held out his hand for the little rodent to hop onto his palm and held him out to you. “And this is Boo, the mighty miniature giant space hamster.”
When the hamster looked at you, your seal pulsed again, sending heat waves through your blood. You looked back up at Minsc, and the power ebbed away.
What. No way. It was the hamster that is the powerful one here?
Boo chittered, and while everyone else was looking at the creature, you noticed that Minsc was listening intently as if he understood every little squeak.
“Oh, yes, of course,” he mumbled. Then he gingerly brought Boo back to his shoulder. “Boo is looking forward to sampling your fine dishes and to hear your singing. Karlach and Wyll have been praising your talents!”
You blinked. “Um, alright, I’ll do my best,” you said, directing your reply to the little hamster. Looking into its eyes, you suspected you saw understanding, and even more, satisfaction.
Welp, that was strange.
You learned from the others that the underground guild in the city and Jaheira had made a deal: she got help finding Minsc, and in exchange, they had chased the Zhentarim out of the city. You breathed a sigh of relief.
So I didn’t need to worry about them after all. Thank the gods. Or rather, thank Jaheira.
Karlach patted your back. “I’m relieved. One crime group is enough for this city, hah!”
You laughed, hiding your nerves. “Yup, good riddance.” And now they’ll never know.
Leading the others to the campfire, you served them some drinks and some snacks and listened to them regaling you with their adventure, which had taken them all across the city, even to the deepest bank vaults. They had even found Mol and a couple other tiefling children in the Guild, running their business, and doing quite well for themselves.
“Oh good, I’d like to go back to the other tiefling children and let them know Mol is safe,” you said.
“I can do it,” Karlach said with a smile. “I’m sure Wyll would want to see them again too.”
Wyll nodded, and you caught his soft look as he watched Karlach.
Oh ho, his love grows.
After their story, you rooted around through the pile of loot for any extra bedrolls or fabric to make a tent for the newcomer. Just as you had managed to find enough rags to weave together, you heard the alarm bells on your belt chime softly.
Turning toward the entrance, the others had arrived looking a bit worn out. As they joined the group at the campfire, Shadowheart relayed what had happened.
“We literally went to hell and back. But now Lae’zel has a way to free Orpheus.”
The githyanki nodded with a slight smirk. Oh, she’s quite pleased.
“And we may have a change of accommodations,” Gale said. “The Elfsong has an upper floor penthouse available if we wish to use it, for a discounted fee.”
“Are there enough beds for everyone?” you asked, sweeping your hand towards everyone, including Shadowheart’s parents, Isobel, and Aylin, who were hanging back, listening in.
“Plenty of beds,” Gale replied.
“And why the discount?” you questioned. Inns don’t give discounts unless…
“There might have been a murder on that floor, and that might be scaring off the guests.”
Everyone looked at Gale.
“Look, just because one person died there doesn’t mean we should stay out in the open for the remainder of our time here.”
After some thought, the group began to mumble agreement.
Wait. Then that means…
“So you won’t be needing me any further,” you quietly said.
All eyes turned to you.
“Well, of course we need you, darling.” Astarion walked up to you and patted your head. “You still have to feed me.” He gestured towards everyone else. “And these fools couldn’t clean worth a damn.”
You glanced at everyone else, who were mostly shrugging sheepishly.
“And who’s going to take care of the giant pile of souvenirs that Karlach and Astarion keep pilfering?” Wyll joked.
“Some of those are from you too!” Karlach shot back, lightly shoving Wyll, who only laughed.
“The point is, you’re part of the team,” Gale said softly. “We need you just as much as anyone else.”
You turned back to Astarion, who nodded and took your hand, holding it gently, his thumb rubbing circles over your knuckles. Leaning closer, he whispered in your ear, “Besides, you promised you would stay with me, didn’t you?”
You nodded.
“Good girl,” he murmured before pulling back. Turning to everyone else, he shot them all a triumphant grin. “So, shall we upgrade our accommodations?”
By the time you all had finished packing and moving everyone’s things out of the harbor and to the Elfsong, the sun had just dipped below the horizon. Yet the tavern was already loud and lively, full of music and drinkers. Gale went to the front desk and paid for the new lodgings, holding up a key triumphantly to everyone before leading the group upstairs.
“Probably best if I keep a low profile. They used to know me all too well in here,” Astarion muttered to you as he helped take the packs up the stairs, attempting to blend in with the others. You watched his back as he went up the stairs, walking closely to the floating disc as it hovered behind Gale. Your eyes wandered down the line of Astarion’s body, down his back, his hips, his—
Gods, what am I doing?
You shook your head and re-focused on the back of his head, but he had already caught you staring, as he looked back at you with a knowing smirk.
“Admire all you like, darling.”
You immediately looked away and huffed.
His sly grin stayed on his face throughout the rest of the unpacking.
Since you didn’t need to cast warming cantrips any longer, you could spend your time sorting the loot pile and going out to the market to sell whatever you could, and buying fresh groceries. You were actually excited to see what kind of fresh vegetables and herbs you could get, now that you were in a large city.
“You’re sounding happy,” Shadowheart said as she approached, kneeling down next to you while you polished some of the tarnished jewelry with a rag.
You stopped humming and smiled up at her. “Well, I can finally catch up on some inventory management,” you said, pointing at the rather large pile of knick knacks and herbs. “You lot seem to have sticky fingers.”
“It’s how I grew up,” Karlach said as she joined the two of you, sitting cross legged on the other side of you. “Take everything of value and sort it out later for pocket change.”
You nodded. “That’s fair. I just haven’t had much of a chance to go through it all lately, and it seems like everyday you come back with more.”
Gale suddenly came up and tapped Shadowheart’s shoulder. With one look, her eyebrows furrowed and she got up. 
“We’re going to plan our next trip into the Undercity. We’ll probably need to split up if we want to stop the murders and find where Orin is hiding.”
You nodded and watched as everyone gathered around the table in the main sitting room on the upper level. Remaining in the lower area near the fireplace, you continued to sort through everything, catching bits and pieces of their conversation.
“...have to find where the Bhaalspawn…”
“...Orin’s base might be…”
You finished sorting what you could, and pulled together all the random coins you had found. There was a significant amount, so you didn’t feel bad about ordering room service tonight.
“I’m going downstairs to order us a meal to be brought up, are there any requests?”
As you came downstairs with a long piece of paper full of meal requests, you ran into a familiar face.
“Lakrissa!” you said with a bright smile.
She called your name excitedly and gave you a hug. “What are you doing here?”
“We got a room upstairs, at a discounted rate.”
“Oh, the murder room. Well, I suppose that wouldn’t bother your group much, would it?”
You laughed. “Nope, not after what they’ve seen. Oh, I need to put their supper order in.”
Lakrissa smiled and took your order for you, telling you to wait by the stairs for her while she gave it to the kitchen. When she returned, she gave you a wide grin.
“Follow me,” she said quietly as she nodded toward the back staircase. 
She snuck you up to the rooftop, where you heard a soft lute and a familiar voice.
You smiled, afraid to stop Alfira’s singing. She was swaying softly to her song, her back to you and Lakrissa, the gibbous moon shining brightly above her head. The two of you enjoyed her song until the end, applauding her just as she turned around.
The bard smiled, pleasantly surprised to see you. You hugged, and the three of you caught up on each other’s lives since the Last Light Inn.
“Would you join me for a song?” Alfira asked. “If you have time, that is.”
You turned to Lakrissa. She nodded. “You’ll have time. With the amount of orders you put in, you could sing out here for a half hour and it wouldn’t be done.”
The two of you figured out a song you both knew, and while she played and sang harmony, you took the lead, letting your voice carry on the rooftop, and letting the tingling feeling on your spine travel through your body, through your lungs, through your throat. You felt almost as if you could layer your voice if you pushed your power through yourself hard enough.
On the last lyric, you let your vibrato go longer and harder than you ever had, leaving just enough breath to end the song on a delicate sigh.
A raucous applause startled you, and you turned to see all of your companions standing behind Lakrissa, who was wearing a sly grin.
“You cheeky woman!” Alfira said to her as Lakrissa came up and placed her hand on the small of her back.
You were distracted from their cute banter by everyone else’s compliments. You shyly bowed.
“Boo says that was a most wonderful performance, rivaling the great opera singers from Waterdeep!”
You flinched involuntarily at the mention of Waterdeep, but you acted as if you didn’t. “You’re too kind,” you said with a smile. 
Lakrissa tapped your shoulder. “I can go check if your food is ready, but would you all want to eat up here? It’s a beautiful moonlit night!”
You turned to everyone else, who seemed to be enjoying themselves, catching up with Alfira and admiring the view.
“That sounds lovely.”
As she went downstairs, you spotted some tables and chairs scattered around the rooftop and had an idea. You took a deep breath and began to hum, walking to the furniture and tapping them lightly. As if they suddenly gained sentience, they hopped and began to follow you, arranging themselves into a nice group formation.
Everyone had gone silent, watching you work. You paid them no mind, singing a song about faerie lights, touching the leaves and vines around the area, making them glow orange and pink and purple. Lost in the sensation of the magic and the music flowing through your body, you spun around and swayed your arms, letting the lights glow brighter as your power pulsed against your skin.
Suddenly Astarion was standing next to you, his hand on the small of your back, pressing on your seal. He kissed your cheek and pulled you close, interrupting your song.
“I couldn’t help myself darling,” he said a bit too loudly as he dragged you away from everyone else. Karlach tried to peek, but Shadowheart shooed her and the other onlookers back to the tables to wait for their food.
Away from the crowd, Astarion whispered into your ear. “Your seal was glowing brightly through your clothes.” His hand pressed harder against your back. “Be careful.”
You looked up at him, surprised at his look of concern. “Oh. Thank you,” you murmured. It didn’t feel like burning this time, though. It felt… powerful. 
He guided you back to the tables just in time for Lakrissa and another worker to bring the trays of food for everyone. Using your party as an excuse, she stayed behind and ate with you, along with Alfira, who entertained you all with music through the rest of dinner.
It was a wonderful evening, and you treasured it.
The next morning, the others left, but came back within an hour to talk to Dame Aylin. You overheard something about a tower and a wizard who had put a price on her head, and she immediately charged out the doors. Isobel followed the group out to follow her.
You turned to Shadowheart’s parents. “Erm, well, I was about to go out and get groceries. I should be back soon.”
They nodded and told you that they would let the others know if they came back before you did.
Out in the city, you felt relatively safe, anonymous in the large crowds. You walked over to a jeweler and bartered away some of the found gems and trinkets for a great price, adding to your coin pouch. Heading down to the marketplace, you managed to get an excellent cut of venison from the butcher and some fresh herbs and vegetables. Holding the bag in your arms, you headed back to the Elfsong.
Halfway there, your seal pulsed. You immediately looked around.
A man, with a patch over his eye and a large sword at his side, scratched his arm, his sleeve lifting up to reveal a tattoo of a legless dragon in flight. It was a tattoo you recognized with ease.
A Zhent!
You quickly began to walk away, turning a corner beyond the Elfsong, unwilling to make the mistake of leading someone straight to your home base. Instead, you walked through the graveyard, then past the tombmaker’s shop. Just as you were rounding the corner to make a loop back home, you heard a familiar voice calling your name.
Turning around, you were met with Gale, smiling and waving his hand to you.
“Can you follow me for a moment? I have something to show you,” he said, gesturing for you to follow.
Your seal pulsed with a stinging heat.
“Um, let me put these groceries away first.”
“We haven’t the time,” he insisted, coming closer to you.
Gale would have offered to carry my groceries for me by now. This isn’t him! 
Without another word, you turned to run.
The doppelganger grabbed the collar of your shirt and pulled hard, choking you. Dropping your bag of groceries, you pulled at your collar, trying to get some air, but they were strong. One arm wrapped around your mouth.
“You’ve got wits, but no power. Pity,” a woman’s voice hissed in your ear.
You felt a sharp pain to your temple, and then you felt nothing at all as everything went black.
Astarion and the others returned to their room in the Elfsong, ready for a long rest. Upon entering the room, however, he smelled something distinctly… vile.
“Welcome back,” said the creature posing as his hearth witch. Though she looked like her, she definitely didn’t sound like her. The soothing warm tone of her voice could not be replicated by any other.
“You’re not her.” Astarion glared at the shapeshifter, disgusted that she would take the form of his beloved.
Orin pouted. “How could you tell so quickly?”
“I could smell your stench a mile away.”
Everyone looked on in horror as a crazed, maniacal grin grew on their hearth witch’s face. And when she twisted back to her usual form, everyone felt a fear and anger that they could not swallow down.
“If you want your precious friend, then kill Gortash for me and bring me his netherstone.” She disappeared in a burst of pink petals, her insane laughter bleeding away.
Astarion could barely contain his rage. “We don’t have time, we have to find her now,” he snarled.
The others agreed. 
“Don’t worry Astarion, we’ll find her,” Wyll said, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “Orin won’t get away with this.”
He nodded as he tried to keep a level head. But it was so, so hard.
If Orin touches her… she’ll feel her madness. She’ll feel everything.
You woke up to a world of pain, your entire body feeling as if it was on fire. You shifted and gasped in agony.
Then your memories of the last 24 hours returned, and you nearly vomited. You had so, so many cuts across your body. Your clothes had been sliced to shreds, and your skin along with it.
The crazed cackle of your captor drew your attention. Orin licked her knife with glee. “Your blood is the sweetest,” she murmured. 
And then she wrapped her hand around your neck. You let out a hoarse cry of agony as her madness seeped into you. No amount of mental guarding could keep out the intensity of her insanity.
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You squeezed your eyes shut to drown out the voices in your head.
“Who knew you would be so sensitive to just my mere touch! Such a delight to torture.”
You could barely hear her words beyond the pounding of blood in your ears. Is this what she constantly felt? Wave after wave of darkness, followed by an alternating current of rage, a frenzied, frenetic need to hurt, to kill. 
It was so dissonant from your usual emotions that you were having a physical reaction. Your blood pumped harder, spilling more from your wounds. You were weakening, your limbs feeling heavier with each passing moment.
“Let go of me!” you cried, your hands wet with your blood as you tugged weakly at Orin's arm. 
She only laughed. “Why should I? Your agony is the sweetest candy on my tongue.” Grabbing your wrist and twisting it painfully, she brought the inside of your arm to her mouth. While she stared at you with her crazed glare, she licked your blood, savoring it, smearing it all over her lips. 
“No!” You shrieked, trying to jerk your arm away. It was a useless endeavor; she was far stronger than you could ever be. “That blood is not for you!” 
You tugged harder, the blood making your skin slippery. Her grip tightened until you felt your bones begin to yield, the pain making you keen. 
“You make the most lovely sounds when in pain,” she murmured, letting go of your wrist and your throat. Placing the tip of her knife at your collarbone, she grinned maniacally. The sharp tip pierced your skin, the slow, burning sting making you whimper in pain. 
“Let me hear you sing in agony once more—“
“My lady!” 
Orin immediately grabbed the servant by the throat. “How. Dare. You. Interrupt me!” 
“There…. are… intruders…” the servant gurgled.
You looked up, grateful for any distraction that kept Orin’s knife away from your collarbone. In the distance, you could see your companions as they charged down the stairs. A sense of relief flooded you. 
Your friends. They were here. Thank the gods. 
All of the stress and the injuries suddenly overwhelmed you, and your vision blurred. Did Orin just transform into a beastly creature? The party threw themselves into the fray, fighting off the other cultists while Karlach and Lae'zel focused on Orin. 
The last thing you saw was Astarion rushing past the beast towards you, calling out your name. 
It had been a hell of a battle, and Astarion barely remembered it. Once he had secured his beloved in a safe corner, he had lashed out, stabbing Orin until she screamed in agony. Then he sprinted back, picked up his little hearth witch in his arms and brought her to Shadowheart, who immediately healed her wounds. Her clothes were shredded to tatters, and even after her wounds had closed, she was still out cold.
“She may be mentally overwhelmed,” Shadowheart said.
He only nodded before setting off at a hurried pace to get back to the Elfsong, cradling her closely.
After they got out of the Undercity, she finally spoke to him again. “I'm surprised by how far you've come, Astarion. I didn't think you'd ever care so deeply about anyone.”
“I didn’t think so either,” he replied carefully. “But she managed to weasel her way in.”
“It's funny how the little things do so much. A warm meal, a soft touch, a gentle smile. She's brought us all out of our shells, made us feel safe.”
“Yes…” He looked down at his love. “She feels like home.”
Shadowheart didn’t miss the softness in his eyes as he spoke, gazing at his witch.
“Seems strange, doesn't it?” Shadowheart mused while she sat with the other around the communal table, snacking on some cheese. 
“Well, they're lovers now, right? I wouldn't let anyone touch you either.”
Shadowheart frowned, even though she felt a bit tickled by Gale's protective comment. “That's fair. But he barely let me finish healing her before snatching her away.”
Gale shrugged. “Some people go a little crazy when they fall in love. I certainly don't blame him for acting this way. She's been kidnapped twice now, right under our noses.”
Nodding, Shadowheart grew quiet for a moment. “What do you think he meant when he said her skin was sensitive?”
Karlach suddenly lifted her head. “I asked her about why she wore gloves all the time and she said it was a secret. Maybe she just has super sensitive skin!” 
The others just accepted that conclusion and moved on to other topics, but Shadowheart kept chewing on the thought.
What if…?
You regained consciousness as Astarion was lifting you in his arms. You felt his worry for you through your bare skin before you realized that he had taken his shirt off, and you were fully naked.
“What’s going on?” you mumbled.
“We rescued you,” he answered, his voice soft. “And now I’m giving you a bath. You’re covered in blood.”
Astarion slowly lowered you into the tub, the water immediately turning red as the dried blood on your skin was washed away. The warmth was soothing against your freshly healed body and you started to relax. But the moment Astarion let go of you, the pain from before came rolling back. When Orin had held you down, her madness had borne down on you, unrelenting, and it returned now in ripples of mania.
You struggled to stay alert, but you could feel your mind slowly dissociating. Your consciousness faded as you battled the memories. 
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Suddenly your mind went blank as Astarion pulled you out of the tub and into his embrace. You wanted to chide him about getting his pants dirty with the bloody water, that you were naked, that this was wholly inappropriate… 
But when you felt the overwhelming feeling of love and protection around you, it silenced everything else. The echoes of Orin's insanity, the screams of your own mental state, everything. 
All you felt was Astarion's love for you, and it brought you back to the present. 
And you cried. 
“I've got you, my sweet. I've got you,” he murmured as you shook uncontrollably.
“I hate this!” you cried. “I…I'm weak. I'm helpless. I didn't… I didn't want to be a burden!”
Astarion hushed you gently, nuzzling your cheek with the tip of his nose. “What's that irritating thing that Gale always says about burdens?”
It took you a moment to remember. “A burden shared is a burden halved?” 
“Yes. That.” He guided your chin up to look at him. “We both have our share of burdens. I accept yours, just as you accepted mine.”
“So you can say nice things,” you teased through your tears. “You won't abandon me?” you asked quietly. 
“You're the heart I thought I had lost,” he quietly confessed. “So don't even think for a moment that I'd ever let you go.” He held you tighter. “You're mine, burdens and all.”
He coaxed you back into the tub, and kept at least one hand on your skin as he helped you get clean. While you knew you were healed, you sometimes saw the cuts that Orin had inflicted as an afterimage on your skin. You had to shake your head and force the vision away from your mind.
While you were fighting the demons in your head, Astarion bathed you, dried you off, and took you to bed, wrapping you up in his arms, against his bare chest. 
“Will you be alright?” he asked softly, his gaze full of concern.
You took a deep breath. Would you? Orin did a hell of a number on you. It was unlike anything you had ever experienced, and you had seen some strange things in Waterdeep. Hells, you had faced a vampire lord and survived.
And yet…
“I’ll be alright,” you finally said.
He raised an eyebrow.
“I really will,” you insisted. “It may take some time, but you’ll be here to help, won’t you?”
His eyes softened. “Of course, darling.”
It wasn’t until you were mostly asleep that you realized that you were still naked, skin against skin with Astarion.
And yet, it was the most comfortable you had ever been with him, his arms wrapped protectively around you.
Act III, Chapter 3 End notes: Sorry for the lateness, had to work double digit hours every day this week at work, but finally got some time to edit and post this chapter! I’m really leaning into that hurt/comfort trope here and I regret nothing. But I think this will be about as much as I can write in terms of injuries, because honestly, our dear little witch needs to catch a break.
Also a bit of behind the scenes here: I absolutely killed that Zhentarim plotline, because it wasn’t working for me and it does get conveniently taken care of by Jaheira in the game. And I was thinking that HW was being a bit paranoid; she hasn’t seen a Zhent in years since the last time she was in the Gate. Also, the masked lord has basically forgotten about her, but she doesn’t know that.
Please leave me a comment and let me know what you thought of this chapter!
Tags List: @numblytemporary @xalphafox @avitute @stormyjane7 @kmoon21
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psalacanthea · 4 months
Fanfic Friday
Y'all voted on banters this week! I went for 'end of act 1, in the Underdark' Baldur's Gate 3 banters for the companions and my drow bard Tav, Zynatheri.
There's no only Gale banter because they're not speaking to each other at that point (because Zyn will not stop bullying him).
if you see these and think the idea is fun, I would love to see yours for your Tav or Durge! Just tag me if you do so I can enjoy it! :D
Zynatheri: All right.  Shuffled thoroughly back into the deck.  Now, as I call upon the mystic powers of the Talis…are you watching?
Karlach:  Harder than I’ve ever watched before.
Zynatheri: I draw from the very top of the deck, and…Nine of Winds.  Is this your card?
Karlach: Holy shit.  It is!  That’s my card!
Zyn: The cards always know.
Gale:  They most certainly do not.
Karlach:  I didn’t show her the card, Gale.
Zyn: Yeah, Gale, just because the powers are beyond your comprehension doesn’t mean they’re not real.
Gale:  Your provocations fall on deaf ears.  I refuse to succumb to your clumsily strewn bait.
Zyn:  That’s fine.  Karlach, do you want to see another magic trick?
Gale: Stop calling it magic!
Karlach: You ever think of playing music while we battle?
Zyn: Would make casting spells hard.
Karlach:  What about right at the end, then?  When I crack the last skull and then we look for loot.
Zyn:  Like victory music?
Karlach:  Yeah!
Zyn:  Sure, sounds like fun.  Just save me any jewelry you find.
Karlach:  Fuck yeah!
Lae’zel:  You and Wyll fight similarly.
Zyn:  We probably learned the same style of fencing.
Lae’zel:  Why is he more skilled than you are? Was your instruction inferior, or are you?
Zyn:  Insult or observation?
Lae’zel:  If my observations insult you, that is due to your own weakness.  I only speak truth.
Zyn:  No, you speak ignorance, not truth.
Lae’zel:  Explain.  Alleviate my ignorance.
Zyn:  No thanks.
Lae’zel:  Kainyank.
Lae’zel:  During our last battle I asked repeatedly for healing and was ignored.
Zyn:  Sorry, I was feeling too weak and inferior.
Lae’zel:  Ah.  You were attempting an object lesson.
Zyn:  Sure, it was definitely that and not me being petty.
Lae’zel:  Wyll also employs magic, and his blade does not falter as yours does.
Zyn:  Wyll was given magic.  Nothing against him, but it’s true.  I earned mine through hard work, creativity, and talent.
Lae’zel:  That is no excuse to neglect your sword.
Zyn:  Ah, well, see…I’m also lazy.
Zyn:  Where there’s a Wyll, there’s a way.
Wyll:  Not bad, but I have used it before.  What’s wrong with ‘provoke the Blade and suffer its sting’?
Zyn:  The more mottoes the better.  How about ‘if you seek the Blade, be ready to pay’.
Wyll:  It does rhyme.  ‘Anger the Blade, and prepare to pay?’  It’s quite pithy.
Zyn:  Oh, you’re talking about revenge.  I was working from more of an advertisement angle.
Wyll:  (Laughs.) I am not an adventurer for hire, my friend.
Zyn:  I could make a poster that might change your mind…
Wyll:  Hmm.  Show it to me later.
Shadowheart:  I believe I found some of that moss you mentioned.
Zyn:  Great!  I’ll show you how to prepare it tonight.  We’ll just need oil.  I’m going to need some of the eyeshadow for my own uses, though.
Shadowheart:  Since you’re the one teaching me to make it, I assumed as much.
Zyn: Oh, not for me.  I was going to paint all over Astarion’s face while he’s in reverie.  Of course a cock is classic, but a giant glowing eye on his forehead in the dark would look striking.
Shadowheart: (Laughs.) Why are you so terrible?
Zyn:  I’ll save the cock for Gale.  He deserves it.
Astarion:  What were you and Shadowheart whispering about?
Zyn:  You.
Astarion:  Well, naturally, darling.  What about me?  Hopefully not spilling too many intimate secrets…though I wouldn’t blame you, of course.
Zyn:  She was asking me if the giant mole on your face made it difficult for me to kiss you.
Astarion:  The what?
Zyn:  Did you not– okay, calm down. Calm down! It was a joke.
Astarion: Don’t talk to me.
Zyn: My dear, sweet viper.  Please, stop sulking.
Astarion:  I am not sulking.  I simply have no desire to speak to you.  Or look at you.
Zyn:  Such a shame.  I guess Drizzt isn’t sneaking into your tent tonight.
Astarion:  How dare you threaten me!
Zyn:  It works and has no repercussions.
Astarion: Well, yes, but that isn’t the point.
Zyn: I’m teasing you.  Don’t worry.  Just a quick polymorph, and you’ll finally get your hands on the legendary blade Icingdeath.
Astarion: Gods, you ruin everything.
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