#I feel like Freddie Prinze Jr yelling at stupid Star Wars fans
I have something to say about hating SJM characters. Any and all SJM characters.
If you do this, it’s okay, you just don’t like the books and nothing SJM writes is going to change that for you. SJM only has two types of characters: heroes and villains. That’s it. Every character you think doesn’t fit into either box gets revealed as one or the other eventually. Trying to argue a hero is really a villain or hasn’t been redeemed or won’t ever be will always be a bad take.
Anyone relevant enough to get antis either goes full evil or gets a redemption arc: by fully turning to the side of good or sacrificing their lives in service of it. If you don’t like that, complain to a wall - that’s what she writes. Every time.
Kaltain. Manon. Chaol. Lorcan. The King of Adarlan. Papa Archeron. Jurian. Nesta. Cormac.
ACOTAR isn’t over yet. So still awaiting their redemption arcs: Tamlin. Eris. Elain. Yes, I said what I said. Elain needs to make karmic amends same as Nesta did, I don’t make the rules of story. Love her? She’s gonna suffer anyway. Hate her? She’s gonna get a beautiful HEA. Sorrows. Prayers.
Crescent City, also unfinished but I guarantee you: Tharion. Ithan.
(Side note, some of you are just out here completely misreading the text. Hunt, Cassian, Aedion: they’re all just straight heroes the whole time, not even morally grey. Haters to the left. Azriel and Lucien too - if you hate either of them, sorry. They’re each getting a big-ass-hero turn. Evil!Gwyn is a fantasy only fanfic can ever fulfill for you. Rhys’s antis straight up baffle me. You don’t even go here.)
If you don’t understand or accept this, then you don’t have the insight to predict the plot at all. Any theories you come up with are irrelevant. And you will always be disappointed.
SJM builds massive alliances where everyone gets over their differences and works together. Your personal pettiness will never be gratified. Being anti Nesta doesn’t make you a better friend to Feyre than the books are. Acting like Tower of Dawn is a skip track because you don’t like Chaol just makes you irrelevant to the conversation. Eris is gonna be on the side of good and Mor can’t love you back no matter how much you drag him.
If you don’t vibe with a character for whatever reason, or you just can’t “forgive them” that’s absolutely fine. Taste is personal. You do you, boo. But what is it getting you to force your hate and your revenge theories into shared fandom spaces? You’ll never get what you want from the pages of one of Sarah’s books, so… what? The comment section is going to give it to you?
You should genuinely pick up other books. Life is too short to hate read and troll.
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